it's weird being the same age as old people

Jun 18, 2021 22:40

who needs sleep?
Apparently my body decided that since sleep was so hard to accomplish the night before, I just wouldn't bother going to bed at all last night. I moved through feeling vaguely tired straight into not being tired (pure night owl, me); reading a long fic, not actually paying attention to the time - until it was suddenly after 4:30 am. Not ideal, as I needed to be up & dressed before 8:00 for my grocery delivery slot. I normally don't opt for a window quite that early, but there weren't any of my preferred times available. Obviously I did the 'smart' thing and just stayed up. Happily my groceries arrived around 9:00 instead of noon, so I stumbled to bed just after 10:00 and slept fairly hard until almost 4:00. I'm posting this a bit earlier than usual, and plan on going to bed soon.

A good, informative, background article with some terrific vintage photos: Juneteenth, the U.S.’ Second Independence Day, Is Now a Federal Holiday - The decision to recognize Juneteenth on a national level arrives just over a year after the police killing of George Floyd sparked global protests against systemic racism. This reckoning, coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic’s disproportionate toll on Black Americans and ongoing debates about the commemoration of the Confederacy, has led to an uptick of interest in the holiday, says historian Brenda Elaine Stevenson

Many terrific examples of supreme catloafing

I know I've previously moaned about this (which makes me like her), but talking with mom is exhausting - spent another 45 minutes listening to shit she's told me before (often multiple times), always as if it's brand new. And I realize this can be a natural part of aging, and the fact her world is so constrained, but it's awfully hard to fake interest in *again* hearing non-interesting stuff about her neighbor, or the hardship the village is having hiring staff. She's also totally devoted to being a victim - she refuses to contact my sister when she needs something, always claiming it's because she (my sister) is so busy and stressed, and she doesn't want to add to the burden. Except if there's a real need, someone who can help needs to hear about it. Telling me (who lives two hours away) something three days later doesn't exactly qualify. I know I'm not alone with this aging parent thing, and I feel for my sister who's there, so gets dumped with lots more than I do - so not fun for her.

This is incredibly moving: A Simple Cotton Sack Tells an Intergenerational Story of Separation Under Slavery
Historian Tiya Miles’ new book traces the lives of three Black women through an embroidered family heirloom known as “Ashley’s sack”
Told in just ten lines, Ruth’s embroidered story offers a brief, powerful glimpse into the brutality of child separation under chattel slavery. Her story also prompts strong emotion: When the pouch, now known simply as “Ashley’s sack,” went on view at Middleton Place, a plantation-turned-museum in South Carolina, in 2011, so many onlookers were brought to tears that curators placed a box of tissues nearby, according to a statement.

A terrific collection of animals to entertain - I think #27 looks like some sort of alien monster, what do you think?

Self-proclaimed (in the story) Catholic Steve Rogers wouldn't likely think/say "his pastors had preached it" - I mean, I've no idea if 'pastor' is an acceptable usage nowadays in the Church (though I kinda doubt it) but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a thing in the 20s/30s/40s. I'd guess he'd think of/refer to the guys leading religious services as Father or generically as a priest.

I've been paying attention to Olivier's eye, and the crusty crud discharge in the corner is less and there's still no sign of squinchyness, so I'm hoping maybe he just had a cold. I don't remember hearing him sneeze as much lately either, which may support that theory.

With the declaration of Juneteenth as a federal holiday (which, yay!) I was wondering if the State of Oregon would follow suit and declare it an observed holiday here. Turns out Oregon already recently made Juneteenth a State holiday, but it won't be officially observed here by the State until next year. Even if they hadn't, I have a feeling that ACME would be observing it beginning next year - we're federally funded, and the agency was begun by members of the black community, to serve families in dire need, and our enrolled family and staff population is still heavily centered in the black community, though there are also lots of Latinx families, and immigrants from around the globe.

Stunning photos from the Prix De La Photographie Paris 2020 Awards

The Trailer for Nicolas Cage’s Portland-Shot Truffle Hunter Movie Is Finally Here
In Pig, Cage appears to play a reclusive chef searching for his kidnapped foraging pig.
Finally, the trailer is here. We’ve got Pacific Northwest forest. We’ve got a Portland cityscape. We’ve got Cage with an unkempt beard delicately plating food, suggesting that he’s not just a woodland hermit but a chef who’s fallen from grace. And, yes, we’ve got him gruffly inquiring about the whereabouts of his missing porker.


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