Tuesday December 1st - WORLD AIDS DAY:
Afternoon: Daisuke Morimoto wakes up with Dart at his side and Keiji dropping by. Tetha - hospital. (dive_logs)
Afternoon: Tora looks for crocheting or knitting lessons and gets them from Vent Acker. D'Ango Forest - Vent's campsite. (disroyalty and dive_Logs)
Afternoon: Shiki meets Manami, and the pair are attacked by Omega. Tetha - Tetha park. (dive_logs)
David is unimpressed with Aelita being sent home. (americanoutcast)
Mika gives a data frozen Cloud a makeover, only for him to unfreeze on her. (sh0tgun_turk and still_moseying)
Dell's Keramon found his partner and asks Haku for help with him. (dudeyrgttin_ame)
Hana is belatedly traumatized for life by the talk. (asakura_flower)
Wednesday December 2nd:
Afternoon: Travis encounters Esme. Tetha. (dive_logs)
Nunnally asks Lelouch if he has any plans for Saturday. (gentlexheart)
Mikey gets a part time job as a mall Moosemon. (shellofatime)
Thursday December 3rd:
Evening: Mitch and Rei have fluff. Royal Base - Rei's room. (dive_Logs)
Alyssa asks Haku how Miria is. (hrtlssguardian)
Friday December 4th:
Scourge meets the Reviewer. Junk City - streets. (dive_Logs)
Red Riding Hood encounters Legretta. Neon City - bar. (dive_logs)
Evening: Greg and Sabine have a talk. Neon City - Hyperion Inn; Sanders-Alshire apartment. (dive_Logs)
Takeru Shiba reports in about Gaav's attack on him, and needs a purpose. (shinken_red)
Greg is back from his piratejacking. (whoshotsherlock)
Miku asks Aerith what porn is. (canhasleekplz)
Saturday December 5th:
Zoey is angry that Aelita's gone home. (crimson_contest)
Sora contemplates Christmas presents. Upside down. (skyskey)
Cloud is not happy with Reno so much as mentioning Marlene. (still_moseying)
Joshua reminds everyone to use protection. (spiralofangels)
Sunday December 6th:
Kurata happens across Yamaki and Juri and takes the opportunity. Neon City. (dive_logs)
Reploid Vent tails Alyssa, but at least has the decency to "afk, bbl" DATS about it. Neon City. (dive_logs and guardian_wind)
Afternoon: Quick Man and Flash Man have an idea go wrng. Poyi Mountains - Wilybot hideout. (dive_Logs)
Tora mopes about Ruki going home. (disroyalty)
Dumbledore approaches Kat about M.A.G.I. (apwbbumblebee)
Daisuke tells Keiji he's coming home, but that they should talk first. (eclipsedonmyoji)
Monday December 7th:
Quinn and Kairi find themselves in the digital world. (cinnamonorihime and specialtohim)
Morning: Ahime and Travis train together. Poyi Mountains. (dive_logs)
Midday: Sora, Kairi, Roxas, and Xion reunite. Neon City - Hyperion Inn. (dive_logs)
Afternoon: Quinn encounters Ryunosuke. Tetha. (dive_Logs)
Afternoon: Nemui falls asleep in the middle of town, and is found by Sumiko. Neon City. (dive_logs)
It's Yu's birthday! She gets greetings from Hana and greetings and a present from Lily. (unyusual_girl, asakura_flower, and lotsacute)
Miria wakes up after her repairs. (guardianofearth)
Bored with Azmaria frozen, Raimundo asks around for someone to play soccer with. (windnotmetaphrs)
Tuesday December 8th:
Ryo notices that Sharpay and Mimi have gone home...and is mostly annoyed about it because he's left with their Christmas presents. Tatum takes it a bit more seriously. Jimmy is similarly disappointed by Melody's disappearance. (legendarytamer, green_chosen, and golden_hero)
Kyon takes this to its logical conclusion and wonders if people are being kidnaped, but still has his doubts about Asakura's disappearance; he also contemplates Christmas, prompting his sister to wonder if Santa comes to the digital world. (onlysaneguy and gotakittyscarf)
Greg talks Nick into dressing up as Santa, with some help from Sabine and Horatio. (whoshotsherlock)
Wednesday December 9th:
Evening: Shizuma beats down on some thugs and asks after a spikey green rodent. Neon City. (dive_logs and honounotora)
Sam finished finals. (gotinthecar)
Sky-Byte is unimpressed with Bowser Jr. (poeticshark)
Thursday December 10th:
Marlene finds herself in the digital world. (onlyachildcould)
Evening: Time Man, lost, encounters Flash Man. Poyi Mountains. (dive_logs)
Sagatchi suddenly realizes it's his sweet sixteenth birthday. (lotsoftitles)
Friday December 11th:
Straps, Beat's Agumon, calls for a medic after accidentally killing Beat again. (biito_not_bito)
Saturday December 12th:
Luna finds herself in the digital world. (sing_to_moons)
Hope and Tails reunite. Neon City. (dive_logs)
Late afternoon: Reiko is attacked by Naga for sleeping with Ashton; part of this is broadcasted. Mithc then goes chasing Rei. D'Ango Forest - near a village to outside Royal Base. (dive_logs and steamgoboom)
Alicia realizes Precia's disappearance does not bode well, seeing as she was dead back home. (alteredfate)
Estelle unfreezes, and asks around about a job. (fairytaleweaver)
Ponyo gets into the Christmas spirit, whether she knows it or not. Duo also spreads some Christmas joy at work. Nick, Greg, and Haku decorate the Hyperion over chocolate oranges. (iwantham, batmanmecha, and ponchotexas)
Sunday December 13th:
3AM: Mackenzie trips over Cloud in the middle of the night. (hockeykixgal)
Aster asks what the Christmas decorations are about, and for a place to stay. (to_theorize)
Crash Man wonders what the mp3 player Quick Man and Flash Man got him is. (drillsforhands)
Chitose tells Adelle that she's moving. (blameitondad)
Nadie turned eight a while ago. (wild_tempest)
Monday December 14th:
Afternoon: Noir contemplates the anniversary of his death and ends up calling for help as ADR-01 knocks him off Tetha. He gets out one last declaration of love to Gaia. Tetha - edge. (dive_logs and fedorafan)
Maria Robotnik asks for someone to go Christmas shopping with. (robotnikmaria)
Vent Acker asks Terra for a room at the Hinata Inn, and wonders what Christmas is about. (feignedaccent)
Tiffany finds a fire at Jungle Karma Pizza. (hctiwknip)
Ahime doesn't like Christmas. (warriortigra)
Tuesday December 15th:
Afternoon: Haku meets Lori. Neon City - Natsu Mizu-umi Park. (dive_logs)
Fluffy, Quickman's Gazimon decides Quickman's cooking all day is an early Christmas present from Dai Penmon. (fasternlightbot)
Tatsuki wonders why the digital world celebrates Christmas. (draconicfury)
Pirogoeth does not understand Christmas. (domina_of_kuith)
Yu misses Noir; Gaia reports in on his disappearance; Melissa keeps looking; Shade wants him back. (unyusual_girl, accidntlgoddess, mendettamagic, shadeof2shadows)