Laptop mini stage

Jun 04, 2011 14:44

I've got a zillion photos from Israel and Kyle's workshop that I'm still sorting through, but I'm procrastinating by trying out something new. It doesn't count as laziness if it's still photography, right?

Gerhard Rossbach has a section called "Show Time" in "The Wild Side of Photography" which shows using USB lights and a laptop as a mini-studio. I just had to try it out.

Lighting (aside from the screen) was two LEDs, one from a little finger-light, the second plugged into a USB port on the laptop. Pieces of aluminum foil and paper towel were used as light modifiers.

The subject? Well, it's the 69th anniversary of the Battle of Midway, and I had this little P-47 pilot action figure dude just sitting here. Seemed appropriate :)

OK, back to sorting!

mini-studio, laptop, photography

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