
Mar 02, 2010 13:10

I want to cry. I want to feel. I want to be anything but numb.
I haven't cut for a while but I also haven't felt anything more than BLAH for the past couple of years. I would rather feel so deeply that I don't know what to do with all the emotion than be stuck in this state with a void of emotion. I don't even feel human anymore.

Unfortunately you can't force these things either. The more I "try" to feel, the less able I am to genuinely feel. This is just another reason why I feel like I'm losing myself. I'm nothing more than a robot. Emotionless.

Random Food News:
If you have time, here's a really interesting article (a quick read) on Junk Food Tax. I am 100% for taxing junk food. I bet a lot of people would still eat it, just like no matter how much they raise gas prices people still drive as much as they did before. However, it might make them think twice. Besides, I find it ridiculous how so often junk food is the cheapest thing on the shelves whereas fresh foods costs so much more. No wonder the cycle of low income families eating junk food perpetuates itself.
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