Round 4: Castaways

Jun 13, 2021 17:31

Last time:
  • Gina's daughter Ginger grew up. Kapiti is the father, and though he hangs around the lot all the time and Gina drops constant hints, he is not interested in legitimizing their relationship. After all, marriage to an outsider might jeopardize his position on the chief's council!
  • Everysim chipped in to parent the toddler, which is good because 1) Ginger isn't the most attentive mother, and 2) she's experiencing morning sickness again.
  • Otherwise the castaways are generally pretty useless at everything except bumming around on the beach all day.

Ginger chooses a hot tub gathering to make her big announcement. Make the most of it before you can't use the tub anymore, I guess.

Probably not the reactions she was hoping for...

Honestly not too much to say about this gang. They just live their lives and get by.

Like nearly all my toddlers, Ginger's first word is the highly impressive "highchair."


...and this are all these two ever do.

Emma: Hey girl! Robby and I are trying to get to know more Sims our age and we were wondering if you wanted to hang out!

Emma: Myshuno?! What are you, a senile senior?? Fine, we'll just have a cool party with everysim except you!

The party is a big hit, especially when Emma discovers the best way to get on a noble's good side is to suck up to her.

Yes, Robby, I also can't believe leering at a girl didn't win her over. Wild.

There we go: loosen her up with a few dance moves and tell her how pretty her eyes are. Although, your girlfriend's are pretty too. Remember your girlfriend?

La la la, no cheating to see here!

That looks painful, Robby-boy, but I'm not saying you don't deserve it.

Gina: Hit party? All thanks to my famous chowder recipe!

I really wonder what native plants have been used to create acne cream on this island (and for its colourful bottle!) but I'm thrilled that even it gets a castaway version!

Robby: You know I love you best, right Emma?
Emma: Ow ow ow! Have you ever thought we have a weird way of showing affection?

Hugh and Sandra were kind of a couple but they're pretty boring and feel like they just settled for each other because they are too lazy to go out and find somesim better. Actually Hugh would probably be happy with any lady who pays him attention, but Sandra certainly can do better. And besides, she wants somesim with money!

So it's off to the Hullaba Luau to find a soulmate!
Tell me that isn't the best lot name ever. :D

David: Again, seriously? This is really not helping my self-esteem, you know.

Huhana has it out for nearly everysim, but her biggest beef is with this poor lady. For some reason they always show up on community lots together too, so there is rarely such a thing as a peaceful outing.

Punga: Uhh, is that hyena hair on your hands?

David: Dude, you walk around in a stained loincloth and tell me my hands are dirty?!

Everysim is buzzing about the recent anniversary party at the Tamas'. Huhana files that away under good ideas for her household.

Sandra: Hello darling, how are you? Now that the brawling has died down, we can finally have a nice chat, yes? My name is Sandra, winner of most decadent garden since the award was conceptualized. Do you garden, dear? What about your career? Do you make plenty of money to support a lovely lady such as myself?

Taniwha: Uh...

Things go better when Sandra starts talking more about herself, though, especially her reputation as a good kisser.

That volcano juice can pack a wallop! Time to head home and catch a nap.

Aw, look what you've done, Ginger! Scared your poor mama right out of bed. Ha ha, I never see Sims falling out of hammocks but this is Gina's third time.

And that's it for this household. Kind of abrupt, but, that's just the way it goes sometimes.

Honestly I was a bit bored playing them this time. Individually they have some quirks, but as a whole I have no direction for them. I was planning to build them some kind of shack, but I also like the beach setting, and it would take a lot of tweaking to get a flat spot for a house anyway. Next round I think I'll have to split them up, as I think the biggest challenge is just too many Sims on a big lot, so it's easy to lose track of them. Worst case, I can townify some of them. :)

Next time will be a little more exciting, I hope. Not quite so drama-ridden as the past few updates, but still with a pinch of the stuff. ;)
Thanks as always for reading!

Crossposted: LiveJournal | Dreamwidth

castaway stories, castaways

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