Mar 04, 2012 22:18
I've been wanting to make a rice pudding and finally got around to doing it tonight. It was a last minute decision so its good that its quick and only requires 5 ingredients. I thought I'd post the recipe here in case anyone was interested. I like it because its simple, the way I remember my grandma making rice pudding.
Rice Pudding (Vegan)
4 Cups Coconut Milk (If sweetened decrease sugar by 1/4)
2 Cups Water
1 Cup Calrose, Short Grain Rice
1 Cup Sugar
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1. In a pot, combine the milk and water and bring to a boil.
2. Rinse the rice and add it to the milk and water mixture.
3. Reduce the heat, stirring frequently until the rice is thoroughly cooked and the mixture has thickened. It should be thickened to a thick porridge consistency. It is important to keep stirring in order to prevent the mixture from clumping or sticking to the bottom of the pot.
4. Add sugar and vanilla. Mix thoroughly, remove from the heat and immediately pour into individual cups or one large bowl.
Sprinkle the surface with chopped pistachios or cinnamon.
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