For the longest time, I could not find these pictures and thought I had lost them, but then I found them again so all is well. For me, at least. For poor Gabriel...not so much.
Because Tara is now a werewolf, all the knowledge sims in Belladonna Cove also want to be werewolves. Gabriel was the first to have this wish granted.
I'm not sure where all the hate comes from, but Kimberley certainly enjoys torturing her brother-in-law...
Cymmi the kitten is such a well-behaved little kitten I usually forget about her.
Samantha is still around too. And pregnant. Thankfully the witch throne makes her pregnancy a breeze.
Now begins the endless cycle of become werewolf/be cured of werewolfism... (Lucky for you I didn't take pictures.)
Kimberley kept wanting to see a ghost, so I sent her down to the graveyard, something I'd never tried before to fulfill that want. I didn't even know if the ghosts would come out on a community lot.
Well, whatd'yaknow, it worked! :D
Waiting for the ghosts to spook her...
Ooh, even pet ghosts can spook. Cool.
Ghost haunting complete, Kim moved on to explore other community lots. Her playing was profitable. Armando Cox's was not.
The last stop on her night (now morning) out was the art museum, as I realized I hadn't yet sent anyone to test it.
Well hey there autonomous art-viewing!
Everyone's a critic...
Yes, clever townie, praise the cat for destroying the art. Well done. I should be feeding you a treat.
Justin: Art is boring. :(
Justin: Let's make awkward faces instead!
Justin: And then talk about woohoo! Museums are fun! :D
Justin, you need a girlfriend. And preferably an unmarried one.
Apparently art museums are hilarious.
Up to no good, I see... Wait, Kimberley! That's not how you introduce yourself to a new friend!! Especially not when his mother sister is standing right there.
At least Geoff appreciates art. I'm sure if the woman was fully clothed he'd be enjoying it just as much.
Oh look, it's night time again. Time to get going.
Right through the's magic! :o
Back at home, Kim finds things just as she left them.
It's a boy! They named him Merlin. :)
Yep, Cymmi still lives here.
Samantha attempts to teach her spectral cat a few tricks. Spectral Cat does have a real name...I just don't remember what it is.
Now that the baby's born, Kimberley and Samantha can finally open their own business: Cordial Collectibles. They had no money for an actual building, so it's just a grassy lot with witchy stuff scattered all over it, but that's part of the magic.
Oops. Time to install an outhouse, I think.
Dirty looks from Tiffany Zarubin, but a raving review from the reporter!
This place is managing surprisingly well without walls.
This explains so much!!! :o
Georgia Newson struts her stuff past the haunted house. She ain't 'fraid of no ghosts. At least, not in the daytime...
Just in case you thought Merlin was being neglected. They may leave him at home without a babysitter, but it's only because they love him so much.
Cymmi grew up and started making friends with Kim's spectral cat, who also has a name I don't remember. I wonder if spectral cats can breed...
Kim may be a terrible sister-in-law, but she's a terrific auntie.
Good thing, too, because Samantha and Gabriel are going to need the help.