i've been exhausted!

Feb 15, 2009 14:18

whew, long time no post. sorry about that! i think about it all the time but just never have the brain power to sit down at a computer after i get home from school.

being a student teacher is WONDERFUL. i'm so happy. so very happy. it hasn't been easy though. it is stressful. i have a lot of work to do for my utd supervisor as well as at school. i have been writing quizzes to TAKS reading objectives and teaching the classes that i can. last week i taught two classes and this next week i will be teaching three. since i started teaching, pre-ap and on-level classes were doing different lessons. i was writing two lessons for each day. beginning next week, we will be reading the lightening thief in both classes. i think this will make things much easier for me and a lot less stressful. i need to sit down and plan out my introduction activities for the novel study. i have really had a fabulous time. i love the kids. even with all the annoyances and frustrations, i love them. i love spending time in the school. i am ecstatic thinking about getting a teaching job next year and doing this for a living. i am so happy and overwhelmed at the thought that i've found a job that i will enjoy and want to go to each day. i'm so lucky.

i have been back to the office once to train our new marketing manager on some of the packaging stuff. it was great seeing everyone, especially karen. we went to dinner afterwards and caught up. i can't say that i miss my job at haggar though. i guess that was the whole point of going back to school, finding something that i love to do. finally. i'm not really looking forward to getting back into the office in april. it is going to be difficult to switch gears again. i do have a really great job there and am extremely grateful that i get to go back. i'm interested to see how everything plays out. i am pretty sure that things are still going south in retail and we may see another round of layoffs. we'll see if my job survives that or not.

spent a great evening with the girls this weekend. we all needed a break. k8tlou and another friend lost their jobs over the past couple of weeks. it is strange to think that they won't be there anymore. what i remember of starbucks has changed drastically since i was there. i wonder what things will look like in another few years? i thank God that i was able to spend those three years there when everything was roses for starbucks and meet the girls that i love to spend time with. it really is a rude awakening to the real world and getting older lately, isn't it?

valentine's day was really lovely for me and adam. we spent the day together just relaxing. we went to see the movie 'taken'. it was good. lots of angsty liam neeson kicking arse. woot! then we watched the godfather on dvd and ordered pizza. we didn't do presents but adam got me a really heartfelt card. i appreciate things like that much more than a present anyday. i love him so very much. things are rolling right along with us in a positive direction. we aren't moving in the marriage direction fast. despite getting lots of questions from friends and family we know that we are happy where we are and will get to those things in our own time. right now, we are focused on enjoying time togther and loving each other.

luckily, i get tomorrow off of work. my supervising teacher has let me off of the hook for teacher inservice day. i was sick this week and just need a brain break. despite what you may think, teaching is EXHAUSTING! in a good way though for the most part. when i get home i am a complete vegetable head. i guess that comes from being 'on' all day at school worrying about what you are saying, how you are saying it, how to prepare for the craziness of a certain period, or the extra time that you always have in that other period...i get home and want to go straight to sleep or watch tv until i pass out! i know that part gets easier but, for now, whew! poor adam, i know he'd like to have his girlfriend back someday :)

mom and dad are cleaning out the attic today. we have found all KINDS of crazy stuff: barbies, cabbage patch dolls, yearbooks, all of my papers from college, books from my grandparents' house that i didn't know we had brought home, all sorts of stuffed animals and knick knacks that we had packed away and forgotten about... it's been really fun reminiscing :) i think the best discovery was a box full of our berenstein bear books that katie and i used to lovd and read over and over to each other and the little house on the prairie series that dad read to us over several years growing up. they are all a little beat up with wear, tear, and love. i have added them to my bookcase of special books and am so glad to have them!

oh oh oh! AND, after almost a year of not being able to get itunes, dad bought a new laptop for mom and after plugging in my iphone...itunes restored all of the music that i have ever bought on my itunes account!! all of it!! i'm so incredibly ecstatic :) i have so missed being able to browse around on itunes and find music that i love and makes me happy! i have accumulated almost $100 in itunes gift card money from this past christmas and birthday...look out itunes, here i come!! yippee!!

well, that's all for now.
i will try to do better at keeping up now that i am figuring out this student teacher gig. hope everyone is doing well!
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