the real last update

Jan 02, 2005 17:26

There's been a lot of weird shit happening lately. A lot of Vu do, if you will. Now since i don't plan on writing all the examples i'm just going to leave this with no examples and my word for compensation. It's been striking us for years. Deja fucking Vu. Jamais Vu. Preque Vu. In spite of what you may think, your situations are all sprinkled with some comfortable, well known feeling. It's as if it's all a dream. If a dream is only real as long as it is in effect, couldn't you say the same thing about life? It's as if the scenarios we encounter all have some underlying knowledge behind then that is understood by us even though we don't acknowledge it all the time. Little do you know, your instincts know this life better than you, and when you grasp that concept you come to realize how well you really do know it all. I'm telling you right now. There are predictions all around us. There's some cosmic scheme just begging us to discover it. Why can't we comprehend it? My guess, either:

A. We can't
B. We're not looking in the right places

TOO MUCH WEIRD SHIT is happening around us constantly to possibly be coincidental. And it's increasing in weirdness every year. Now, i'll be the first to admit i'm a weird kid, but my question is i can't see why everyone doesn't see like me. I'm not playing any cards here, i'm not implying anything about myself--last time i implied something that is bullshit about myself it was in my deadjournal and cory tore me the fuck apart. I'm wondering why people call someone "weird" in a condescending manner. They're fucking weird and they encapsulate it beautifully, and some people just act like those people are different because they don't see something, but sometimes it's just that they see more.

People dream shit before it happens. People can tell when something bad is going to happen. People can tell when something good is going to happen. And from my experience the weirdness increases every year. I went from experiencing deja vu once a year to almost once a week. Now i read a study where scientists found that when people experience deja vu there is an influx of some stupid chemical on some stupid part of the brain. And people use this to refute deja vu, but that's just instinct working your brain. How do you know that when you put that chemical in that area of the brain you can't predict the future, or know everything that ever was and ever will be is happening in a continuous moment that you can actually see?

There's a lot of phonies. Whatever. But when you know something is going to happen--and i'm not talking an educated guess, i'm talking about the objective world reaching out to you and showing you--then it's going to fucking happen. It's not just a feeling. It's more than a feeling. When I hear that old song they used to play
I begin dreaming. Until I see Marianne walk away.
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