(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 16:37

So. There was Raguel, the Vengeance of the Lord. There was the Archangel Gabriel. There was awkwardness, some very cracked-out asterisks, a story, some harsh truths, and...understanding, of sorts. And demonic thumbtacks of doubt. Can't forget those.

...in short, this is such a good log.

Gabriel: *flames in archangelically* *the typist still loves being able to say that*
Raguel: *is quietly smoking a cigarette, and gazing out the window* *looks up at his entrance, though* Hello again, Gabriel.
Gabriel: *looks at him impassively* Raguel. Once more. *pause* You've been well, I trust.
Raguel: *coughs a bit* As well as I can be under my conditions. ... How is ... you know. Up There? *makes a vague gesture*
Gabriel: *faint frown* ...Well. As well as ever.
Raguel: *nods* Figures. *...is so, so awkward around angels*
Raguel: *but has no problems insulting the Devil. Er.*
Gabriel: *...is so not about to show that he's awkward, but...so is. and both are actually probably obvious, but.* Indeed. *pause* What have you been doing?
Raguel: *haha, another awkward question* *simply* My job. *a wry smile that may or may not be a bit frightening*
Gabriel: Oh? *level look* *this isn't unnerving, really* I was under the impression you'd left us.
Raguel: ... I had. *doesn't give much to work on, does he?*
Gabriel: *...no, not really* ...When the Vengeance of the Lord has left His side, has he any more right to keep the title?
Raguel: I haven't kept my title. Only my job. And I have not left His side -for good-. *tight smile*
Gabriel: You believe you will find a way to return?
Raguel: *nods* I am sure of it. I have not Fallen. I'm simply lost.
Gabriel: *a bit quieter* I know. *pauses, then nods tightly* Very well, then. *...is also so helpful to carrying on conversations, yes*
Raguel: *really shouldn't ask an -angel- this, but as he has no connections to either Heaven or Hell... * How has he been since the Fall? Lucifer, I mean. *haha, asks about a headmate, whee*
Gabriel: ...*tenses. like. omg.* I could not care less.
Raguel: *raises an eyebrow at his tenseness* Something the matter?
Gabriel: ...Nothing. *almost a growl*
Raguel: ... If you insist.
Gabriel: I do. *slighttwitch*
Raguel: *sighs* You and Michael are both hiding something from me.
Gabriel: ...*slighttwitchagain* You may as well know. It isn't as if they seem to care about keeping it secret from the rest of the world. *not bitter at all, no*
Raguel: I think I'm beginning to suspect.
Gabriel: They are in love. Michael and...Satan.
Raguel: ...Luc-- *shakes his head* No, Satan, I suppose. No wonder Michael looked so shaken when I spoke to him. *is taking really well, hooray*
Feanaro: *ponders briefly what he'd do if he heard similar news about, say, Manwë and Melkor, and decides it would end in Valarcide*
Gabriel: *scowls* I don't know how it happened. [haha, Fea.]
Raguel: He always had the capacity to love. ... *softly* The concept of Love even caused him to be the first to cry.
Gabriel: *bites his lip, expression still dark* ...He has -Fallen-. He is the Lord of Hell. It...isn't the -same- anymore.
Raguel: Do you know why-- *abruptly stops, as he shouldn't say any more* *sighs* You don't understand.
Gabriel: ...What? *sharply* What don't I understand? What don't I know?
Raguel: ... *looks away* Nothing.
Gabriel: *sighs frustratedly* Raguel.
Raguel: *softly, so it's almost impossible for Gabriel to hear him* *and possibly to himself* I killed him.
Gabriel: *slight frown* ...what?
Raguel: ..I killed him. Saraquael. *looks up at Gabriel sharply* And do you know what his only crime was? -Love.-
Gabriel: *looks just slightly startled and bites his lip* *quietly* ...he was killed for loving?
Raguel: *nods* The Vengeance of the -Lord- *emphasizes that word, yes* killed someone for loving.
Gabriel: *flinches slightly* ...How can that be?
Raguel: I do not know.
Gabriel: ...You were not told?
Raguel: I was. But this portion I am not allowed to tell. *fiddles with something in his hands, la la la*
Gabriel: ...*sighs* ...but love is encouraged. It...is -good-.
Raguel: ...Not when the Plan-- ... *shuts up again*
Gabriel: ...The Plan did not call for Saraquael to fall in love?
Raguel: ....... It did, though. *not saying anymore, totally -not- saying anymore*
Gabriel: ...and it called for his death as well?
Raguel: .... *nods*
Gabriel: ...*not only has his mindset just done a 180, it's also gone on a hangglider around the world before being shoved into a food processor on the highest setting, then put through a shredder and pieced back together with a thumbtack. a -demonic- thumbtack. of -doubt-.* ...how...how is it possible? *stunned, quiet tone*
Raguel: *bites. his. lip. as to not say anything he shouldn't* ... It ... I can't say.
Gabriel: *sinks into a chair and leans his forehead into his hand, sighing* *helplessly and in frustration* ...I don't understand.
Raguel: *lights up another cigarette* Does anyone?
Gabriel: *looks back at him* ...do you?
Raguel: *exhales a few wisps of smoke* No. Never did, and never will. *sad smile*
Gabriel: ...How can you do it, then, when you don't understand? You...act so sure of yourself.
Raguel: *pauses* Do I really? *laughs* That's news.
Gabriel: *nods, expression still confused and uncertain* You do. You're confident, as if you know exactly what you're doing. ...why can't we know? Or understand? Is that part of the Plan, too? *very very faintly bitter*
Raguel: *chooses his words carefully* I only know because I was sent to investigate the deed. I could have forgotten, but I chose to remember, and ... that is what drove me to leave.
Gabriel: *nods slowly, eyes fixed on Raguel, and...is clearly struggling to do something, perhaps understand* ...what else do you know? *clearly debating whether or not to ask further*
Raguel: *is clearly regaining his aspect, and bits of his former glory* *observes Gabriel closely* I know that Carasel's death was not Saraquael's fault.
Gabriel: *notices but doesn't mention* *tilts his head slightly* ...you are allowed to speak of it further? Or not? *extremely curious but hiding it*
Raguel: ... I am not. Was not. *thoughtful look* Though, I suppose that since I am not with Him any longer, I may.
Gabriel: ...the question, I suppose, is if you would, to one of His servants.
Raguel: *considers it for a long while* *looks up at him sharply* I believe you have the right to know, Gabriel. *takes a deep breath* Carasel's death was caused by Him. He assigned Carasel and Saraquael to work on Love together, knowing that they would fall in love. Then He assigned them to Death, and what could be a more natural progression?
Raguel: This was all with one goal in mind. The Fall.
Raguel: Knowing that Lucifer had been walking out in the Dark, this situation placed more doubts in his mind ... caused him to doubt the justice of our Lord.
Raguel: *softly and sadly* The Fall was inevitable after this.
Gabriel: *just...stares in absolute shock* He... *trails off, eyes wide* *barely audibly* ...Carasel's death...Saraquael's death...S - Lucifer...the Fall was all part of the Plan?
Raguel: *just nods*
Gabriel: *makes a weak sound of complete disbelief and stunned shock* *sort of...sags weakly against the chair, looking uncomprehendingly at the wall*
Raguel: *looks down* I'm sorry. It ... You needed to know.
Gabriel: *tonelessly* ...And everyone else has known.
Raguel: No. I think everyone else has had an inkling, but only I (and now you) know for certain. He didn't deny it, Gabriel.
Raguel: *...finally finishes his cigarette, and stubs it out in an ashtray*
Gabriel: *nods slowly* *after a long pause, closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and turns to Raguel* ...thank you. For...telling me.
Raguel: *rests a comforting hand on his shoulder, but rather than saying 'you're welcome', just repeats:* You needed to know.
Gabriel: *closes his eyes again and nods slowly*
Raguel: Now. *stands up abruptly* If you'll excuse me, I'm off to do my job. *pauses* You'll be alright?
Gabriel: *opens his eyes and is quiet for a moment before giving a very faint but sincere smile* I will be. I...think I may be starting to understand. Better than before, at any rate. *pause* Go well. And...thank you, again.
Raguel: *nods, and then leaves*

gabriel, raguel

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