Entry Number Eight:

Aug 11, 2006 14:49

You know what? Falmouth Falcons rule!

[Private to Self]

How can I thank You? Love, everlasting love. Something un-right, undone. Un-completed. I like this. Un. Uno as in single. Sole as in Sol.

I've never been this relaxed and happy in my life. It bubbles inside. Butterflies fluttering up and down, and what is the reason? The sole reason is that there is someone--

Who. Your smile is the prettiest I've seen.

[/Private to Self]

Today I woke up early, at six. I had scrambled eggs for breakfast. And then I went dancing. Around the garden and 'round the benches and beneath the elms and trees. Terpsichore, clad in chiffon, led me, twining about me up and down like a silken liana. Her touch was so cool and relaxing.

And then I squatted down, leaning against the chestnut tree (I love it so!) and I had a dream. A daydream. The golden murmur of sunlight riddled me with dark and light and I smiled. Do you know this feeling? When you wish you could melt into the world around and linger in it like a Cheshire smile.

I'd be such a lazy cat. I'd be a smoky Nebelung.

[Private to Deirdre]

The clouds, they spread aflutter. And the violins they sing of lonesome tears. As the shimmer stops, the night fades to black and there is a mere outline, a landscape of a land unknown in the ghostly light.

Then something magical happens and there is a smile. Maybe it is me, tickling.

I know how to cook meringue.

[/Private to Deirdre]
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