(no subject)

Oct 09, 2005 13:23

Nem: *Is 6*
Famine: WTF.
Meta: Awww, she's cute.

* Famine has joined #desperatefans
Famine:*enters! and such. not centers, wtf fingers.* *typist is clearly doing well at entrances just like Peri*
Nemesis:*Is 6* *And bounces* *And looks up at Famine who's OMG TALLER THAN USUAL. Well..actually, Nem is shorter than usual...which, y'know, we all thought was really hard* *hahaha, it says hard*
Nemesis:*Anyway. SIXOMG*
Famine:*nods to anyone who may be paying attention and - wtf, has a six-year-old sister* *bliiiink*
Famine:...Hello, Nem. *blinkblinkblink*
Nemesis:I'm not little.
Famine:...yes you are.
Nemesis:Nonononono. I'm...um. This many. *Holds up fingers*
Famine:....you're....tiny, though. *kneels down next to her*
Nemesis:Am not.
Famine:...yes, you are. *smiles*
Nemesis:You're just big.
Famine:Well, yes I am, but you're also small.
Nemesis:*Pouts* Okay.
Famine:*smiles* So...you're six.
Famine:That's...interesting. *hi, has no idea what to say to a six-year-old Nem*
Nemesis:It is?
Famine:Very much so.
Famine:...I don't know?
Nemesis:That's not an answer. *Pout*
Famine:...I'm sorry.
Nemesis:Oh, okay!
Famine:...*looks amused*
Nemesis:I can write, you know. *Nodnod*
Famine:Can you? *grins* That's useful.
Nemesis:I caaaaaaaaaaaaan.
Famine:Good for you.
Nemesis:Ohohohohoh. I drew a picture today, and it had you and Meta in it and it was very nice and sunny and rainy at the same time but I don't think that's possible.
Famine:*raises an eyebrow, then laughs* Did you really.
Nemesis:I did. It was sparkly, too.
Famine:Was it? I'd like to see. *grins*
Nemesis:Ummm...I think it's under the couch.
Famine:...under the couch?
Nemesis:Yes. I put it there and then, before it started to rain, I went outside and climbed a tree, but then it started raining and I fell out of the tree. *Shows scraped elbows and knees*
Famine:*frowns slightly* I'm sorry.
Nemesis:It kind of hurts.
Famine:Do you need band-aids or something?
Nemesis:I dunno. *Pokes a knee* It's not...um, bleeding.
Famine:All right.
Nemesis:But I climbed a tree all by myself!
Famine:*smiles* That's good.
Nemesis:And I got down without help, too!
Famine:Also good.
Nemesis:And then I had ice cream!
Famine:*nods* *doesn't really approve of icecream, but eh*
Nemesis:And Easter stole my teddy bear. *SAD*
Famine:I'm sorry.
Nemesis:I forgot.
Nemesis:*Rubs nose* It was raining today.
Famine:It was raining here, too.
Nemesis:Did you go play in it?
Famine:*laughs* No, I didn't.
Nemesis:You should have. I jumped in the puddles!
Famine:Did you have fun? *grins*
Nemesis:Yep! But I got wet and it was cold. But it was really fun. I made big splashes.
Famine:*smiles* Well, that sounds fun.
Nemesis:My socks got wet.
Famine:Oh, I'm sorry.
Nemesis:No you aren't.
Nemesis:*Famine, she's cute. You can't ellipses at her*
Famine:...*well, yes, but...* Yes I am.
Nemesis:*Goes to the couch and reaches under and pulls out the picture* *Beware, if you touch it, you will be covered in GLITTER* *Holds it out to Famine* Picture!
Famine:*...glitter sticks to black, therefore, will take the picture -carefully-*
Nemesis:*Yeah, it does. It's hell to get off, too* *Beams*
Famine:*oh, this should be fun* *grins* It's very good.
Famine:Yes, really.
* Metatron has joined #desperatefans
Metatron:*is, apparently, done with the oily sex. yes.*
Metatron:*...and is in normal clothes again because his dignity couldn't possibly take any more of the sailor fuku*
Metatron:*so, flames in :D*
Famine:*waves to Meta from WTFing at ickle!Nem*
Nemesis:*Squeaks* Hi!
Metatron:*waves, then! :D* ... Oh, is Nemesis a child again?
Nemesis:*Clingingly hugs Meta*
Metatron:*hugs Nem and picks her up carefully* -Why- does this keep happening to her?
Nemesis:[Because she turned Easter's hair orange.]
Famine:I'm not sure, really. *stands, looking amused*
Metatron:Well, maybe this means she won't remember the skirt -- ...
Metatron:Did I say skirt?
Famine:....yes, you did.
Nemesis:*Giggles* You did. *Still kinda clingy*
Metatron:...Oh. Um. ...I may have been wearing a skirt earlier. *...pats Nem on the head*
Nemesis:*Giggles* That's silly.
Metatron:...Well, Beelzebub was in the lace --
Famine:*OMG TMI*
Metatron:It wasn't my fault!
Famine:...you know, I don't know if I want to hear this.
Metatron:Typists -- *would flail, but is holding Nem*
Metatron:...Well, the -point- is... the -point-... and I do have one -- ...the point! ...um. Is that. Nemesis said she would be scarred for life --
Metatron:And -- er. ...well, it turns out heels are difficult to balance in.
Nemesis:[Nemesis: Dude. I was. It's traumatizing, seeing my brother in a skirt that short.]
Famine:.........I -really- don't think I want to hear this.
Nemesis:*Giggles* You're scaring Famine.
Metatron:How's the weather?
Famine:*yes, yes he is* ...It rained.
Nemesis:It rained. And I played in it.
Metatron:*trauma ;__;*
Metatron:I don't like typists.
Famine:*sighs* I hardly blame you.
Nemesis:And....*Confused* what?
Metatron:Typists. *pokes Nem gently in the side* They find the strangest things amusing.
Famine:They really do.
Metatron:Well, some of them are all right. But most are completely insane. *looks thoughtfully at Nem* Rather like you, actually. I wonder if you learned how to tie your shoes.
Famine:*looks amused*
Nemesis:*Confused look* I don't know to tie shoes. I can b...bu...I don't know the word, but I can put my sandals on.
Metatron:It doesn't matter. *sighs and -- where are they? I hope they're in the main room -- sets Nem on a chair* *and glances at Famine* Well. Now I've traumatized you, how are you?
Famine:*laughs* Aside from traumatized? I'm fairly well.
Metatron:Good. *brightly* I almost learned sarcasm!
Nemesis:What's sarcasm?
Famine:*laughs* Did you?
Metatron:Well, -I- don't know, Nemesis -- yes. Almost. I was close. But it didn't quite work.
Famine:*looks amused* Well, I'm sorry. Hopefully it'll come in time.
Nemesis:But if you don't know how can you teach it?
Metatron:I didn't teach it. Beelzebub did. *pauses* ...almost. And you almost taught me once, but that only ended in frilly pink thongs, so I don't think it worked, either.
Famine:....*facepalm* I thought we were avoiding further trauma?
Metatron:... Well, that wasn't -- I wasn't -actually- -- ... Nemesis -- she --
Nemesis:What are frilly pink thongs?
Metatron:*prods Nemesis in the side again* It was your fault that I ended up telling you I wore frilly pink thongs.
Famine:....this I -know- I don't want to hear about.
Nemesis:What are they, though?
Metatron:......there weren't any actual thongs involved, Famine.
Metatron:Underwear, Nemesis.
Famine:Good. *profound relief*
Nemesis:Why would you tell me about your underwear?
Metatron:It was -- er, Nemesis -- ...I didn't mean to. It was your fault, really.
Famine:......*facepalms again*
Nemesis:Was I talking about my underwear?
Metatron:You were trying to teach me sarcasm -- and I think you were sitting on me at the time...
Nemesis:You're fun to sit on. *Beams*
Metatron:And you convinced me to say, "Oh, because I totally wear frilly pink thongs."
Nemesis:[Nemesis:......*Won't tell Famine about the black thongs anytime soon, kthxbai*]
Famine:[Famine: *GOOD*]
Metatron:[Meta: *...good plan :D*]
Nemesis:*Giggles* That's not very nice of me.
Nemesis:[Nemesis: GUESS WHAT? MY UNDERWEAR IS...*Typist claps hand over her mouth*]
Famine:[Famine: ..........]
Metatron:Well... you weren't being very nice to me at the time. *sits on the arm of the chair he set Nem in*
Nemesis:*Wibbles a little* I'm sorry.
Metatron:*smiles* It's all right.
Metatron:...I'm not sure if this is better or worse than when she was a cat. *frowns slightly at Nem*
Famine:...she was a cat?
Metatron:For a time. I changed her back once, but it didn't seem to hold.
Famine:I see.
Nemesis:I was a cat?
Metatron:Yes, Nemesis, you were. *thinks for a moment* ...Are you eating, then?
Nemesis:*Looks confused* Eating?
Metatron:Yes. Do you eat? *proffers a sugar cookie*
Nemesis:Yes. Oooh, cookie. Thank you!
Metatron:*grins* Oh, good. You're very welcome. *eats a cookie himself before freezing with the usual "oh crap, Famine" thing* ...um.
Famine:*laughs* Don't worry about it.
Nemesis:*Eats the cookie because is like, y'know, 6 and innocent and stuff and doesn't know about the whole Famine thing.*
Metatron:*sighs and eats one last cookie, as, um, good -enough- mood and only really -eats- when he's depressive* If you're sure.
Metatron:*grins at happy!Nem, 'cause... yay* ...Strangely cute, isn't she?
Famine:She is. *grins*
Nemesis:*Blinks* What?
Metatron:You. *pokes Nem* You're cute.
Nemesis:*Squeaks* I am?
Famine:Yes, you are.
Nemesis:Whyyyyyyyyyyy? *Typist would like to point out that she's not sure whether or not Nem knows what cute is.....*
Metatron:Because, you're small and cheerful. *shrugs*
Nemesis:.....oh. Um.
Metatron:Yes. *smiles placidly* Tea?
Nemesis:*Bounces* Twinkle, twinkle little staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar....
Famine:...*looks amused*
Metatron:Or that. I'm not particular. *drinks tea himself, at least*
Nemesis:*Giggles* I don't really get that song.
Metatron:Why not? *blinks*
Nemesis:It's weird.
Metatron:Yes, rather like you.
Nemesis:*Blink* I'm not weird.
Metatron:Yes, you are.
Nemesis:Calling people names isn't nice.
Metatron:It's not -bad-.
Nemesis:It isn't?
Metatron:Not at all.
Nemesis:Then I guess it isn't mean.
Metatron:I'm not particularly good at being mean, usually.
Metatron:*shrugs* Really. I'm an angel, after all.
Nemesis:Oh! You are, aren't you?
Metatron:Yes. I am. *slight smile*
Nemesis:What does that mean?
Metatron:It means... *looks thoughtful* That I am a servant of God, essentially.
Nemesis:Oh. Okay.
Metatron:Yes. Although... *trails off*
Nemesis:*Blinkblink* You're confusing.
Metatron:Hmm? *looks at her* How's that?
Nemesis:You didn't finish what you were saying!
Metatron:Oh. Er -- I'm sorry.
Nemesis:*Rubs eyes* Okay!
Metatron:*smiles slightly and ruffles her hair, 'cause omg cute --!*
Nemesis:*Beams and hugs* *Hahaha, she is cute*
Metatron:*smiles more widely and hugs her tightly*
Metatron:Yes, Nemesis?
Nemesis:I'm tired.
Metatron:Sleep, then.
Nemesis:No. Did I tell you about the tree yet?
Metatron:...No, but if you're tired, you need to sleep.
Nemesis:I met a bird. His name is Henry.
Metatron:*sighs* Nemesis...
Nemesis:And he was a CANARY.
Metatron:Nemesis. Sleep.
Nemesis:He talked to me.
Nemesis:And he eats worms.
Metatron:Nemesis! *tries not to look amused, so settles for stern*
Nemesis:And then I fell out of the tree and it was raining. So I got muddy, and Henry stayed in the tree.
Nemesis:Falling out of trees isn't fun.
Metatron:So I would imagine.
Nemesis:I don't like it.
Metatron:I'm sorry. *pats her head*
Nemesis:I had a headache after and I scraped my knees. Yes.
Metatron:*frowns* Are you all right now, at least...?
Nemesis:*Sneeze* Yes. My knees are kinda sore.
Metatron:*sighs and hugs her again* You really ought to sleep.
Nemesis:Because I sneezed?
Metatron:Because you're tired, sore, and possibly sick.
Nemesis:Am not.
Metatron:Are, too. Sleep, Nemesis. *ponders -making- her sleep again*
Nemesis:No I'm not. My nose just itched.
Metatron:Yes, you are.
Nemesis:What am I?
Metatron:In need of sleep.
Nemesis:I took a nap earlier!
Metatron:But you're tired now. *solemn*
Nemesis:No I'm not.
Metatron:You said so yourself.
* Metatron has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
Nemesis:*Sneezes again*
Famine:*...wow. is here. yes. typist totally loses.*
Nemesis:[.....WHOA. HE DOES LIVE.]
Nemesis:*is immortal, too!*
Nemesis:*Not really. Y'know, the whole goddess thing*
Famine:*well, yes*
Nemesis:*Sneeze* *Yep*
Famine:*so. will be...here. sitting next to Nem. yes. sound good?*
Nemesis:*It does* *Will poke the Famine, does that sound good?*
Famine:*...sure!* *pokes back*
Nemesis:*Squeaks* *Scratches nose* Hi.
Famine:*grins* Hi.
Famine:*hug'd!* *smiles and hugs back*
Nemesis:*Yawns* I know a mouse. His name is Fred. He lives in a bush.
Famine:...does he now.
Nemesis:Yes, right next to Henry's tree.
Famine:I see.
Nemesis:He talked to me while I was sitting in the mud.
Nemesis:The mouse or the mud?
Famine:Both. *laughs*
Nemesis:*Beams* The mud was cold, though, so I went inside.
Famine:A wise choice.
Famine:...Well, if you were cold...
Nemesis:*Sneeze* It was really cold. My toes were starting to hurt. Why were my toes starting to hurt?
Famine:That's what happens when you're cold.
Nemesis:Yes, but why?
Famine:...I don't know.
Nemesis:Oh. But I had hot chocolate later and it was good and then I was warm again.
Famine:That's always good. *laughs*
Nemesis:*Beams* It was.
Nemesis:*Falls asleep on Famine, just because, y'know, I need to do something with her*
* Nemesis is now known as Nemesis-sleepy

famine, nemesis, crackplot!, metatron

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