Calorie Counting

Mar 06, 2012 22:58

I technically started this last week, but really only started yesterday. Last week I did calorie count half-hazardly. Yesterday I overate by 108 calories. Today, as of now, I short 301 calories. I'm contemplating eating one of the muffins I made earlier. The muffins are made allergy free and are only 181 calories. So, if I decide to eat one, I would still be short 120 calories. Hmmm...what to do.....

I feel like I've had a productive evening. Made supper (the wrong supper, but supper none the less), made muffins, and did a quick-welcome back workout.

I'm pretty disappointed about making the wrong supper. I have started making a menu for two weeks at a time and shop for those ingredients once every two weeks. We only do our bulk shopping once every couple of months. I accidentally used frozen chicken breasts tonight instead of a pound of hamburger. So now, I've got to shuffle my menu around which is annoying.

Other then that my day was pretty boring.


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