Who: Kawaii Cafe Staff, Maybe a Minagawa, and Everyone and their Mom/Dads who Sweets (or tea and Coffee)
Cafe AlphaWhen: 7am - 2pm, September 20th
Rating: Rating pending for Weird Customers
Summary: Open Log for Cafe where people can mingle and poke the staff.
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"G, good morniiiing..." She dragged out without much of her regular enthusiasm as she pushed the doors open and fell on the floor Cube just made spotless earlier.
Hurrying over, Cube crouched to assist the country up. he should have snatched his basket of medical supplies beforehand. Nothing he can do about it this moment.
"What's the matter?! Are you injured? Sick?"
This wasn't going as planned.
Hold on, there was one thing she did want.
If there was anything she learned from China, it was to always, always take advantage of the situation.
"H-here... I'll get you something. Please come sit in a chair, first." After all, having a customer laying on the floor looked terrible. Cube excuses himself quietly once he gets Taiwan into the closest chair. He returns with a cupcake, light pink frosting, just how Anemone used to make them.
"Though, if you haven't eaten anything in a while, maybe I can get you a dinner from next door..."
Another moment or two pass before his curved lips part, "Hello. I am curious about your choice in beverage..."
He had spent the last span of time helping to rinse dishes and wipe counters while Cube had handled the business of brewing tea and preparing other dishes while keeping his patience.
....but then the subject of the collar had reared its head again. He had been promised it was only a uniform and that it would not be pink...and he supposed that was something.
He had NOT, however, been promised that it wouldn't be frilly with an obnoxious jingling bell on it.
So rather than being out on the countertop greeting the customers like a good mascot, Gaga remained in the kitchen, fuming and humiliated. This was NOT how he had seen himself putting his thousand-and-four years of experience to use...
"Why are you back here? Customers don't come back here, Gaga-san..."
Deep breath....a dedicated steward took even the most righteous of indignities in-step, he reminded himself. It came with the territory. It was just a collar after all and-
He paused, mid-step toward the edge of the table, eyes glaring downward at the bell that was serenading his every movement.
"Oh! You should follow her around or help her, Gaga-san!"
"I-Is he just hungry?"
Guilmon tugs at the back at Takato's shirt and speaks up in a childish voice. "Nah, Takato? Can we eat now? Guilmon is hungry! And it smells good!"
Takato sighs fondly. "Oh, Guilmon. You can't just run into places like that."
The big digimon lowers his ears unhappily. "But my brain gets all funny when I'm hungry."
"No need for you to go hungry. How about you both sit and enjoy some tarts?" Quickly, Cube moves over and fetches two tarts and places them upon the counter top.
"What kinds of tea do you both enjoy or do you prefer coffee?"
Didn't seem all that bubbly, though! Soon enough, Koishi found herself blowing into the straw, making the drink turn frothy and start rising up. Meanwhile, she sat near the front door, watching the others come and go. Hmm, what a nice day it was.
Sunao couldn't help but smile a little at that, and offer a wave. "Hello...hm, is that any good?"
"For a tea that doesn't look like tea, it's actually pretty tasty. You should try~"
Sunao picked herself up from her cozy seat and headed over, hands in her pockets and a curious smile on her face. "What's it taste like?"
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