Made It To Thanksgiving (another entry that I keep restarting)

Dec 02, 2018 15:58

Well, it is year number 13 teaching for me and I made it to Thanksgiving break! Where in the world did the last two and a half months go??? So far this school year is WAAAYYY better than last year. I feel so much less stress, mostly because the kids from last year, well the 8th grade class, are GONE from my life.

My 7th graders, not sure how to describe them. Some of them are great workers, some of them are lazy and some of them are somewhere in between all of that. Mostly the issues that I have are that they CANNOT SIT STILL OR FOCUS for anything. I mean, I KNOW how sitting through a class/meeting/etc can feel like torture, but I feel like the number is growing this year.

My 8th graders are MOSTLY good. I have a handful that I have no idea what to do with because their behavior is so horrible. Not like the 8th grade behavior that I had last year, but it is not anything I would want my parents to see if I was them. I'm doing my best but there's only so much I can do to motivate and keep them TRYING to pass. *insert eyeroll*.

For the first time in SEVEN years I missed several consecutive days of work because of sickness. YUCK. The first weekend of November I started a fever on Saturday night. It was totally random and I was feeling fine up until that point. Well, it took until Thursday the following week, so 5 days, for it to completely break and that was only because I finally got on antibiotics. I had gone to Urgent Care two days after the fever started (only because I started with a cough and was terrified that I was getting the flu)and they basically told me there was nothing they could do and the fever wasn't that high (this was when I had Tylenol in my system so my temperature was fairly low, but even at 98 degrees I KNEW that was high for me.) I went to my own doctor on Thursday and almost begged them for antibiotics because it was very clear to me that the fever wasn't going to go away on its own. And if I wasn't taking Tylenol it would just keep climbing. The highest that it got to was something like 102.8. The nurse at my regular doctor was like "OMG, WHY did you wait so long to come to us?!?" The doctor actually thought I had Pneumonia but I think maybe it was just really bad bronchitis. Almost a month later and I'm still occasionally coughing, mostly when I lay down, and I get a little tired from stairs/exercise (but I partially believe that's because I'm also a bit out of shape). But I am soooo much better. I do love acupuncture for my reproductive issues, but for this I definitely prefer modern medicine. Within 12 hours of being on antibiotic I was already feeling like a person.

Anyway, that's it. Penny has been laying next to me for like half an hour now, so I'm going to make her day and take her for a walk even though the weather is sort of miserable (cloudy, on the cold side and raining on and off).

Be well everyone!

p.s. Does anyone want to exchange Christmas/Holiday cards?

2018- 2019 school year, students and parents, sickness

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