Like a couple of teenagers (Merlin/Arthur)

Oct 05, 2017 00:50

Title: Like a couple of teenagers
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur
Word Count: 750
Author's Notes: Part 7 of "A Secret Admirer?" Series.
Summary: There's kissing.

Merlin stared at Arthur long and hard, so much so, it was making Arthur squirm in his seat. Maybe he shouldn't have said that. Maybe when he said he was going to take it slow, he really should have been taking it slow. But, he wanted to kiss Merlin, and Arthur never not acted on his feelings.

It was a stupid thing, but he wasn't simply going to change overnight.

"Can I?" Arthur asked. "Can I kiss you?"

"Is it because I told you I hated Owen, and that gives you some sort of joy?"

Arthur scrunched his eyebrows. "No. I mean, it does give me joy. It also makes me feel stupid everyone in the world knew Owen was an arse before me. Maybe it'll take me a while to really let someone in. Maybe it'll force me to have trust issues for a very long time, but none of that has anything to do with the fact I want to kiss you."

"Damn, you're good with your words," Merlin said; his eyes flickered towards Arthur's mouth before he looked away.

"I'm better with my tongue," replied Arthur. Because, why the fuck not? He was already flirting with Merlin, and why shouldn't he have just amped up the charm as well. "I can show you."

"You're trouble."

"Yeah, but you fancied me once. Don't you want to kiss me too?"

Arthur leaned closer; since Merlin's car was already so small, he was quite close to Merlin already. He diminished the distance between them, and placed his hand on the back of Merlin's neck.

"What are you doing?" Merlin asked.

"Waiting for you to give me the green light. Since you won't come inside, I might as well try to kiss you here."

"So you think the kissing is definitely happening?"

"I don't know, Merlin. Is it?" Arthur asked, smiling, and then he licked his lower lip.

"Oh, you're definitely trouble…" Merlin said before he sealed his lips on Arthur and kissed him. It started out slow; excruciatingly tentative, as if Merlin were taking his time analysing Arthur. But then, much to Arthur's surprise, Merlin cranked up the heat.

His hands were everywhere. They started in Arthur's hair but then he was touching Arthur's shoulders, his back, pulling him closer, all the while, tongue, teeth, and moaning had Arthur's mind racing a mile per minute. Merlin had been so hot and cold with him, Arthur didn't know what to do. Still, for the moment, he spent his time enjoying Merlin's desire for him. It felt good to want someone, and feel wanted. He wasn't lying before when he'd told Merlin he'd have trust issues with people for the next year, but at the same time, he felt it in his heart he could trust Merlin. Merlin'd be gentle with him.

Merlin moved and then he cursed. "Damn this steering wheel…" He looked wedged between the seat and the wheel.

"Come here," Arthur said, pulling him; Merlin came willingly. Arthur's wish had nearly come true. Merlin was sitting in his lap. They continued snogging like a couple of teenagers after a date at the cinema.

Arthur's hands roamed down to cup Merlin's arse and Merlin groaned again as he pressed his body against Arthur's, and rubbed their groins together. He managed to surprise Arthur again. How long had he been holding onto the want to do this with Arthur? Or was this just how Merlin was? Did he rub up against any man he kissed in the confines of his car?

"Sh...fu… God, we should stop," Merlin said, finally.

"Why?" Arthur asked, his hands finding their way under Merlin's shirt; he squeezed one of Merlin's nipple for good measure. He wanted Merlin naked under him, writhing, while Arthur sucked on Merlin's nipple. Before making his way down to-

"This is more than just a kiss, Arthur."

"You're more than just any man, Merlin."

"Funny how a week ago, you didn't even know my name."

"Yeah. It's true. But now I do. I know more than your name, Merlin. I know if I suck on the side of your neck, you make the most delicious sounds. I know you love getting your arse grabbed and-"

"Stop it, Arthur. Please."

"Okay…" Arthur said, removing his hands from Merlin's body-raising them up as in surrender. "You want me to go?"


"And I can't convince you to come in?"

Merlin shook his head. "No."

Arthur doubted that, but he let it go.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

story: ma-secret admirer, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: pg-13, community: camelot_drabble

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