This morning I sent the Summit Book PDF off to the lead con organizer for inclusion in the con goodie bag. It's pleasingly odd to see my own work referenced a few times in endnotes and reference sections.
Rules design is like making a fine, gourmet salad. You toss a little bit of this in, a little bit of that in and then mix it up, test it and modify to taste. Only when you get to the end result do you get to savor the creation.
I'll be AFK from June 23 to June 29 as I'll be away on vacation at Origins. Need me while I'm away, call me if you have my number. If you send me an email I can't guarantee that I'll be answering it before I return home. Wheeeeeeee...... ORIGINS!
It's annoying when your mind is racing with new thoughts and ideas for a new table top RPG system and you're trying to go to sleep. On the plus side, I pretty much outlined all the mechanics last night, so it's just a matter of typing it all up now
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DISCLAIMER: What follows here is the opinion of the author (dicemistress a.k.a. Amber). This is by no means endorsed by any other party be it an organization or individual. Some people may find the following remarks and/or generalizations offending. Proceed at your own risk. By reading this work you agree not to hold the author responsible for any
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Here's a question for my Pacific Northwest peeps: Do you think it would be worth it for me to have a table at Norwescon for Mortalis Games?
While I get the feeling that it's predominantly a Sci-Fi convention, there are fantasy elements present too. I'm trying to sort out if I want to exhibit there or not, thus the desire for feedback.
Welcome to the first of what I hope to be several columns/articles on role-playing providing my views on game theory, design and general advice for those who run or play RPGs (with a focus on LARPing) and feedback is welcome and desired. This first column is less on theory or design and more general advice. Weather you're designing your own system
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