The Bookshop, Part 28

Oct 07, 2017 22:35

Title: The bookshop, part 28
Prompt: draco100 PROMPT: Moment
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Word count: 100x2
Notes: The next part in the series: "The Bookshop" ( LJ link or DW link)

It took them a moment, but eventually both men started to laugh. The mood had gone from nervous to sultry to tense to now…light. Draco smiled at Potter who had thankfully not taken anything Draco said in a wrong way.

"I still think you should have waited."


"Because it's the proper thing to do. You can't just go around staking your claim on-"

"Draco, you like me. I think…"

"You think?"

Potter smiled. "Well, you certainly like kissing me." He paused to wink at Draco. "So why not rush into the dating scene. I mean, don't you just wanna get this whole thing over with anyway?"

"Get what over with?" Draco asked, feeling slightly hurt. Did Potter mean he simply wished to court Draco so they could have sex and then he could move on with his life?

"The small talk. The formalities," Potter said. "I know you. You know me. Why do we need to spend time at some elegant restaurant with five hundred Galleon wine trying to impress each other when you and I already have seen each other at our worst? And we still fancy each other?"

"I like the elegant wine stage," said Draco.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

community: draco100, pairing: harry/draco, story: the bookshop, rating: pg

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