I'm disappointed when liars' pants don't actually burst into flames

Jun 19, 2021 23:22

I crawled into bed around 10:45 last night and although I did half-wake a number of times, slept pretty hard and woke around 6:00 am feeling much less tired, though sporting magnificent bags under my eyes. I still took a nap later on, after I got some smaller tasks done before it heated up, and I'm definitely going to try to get to bed early (for me). I'd left the patio door cracked overnight, and the insulated curtain closed all day, so it really wasn't bad in here through the day, though things are supposed to hot up significantly in the next few days. Not Arizona or Texas levels, but hot for here, in June.

It's BACK-SYNC! AJ sings a little ditty, and introduces the others in the background

Some interesting musings on what Hogwarts uniforms probably *really* look like. Thought-provoking, and makes sense to me. ‘Harry Potter’ fan details why the robes in the movies are all wrong - The other day I read a series of posts on the Hogwarts uniform and how book!uniform differs from movie!uniform, which is more canonical and whether there’s been/there should be some retconning to unify the books, films and illustrations from different sources. Since wizarding fashion is one of my favourite subjects (particularly since the word “corsets” was mentioned in HBP), I thought I had to write a post about it. So here it goes.

ok, this person has no idea just what a fifth is - or has a very elevated opinion of just how much Dean can swallow in one go. He hands Dean a fifth of whiskey, and Dean knocks it back with one swallow, because holy shit, it has been a long fucking day (year).

Dads, and the cats they didn't want There's some truth here - dad wasn't crazy about our getting a cat when I was a kid, but while they didn't spend much awake-time together, Sir (blue tuxedo cat) became a nap buddy when dad was sleeping (he worked rotating shifts).

I thought I'd check on what'd happened around town recently but when I tried for the 5:00 news, three of the four local stations were airing different sporting events; the only one offering news was the one I don't like to watch, as it's a Sinclair station, and I do not care for those right wing biased bastards; which is a shame, as for may years it was my fave for local news coverage.

I've been addressing cards every few days over the past few months, and keep seeing
auburn's name in my book. Even though we weren't bestest buddies, I quite enjoyed our acquaintance (and of course her fic). I think maybe I need to drift away from ho-hum HP AUs and instead reread some of her works when I've time; there's nothing like interesting, quality, writing - and that she always provided in spades.

The tons of reminders of Father's Day in the past few weeks obviously has me thinking of my dad. I miss him lots; they're mostly good memories. I was lucky to have such a solid support in him; I *knew* that he loved me and was behind me all the way, though he was never great at communicating emotion.

Some appealing animals, bringing cheer

I've no idea what dish the cook was actually preparing (in a wok) but I'm damn sure it wasn't actually called 'wok'. “I haven’t had wok since I left Vietnam.” If you want to casually mention someone preparing a Vietnamese dish but you've never actually been to a Vietnamese restaurant, look up some recipes (or menus) online! It's not like the composition/flavours of the dish mattered in the story, so merely using a proper name would have been sufficient.

A few days ago, all 50 members of Portland Police's Rapid Response team resigned from the team (not the force) bc a member was indicted (not convicted) for excessive force (seen clearly in footage). Apparently if they can't get away with blatant, overt, force they don't wanna play. Beau has a little bit to say about that - Let's talk about Portland cops resigning and what to do....

MCU / Night Vale crossover fic rec:
All Our Yesterdays And Days To Come series by

clever, and lots of fun. basically, Loki (and children) find a new home. the most recent story in the series is a WIP (Ch 1 posted last month), but there were no cliffhangers; each story
builds upon previous ones, but in most cases can be enjoyed in any order. the second is essentially a prequel setting up the basic premise, but you don't need to read it first

fic rec

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