I hope I'm right about this...

Jun 21, 2004 21:10

*takes the plunge*

Happy birthday, violaswamp!

I hope this birthday was just as exciting as the last, even if you didn't get to graduate and go to dances and finally read the long awaited fifth installment of a certain series. ;)

At 11 pm on the night of June 20th one year ago, I was standing in Barnes and Noble breathlessly waiting to buy my copy of a lovely, large blue book. At 11 pm last night, I was sitting in a theater with my dad as a voice said "Nox" and the image of a certain bit of old parchment faded from the screen in front of us. Ah, the night of June 20th! Maybe this association will become a trend.

Also, I'd like to note that yesterday my father and I finally finished reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix together. I loved it even more the second time around (although I've been reading it on my own this summer a bit too, so really I was halfway through trip number three before I finished number two), especially the ending. The whole thing was much less depressing and much more funny and lighthearted than it was exactly a year ago. I still love Neville and McGonagall best of all, and I still cried in the St. Mungo's scene with the candy wrapper, but a happy developent is that I now quite like our new Ginny, where before I found her a little bit irritating. Harry was much less annoyingly angsty this time around, too, and definitely more endearing wiith his adolescent woes. Ron and Hermione CRAX me up as much as ever, Harry's cluelessness about girls is priceless, and Harry/Ginny is so obvious that even my dad can see it, and he's very absentminded about Harry Potter. (I mentioned Harry/Ginny and he agreed immediately, even pointed out examples of why, but when I mentioned Ron/Hermione he just looked puzzled...I think it's been too long since he last read the books ;p).
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