I wonder if clouds stare at us and comment on our shapes

Jun 22, 2021 00:05

dog, it were warm! My phone said 99F at the peak in late afternoon, though the evening news put it a few degrees lower - but it was still unpleasant. I managed by wetting my face & neck and spending the day in front of my fan, as evaporation really does help one feel some cooler. Also, drinking cool beverages - some soda but mostly cold water (I reuse one-use bottles, refilling them and always keep a batch in the fridge). It was still high 70s after 11:00, pm - hope I can manage to get some sleep, so I'm not a useless zombie tomorrow at work.

I think it's supposed to be a bit cooler Tuesday though I'll be at work, so would have the benefit of AC. I'm not eager for the commute home - Roland's AC is on the fritz, and I'd not gotten around to having that dealt with. Guess I'll just bring a bottle of water along to dowse myself when stopped at lights. Per the news, it's supposed to be a little cooler for the next few days, then increase again to 100 by Saturday.

Fantastic photos of some really cool animals

that word doesn't mean what you think it does, episode # 376
the hat has usually been quite a big part of their whole ‘assemble’. It took me a sec to realize that probably the author meant "ensemble" here.

Question of the Day
Did you often read for fun when you were a kid?
its more like 'did you ever do anything besides reading for fun?' from the time I figured out how to decipher those marks on a page, I was hooked - if I didn't have an age-appropriate book, I'd read whatever adult book I could pick up - I routinely scoured my mom's bedside shelf and by age 10 had explored all sort of totally *in*appropriate stuff, like Alas, Babylon (about a small community trying to get through the aftereffects of nuclear strikes by Russia) which definitely contributed to my certainty that I wouldn't live to age 30. if there were no books around, I'd look for magazines, or even packaging - there's lots of info to be found on a cereal box, though I admit it's not gripping reading. I never did lose the reading habit, though since I stumbled into fandom the bulk has shifted from novels to fic

Celebrating a big batch of wonderful kitties

Got an e-mail from a pizza chain I mostly enjoy - I'm not ordering pizza often, but when I do usually I always check to see what specials they've got going. Instead of touting a new pizza or offering a discount, now they're promo'ing a contest - 'Take A Selfie, Win Some Money!' I guess you take a selfie with your pizza meal, and maybe you'll win a $100 gift card. I wasn't interested enough to look at the fine print, so I've no clue what their criteria is or how many folks can win, but at least it's a change from the deluge of e-mails about taco pizza that kept arriving for several weeks. It was truly weird, you'd think they'd invented the damn combo, instead of merely adding it to their menu.

I think the heat's making Olivier cranky - he's been oddly reserved the past couple of days, not coming around as much as usual, and not always joining me in bed, or staying long if he does. He's also spending more time on the laminate floor than any soft surfaces, which are probably warmer. He even hissed at me - he was walking with me (doing his best to trip me) and my calf brushed against his side - it wasn't hard, nor anything that should have hurt, like my cane, but he let out a vicious-sounding hiss at the contact).

Schitt's Creek / The Losers crossover fic rec:
It’s Like a Drive-Thru, Except Everybody Has a Gun by
Summary: “No, yeah, right,” David said. “My sister’s been kidnapped.”

“That escalated fast,” Jake commented.

the first story is fabulous, and this follow-up made me cackle so damn much. I could read about David and the Losers all day

Part 2 of the Confident International Men series

kitty!, fic rec, meme

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