1. Not only did I vote today, but I voted using an old-fashioned lever machine! It was exciting and nervewracking, but I think I managed to vote for Kerry in the end.
etarip called lots of Virginians today to get out the vote! This makes me happy. Little things make me very happy. I was hoping that college students in not-quite-swing but could-go-for-Kerry states would try to paint the town blue! Even if out-of-state students can't vote themselves in VA due to ridiculous dormitory residence laws...
3. (Non-Bush supporters only) Chex out the
REAL electoral map. ;)
4. I can't concentrate. I'm so excited. And a little nervous.
5. So, I opened this update window with one specific non-election thing in mind that I wanted to talk about, and now I can't remember it. I sux!