The First Call

Oct 03, 2017 17:19

Title: The First Call
Pairing: Teddy/James/Scorpius
Word Count: 100x5
Rating: R
Warnings: Creature!fic
Challenge: # 127 for
hp_nextgen100 The Daily Prophet.
A/N: Unbetaed. Harry/Draco background. Continuation of Worth The Wait Series.

Notice the twist in the Warnings, fyi...

"Scor…" Teddy whispered, brushing his thumb on Scorpius's lower lip. "Relax, babe…" he said with a smile, his shy smile. As if the term of endearment had escaped him before he'd had the chance to stop himself.

"Don't worry. We're not going to announce in the Daily Prophet of what we're going to do…" James teased-which earned him a glare from Teddy.

Teddy smiled and shook his head at James before looking at Scorpius again. "We want you so much."

"You do?" Gods, he was so stupid. Of course, they did. He was here, wasn't he? It'd taken them months, him-years, to get here. It wasn't all for nothing. He just wasn't so certain like the two of them.

"What else can I do to convince you I want you here," James said. He didn't exactly sound annoyed, but, frustrated. "We want you here. I want you with me and Teddy… It's everything to me."

Scorpius turned his head and James kissed him. Right then and there. It wasn't a soft kiss like his had been with Teddy, this one was demanding, and James was obviously pouring all his frustration into it. When he slid his tongue in Scorpius's mouth, Scorpius's cock jerked, and he heard Teddy chuckle. Surely, the half-werewolf felt Scorpius’s desire.

"I should have known you'd claim him all to yourself if you had the chance…" Scorpius slightly panicked again, but when he looked at Teddy, he realised Teddy was speaking to James. "I'm here too, you know," he added.

"I was just trying to get him all ready for you," James said, rolling his eyes.

"And...I, too, am sitting right here," Scorpius said.

They all laughed in unison as Scorpius felt tension leaving him.

"Maybe we're doing this all wrong," Teddy said a moment later. "Our first time together should be more special than this cave."

"No…" Both James and Scorpius said simultaneously.

"I can't wait… I don't want to wait anymore. I want you both. Please." Scorpius wasn't above begging and he would do anything to keep them both there with him.

"Look at how much he wants this, Teddy…" James said, coaxing his hot breath all over Scorpius's ear, as his hand slid down to grab Scorpius's erection. "You really going to deny our boy what he wants the most?"

Scorpius shuddered. He felt something change.

"James…" Teddy said, stern. "This isn't romantic."

"Fuck romance," Scorpius said, his voice shaking. "I need you." The cry escaped him without knowing where it came from. Sure, he wanted them both, he desired to have sex with them, and it was driving him mad but for him to act like this? Nearly lose himself in it - this was more than just lust, or longing, or-

"James." Teddy's voice was too serious.

"I know, I felt it too."

Scorpius saw Teddy going stiff under him, and not with need, but with fear.

"What? What is it?" Scorpius asked.

"He's calling to the wolf," said James.

Author's notes: I really don't know where this twist came from. I was just trying to even out the word count and then...

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

series: worth the wait, threesome: teddy/james/scorpius, community: hp_nextgen100, -threesome, rating: r

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