please keep your distance (nothing to do with a virus. I'm just a grouch)

Jun 18, 2021 00:00

Today, I was not at my best. Pretty tired as I kept waking every couple of hours, and then the east light (even though not direct) made my bedroom bright enough that staying asleep until the alarm rang was hard. I got to work ok, but not thrilled to be there. Though of course, that seems to be my default many days lately - I think I need to win a lottery or something, and retire. Between a relatively light pile o' New Crap, and managing to plow through everything already waiting, I was able to head out about an hour earlier than my usual time nowadays. That helped, as did a nice warm, but not baking, afternoon. I grabbed fast food on the way home, shared a bit with Olivier, and napped for a couple of hours before the evening news - in Breaking News, the world is going to hell.

Have some feel-good animal memes to help you feel good

I've had a subscription to Smithsonian magazine for decades - we had one when I was a teen, though my parents gave it up at some point, but then my dad started gifting me in my 30s out of the blue, and continued that for ages. Once that was beyond him a few years ago, I continued it for myself - it's enjoyable, educational, and a nice reminder of dad. For some reason, they've just this week started sending me a 'daily newsletter' with links to different articles of interest. And some of them are pretty interesting; I'm just curious if this is a brand-new venture for them, or if I'd just been overlooked and suddenly came to their attention somehow. Anyway, there were a bunch of cool links from just the past couple of days, so today you get Pride-related ones, with a couple more behind the cut.

Long-Lost Fragment of First Rainbow Pride Flag Resurfaces After Four Decades - A priceless piece of queer history has returned home to San Francisco, reports Ezra David Romero for KQED. Earlier this month, the GLBT Historical Society Museum unveiled a glass case containing a rare artifact: a segment of the original rainbow gay pride flag, its colors as vibrant as ever.

Can an Object Be Gay? LGBTQ Collecting - Objects are not gay any more than they can be Klingon, a Free-Soil Party member, or jealous. However, most museums have materials created by LGBTQ people and the range of historical versions of that identity, whether they know it or not. When it comes to groups that have been stigmatized and targeted for discrimination and violence, historians and curators have a predicament around how to interpret behavior and language in the past. People did not want to be known, so objects reflect that invisibility.

David Bowie Painting Purchased at Landfill for $4 Expected to Fetch Thousands - Last summer, an unidentified individual browsing a donation center at the entrance of an Ontario landfill purchased a portrait for $5 CAD (just over $4 USD). Now, the artwork-newly attributed to rock legend David Bowie-is set to sell at auction for thousands of dollars.

Inside the Tombs of Saqqara - This eerie chamber is one of several “megatombs,” as the archaeologists describe them, discovered last year at Saqqara, the sprawling necropolis that once served the nearby Egyptian capital of Memphis. The excavators overseen by Youssef uncovered hundreds of coffins, mummies and grave goods, including carved statues and mummified cats, packed into several shafts, all untouched since antiquity. The trove includes many individual works of art, from the gilded portrait mask of a sixth- or seventh-century B.C. noblewoman to a bronze figure of the god Nefertem inlaid with precious gems.

Question of the Day
Last time you swam in a pool?
oh god, I don't know. quite possibly back when I was in my teens - I was never a pool baby, though did have swimming lessons as a kid, but once I was out on my own(ish) in college, I don't know that I ever went into a pool again

After a few cool rainy days, we're back to sunshine and heat - it's supposed to get into the 90s, possibly 99 by Sunday/Monday. Colour me tickled. I guess it'll cool down midweek, but I'm anticipating some sweltering for the next couple of days. But at least now things are opening up, there will be places with AC, so I can find a place to have dinner or enjoy coffee for a few hours if I want.

Another odd newsletter I suddenly received was the Girl Scout Network Newsletter (for Alums and Supporters). I've ordered cookies for years, online for the past few from several different girls/troops, so why just now start receiving this? Again, I have to wonder if it's a new project for them, or possibly my invisibility cloak has stopped working on the internet. It was a day or so after the news about all the surplus cookies hit the news, which made the fact that the newsletter contained not one word about that even more puzzling. You'd think a brief update and maybe some links to buy cookies would have been a possible thing

So many terrific kitties! So much love shown!

There are some very intriguing possibilities on this list - personally, I'm torn between Untitled Goose Game’s titular fowl and Lil Nas X, though could totally get behind several of the others. Who Should Lead Portland’s Virtual Pride Parade? Here Are Six Suggestions. - Who will lead this year’s parade as the digital grand marshal? We won’t know until June 20, when Pride Northwest posts a two-week-old parade recording to their YouTube channel after a Zoom launch party. But with a wide imagination and budget to match, we can imagine who we want.

ok - so in my reading, the second sentence flatly contradicts the first: [he] refused to acknowledge the child as his, though he did provide for him. [he] had acknowledged the child as his, but he never married Ciera. How do you read that?

Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Wizards by
Summary: Harry was sent to Azkaban after being framed for murder in the beginning of his 6th year at Hogwarts. While there, he unlocks the "Power the Dark Lord Knows Not". What will happen once his former friends know he's innocent? Watch the fun

Harry iz Ronged!!!1! and takes his revenge (upon just about everyone). it's tropey and filled with character-bashing, but that's kinda fun at times - notice: it's laden with rampant misuse of commas and apostrophes, which can irritate. because I mostly enjoyed reading it, I went looking for other works by the author, also enjoying some of those. there were several short crossover bits for HP and SG-1, and some other WsIP (which I of course read, as I am an idiot who apparently enjoys being frustrated). I really should stop reading fics that haven't been updated in several years; if they're good/interesting, I always get frustrated when I hit the end of what's been posted, and there's no more. this whine brought to you by an long, interesting SG-1/HP crossover AU - it's got a neat premise, some cool OCs, some intriguing takes on canon characters from both sources, and ended without resolving much of anything (of course)

meme, gay

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