Random Conversations II

Mar 29, 2011 10:53

 “You’re here?”

“If I’m not, will you throw a fit?”

“Is Jangmonim done with her shopping?”

“How do you know that? Did Eomma talk to you?” She raised her brows albeit he couldn’t see it.

“Why? Can’t I talk to my mother in law?” A chuckle could be heard.

“Ah, cham. I’ll be waiting, Oppa”

“The fan-signing event won’t take that long. Go eat with Jangmonim and go for another round of shopping if you’re bored. But don’t leave yet, okay? I will finish as soon as possible” he tried his best to keep his feet on the ground and not running to her.

“Take your time, Yong~. I won’t go anywhere” she smiled as she too controlled herself to not foolishly make an appearance on the band’s event.

He smiled contently to his phone. “Ah, so you won’t go anywhere away from me from now on”

She laughed along, clutching her phone tighter and whispered “I’ve not moved away since 1 year ago, and I’m not planning to do so, not even an inch”


“Hyun!” he shouted as soon as he got into his dorm. A delicious smell crept up his nose.

“Don’t scream Yonghwa! How impolite!” His mother came out from the kitchen, wearing apron and brought out a ladle.

“Oh Eomma! What are you doing here?” Clearly, he was too shocked to even ask the right question.

“What do you mean by that? I’m checking on my sons, of course! Ah since you’re married you don’t look for me anymore”

“Ne?? Aigoo, no Eomma. I don’t mean it that way. Just, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Where are your brothers?”

“Outside. Eomma, why didn’t you tell me?” He still stood in the doorway, blocking his brothers to come in.

“Seohyun was the one who called me, why should I tell you? Oh kids, come in. We have cooked delicious food” She smiled to the boys behind her son, giving the same confused looks to her.

“Eommoni is here? Since when?” they asked in unison but Yonghwa shrugged, shaking his head as his answer.

“Come in Oppa, why are you standing there?” Seohyun came out, wearing the similar apron. Only this time, she brought a big bowl instead of a ladle.

“You called Eomma?”

“Hm, to celebrate your success together. We planned to make a small party so Eommoni can celebrate with us. Don’t forget, Eommoni and Abeoji are the most important people behind your achievements” she smiled, coming closer to him carefully so that the hot water wouldn’t spill out. “I called the others’ parents too, and they said they’ll be here. Aboeji is picking them up from airport. It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Keep it a secret though, it’s a surprise” she walked away with a big grin and he could not help but to follow.

“You did all this?” he helped her arrange the table, trying to calm his heartbeat. This girl never failed to amaze him.

“Jung Yong Hwa, sharing your success and happiness with the people you love the most is the happiest feeling, right?” he nodded, eyes locked on her as she placed the spoons and chopsticks. “So this is my present for you, I’m sorry I cannot do more. But I hope this will complete your day. Congratulations for the daebak album sales and the all-kill charts” she placed a hasty kiss on his cheek before turning around to approach her mother in law.

“Perfect, you make everything perfect” he said inaudibly, smiling to himself as he observes the girl laugh beside his mom. “My beautiful wife”.


“Oppa!” she smiled as soon as she picked up her phone.

“Miss me that much, Joohyun?”

“Don’t flatter yourself, Yonghwa-ah. Oh look, I got to go!”

“YAH! What is that?! Right after you picked up, you’re saying you got to go?!”

“See? I don’t miss you THAT much” she laughed loudly, making him annoyed.

“Is this fun? You can laugh about this?”

“Teasing you is always a fun thing” her laughter didn’t die down even a bit.

“Hyun, I got into an accident”

“MWO??!!” she felt her heart stopped for a second.

“I said I got into an accident”

“WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE ARE YOUNOW? OH MY GOD! HOW COULD THAT HAPPEN? ARE YOU OKAY? You’re breathing, you’re calling me, you don’t seem run out of breath, you’re okay right? Aren’t you? Is it so bad Oppa? Oh my God! What really happened?” she rapped out and he secretly chuckled.

“Are you worried?”

“OF COURSE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Answer me, Oppa!”

“I’m okay Hyun”

“OH! Oh my God, how fortunate. What happened, Oppa? What did the doctor say?”

“I didn’t go to a doctor”

“What?! How come?! Don’t act all almighty Yonghwa-ah! Remember what they discovered the last time we went there even without any visible injuries!” she screamed to the phone, feeling hot and dizzy because of worry and anger.

“I’m okay, I will be fine”

“Oh, please! Will you just please, please, listen to me this time? It scares me to death to hear this. After waiting for your call for 2 days, now I get this?! Please, Oppa”

“See? You miss me”

“Don’t play games now. What happened? How bad is it? Does manager Oppa know about this? Of course he does, he always beside you. So why don’t you go to the hospital if he knows? He will surely take you there. Something’s not right. Is the traffic that bad so you cannot go to the hospital soon?” She did the question-answer game by herself, making him laugh so hard on the other line.

“Are you losing your mind?”

“I’m worried!”

“Don’t be, I’ll be fine. It’s just a minor accident anyway”

“Aigoo, minor accidents can lead to bad things. Just…what really happened, Yong?”

“Oh, that… I got paper-cut while arranging my music sheets. You know---“


“Paper cut, Joohyun. It’s bleeding a little, and I don’t think my manager has to know about this. Don’t you---“

“I’M HANGING UP!” click, and Yonghwa laughed until his stomach hurt.


“SNSD will still go to Japan?” Yonghwa nudges her while they’re walking around the quiet park. He finally got to see her after 1 month of longing.

She tilted her head to match his eyes. “Yes, that’s the plan”.

Yonghwa nodded, somehow feeling heavy after receiving the news. “I thought you postponed it”

“We did, Oppa. We cannot keep on postponing, can we?”

He put his arm on her shoulder. “Hmm, I guess” he breathed out to the cold wind.

“You’ll be busy anyway with the filming and promotions. You won’t even notice that I’m not here” she joked, gaining intense glare from him.

“That’s impossible Hyun, you know that”

“Ah, yes” her smile disappeared.

“How long are you gonna be there?”

“2 months or so” she felt it too, the desperation inside.

“Are you freaking kidding me??”

“We’ll be fine… Right?” She fidgeted her fingers.

“Why won’t we?!” Now he gripped her shoulder tighter.

“Sometimes it won’t work for some people. Things…like these. Always away from each other, have to date secretly, things that we are doing now”

“Don’t you remember that we are a seagull couple after all?”

“Of course I do”

“And how long have we been doing this?”

“3 years”

“And we’re fine, aren’t we?”

“Yes Oppa” her smile was back.

“So tell me why won’t we still be the same in later years?” She fell silent, eyes fixed on his. “We can do this Hyun, just like we always did. Believe in me, in us. One day… One day, we will announce to the world about us. So until that, bear with me. Please?” he put his forehead on hers, kissing her nose.

“I don’t mind doing it for several more years. The price is worth waiting for” she closed her eyes as he started to inch closer, claiming her lips into a sweet, gentle kiss.

yonghwa seohyun, yongseo, rc

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