nine years after, who'd I see on the cover of a magazine?

Aug 14, 2021 23:48

Even though Oregon's covid numbers are much better than in some parts of the country, we're apparently not doing that great. Oregon governor deploys up to 1,500 National Guard troops to support hospitals - Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) is deploying up to 1,500 National Guardsmen to support hospitals in the state as intensive care unit beds fill up.

Gotta wonder if it breathed fire? Giant, Dragon-Like, Flying Reptile Fossil Discovered in Australia
A rare specimen reveals a new species of pterosaur with a staggering 23-foot wingspan
Around 105 million years ago, a giant, winged reptile soared above modern-day Australia. The creature is the newest member of the extinct clade of flying reptiles calls pterosaurs and it’s the continent’s largest-ever flying reptile, according to a new study published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Some of these animal memes made me snicker (which annoyed Olivier)

It seems every year I am surprised when the ads for county then state fairs begin to air. They always trigger memories of annual visits as a child,tromping through the barns and viewing winners in all sorts of categories (quilts! jams! etc.), and sometimes passing through the vendors halls to be enthralled by all sorts of 'essential' temptations. The folks didn't really allow us into the carnival area so we couldn't hit most of the rides, but there was always an obligatory stop at the scone booth - mmm, warm scones with raspberry jam for the win.

I'm trying to figure out why I've had a stiff/aching neck the past couple of days. I don't remember it bothering me at work Friday, but started noticing at some point later in the evening. And after a few hours Saturday it was bothering me again. As far as I can tell my position is roughly the same as in previous days, so what's triggered it? I do remember much the same type of pain a few days back, but not on the same side, and not recurring.

Question of the Day
How long have you lived with the person/people you currently live with?
Zero minutes! I live alone with the kitty - and have been pretty much solo most of my adult life. There were two periods where I had roommates - once in my early 20s when a friend turned the large walk-in closet off the living room into 'his' room for a year or so, and then later another guy basically crashed on the couch for months. And then around 1990, when I moved into a gorgeous old house with three other women. That didn't end well, and I moved out again after about six months.

Now *this* is history - the type we generally don't come across, unless seeking it out. I remember in my early dyke years, reading about their activism and all they'd accomplished to date - and they just kept accomplishing. The Incredible Story of Del and Phyllis
After first meeting in 1950, the couple was instrumental in founding the nation’s first organization for gay women
In 2008, after 55 years together, Del Martin, age 87, and Phyllis Lyon, age 84, were finally wed in San Francisco, but it was for the second time. Four years earlier, before same-sex marriage was legalized in the state of California, during a large ceremony honoring their long-standing contributions to LGBTQ activism, they were the first of 90 gay couples to be married illegally by the city’s then-mayor Gavin Newsom.

Need Cute? There's plenty here!

Reading in HP is often an adventure - you never know just what wrong word you'll stumble across next! Today's entry - the Ford Angela, which had me think of government forms (just missing the comma between Last & First names. I'm not British, but know that it's Anglia.

Now that's a lot of twins! Fifteen sets of twins to start schools in Inverclyde - Primary schools in Inverclyde are welcoming 15 sets of twins to classes next week.

It is the second highest cohort of twins to start P1 in the area on record.

Olivier just rolled from one side to the other in super slo-mo; he looked so ridiculous with all his feet in the air! By the time I thought to take a picture he was mostly on the other side - guess I need to keep my phone handier.

Even though she eats most of her meals in the dining room, my mom's apartment has a fairly nice kitchen, and she does keep some food around for when she doesn't feel like going down the hall. My sister and Steph went shopping for her and got some eggs - ever since mom's been talking about egg salad - how the dining room's fails (then segueing into other of their dishes she dislikes) and planning to make herself some. For some reason she's become fixated on freezing hard-boiled eggs - I'm not up on freezing eggs, is this even possible? I'm not sure why she wants to bother - eggs keep and she could boil some for salad and leave the rest for another batch later, or scrambles or whatever.

kitty!, meme, gay, cv-19

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