Random Conversations

Mar 20, 2011 01:14

“Hyun, stop for a moment” After their filming wrapped up, instead of crying, Seohyun was grinning like mad.


“Are you that happy because you broke off the contract?” He raised his eyebrows.

“You are funny” She stopped beside him, snaking one of her arm on his waist. “Yong, don’t you feel lighter?”

He looked at her in disbelief, pouting his lips. “What, lighter?”

“If we go on, people will suspect more. It’s better this way. Considering our schedules and how people kept saying those facts out loud” she smiled at him, holding him closer.

“Yah! I even sacrificed my schedule to be able to be with you”

“Oppa, fill in those dates with our secret outing. With no staffs, no cameras, no spotlights. Just us” she pulled away, walking a step faster from him.

“Ah, that…I guess you’re right” he finally smiled.

“You nearly cried”

“You cried, Hyun. That’s worse”

“Thinking about it again, why did we cry?”

“Because no matter how, it is still an end. Goodbyes are always sad”

“Ah, right. You looked at me like I would go away from you” she pointed at his face and he smirked.

“How many more weeks do I need to wait to see you again?”

“3 or more”

“Exactly” He reached out his hand for her to take.

“Hm, I will miss you too, Yong. Now will people still suspect anything?” She took his hand, turned on her heels and faced him.

“They have their own believes. Let them be. They might think we’ll go back to strangers”
“That’s impossible” she scoffed.

“It’s what happens to most of the couple”

“Not us” she grinned, still walking backwards.

He returned the smile and turned her around. Pulling her closer to him as she automatically snaked her arms around his neck. He inched closer, stealing butterfly kisses from her lips and nose. “Definitely not us”.


Seohyun pouted, glancing at her watch for several times.

“I’m sorry” she heard the voice, finally. Letting out a sigh, she turned to face Yonghwa.

“You’re late”

“Mianhae” he pinched her cheeks, placing soft kisses on her cheeks.

“That doesn’t mean you’re off the hook, Yong”

“Ahrasseo. This corner is a little hard to find. Who did it this time?”

“Hyeo unnie. Ah, and they asked if you have collected every Vita 500 bottles”

“I have, my members did the same and also, FT Island members”

“Sinchia? Daebak!”

“I keep three of yours”

“That’s too much”

“I drink from it everyday”

“Maniac Yong!” he let out a laugh, the hardest one in a long time.

“Tell me how I survived three weeks without you” he hugged her close, kissing the crown of her head.

“I know right. Ah in these times I hope we got to keep that house”

“You miss it?” she looked at him, nodding her head furiously.

“Don’t you?” he nodded as well.

“Don’t worry Hyun, I’ll find another place for us to snuggle” he winked as she blushed madly.

“Aigoo, go look for it fast, Jung Yong” she breathed out.


“Did you have fun?” her voice was low but firm, sending shivers throughout his body.

“No, Hyun. I’m sorry. Shinhye is sorry too” he looked to the ground, not dare to meet her glaring eyes.

She sighed. “I will cast for a drama too”


“My manager said it’s time, so I’ll take it”

“Is this some kind of revenge?” Yonghwa shifted a little, now fully sit on the floor.

“Aigoo, how is this considered revenge? It’s for the sake of my experience. Being in a drama will teach me a lot of things. I want to try” Seohyun secretly smirked at him, taking his hands to help him up.

“Who is it?”

“Hm, Jang Geun Seuk Oppa”

“MWO?! How come I didn’t know about this?!”

“He didn’t tell you? Well, it’s just a discussion, not yet confirmed. It might be him or Lee Seunggi Oppa”


“Aigoo oppa, no need to scream like that” she caressed his face gently, a smile rose from her lips.

“Will… you kiss him?”

“I think so”


Seohyun laughed, walking away to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Turning around, she wittily said. “You kissed her too, it will all be the same” and Yonghwa could only let out a deep grunt.


“Don’t you think it’s prettier?” she walked out from the fitting room again, this time wearing a pink mini dress that complimented her skin well.

“Change” he said without looking at her.

“You didn’t even look at me!”

“I like this one better” he looked up, finally saw her in the dress. Mouth gaped wide.

“Which one?”

“Ah, ani. That one is good too”

“You are so into furry things”

“Pick what you like Joohyun-ah”

“You always buy me things whenever you loses something, aigoo~”

“I’m sorry, I really will look at it”

“And come to me in 3 weeks saying that you lost it, after all?”

He sneered. “I will look for it until I find it”

“You realize it’s harder to find, right?”

“I’ll look for it, I promise”

“Ah cham, if you don’t, then it will be the last letter I gave to you”

He smiled apologetically. “Ahrasso”

“Don’t ever lose things again, Oppa. I can’t believe you carelessly misplaced our engagement letter”

He smiled at her, helplessly nodding his head. “I will not lose your heart, though” and she laughed before retreating back to the fitting room.


“You are beautiful” he whispered, wrapping her tiny waist with his arms.

“You have been saying that for millions times today, Yong” she tapped his fingers lightly.

“I will not get tired of saying it, seriously”

“You have the rest of your life to do so”

“I know… Ah, I think I’m too happy to sleep”

“Aigoo, sleep now, Oppa. Or else we will be late for the flight tomorrow” she’s ready to close her eyes.

“Saranghae, buin-ah”

“Na-do, yong nampyeon. Saranghae”

Suddenly, yonghwa spun her around, making her face him and they lay there, looking at each other’s eyes. He inched closer, gently kiss her lips. She gave in, arms on his chest as the kiss got deeper. He brushed her back, her hair and slowly trailed the hem of her night gown. She breathed out, letting him guide her to their heaven for the second time that night. Forever awaits them.

seohyun, yongseo, random, yonghwa

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