Entry Number Eight:

Aug 11, 2006 14:49

You know what? Falmouth Falcons rule!

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Comments 13

Private to Mr Wagtail subtle_simmer August 11 2006, 09:35:58 UTC
Yes, Mr Wagtail, indeed they do.

Why am I not surprised to 'see' you already in this thing, as exuberant and fanciful as always?

But I cannot imagine you as a lazy cat. You would never sit-still long enough, and the average house-cat sleeps fourteen to sixteen hours in a day.

Someone's very spoilt, prized lap dog, perhaps.

S. Snape


Private to Mr Snape diva_myron August 11 2006, 09:57:08 UTC
They were so graceful in their roughness that I couldn't fail to find something appealing in them.

Exuberant? Oh but it's all thanks to you, Mr Snape! Now I'm fully energized and ready to conquer the world in the most peaceful of ways.

Hmm, now that you mention this - I doubt I would have had the ability to sleep that much. There are so many things to do in this world, there's just no time!

Oh gods, I had the most vulgar of comebacks to that. Forgive me! A lap dog. Help me with this, how do I take it? And do you like lap dogs yourself?



Private to Mr Wagtail subtle_simmer August 11 2006, 10:18:38 UTC
The phrase I think you are seeking is something along the lines of 'blunt and to the purpose'.

Conquer the world in the most peaceful of ways, Mr Wagtail? What shall you do - hug everyone to oblivion? I suppose there are worse fates.

Just so. You are far too full of energy to waste your time like that.

Interesting question. It was not intended as an insult, though I have never kept pets myself. I just see many examples of those very expensive, very pampered, very precision-bred pets, in some of your behaviour.

Like those very fluffy ones with hair which almost obscures their faces, who somehow manage to look as though every strand of fur is supposed to be just there - no matter how mussed they appear. As though looking 'mussed' is precisely the 'look' they were attempting.

Yet, you see these same pampered creatures chasing birds in the park for nothing more or less than the sheer joy of running, and still they manage to look refined and expensive and elegant, even caked in mud ( ... )


Private to Mr Snape diva_myron August 11 2006, 10:41:40 UTC
YES! Even bluntness can be beautiful when it is called for. Plus, my Patronus is a large peregrine falcon.

Hahahah! I liked that one. I'd love doing that-- we all need a hug sometimes. Including you. But as you said-- there are more important things. Such as-- my music. Music is the finest of all arts, as it gets straight to the heart, to the very core of a man's being.

Oho, Mr Snape - quite verbose indeed. But I like that. Makes me feel more special So-- I am taking your comparison as a compliment because I think what you were trying to say is that I look very fine in defiance of all conditions, yes?

See, you are very very kind, and I think this has to be the best compliment I've ever been paid. Kir, my bandmate, just says that I am a diva and makes fun of this. Not my fault though that I was born like that, is it? Both my parents had a very strong sense of the aesthetic, so I was surrounded with it from early on.

Thank you though. You are awesome.



deirdre_ivy August 12 2006, 08:19:03 UTC
And those tears (for whom? from whom?) are made eloquent and tragic with song, slipping like dew down ethereal strands of insubstantial web.

The dark is swirled with warm and cool; it is infused with clarity and soaked in rum.

--is the smile for her? She is not there.



in nothingness. A shadow's veil parts for the laughter and the touch.

Is that an invitation?

Is that an invitation?

Oh gods, I can't believe my pen meets paper. Why is it audible?

Since when does anyone else get to read these? Since when does my mind open like a crocus to the night?


Private to Deirdre diva_myron August 12 2006, 15:24:21 UTC
Inside the ornate grove, I heard, is a place where the C note lies. It chimes 'round and 'round, until nestling softly on your neck, inside your neckerchief made of gauze.

And so I say-- let's create a tempest.



Private to Deirdre - added a few minutes later diva_myron August 12 2006, 15:36:09 UTC
Can you tell me why?


I like the sound of your voice. It is melodic. And your name. It is beautiful. You are a sorrowful wanderer.

Should I strike it all out?

Can you come to write poetry with me? Carve candles? Count the stars?

Convey the meaning of-- my cello. We can play. My house is far too big. I wander around, and when I am happy - only the trees see that.

We can build sand castles. Whenever you come. Do you like bergamot tea? Colour red? Silence? Violins? Asphalt-- do you like asphalt? When it just rained and everything is so clean you don't want to make the first step, because it will stain the road. And everyone can trace you back. And the setting sun admonishes you for ruining the beauty, but it's kind, you know, it's always kind - and it lets you go and reach the end.

Do you?


Private to..Myron. ((OOC: the first response should be private as well)) deirdre_ivy August 12 2006, 18:06:33 UTC
No. I cannot tell myself why.

She has never been there at all. The veil parts because it wishes to reveal something more than emptiness, something more than the cool and perfect vessel it appears. Does it?

I..melodic? You may be the only person that hears some discernible melody in my dark verbatims.

No. Please..no. Leave it be.

I do not know. But...I can listen. I can offer that much.

Yes. I will come. Yes. Yes. Yes to silence. Yes to Violins. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh dear. I knew self-consciousness would kick in sooner or later. What a girlish weakness. Strike out strike out.

I do. To everything. I drink bergamot in the evenings when the sky matches the liquid, and I curl up alone to listen to the laboring of the strings.

You've forgotten to mention the smell. The rain lingering in the air and slicking the asphalt and everything new and you can taste the clean slate. Do you know the essentiality of bare feet?


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