Beezie in lingerie, Meta in a sailor fuku. Enjoy.
Session Start: Sat Oct 08 14:34:14 2005
Lisa: You're no fun, Meta. *uses her SPECTACULAR typist powers and puts Meta in a sailor fuku*
Metatron: *SAILOR FUKU'D!* ...
Nemesis: ................................
Lisa: I feel better. *waddles out*
Yandros: ..........................
* Lisa is now known as JunkFood
Nemesis: .........................................................................
Metatron: ....... *INNA SAILOR FUKU* .........................
Junk Food: My typist says "You're welcome."
Nemesis: Ohgod. I'm scarred for life.
Metatron: ...
Metatron: ...
Metatron: Why am I in a skirt? *forlorn*
Nemesis: Really, really scarred.
Metatron: Why?! *;____;*
* Hamlet-lurkity is now known as Beezie
Lisa: ...
Beezie: *flameyflameflame, la!*
Lisa: *tackles Beezie*
Metatron: *...innaskirt* -- DON'T TOUCH MY DEMON!
Lisa: YOU WISH. *touches Beezie liek whoa*
Beezie: ...
Lisa: ... *ow*
Beezie: *WTFS AT META*
Metatron: ...
Lisa: .. you hor.
Lisa: *stuffs Beezie in red lingerie*
Metatron: ...
Metatron: *turns bright red*
Beezie: ...
Lisa: Take THAT, you flaming flamingo.
Beezie: *poses roguishly*
Metatron: ...
Yandros: *totally ignores the goings-on*
Lisa: My work here is done.
Lisa: Sorta.
Beezie: ...hello, angel.
Metatron: ................... *brainsplodey*
Metatron: *meekly* ...hello, Beelzebub.
Beezie: *vogues!* ...Well, thizzz izzz..
Metatron: ...Why am I in a skirt? *wibbles*
Beezie: ...To show off thy legzzz?
Metatron: *glances down at his legs -- they're probably nice enough, since he's a prettypretty angel* ...But...
Beezie: ...But...?
Beezie: *has nice legs, too, look!*
Metatron: * looking. is definitely looking. this is Meta looking* ...whyareyouwearinglingerie?!
Beezie: ...To show off my legzzz...?
Beezie: ...and hipzzz... and thighzzz... and bizepzzz...
Metatron: *squeaks* Your... um... well, they're nice enough -- er -- ...*squeaks again; could not possibly be blushing any more than he is at this moment*
Elrond: *stuffs his typist back into her cage*
* Jehan has joined #desperatefans
Jehan: *bizepzz?*
Beezie: *bizepzzz, yezzz! look!*
Jehan: *oooooh! shinyyyy!* :)
Beezie: *possibly oile-- ...nevermind. that might kill Meta*
Jehan: *....omg XD*
Beezie: *...ASK LISA*
Maglor: *if they're oiled, it'll probably set lots of things on fire*
Elrond: ((ZOMG YES THEY ARE.))
Beezie: *GLISTENS*
Metatron: ...
Metatron: *swoons*
Beezie: *will oil you up and rub you down... ... ...I mean*
Jehan: ...............
Jehan: *omg crawls into a corner to DIE*
Metatron: ............... *squeaks, sways on his feet, leans against a wall unsteadily -- IS STILL IN A SKIRT HERE*
Metatron: [HELL YES.]
Elrond: ((LIEK WHOOPS.))
Beezie: *is wearing stilettos, then! red ones!*
Beezie: *sashays over to Meta, as is apparently quite good at walking in heels*
Metatron: *sparkly gold stilettos sound good for Meta, oh yes -- * ... *squeaks yet again* Th -- er -- *...augh*
Beezie: *grins* Thou dozzzt look mozzzt unhappy, angel.
Metatron: *stares -- well, in an indecisive way, as can't decide whether to stare at the legs, the biceps, the -- um* ...I... your... *strangled sound*
Beezie: *leans casually against the wall beside Meta and leans in* Thou dozzzt not approve?
Metatron: *hello, you have reached the brain of the Metatron. we're sorry, the searches we are running are coming up inconclusive -- there appears to be no coherent mental activity whatsoever* ...approve... er... the -- *...whimpers*
Beezie: Yezzz. Approve-- of thizzzz. *motions to his-- er, outfit, which is perhaps lacy. yes. predominantly lace. cough.*
Metatron: *sways and leans against the wall more heavily, as definitely is having problems standing on his stiletto heels* Y-you could... say... that...
Beezie: Thine izzz a bit more-- *laughs* Thou hazzzt very nice legzzz.
Metatron: Er -- ? *glances down, tries to flail, trips, and nearly falls over; barely manages to stay on his feet by clutching at Beezie's arm* ...thank you. Um.
Beezie: *wraps his arms around Meta's waist and pulls him closer to steady him* Perhapzzz thou shouldzzzt rid thyzzzelf of thozzz.
Metatron: *pulled against lingerie'd!Beezie -- brain briefly shortcircuits* Um. Perhaps. Yes. Rid -- shoes -- er? Yes. *reaches down, attempts to take them off, once again nearly falls over before managing it*
Beezie: *lacy!lingerie!Beezie, ohyes* Shoezzzz for now, yezzz. *grins* Izzz that better?
Metatron: *deep, calming breaths... or not -- is actually hyperventilating* Yes -- well, I can -stand-... *pauses* ...for now?!
Beezie: ...Of courzzz. Unlezzz thou wouldzzzt like to wear thizzz forever?
Metatron: *mumblesqueak* ...Um. No. I thought -- er. *abjectly humiliated little smile* At least you look good. This is just ridiculous. *gestures to his skirt*
Beezie: ...What didzzt thou think? *grin of the entirely too amused* Thou lookzzzt fine.
Metatron: *ahem* ...Nothing. Nothing at all. *sighs* I'm wearing a -skirt-, Beelzebub. That is not -fine-.
Beezie: Ah. *griiiiins* ...Thou couldzzzt alwayzzzz take it off.
Metatron: ...In favour of more suitable clothing? *innocent! really!*
Beezie: ... *blinks* If thou muzzzzed.
Metatron: ...What did you have in mind? *blinks back*
Beezie: What dozzzzt thou think? *leans to kiss him*
Metatron: You -- *kisses back, wrapping arms around Beezie's oiled, lacy waist* -- *reproachful/embarrassed/affronted look* I can't do that -here-!
Beezie: *oiled, lacy, wicked grin* Did I say here, angel?
Metatron: *...blinks* Oh. Well -- I -- er. *wouldn't exactly object to being carried off* You mean --
Beezie: ...Wouldzzzt thou mind, hmm? *kisses him again*
Metatron: *kisses, then, still bright pink, but that's okay* ...Not at all.
Beezie: *laughs a little into the kiss* Where shall we go, then?
Metatron: *looks very solemnly humiliated* ...There are plenty of rooms in the mansion, aren't there?
Beezie: *amused, oh yes, and is probably taking advantage of the situation, but* ...Of courzzz. Thy choizzzz, angel?
Metatron: *doesn't mind Beezie taking advantage of him!* As long as it has a fireplace. *...likes fire...*
Beezie: *will happily take advantage, then!* Even if it doezzzz not, that can be eazzzzily remedied.
Metatron: Exactly. *pauses* So I suppose it doesn't matter. *smiles sheepishly*
Beezie: *kisses again and-- demonmods them to a nice bedroom with a fireplace?*
Metatron: *yes. that works. and they can have shiny flamey angeldemon oily lacy sex. :D*
Beezie: *...XD yes, yes they can.*
* Metatron is now known as Meta|offsexxing
* Beezie is now known as Beezie|oilylacydemonangelsex