the past is a foreign country with no extradition agreement

Jun 21, 2021 00:15

Happy World Giraffe Day!

The Solstice started around 8:30 pm - if you commemorate it formally, may that go well. If not, enjoy the longest day of the year, and the promise that the days will be shortening noticeably very soon.

rattlecatcher is in the habit of texting me random memes & pictures she finds online, and as she normally wakes far earlier than I do, there're often some waiting when I wake up. Because I woke around 3:30 am, and couldn't go back to sleep, I was up when she sent one at 4:30. When I replied, she wished me "and Happy Insomnia Hour to you, too!", which was awfully nice of her, don't you think?

Well, that didn't work out quite as planned. I thought I'd try to get more sleep, and went back to bed around 6:30 only to spend forever hovering in a not-quite-asleep stage; more than once I remember thinking I should just give up again, then talked myself into trying to doze off. I remember checking the time around 8:30, and almost got up then - probably should have, though I did then manage to fall asleep, and didn't wake for three more hours. Imagine my surprise to discover it was 11:15 when I finally bestirred myself. That put me quite late for my morning meds, as well as having killed the coolest part of the day when I might have accomplished something. I wonder how badly I've fucked up my sleep sched now? I definitely am not planning on staying up late tonight - here's hoping I can rest decently.

I'm not an expert on the migratory patterns of moose, but something about this seems iffy to me: they nearly got stampeded by a speeding moose near the state borders. But as Sam has put it: “I mean, it's Florida, I don't know why we are even surprised.” Anyone know if moose are frequently found in the Sunshine State?

I don't care what people say, cats are allowed to be anywhere they want to be

I'm having trouble picturing this - elaborate and large bell ¾ length sleeves, the tip of which fell to Hadrian’s knees when his hands were at his sides. - I mean, 3/4 length sleeves generally end mid-forearm/below the elbow, so unless these have a very long point descending from the back, I'm not sure how any part of them would hit his knees. But if that's the case, I'd hope there was a clearer way to describe them (not that this detail actually mattered in the story).

I have absolutely no idea why the news anchor said in the lead-up to a segment about this year's virtual parade that there've been Portland Pride Parades since 1994 - I very clearly remember attending (marching even) once I landed in town, in 1981 (or maybe 82, I can't remember). Unless he meant that the current organizing group - Pride Northwest - started doing them that year. But that's not the impression his phrasing led to.

Question of the Day
Do you enjoy getting manicures/pedicures?
I don't know, as I've never had either.

j_crew_guy linked to Variety's review of the sold-out Back-Sync show, and possibilities for future projects: Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC Dish on Future of ‘Back-Sync’ Collab Following Debut Show - “It’s interesting to have the four of us knuckleheads do something together, which you’ve never seen before,” added Fatone. “BSB fans are very loyal, so we’re going, ‘We get it - certain people liked one band or the other back in the day, but now it’s okay to like both.’” there are embedded audience videos of them performing Bye Bye Bye and I Want It That Way

You know how smiles are contagious? Here are a bunch of animals, trying to infect you

The Lincoln Project's stirring video, Juneteenth - America is remarkable because of our ability to recognize the failures of the past while dedicating ourselves to building a better future.

Politics is not your forté Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! It's really stupid how much it irritates me that seemingly everyone gets this wrong. It's French, basically means strength, and pronounced 'fort' - no audible 'e' and no accent on the written word. 'Forté' is Italian, two syllables and has to do with music.

Which are you?

meme, gay

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