Feb 22, 2011 18:56
I'm lonely today. I just feel the need to have some human contact/company and there's no one around. I'd love to be home and sit with Jesse, but he has bowling anyways. Emily is at a friend's house. I have two tests tomorrow and should really be studying anyways. I just want a hug. Like, somehow I feel less valuable as a person when I don't have people around for enough of my day. Meh. I'll be fine, just a ugh night I guess.
Anyways, to-do lists for tonight and tomorrow.
human sexuality ex. cred. paper--45 min
study for ^^test--45 min
study for biology test--1.5 hr.
meteorology survey--15 min
sexuality test
bio test
elementary math 2.4 and 3.1 assignments
garbage out