Random Conversations III

Apr 06, 2011 11:55

I'll try to post oneshot fic after this, in matter of...days XD

Anyway, Enjoy! <3
I hope this can heal your bruised heart, gogumas :)


“Hey stranger” he chimes to the phone, a smile rose on his face.

“Hey there. How are you today?”

“Good, but will be better if you are here” his voice was low and dangerous, sending her blushing on the other line.

“You and your words, really. Chukahae, you won Music Bank! Woohoo~. CNBlue JJANG!”

“Thank you, Seo Joo Hyun-ssi” his smile got wider. It felt so much better when he heard it from her.

“Where are you now, Oppa?”

“Going back to the dorm. What’s my princess doing? I haven’t got any calls or texts from you in the last 15 hours or so”

“Oh~ someone’s been counting, I see” she laughed.

“Where have you been?” he was getting impatient.

“Practice, overslept, and went out eating with some Oppas”

“Some what??!”

“Some Oppas, we went out for dinner together. I was starving to death so we decided to-“

“Who are they? Leeteuk Hyung? Kyuhyun Hyung? Jungmo Hyung? Minho? Jinwoon?”

“Listing again, aren’t you?”

“Seriously, who are they?”

“All of them plus Yoona Unnie and no Jinwoon”


“Aigoo~ Don’t be mad oppa, I didn’t do anything bad. I would love to have dinner with you more anyway”

“Seo Joohyun, are you being cheesy?” His cheekbones were popping albeit she couldn't see it.

“Jung Yong Hwa, aren’t you the one who taught me?” she laughed again.

“I’d love to have dinner with you too, Hyun. How I wish we can do that”

Seohyun glanced at the clock, and finally smirked to her phone. “We can. I’ll be there in 1 hour, so wait for me, okay?”

“Mwo?! Yah, what are you saying?”

“I’ll be there, Oppa. I can drive truck now, isn’t that what you said? That I could drive my truck to your apartment?”

“I was kidding! No, you can’t do that! It’s dangerous! Get back to your dorm now, Joohyun!” he screamed after hearing her Unnies screamed a goodbye to her.

“I’ll drive Hyeoyeon Unnie’s car. I’ll call you later”

“Yah, Joohyun! Joohyun! Yah, hang up on me and you’ll be so dead! Yah! Joohyun!” he heard a click and he cursed. “This woman, really!!” For the rest of the night, he held onto his dear life and his cellphone until he heard the bell. Rushing, he finally opened the door, looking at her and her sheepish grin. “DO THAT AGAIN AND I’LL TIE YOU DOWN ONCE YOU GET HERE! YOU CAN’T GO ANYWHERE AFTER THAT!! HEAR ME?!” she smiled, hugging him tight.

“So, do we get our dinner now, Yong?” she said, kissing his earlobes. And once again, he lost.


“What is it?” she asked, holding his hand tighter as she caught his weird behavior. He was being silent, too silent for her.

“What is what?” he asked, looking away from her face.

“The thing you have been contemplating to tell me or not” he turned to face her, obviously surprised.

“How did you do that?!”

“Do what?”

“That! Reading my mind”

She smiled at him, shaking her head. “Aren’t I always your mind reader, Yong?”

He stayed still before nodding his head. “I guess”

“So what is it?” she asked again, this time firmer so that he would surely answer her.

“Hyun, I’ve grown tired of this” she felt her world spinning in seconds. Her heart jumped a lap.

“Tired?” her voice was shaking in horror.

“Hyun? No, no, no!” he shook her shoulders. “You silly girl, I’m not tired of you! I’m tired of lying about us, Joohyun. I want the whole world to know that we are together. I want people to know how happy you make me, how you turned me to become a better man, how I survived the craziness around with you beside me, how you are actually mine. No more lies, no more vague answers, no more fake words and expressions”

“Oh” she only could utter that word, speechless of his confession. True, she had thought about this too.

“What do you think?”

“That’s not the right question… It should be… What do they think?” he knew exactly who she’s referring to.

“Well, it’s been 4 years, so they finally say it’s fine to reveal it now. What’s left is your opinion, your decision” he prayed silently that she wouldn’t say no.

“Well… If everything’s settled, then is there a reason for me to say no? I want this too, Oppa. Just like you, I’ve been waiting for so long” she grinned at him, assuring him that she really was in the same side as him.

“Jinjja? Jinjja, Jinjja, Jinjja? We’ll announce it? You don’t mind?”

“Why would I?” she laughed upon seeing his excited face.

“WHOA! Ahrasso, I’ll call manager hyung about this! Thank you so much, Joohyun-ah! I love you! I love you!” he gave butterfly kisses all over her face, making her crinkle her nose.

“Okay, okay, I get it!” she slapped his arms playfully and was clearly happy about this too. “Ah Oppa, in the announcement, whenever and wherever you do it, please include YongSeo fans in the speech, okay? Thanking them for loving us, and for those who believed in us. I hope they still exist somehow”

“If they still do, imagine how long they have been waiting for this, right?”

“As long as we have. They’ve been watching us for long, wishing us happiness and believed in us. I hope this news will make them happy. That if they still remember us” she laughed at the thought.

“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to thank them even if they forget about YongSeo couple already or they have given up on us being real. Somehow, they were the ones helping us to decide to be together, we owe them that much”

“Yes Oppa, I hope this can be a beautiful present for them”

He hugged her tighter and whispered “I hope so too”.


“Yah, Joohyun-ah, let’s stop for a while” he was panting hard, hands on his knees as he bent down to take a breath.

“Ah oppa! There are still so many things to do” Seohyun pouted, crossing her arms over her chest and looked at him.

“Joohyun-ah, I understand that you’re excited and all. But really, give me 5 minutes and I’ll be up on my feet again. Okay, baby?”

“Fine. Do you want something? We have a blender here. You’ve packed it, haven’t you?”

“Yeah, I put it in the cupboard. Somewhere there” he laid on the yellow couch, closing his eyes.

“Yong, do you want ma with banana or apple?”

“Anything is fine" he answered her lazily.

“Aigoo, poor Oppa. If we want much less work tomorrow, we have to get the most of it today, okay?” she smiled, cutting the apples and turned her face to him.

“Yah, yah, yah! Don’t look here, look there! Gosh Joohyun, you could get cut right there!” he nagged her and she scoffed.

“You’re worried of so many little things”

“We’re getting married in 2 weeks, of course I will feel this way. Everything about you is worrying”


“You fell on the stage last week. You sprained your ankle 3 days later. You got an IV drip yesterday. Tell me how I’m supposed to put my mind on ease”

“Okay, okay, I get it” she pouted her lips, her nose flaring and she puffed her cheeks.

“Hyun, don’t do that”

“Do what?”

“That expression when you’re angry or embarrassed. Don’t do that now, I have no strength”

“Tsk, you’re saying nonsense again, aren’t you? Ah jeongmal”

“You know… Every time you do that, I feel like jumping onto you and hug you and kiss you senselessly. But I can’t do it now, my legs are too weak to even get up”

“Aigoo~” she’s blushing, but laughed upon seeing him lying helplessly on their brand new couch. “It’s just been 1 hour of moving our bed, one table, and one couch… And look how worn out you are. Go to gym more often, Oppa” she smirked, handing him a glass of ma.

“That bed was huge! And this couch is no joke too! And that table was heavy, for your information!”

“What about adding one gym room there?”

“Andwae! That’s for our baby”

“But we have four rooms in this house oppa! And I still wonder why you insisted on this house”

“One is ours, one is our music room, and…”


“Well, we won’t just have one kid, right? So I spare one for our second baby. When our third comes, we’ll move to a house with 6 rooms. And so on, and so on”

“Are we going to make a house full of babies? Do you know how expensive it is to raise kids? Do you know that we have to give them the same amount of love and care? Being fair is always hard, Oppa”

“Aren’t you the queen of fairness?” he winked at her and she slapped his arm slightly. She stood up, looking out to their window as a smile appeared on her face.

“I know why you bought this house”


“A white house on a green hill, with yellow swing in it and a morning coffee bonus. Doesn’t this remind you of something?” he swore he wanted to run and hide his flushed face.

“Uh… That…”

“You’re getting your dream house” she walked towards him, kneeling to match his eye level. “Congratulations” she whispered, fixing his fringe.

“It’s not just my dream house. Do you remember? You wanted to have a two-story white house on a hill too” he held her chin. “It’s not just mine, it’s our dream house, Hyun. Ours” smiling, he sealed her lips with his.


The composing of a song takes a long time. Like now, he had been scrabbling on his music sheets for hours, ignoring the ringing of his cell phone.

“You’re in deep trouble, Hyung!” Jungshin suddenly barged in, ruining his concentration.

“YAH! I WAS GETTING THIS RIGHT! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU---?” he stopped, realizing the girl figure behind the maknae and he cursed.

“Seohyun, calm down, okay?” Minhyuk held her shoulders to prevent her from jumping to his hyung and torn him down.

“CALM DOWN?!” her nose was flaring as Minhyuk tightened his grip. Yonghwa was stunned, speechless and clearly felt guilty.

“Okay, we’ll just leave you two. You settle whatever it is needed to be settled. Come on Jungshin” and with one last apologetic look to their hyung, the two youngest left the scene.

“I can explain” Yonghwa started, biting his lips.

“Oh yeah? Do it then, I have so much time in my hand, don’t I?”

“Hyun, I’m sorry” he pleaded, reaching out for her hand.

“That’s not an explanation, Jung Yong Hwa”

“I know, I know. I don’t have any excuses. I just lost track of time, I was getting it right and the next thing I know was that you were there” he pointed to the door. “And you’re angry” he continued, looking onto the floor.

“And you ignored my phone calls?”

“I concentrated on making this song too much, mianhae. Jeongmal mianhe. I will not do it again, I promise”

“Do you know how long I waited for you to come?”

“3 hours, I was late for 3 hours. I’m such a bad husband, aren’t I? Ah jeongmal. I’m so sorry, Hyun”

“Hhhh, what should I do to you? I cannot keep being mad at you, this is bad” she smiled, slowly pacing herself on his lap, searching over his music sheets.

“What did the doctor say?” he hugged her waist so that she won’t fall.

“Everything’s fine. I just need more rests and he said it will be good if I can stop sleeping so late at night”

“See?! You didn’t listen to what I said!”

“Ahrasso, Oppa. Stop worrying”

“I will not miss the next checkup, I promise”


“I’ll put your health and our baby’s health on my first priority. You know that”

“I know. I’m not mad anymore”

“Thank you. And I’m sorry for today, I’ll make up for it”

“Yong… can you please let go of me for a sec?” he was stunned, but did as she told.

“Are you okay?” he asked, worried that she’s still angry or that she wanted to leave. Being pregnant made her mood changed rapidly.

“Yong…” her voice turned somehow sweet and cute, overflowing of aegyos. “Buy me Kimbap and Bulgogi now. Yes?” she puckered her lips. “Pretty please?” she asked again, with big sparkling eyes.

“Aigo~, alright buin-ah. Don’t give me that look. Wait here, I’ll go buy it for you” she smiled at him contently and hug him tight.

“Yay! Buy it fast, Yong~!!” she grinned like a five year old while waving goodbye to her husband. In a distant she could hear how Yonghwa laughed loudly at her.

seohyun, rc, yongseo yonghwa

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