Aug 27, 2008 01:02
Last PFA until next summer today. Good thing. I hate PFAs. I may never do one again. The defendants are rotten losers who beat their girlfriends. The clients are rotten losers trying to game the system. They deserve each other. They are a drain on society, collecting various welfare benefits paid for by people who actually work. There's only one thing they seem to be able to afford: cigarettes. They have prodigious amounts of children who undoubtedly will grow up to be PFA plaintiffs and defendants themselves. It's very disturbing because they are having 4 kids at a time while productive members of society might have 2. Eventually, society will collapse when they overwhelm society's ability to keep them from whaling on each other.
Today I had a continued PFA and I feared it would lead to a hearing, with my client claiming the defendant beat the children to get him to give in to a PFA. Fortunately, the defendant is a cocaine addict and didn't show up and the client and her two kids left with her boyfriend and his two kids, happy to have their PFAs except that they had to take off work today, which cost them $100. That's right, the two of them each took a day off work and it cost them a total of $100 in lost wages. That's PFAs for you.
I was pleased because I had avoided a hearing, thus maintaining my 100% no hearing record and ready to grab a Bruegger's blueberry coffee before going back to the office. I go to Brueggers at least once a week, but not because I like it, rather because it's close and fast, and when I just want to grab something fast, I disregard the fact that some bagel/roast beef sandwich costs $6.20 when I could get a sandwich three times as big from Subway for $5.27. The only things I actually like from Brueggers are its chicken spaetzle soup and its blueberry coffee, which sounds better than it is.
Today, though I get there at 10:15 am, they are out of blueberry coffee and need to brew a fresh pot. Fine, I'll have hazelnut. Nope, they're out of that. I finally settle on regular blend and get the last cup, leaving only French Roast. Now, the whole reason I'm there is because I want something other than the usual regular coffee. But it's ridiculous. They have four flavors of coffee and don't have three of the flavors even though it's in the morning. It's COFFEE. It takes five minutes to brew and you charge money for it. They also run out of chicken spaetzle soup regularly. And bagel bites for the soup when they have it. And plain bagels for the sandwiches...HOW CAN YOU BE A BAGEL STORE AND RUN OUT OF PLAIN BAGELS? And those are just the things I order. It's intensely irritating. Sure I could just go somewhere else, but, as noted, the whole point is to get in, grab something and get out. So I'm stuck trying to get something I don't want, just because I don't have time to bring my business elsewhere. How hard is it to stay supplied with hot coffee and plain bagels? I'd go somewhere else, but there's a real absence of comparable choice here because I'm going there for convenience reasons.
You would think from this rant that it was a lousy day or I'm in a lousy mood. Not really. To the contrary, it's the absence of anything seriously wrong that causes me to focus on the inexplicable failure of the bagel store to have coffee available.