И опять читая Светония

Jan 25, 2005 20:58

Встретилась с несколькими моментами, которые совсем не поняла. Доступны все Двенадцать Кесарей мне только по-русски, хотя интересно, как первый случай переведен хотя бы на английский, что ли.

1. "...преследовал он покойника и речами и поступками, обвиняя его то в глупости, то в лютости: так, он говаривал, что Клавдий "перестал блажить среди людей" ( Read more... )

quotes, Переводы, monastic, Корректор, Античность, История

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rukenau January 25 2005, 18:43:15 UTC
Нет, там все сложнее. Сюда бы tacente. Вот что говорит нам проект "Персей":

XXXIII. Parricidia et caedes a Claudio exorsus est; cuius necis etsi non auctor, at conscius fuit, neque dissimulanter, ut qui boletos, in quo cibi genere uenenum is acceperat, quasi deorum cibum posthac prouerbio Graeco conlaudare sit solitus. certe omnibus rerum uerborumque contumeliis mortuum insectatus est, modo stultitiae modo saeuitiae arguens; nam et morari eum desisse inter homines producta prima syllaba iocabatur multaque decreta et constituta, ut insipientis atque deliri, pro irritis habuit; denique bustum eius consaepiri nisi humili leuique maceria neglexit.

XXXIII. He began the practice of parricide and murder with Claudius himself; for although he was not the contriver of his death, he was privy to the plot. Nor did he make any secret of it; but used afterwards to commend, in a Greek proverb, mushrooms as food fit for the gods, because Claudius had been poisoned with them. He traduced his memory, both by word and deed in the grossest manner; one while charging him with folly, another while with cruelty. For he used to say by way of jest, that he had ceased morari amongst men, pronouncing the first syllable long; and treated as null many of his decrees and ordinances, as made by a doting old blockhead.

Что же такое морари, интересно? А вот что, оказывается!

A play upon the Greek word môros, signifying a fool (cf. "moron"--G.R.), while the Latin morari, from moror, means "to dwell," or "continue."


rukenau January 25 2005, 18:49:13 UTC
Похоже, я недовыложил перевод латинского куска. Вот:

He enclosed the place where his body was burnt with only a low wall of rough masonry.


distan January 25 2005, 18:50:25 UTC
Спасибо! О, как быстро расщелкали! Здорово!


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