[00:36] Beezie: *flamey entrance of OBVIOUSNESS*
[00:36] Metatron: *almost!glance* *but not*
[00:36] Maglor: *waves to Beezie*
[00:37] Beezie: *waves to Maglor and sideways!glances Meta*
[00:38] Metatron: *totally obviously ignoring Beezie in a, "Hello, I'm IGNORING YOU! LOOK AT ME!" way*
[00:38] Beezie: *totally sideways!glancing in a BIG MASS OF FLAMEY 'LOOK AT ME! STOP BEING MAD!' sort of way*
[00:39] Metatron: ...*sigh* *mumble* Fine. *stands up and wanders totally!coincidentally! towards Beezie* ...Hello.
[00:40] Beezie: *tries his best not to look victorious* *pretty much fails* Hello, angel.
[00:40] Metatron: *crosses his arms and glares* Well? Do you have something to say to me?
[00:41] Beezie: *raises an eyebrow* Dozzzzt thou have something to say to me?
[00:42] Metatron: Not unless you have something to say to me. *glareglarerevolution, to steal from Maj*
[00:42] McGonagall: Hello, Molly. I'm so sorry about all this.
[00:45] Beezie: *can glare with the best of 'em, y0* And what might I say?
[00:45] * Madeline has joined #desperatefans
[00:46] Madeline: *peeks in* Bonjour!
[00:46] Beezie: *would wave to Madeline were he not a BIG SCARY FIREY demon... and stuff*
[00:46] Metatron: *would wave if he were not engaged in a glaring match with a BIG SCARY FIERY demon... and stuff* Oh, I couldn't say. Perhaps you might apologize?
[00:47] Beezie: Apologizzzzzzz? For what might I do so? I have done nothing wrong, angel. Or *grins a bit* nothing Right.
[00:48] Metatron: Fine, if you're not going to admit to it, I'm not going to bother. You know what you did. *wrinkles his nose in distaste*
[00:49] Beezie: ...*spreads hands* And what dozzzt thou ezzzzpect of me?
[00:50] Metatron: Absolutely nothing, at this point. *smiles sadly*
[00:51] Beezie: *eyes sad smile a bit uncomfortably*
[00:53] Metatron: *raises an eyebrow at Beezie* ...Well, all right, then. *turns to go*
[00:53] Beezie: ...Wait. *doesn't sound hopeless, OHNO*
[00:54] Metatron: ... *looks back at Beezie* Yes?
[00:55] Beezie: *sighs* Thou'rt angry becauzzzz I am a demon.
[00:55] Beezie: *captainobvious*
[00:58] Metatron: It's not so much that you're a demon as that you're... I don't know. It seems to me even a demon shouldn't want to kill an innocent child. A child can do anything, can go either way. That's the beauty of youth, isn't it? ...Ah, but I don't expect you understand what I'm trying to say.
[01:00] Beezie: *totally doesn't understand* It izzz not the killing. And not the dead child. It izzz the act, the emotion behind it, that I muzzzzed approve of, muzzzzzed cultivate, encourage. It izz in my nature, azzz I have Fallen. I cannot expect -thee- to underzzztand such, as thou'rt Good above all elzzzz.
[01:02] Metatron: ... *stares at Beezie disappointedly* Fine. Anyway. Goodbye. *re-turns to re-go*
[01:02] Beezie: ...*sortof!demon!flail*
[01:03] Beezie: It izz what I muzzzed do. I cannot stop.
[01:04] Metatron: ...All right, then. *shrugs* That's fine. Honestly. I... hope you enjoy it. *gives Beezie a totally-devoid-of-emotion smile*
[01:04] Beezie: ...why muzzed thou...? *lost look*
[01:04] Metatron: *blink* Why must I... what?
[01:05] Beezie: ...why muzzed thou dizzzapprove now? Thou knowzzzzt what I am, who I serve.
[01:06] Metatron: *shrugs vaguely* I... didn't think, up until now, that you would go so far. That's all.
[01:08] Beezie: *face falls* Then thou truly didzzzzt not want-- I am the Prinzzz of Hell. Wouldzzt thou... *shakes head*
[01:09] Metatron: ...Oh, Beelzebub, I do love you. I really do. So much. I just... can't... stand and watch that sort of thing happen. I'm sorry. *bites his lip and stares at the floor*
[01:10] Beezie: *flails some more* Then thizzz izzzzz it.
[01:14] Metatron: I... I - suppose so, I... *swallows back something that TOTALLY ISN'T TEARS, OH NO* I... I'm sorry -- *closes his eyes and turns to face Beelzebub again* I... don't know what to say.
[01:15] Beezie: *just sort of stares as his FLAMY FLAMES grow LARGER and FLAMIER* There izzz nothing to say. Thizz wazzz obviouzzzly a mizzztake.
[01:18] Metatron: *shakes, and also flames FLAMILY with much FLAMING* ...Obviously... a mistake. R-right. *totally doesn't, you know, cry or anything*
[01:18] Cinderella: *walks in and stops short at the sight of the flamy Meta and Beezie*
[01:19] Cinderella: Oh my goodness! *carefully goes in their direction* Are you two...alright? You're...on fire....
[01:19] Metatron: ...Yes, we are. *doesn't really pay attention or anything*
[01:19] Beezie: *quietly* I'm sorry for thinking-- *just FLAMES* Or perhapzzz I'm n-- *spins to face Cindy and GLARES*
[01:20] Cinderella: *meeps* *jumps back a few steps* You...don't look alright......*wibbles*
[01:20] Metatron: Beelzebub... what were you about to say? *sadlook!*
[01:22] Beezie: *hisses quietly* I wizzzh I had never let thizzz happen. *would be crying except Angst isn't, you know, a Deadly Sin like Wrath*
[01:22] Cinderella: *looks at Beezie and Meta* Please...perhaps we can help? *pleading eyes at Meta*
[01:23] Metatron: ...
[01:23] Beezie: *glowerly*
[01:24] Metatron: I - I th-think I - I um... I... *trails off* I'm... so sorry so sorry so sorry. *sobs and hiccups tragically and such*
[01:25] Beezie: *does NOT break down, because will do that later, when he's alone, IMEANWHAT!?* ...azzz am I. I wazzz mizzztaken.
[01:25] Metatron: *blinks at Cinderella and rubs his eyes furiously with the backs of his hands* Not at all... wh-why do you ask?
[01:25] Cinderella: Oh, please tell me what's wrong? Maybe...maybe I could help?
[01:26] * Famine has joined #desperatefans
[01:26] Beezie: *FLAMES AT CINDERELLA*
[01:26] Metatron: Mistaken... of course... *stares blankly at Cinderella* Oh, I'm just... it's just that I'm madly in love but I've managed to completely botch the whole thing and really it's nothing.
[01:26] Cinderella: *shrieks and hides behind Meta*
[01:27] Beezie: *does not wither a bit inside and instead SETS COUCHES ON FIRE*
[01:27] Cinderella: *wibbles* Oh...I'm sure it's not completely botched...if the person loves you back there is always a way, isn't there? *peeks cautiously at Beezie over Meta's shoulder*
[01:27] Pepper: *glares at Beezie*
[01:27] Famine: *blinks startledly, especially at the flaming couches*
[01:28] Madeline: *jumps off couch quickly*
[01:28] Beezie: *GLOWERS at Pepper* Go away, little girl. Or I shall bring to to My Lord.
[01:28] Metatron: I... I don't know if there is. *takes a moment to rub at his eyes with his fists some more* He's so stubborn - so am I, actually, I - I don't know.
[01:29] Cinderella: Is it...is it the scary man who's on fire? *points at Beezie*
[01:29] Metatron: Yes... *quietly* That's him.
[01:30] Beezie: *IS TEH SCARY MAN ON FIRE*
[01:30] Cinderella: *to Beezie* Um...excuse me...sir? Could you...um...do you want to be with, um...*whispers to Meta* What's your name?
[01:31] Metatron: ...I'm the Metatron, madam. The Voice of God...?
[01:31] Famine: *blinks some more*
[01:31] Cinderella: Oh. *past surprise at this point, nods* With the Metatron, uh, sir?
[01:32] Beezie: *stops with the RAMPAGE OF FIRE, that is to say, stops setting things on fire, though much of the room is already flaming-- DUH! IT'S DF!-- so.* ... *buzzes loudly* No.
[01:32] Cinderella: W-why not? uh...sir?
[01:32] Metatron: ...*practically audible sound of his heart breaking in two*
[01:33] Famine: *stares* *still totally confused, but...definitely not liking what he's seeing*
[01:34] Beezie: Becauzzzzz we are of different sidezzzz. Mortalzzzz do not underzzztand.
[01:34] Metatron: *conjures up a handkerchief to scrub at his eyes, but just manages to soak it through again*
[01:35] Cinderella: *raises her chin determinedly* Humans on different sides have fallen in love before. Why shouldn't we understand?
[01:38] Beezie: I AM THE PRINZZ OF HELL. *quieter voice, but still steely* He is the Voizzz of God.
[01:38] Beezie: Thou wouldzzzt not underzzztand. LEAVE ME.
[01:38] Beezie: *sets more things on fire*
[01:38] Famine: *under his breath* So we've gathered. *frowning slightly and looking less confused and more worried*
[01:38] Beezie: *because it makes him feel better, sort of, maybe, or just looks cool*
[01:39] Metatron: *wanders vaguely over to... a couch or something to curl up and attempt to will himself dead even though angels can't die. dammit*
[01:39] Cinderella: *flinches at the yelling and flaming* But...but...If you love each other, there will be a way. If you're willing to -try-.
[01:40] Beezie: NO! Demonzzzz do not love. It izzz not pozzzible.
[01:40] Famine: *makes a slightly strangled noise of ZOMGWTFUSSR*
[01:41] Metatron: *looks at Famine* Oh... I'm sorry.
[01:41] * Saint-Alona has joined #desperatefans
[01:41] Cinderella: *blink* But...that can't be true. Everyone has the ability to love. *frowns* You just don't want to admit it.
[01:41] * Saint-Alona runs in to kick Beezie VERY HARD, then disappears back into OOC, SOBBING HER HEAD OFF.
[01:41] * Saint-Alona has left #desperatefans
[01:42] Beezie: ... *typist'd!?!*
[01:42] Famine: *glances at Meta in concern and takes a few steps closer* What *happened*?
[01:42] Cinderella: *stares at the run by typisting in confusion, then returns to frowing at Beezie*
[01:43] Metatron: He... I don't know. We had a difference of opinion. *wipes tears away with the couch cushions* And now... he says it was a mistake and that he doesn't love me and I - I... *buries his face in said cushion* Idon'twanttolosehimbutIcan't...
[01:43] * Saint-Alona has joined #desperatefans
[01:44] Beezie: *glowers back FLAMISHLY... not FAMISHLY, as his typist originally wrote* I cannot. Now do I wizzzzh to. It izzzz worthlezzz.
[01:44] * Saint-Alona also runs by to give Meta a big hug.
[01:44] * Saint-Alona has left #desperatefans
[01:44] Pepper: *glares at Beezie s'more and goes over and hugs Meta*
[01:45] Metatron: *hugs back tentatively* *quietly* Thank you, Pepper...
[01:45] * Z-Lovely has joined #desperatefans
[01:45] * Z-Lovely just wants to HUG META AND SAY THAT SHE IS SO, SO, SO, -SO- UNBELIEVABLY SORRY.
[01:45] Pepper: 'welcome Mister Voice of God Mom Sir Person.
[01:45] * Z-Lovely has left #desperatefans
[01:45] Metatron: *also typist'd*
[01:47] * Maja has joined #desperatefans
[01:47] * Maja wonders what the hell all the typists are doing popping in here.
[01:47] * Maja has left #desperatefans
[01:48] Metatron: *so yeah. uh.* *just sort of sits there and hugs a pillow and sobs and such*
[01:49] Beezie: *sets things on fire and ANGSTS DEMNICALLY. AND ATTRACTIVELY.*
[01:49] Cinderella: It is not worthless!
[01:49] Famine: *bites his lip and looks at Meta with considerable worry before turning to glare at Beezie*
[01:50] Pepper: *clings to Mr. VOGMSP*
[01:50] Cinderella: Love is not worthless, no matter WHAT you may think! *actually glares at Beezie*
[01:50] Metatron: *reclings rather gratefully* I'm s-sorry, Pepper, I think I'm getting your shirt wet.
[01:51] Beezie: It izzzzzz. *FLAMES*
[01:51] Pepper: It's okay Mister Voice of God Mom Sir.
[01:52] Cinderella: *stamps foot* It is NOT! Don't you ever feel lonely? Or just wish someone cared about you at all? Just to know that your existance -matters- to someone? -That- is why love is not worthless.
[01:52] Metatron: ...Thank you. *just sort of clings and cries and is rather pathetic, actually*
[01:53] Beezie: *looks at her intently* *very carefully and buzzily* No.
[01:53] Famine: *looks at Beezie in disbelief*
[01:53] Cinderella: You don't care if there is -anyone- in the world who cares that you even exist?
[01:54] Metatron: *totally cares, if anyone was wondering*
[01:54] Beezie: My Lord carezzzz and I. serve. Him.
[01:55] Metatron: *cares way more than Lucifer, yo*
[01:55] Cinderella: Not like that and you -know- it! Someone who cares about -you-, not the work you do. Your lord doesn't care. -He- *points at Meta* does. And you're lying if you tell me that this doesn't matter.
[01:56] Beezie: Lucifer: *loves Beezie sekritly* *but doesn't, you know, exist in DF, so*
[01:56] Metatron: *winces slightly at being mentioned and curls up tighter*
[01:58] Cinderella: *would greet Joly, but is rather preoccupied with glaring at Beezie*
[01:59] Beezie: He doezzzz not and should not. He doezzzz not matter. *dies a bit inside, but does his best not to show it* Nothing matterzzzz beyond tempting mortals, beyond making. them. Fall.
[01:59] Metatron: *whimper*
[02:00] Famine: ...*stares at Beezie, looking stunned and disbelieving and rather close to murderous, actually*
[02:00] Cinderella: How dare you say he doesn't care about you! Just because you don't want to admit it doesn't mean you should ignore what he feels! He clearly deserves better, but what he wants is -you-, doesn't that mean anything?
[02:01] Cinderella: *is shaking a little and dearly wants to slap Beezie*
[02:01] Beezie: *would flaminate*
[02:03] Beezie: It meanzzzzz nothing to me.
[02:03] Cinderella: *slaps him across the face* *hard* You really don't deserve him.
[02:03] Famine: ...
[02:03] Metatron: Ah, well, he hates me. *fakest. smile. ever.* Nothing to get worked up about... *another hiccuping sob*
[02:03] Cinderella: *glareglare*
[02:04] Famine: *winces at Cinderella and takes a step forward automatically*
[02:04] DEATH: ...
[02:04] Metatron: ...Oh dear. Um. *quick angelmodding skills to protect Cinders**
[02:04] Cinderella: *SHRIEKS!*
[02:04] DEATH: NO. DICE.
[02:05] Metatron: *angelmodding angelmodding whee*
[02:05] Famine: *furious look at Beezie* *snaps* Stop that!
[02:05] Cinderella: *is...angelmoddishly protected and not on fire?*
[02:05] Beezie: *BUZZES LOUDLY*
[02:05] Cinderella: *stumbles backward, shaking*
[02:05] Famine: *turns to look at DEATH* He - *points to Beezie furiously* - is being an utter and complete unbelievable BASTARD.
[02:06] Famine: Even more so than usual, which is saying a hell of a lot.
[02:06] Metatron: *bites his lip* ...There. *glares weakly at Beezie for a minute before giving up*
[02:06] Pepper: *is set on fire!*
[02:06] Pepper: *SCREAMS*
[02:07] Maitimo: *is set on fire!!*
[02:07] Metatron: ...Gah.
[02:07] Metatron: *de-fire-ifies people*
[02:07] Beezie: *GLARES TOWARD META*
[02:07] Pepper: *whimpers* *clings to Meta*
[02:07] Maitimo: *wibbles*
[02:07] Famine: *whirls furiously onto Beezie* Don't bloody take your cowardice out on innocents, Beelzebub!
[02:07] Cinderella: *pulls herself together and moves cautiously toward Beezie* YOU sir, need to stop denying this. You must care, otherwise why would you get so mad?
[02:07] Nemesis: *Feels the urge to shoot Bezzie now*
[02:08] Metatron: *pats Pepper's back awkwardly* I - I'm sorry, please, you probably want to leave n-now...
[02:08] Pepper: *nods* *hugs Meta one more time before running off*
[02:08] * Pepper is now known as Honor
[02:08] Beezie: *growls at Famine* You've done enough, Horzzzzzeman. Stay. Out. Of. Thizzzzz.
[02:09] Metatron: *sighs* At least she won't be hurt now. ...right. *...starts crying again* *his typist cannot make him stop. gah.*
[02:09] Famine: *takes a step forward* *icily* No, I bloody won't stay out of this. And if we're back where we were a week ago, I've done nothing. *glareofapocalypticdoom*
[02:10] Cinderella: *raises chin defiantly and crosses her arms next to Famine* *is not going anywhere until Beezie stops being a bastard in denial*
[02:10] Metatron: *blinks blearily at DEATH*
[02:11] Famine: *glances at Cinders briefly and automatically readies himself to protect her should anything happen*
[02:11] Metatron: I... don't know, he... seemssosureofhimself.
[02:12] Beezie: Thou hazzzt done NOTHING! Thou hazzzzt merely done THAT *points toward Meta* and... *leans forward* I. Approve.
[02:13] Famine: *blinks, looking startled for a second, then narrows his eyes furiously* What the hell do you mean? YOU did that. And if your goal was to break his heart, well, you did a damn good job of it.
[02:13] Cinderella: *glares at Beezie* And what have you done? Push away the person who cares about you the most! You're in denial and you're hurting him because -you're- scared!
[02:14] Metatron: He... he is? *blinks again* Really?
[02:15] Metatron: ...He is? *leans clumsily over the the back of the couch to stare at Beelzebub* I... don't know...
[02:15] Metatron: ...Slap him? *bliiink*
[02:16] Beezie: *is ignoring Cindy to glower at Famine* I do good work.
[02:17] Cinderella: Oh yes. You've done a wonderful job of driving away the person who loves you. You wouldn't be trying so hard if you didn't have feelings for him.
[02:17] Metatron: I don't know if I can do that properly... right now, I mean -- ... *swallows* ...Ohpleaseletthingsturnoutallright.
[02:17] Famine: *glares furiously at Beezie some more, before taking another step forward and punching him as hard as possible. which is damn hard*
[02:17] Famine: *very quietly and icily* You bastard.
[02:17] Cinderella: *gasps*
[02:17] Metatron: *eyes widen*
[02:17] Metatron: ...Oh dear.
[02:18] Beezie: *buzzhisssnarlgrowl*
[02:18] Famine: *practically flaming with fury himself by now*
[02:19] Metatron: *takes a deep breath and lets it out* All... all right - ...whatdoIdo?
[02:19] Grantaire: *Jehan never left, woo*
[02:19] Beezie: *sets Famine on FIRE and throws him into the nearest wall as HARD AS HE CAN. which is DAMN HARD*
[02:19] Cinderella: *shrieks*
[02:20] Cinderella: *glares at Beezie* HOW DARE YOU! He's trying to HELP you, can't you see that! He's trying to keep YOU from ruining your life!
[02:20] Metatron: *stares at Beezie* Beelzebub! That was completely uncalled for. Just listen to these two like a civilized person.
[02:20] Beezie: *turns and CATCHES CINDY BY THE THROAT* Be. Quiet.
[02:20] Cinderella: *squeeks!* *grabs at Beezie's arm*
[02:20] Cinderella: *kicks at him*
[02:21] Famine: *hits the wall. hard. and is on fire. but still gets to his feet, looking furious, and advances on Beezie* Let her go! She's done nothing!
[02:21] * Romy is now known as The_Dragon
[02:21] The_Dragon: *wanders in* Helloo...
[02:21] Metatron: *hisses between his teeth and stands up quickly* Beelzebub. LET. HER. GO.
[02:21] Metatron: *flames flamily and glares likewhoa at Beezie*
[02:22] Cinderella: *can't breathe* *desperately pulls at Beezie's hand*
[02:22] The_Dragon: *stares*
[02:22] Metatron: *rushes over to pull Cinderella out of Beezie's grip* Beelzebub, you know I love you, but you are acting like a first-rate IDIOT.
[02:22] The_Dragon: *wanders over nearish Beezie-Metaness*
[02:23] Nemesis: *Totally wants to shoot Bezzie now*
[02:23] Cinderella: *clings to Meta, trying to catch her breath* *looks at Beezie in tears*
[02:23] The_Dragon: *looks up at Beezie* Whyy are you dooiing that?
[02:23] Beezie: *sets the Dragon on FIIIIIRE*
[02:23] Metatron: *hugs Cinderella to him protectively, glaring* Beelzebub. What do you hope to gain from this?
[02:24] The_Dragon: *likes fire!*
[02:24] Famine: *close by Meta and Cinders, still looking furious, and...still on fire*
[02:24] The_Dragon: *keeps waiting for Beezie's answer*
[02:25] Cinderella: *looks at Famine over Meta's shoulder* S-sir? Y-you're on f-fire.
[02:25] The_Dragon: *is happily crisping*
[02:25] Famine: *blinks as if he hadn't noticed, and looks at himself before glancing up at Cinders* Thank you for telling me. Are you all right?
[02:25] Beezie: *glowerly at Meta* What dozzzzzt thou care?
[02:26] The_Dragon: *sighs and wanders over, flaming cheerfully, to Grantaire*
[02:26] Cinderella: *swallows hard and nods, still fighting tears*
[02:26] Metatron: Don't ask stupid questions, Beelzebub. You know me. I'm not about to - to stand by and watch you cause reckless harm to innocent people. STOP IT.
[02:26] Famine: *attempting to look reassuring while furious and on fire* It'll be all right. ...I hope. Try not to get yourself hurt more. *turns his worry/cautiousness/fury on Meta/Beezie again*
[02:49] Cinderella: *smiles greatfully at Famine and slightly loosens her grip on Meta* *gives Beezie a -look-*
[02:49] Famine: *turns his glareofapocalypticANDFLAMINGdoom back on Beezie*
[02:50] Beezie: Look, Metatron. Thy influenzzzz over me izzzzz no more. Thou shall NOT order me. Only MY LORD may do so.
[02:51] Metatron: *looks at Beezie in disgust* Fine. I... I don't care. But keep out of the affairs of innocents. Please.
[02:51] * Saint-Alona has joined #desperatefans
[02:51] * Saint-Alona is silly for doing this again, but would like to HIT BEEZIE OVER THE HEAD WITH A SKYSCRAPER.
[02:52] Beezie: ...
[02:52] * Saint-Alona does so.
[02:52] Saint-Alona: Thank you.
[02:52] * Saint-Alona has left #desperatefans
[02:52] Beezie: ...*WORLD.TRADE.FEDERATION.*
[02:52] Cinderella: *bites her lip and looks at Beezie, then Meta* Yes you do. You care. Don't let him do this to you.
[02:53] Famine: *is also somewhat worried for Cinders, so watches her back cautiously while STILLGLARINGFLAMINGLY*
[02:53] Beezie: *typist'd!* *turns back to Meta, narrowing his eyes* No.
[02:54] Beezie: *PWNS AT FLAMEAGE, YOU KNOW!*
[02:54] Metatron: *stares coldly* What do you expect? That I will give up innocent people just to please you and your little hissy fit?
[02:55] * Famine is now known as Famine-flaming
[02:55] Beezie: *stares. back.* They are azzzz much mine azzzz they are thine.
[02:56] Cinderella: *mutters in Beezie's direction* butwhatyoureallywantismr.metatron.
[02:56] Famine-flaming: *is staying out of this unless it gets bad, but watching cautiously, especially looking out for Cinders*
[02:57] Beezie: *sets Cindy on fire without looking at her*
[02:57] Cinderella: *on fire!* *SHRIEKS AGAIN!*
[02:57] Metatron: Perhaps. *talks slowly and levelly* But there you have it - Beelzebub. *sighs and quickly puts out Cinders' flames*
[02:58] Cinderella: *meeps and hides farther behind Meta* Thank you Mr. Metatron, sir.
[02:58] Metatron: Not at all. That's what I'm here for.
[02:59] Famine-flaming: *is considering hitting Beezie again, but isn't sure if he'd be interrupting anything*
[03:00] Beezie: *quietly back, coldly* And here we are. Metatron.
[03:00] Famine-flaming: *FLAILING SO MUCH ON THE INSIDE*
[03:01] Metatron: *crosses his arms* Beelzebub. I love you. I love you, I love you, and I love you. But, contrary to popular belief, I am not a fool. I would give up anything for you. Anything. But I won't give up other people.
[03:01] Famine-flaming: *FLAMING SO MUCH ON THE OUTSIDE*
[03:01] Cinderella: *looks at Famine again, still hiding behind Meta* Sir...hadn't you better put that out?
[03:02] Nemesis: *Didn't know Famine could flame*
[03:02] Famine-flaming: *can, apparently*
[03:02] Famine-flaming: *will be in pain in the morning*
[03:02] Famine-flaming: *murmurs* Don't bother him, Miss. I'll be fine. I can't die.
[03:02] Famine-flaming: *watching Beezie/Meta intently*
[03:03] Cinderella: B-but sir? ....You're clothes are going to burn up. *blushes a little*
[03:04] Famine-flaming: *blinks, then pauses* ...*shrugs a bit embarrassedly* I'll grab a pillow.
[03:04] Cinderella: *blinkblink* *nods faintly and blushes, turning back to watch Beezie*
[03:05] Famine-flaming: *focuses intensely on Meta/Beezie again*
[03:07] Beezie: *doesn't falter in his glareystarethingymathing* Do not love me. Do. Not. I azzzzzk nothing of thee. Nothing. So offer me nothing. And fine. Just fine. Thou shall have thezzzzz. Take them. They shall fall to me in time. They alwayzzzzz do.
[03:07] Beezie: *fails at making sense*
[03:07] Famine-flaming: *TOTALLY WANTS TO HIT BEEZIE AGAIN*
[03:07] Cinderella: *glares at Beezie*
[03:08] Metatron: *winces slightly, as though he had just been punched in the stomach* ...So you lied to me, then.
[03:09] Beezie: It izzz what I do.
[03:09] Famine-flaming: *clenches hands into fists*
[03:09] Metatron: ...
[03:09] Famine-flaming: *and against his better judgement, punches Beezie again*
[03:09] * Amadeo has joined #desperatefans
[03:09] Cinderella: *meeps*
[03:10] Metatron: *starts laughing slightly hysterically, tears streaming down his cheeks* It's fascinating, isn't it... how stupid I can be.
[03:11] Cinderella: *comes up next to Meta and hugs him* You're not being stupid. *pulls out a handkerchief and wipes at his tears*
[03:11] Beezie: ...
[03:11] Metatron: *attempts to smile, mostly fails* Y-you think so? Oh - thank - thank you...
[03:12] Famine-flaming: *blazes at Beezie, literally* What the hell is the MATTER with you?
[03:12] Cinderella: *glares at Beezie and turns back to Meta* Of course not, none of this is your fault. *smiles encouragingly* Things will work out, you'll see.
[03:12] Beezie: *punch'd!* *looks up at Fam, then at crying!Meta, then angrily back at Famine* Hell? Ha! *hits him in the face*
[03:13] Metatron: It is my fault. I should never have... have believed him. *shudders* ...How can they work out?
[03:13] * Saint-Alona has joined #desperatefans
[03:13] * Saint-Alona is here to quote a part of her letter at Meta.
[03:13] Metatron: ...*blink* *typist'd*
[03:13] * Saint-Alona quotes: "And do you know what? He regrets every last syllable that he spoke. He wants nothing more than to be with this aforementioned nice Voice of God, holding him close. But he is scared."
[03:14] * Saint-Alona has left #desperatefans
[03:14] Famine-flaming: *puts a hand to his nose and ignores any pain/blood to continue glaring furiously* Yes, exactly! You're...I didn't think you were such a bloody idiot! Unreasonable, yes, and a bit of a bastard, but...not stupid!
[03:14] Cinderella: Think about it, would he deny it so vemenently if he really felt nothing? If it's meant to be, it will work out.
[03:14] Beezie: ...*IS NOT SCARED*
[03:14] Famine-flaming: How can you look at someone you love...yes, I KNOW you love him...in such pain, knowing YOU caused it, and do NOTHING?
[03:14] Famine-flaming: And CONTINUE TO DO NOTHING?
[03:14] Cinderella: *gives Beezie an 'I told you so' look*
[03:14] Famine-flaming: You're fucking sickening!
[03:14] Famine-flaming: *is REALLY beyond pissed off now*
[03:14] Metatron: I... I don't know. He - ... I don't know.
[03:15] Beezie: I DO NOT DO NOTHING! *punches Fam in the nose AS HARD AS HE CAN... and DEMONMODS TO BOOT*
[03:15] Cinderella: *hugs Meta again* Do you know why he's acting this way? Did something happen?
[03:16] Famine-flaming: *yells out in pain and puts both hands to his nose, but manages to open an eye partway and glare as furiously as he possibly can while...well, in extreme, extreme pain* ...then what are you doing? Aside from causing him more pain?
[03:16] Metatron: *wince* Er - madam... d'you... d'you mind if I... *takes a minute to sob into her shirt* Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry, really, I - oh, and he - he found it all right to kill innocent children and I... I couldn't... *hiccup*
[03:17] Beezie: *grabs bleeding!Famine by the hair and pulls him forward* *whispers in his ear* I am setting him free. *throws him to the ground*
[03:17] Pepper: *hugs Mr. VOGMPS*
[03:18] Cinderella: Oh my dear... *hugs Meta tightly* It's alright, cry if you need to... *pets his hair* That...that sounds awful...but, he said...he -did- say he's the Prince of Hell, didn't he? That seems like a very...Prince of Hell-like thing to think.
[03:18] Famine-flaming: *hits the ground hard and looks up in disbelief, nose bleeding heavily, expression confused* ...*what*?
[03:18] Cinderella: So...if you love him...you need to love -all- of him...even the parts that you don't agree with.
[03:19] Metatron: I know, but... I don't know. He's... I'm... *clingcry* I can't just...
[03:19] Beezie: *glowers down at Famine, crackling flames reaching the ceiling*
[03:20] Cinderella: *hugs* Did you react badly when he said that? Maybe...maybe he thinks he's doing what's best for you. See? He -loves- you.
[03:21] Famine-flaming: *continues staring at Beezie, stunned, and still putting the pain off, because he'd pretty much pass out if he let it touch him by now* *quietly* ...what do you MEAN, you're saving him? You're tearing him apart, is what you're doing.
[03:21] Metatron: Well - yes, I did, but... see? Itismyfaultiismyfault. Myfault. ...I am. Such. An idiot.
[03:21] Cinderella: *hugs* Do you still love him, even though you don't agree with him?
[03:22] Beezie: *buzzes* *very very quietly* ...it izzz for the bezzzzzt.
[03:22] Metatron: Of course I do - I - I love him more than anything, he's - *hiccupping sob* Sostupidsostupidsostupid...
[03:23] Cinderella: Can you agree to disagree, if he is willing? *smiles encouragingly*
[03:24] Famine-flaming: *stares some more* ...how can you say that? How can THAT...*gestures weakly towards broken!Meta*...be fore the best? How can ANYTHING possibly hurt him deeper than your...betrayal?
[03:24] Metatron: That's the problem, I - I don't want to give up others for my selfish, stupid, pathetic needs.
[03:26] Beezie: *small growl* What izzzzz worzzzz? What IZZ WORZZZ? *quiets again* Loving that which thou art not. It tearzzz him apart, and it izzzz what I -am-. So do not speak to ME about thizzz, Horzzzeman. I know.
[03:27] Cinderella: *hugs* But...you love him. Would you get in very much trouble, for loving him?[03:28] Metatron: ...Unbelievable amounts of trouble. If I was found out, I... would Fall, more likely than not.
[03:29] Cinderella: *frowns a little* Why is that? Love...is a beautiful thing. No one should be punished for love. *smiles*
[03:29] Famine-flaming: *stares, looking stunned again* ...you're...you're doing this for him. *expression is a mix of stunned disbelief and just...shock* ...but...but...he LOVES you. It's his choice to love you. No matter what pain it brings him...that knowledge makes up for it.
[03:30] Metatron: Because he -is- the Prince of Hell. I should not be.. be associating with him. *rubs his eyes with the heels of his palms*
[03:31] Cinderella: *gently pulls his hands away from his eyes and wipes them with her handkerchief* But it's -love-. Aren't we supposed to love and forgive even our enemies? *smiles* Are you happy, when you are with him?
[03:32] Beezie: *fierce look* The -pain-? Dozzzt thou honezzztly know the pain thou speakzzt of? He would Fall, if hizzz Side should, just as I-- He wizzzhezzz not to Fall, nor do I wizzzh-- *shoulderslump* and tempting angelzzz should be my duty.
[03:33] Metatron: *nods quickly* Happy... yes. I am. Very. He... sometimes you think he's about to say something nasty and then - and then he - he just does something so... -sweet-. And it just... it just... and he - *shudders and starts crying again*
[03:34] Famine-flaming: *bites his lip, still looking at Beezie intently and nods, expression serious* But...if he Falls...he would Fall for...for loving you, yes?
[03:35] Beezie: Yezzz. It izzz not Right.
[03:35] Cinderella: *hugs tight* Then how could something that wonderful be -wrong-? No one should punish you for love, I'm sure things will turn out alright in the end.
[03:36] Famine-flaming: But...*struggles to prop himself up on his elbows, expression not changing* ...if he truly loves you...which he does...nothing you do will change that. He will love you no matter how you act, what you do to him, or to others. He'll always love you. So...would he not Fall anyway, in the end? And then...wouldn't it...not matter if you were tender and caring or fierce and violent?
[03:37] Famine-flaming: And...if that is the case...shouldn't you do what you can for him now?
[03:37] Metatron: *stops crying abruptly and just... stares with total blankness at the floor* It's not the love, it's that he... he is the Prince of Hell. I can't associate with him. Or... I shouldn't. It's not allowed. *closes his eyes* I'm sorry for crying on you, I've gotten your clothes all wet.
[03:38] Beezie: *stares* No. He will stop. He muzzzzed.
[03:38] * Saint-Alona has joined #desperatefans
[03:38] Saint-Alona: HI FAMINE. I LOVE YOU.
[03:38] * Saint-Alona has left #desperatefans
[03:38] Cinderella: Oh, hang the clothes and hang the rules! He makes you happy, and if anyone dares try to pull you two apart I'll...I'll...give them a good slap in the face!
[03:39] Famine-flaming: *typist'd in turn*
[03:39] Famine-flaming: *anyway*
[03:39] Metatron: *smiles very faintly* Thank you... so much, honestly. You've been unnecessarily nice to me.
[03:39] Famine-flaming: *very softly* No. He won't. And...you know that. Because you won't stop loving him, either. You're trying. And you know how hard it is...it's impossible. He won't ever stop loving you, either.
[03:40] Cinderella: *smiles* You deserve kindness. You have such a good heart, anyone can see that. *hugs*
[03:41] Metatron: Well, thank you anyway. *hugs back, shaking* I... I don't know if I feel -better-, exactly, but... I'd feel worse if not for you.
[03:43] Cinderella: *smiles* It's nothing. I wish I could do more. *smiles*
[03:43] Beezie: *buzzes more* He doezzzzz not approve of what I am. I shall not Rizzzzzz and he shall not Fall. It izzz not meant to be. Thou wouldzzzt have him Fall, and thou dozzzt not know... if he Fell, he would suffer.
[03:44] Metatron: No, you've done more than enough. *pulls back and rubs at his eyes with his fists* Thank you again.
[03:45] Cinderella: *smiles and pulls his hands down* Don't do that, it's bad for your eyes. *wipes his face with her now rather damp handkerchief* Try to talk to him again? He loves you, I'm sure with it. Please don't give up.
[03:46] Metatron: A-all right... I'll try. I am trying. Failing, rather, but... trying.
[03:46] Beezie: *is rather determined...*
[03:46] Cinderella: You're not failing, he's just stubborn. As are you. *smiles*
[03:49] Famine-flaming: *shakes head furiously, causing his nose to bleed harder* I don't want him to Fall. And...maybe I don't know. Maybe it is all over my head. *sits up, swaying slightly, then steadies himself and looks at Beezie intently* But...maybe he thinks that loving you is worth that risk...the risk of losing everything. And...if someone loves you that much...you shouldn't let it go. Or do anything to damage it.
[03:49] Metatron: ...You really think so? *rubs at his temple with the heel of his palm distractedly* Do you honestly believe it will work out?
[03:49] Beezie: It izzzz not worth it. Nothing izzz.
[03:49] Famine-flaming: Maybe loving you isn't the right thing for him to do. And...maybe it will hurt him, or bring him pain. But...it's HIS decision to make. Not yours. You shouldn't hurt him more when it already hurts him to love you.
[03:50] Cinderella: I do. He must care about you so much, he's just going about this the wrong way. Are you willing to love him, and -keep- loving him no matter what?
[03:51] Beezie: *eyes Famine* There izzzzz nothing I can do. It izzz done. It hazzzz alwayzzzz been thizzzz way, and so shall stay.
[03:52] Metatron: I... I am, I don't think I -could- stop loving him, honestly. It would be like... like... I don't even know. Like I wasn't myself, if I didn't love him.
[03:53] Cinderella: *smiles* Then tell him that. I think he needs to hear it. And who knows, maybe that will help convince him to admit how he feels.
[03:53] Metatron: ...*small voice* N-now?
[03:54] Cinderella: *smiles and nods* Now. *pulls him toward Beezie* No sense wasting any time, no time like the present and all that.
[03:54] Famine-flaming: *frowns slightly, but nods* ...there is something you can do. You can...speak with the Metatron about this directly, instead of...doing THIS.
[03:54] Metatron: *pales* N-n-now... *pull'd* ohdear.
[03:55] Beezie: Thizzz muzzzed be done. He wazzzz angry. He finally saw. It was time.
[03:56] Cinderella: Nothing will get better if you don't start. *gives him another push toward Beezie*
[03:56] Famine-flaming: *slightly exasperated noise* He can be angry with you and still love you. He said so himself. I told you, you can't...make his decisions for him. You need to let him know you love him too and support him. *very quietly* If he Falls...and he Falls thinking you hate him, that you don't care...how much worse do you think that will be?
[03:56] Metatron: *totally flees* I - I can't...
[03:57] Metatron: I don't, but I'm... I'm afraid. Th-they're busy, see? So um. I... can't. I shouldn't interrupt.
[03:58] Cinderella: *looks at Meta seriously* Don't. Move. *goes over to the still-flaming Famine* Um...sir? I think we should let them talk for a bit. There are some things that need said, and the sooner the better.
[03:59] Beezie: *determined* He shall not Fall. He shall see what I am. He shall know what he lovezzzz. And he shall... live. Azzz he is. Without me. Azzz it wazz intended, azz shall not hurt him.
[03:59] Metatron: *doesn't move, except for the shaking*
[04:01] Cinderella: *shoves Meta toward Beezie* Now. Talk. It'll be alright!
[04:01] Metatron: *shove'd* OhbuggerumhelloallrightI'llbeleavingnow.
[04:01] Cinderella: *grabs Meta's arm and drags him back* You'll talk and I'll bloody well hold you here until you do. *tries to scowl*
[04:02] Metatron: *wilts* Ican'tIcan't. I just. I can't.
[04:03] Cinderella: *hugs Meta* You have to. Do you -want- things to stay as they are? You can do this.
[04:03] Metatron: No, but I... he'll... I... he's angry, he - *cling*
[04:04] Cinderella: *hugs Meta* *clears throat* Mr. Beezelbub? Will you please promise to listen to what Mr. Metatron has to say?
[04:06] Famine: *is still flaming, despite lack of it in his name* *sighs* Don't you think he should be making this choice, and not you?
[04:07] Beezie: No.
[04:07] Beezie: He could not.
[04:07] Famine: *blinks* Oh?
[04:08] Famine: Why?
[04:08] Metatron: *votes that it's because he's an idiot*
[04:08] Beezie: He izzz blinded. The Good alwayzzzz are.
[04:08] Famine: *would insist that Meta's NOT AN IDIOT if he could read minds*
[04:08] Cinderella: *clears throat* Mr. Beezelbub? Will you please talk to the Metatron?
[04:08] Beezie: ...*sideways glance at Cindy* No.
[04:09] Cinderella: Please? It's important.
[04:09] Metatron: No, madam, it's all right, let them talk.
[04:09] Famine: But he knows his mind and he knows how he feels better than you could. Try leaving it up to him. *glares at Beeizie after nodding to Cinders* Yes. Yes. You have to.
[04:09] Cinderella: I know you care about him, please just listen to what he has to say?
[04:09] Famine: *glances at Meta* I'm finished. *attempts to get up and...kind of fails*
[04:09] Metatron: Oh, um - *flails slightly and heals Famine* I'm sorry, I'm a little distracted.
[04:09] Beezie: ......
[04:10] Metatron: ...*wilt*
[04:10] Famine: *groans quietly and touches a hand to his nose* Thank you. *glances at Beezie* *sternly* Talk to him, Beelzebub. He deserves that much from you.
[04:10] Cinderella: *glares at Beezie* Just listen to what he has to say. Please.
[04:16] Metatron: *hides behind Cinderella*
[04:16] Cinderella: *grabs Meta's hand and squeezes it tightly, waiting for Beezie's answer*
[04:18] Beezie: ...Fine.
[04:18] Famine: *breathes a relieved sigh*
[04:18] Metatron: *panics* *...quietly*
[04:19] Cinderella: *relieved smile* Good. *pushes Meta toward him and whispers* Just tell him what you told me.
[04:19] Grantaire: *laughs* Don't we have an excuse?
[04:19] Famine: *gives Meta a reassuring look, as best as he can*
[04:19] Metatron: *steps shakily towards Beezie* Er... *veryquietly* Hello, I... hello.
[04:19] Famine: *assumes he isn't on fire anymore either*
[04:20] Famine: *shakily gets to his feet and edges back, to give them privacy, but stays close enough to be able to keep an eye on it*
[04:20] Cinderella: *moves back near Famine, but keeps watching*
[04:21] Beezie: *equally quietly, and rather harsh* Hello, Metatron.
[04:24] Metatron: know that you don't want me to love you, and that you are afraid or confused or maybe you really don't feel anything, but... that's how I feel. And that's it.
[04:26] Metatron: *winces and stares at his feet* I... Beelzebub, I... you know this already, but I love you, more than anything - I - if I didn't love you, it would be as though I... as though I was no longer myself.
[04:26] Metatron: And... I... I know I may be completely insane, or hallucinating, or just plain stupid - actually, I -know- I'm just plain stupid, but I... I... can't stop loving you.
[04:27] Metatron: I've tried, trust me. I've been trying for a long time. But... I can't. I just. I can't. And I'm sorry for it, because I know that you don't want me to love you...
[04:27] Metatron: ...and that you are afraid, or confused, or maybe you really don't feel anything, but... that's how I feel. And that's it. I'm done.
[04:33] Beezie: *looks at Meta and flails flailingly*
[04:33] Metatron: *is flailed at* Er...
[04:33] Beezie: ...*very, very, VERY quietly* Ilovethee.
[04:35] Metatron: *hears, with magical angel powers* ... *smiles slowly* Thank you. For saying it.
[04:36] Beezie: *still stares sadly* But... *looks over Meta’s shoulder, at nothing*
[04:39] Beezie: ...*even more quietly* I shall only dezzztroy thee.
[04:40] Metatron: *looks sadly at Beezie* How do you know that? How do you know that I won't... redeem you? Or that we won't just... somehow... balance one another out?
[04:45] Beezie: *sighs* Izz it worth the rizzzzk? Izzz it worth falling for love of me, izzz it worth lozzzing thyzzzelf and all that makes thee, angel? I don't think so. I will not allow thee.
[04:46] Metatron: ...Is it worth the same risk for you, Beelzebub? Would you lose yourself for me?
[04:49] Beezie: ...I would. Thizzz izz known, angel. *touches Meta's face gently* But then who would be there love thee? ...I azzzk thizzz of thee, Metatron. Walk. Away.
[04:53] Metatron: *looks up at Beezie defiantly and leans in to kiss him, briefly and softly* ...Beelzebub. *smiles faintly* No. If we would both lose ourselves for one another, then - then what is there to do but risk it all? I would Fall for you. You would Rise for me. There... is a balance.
[04:56] Beezie: *kisses again, just as softly, still looking broken* ...thou shall never live with what I do, with what I -am-. I shall ever be a demon... it izzz not... it izzz not right for thee.
[04:59] Metatron: And? It is not right for you to be with an angel. I think... I think what's "right" doesn't matter. I think... I think that to you and me, "right" means different things. And what does have the same meaning is... is love. Sometimes one just has to take a risk, and hope it turns out for the better.
[05:04] Beezie: ...if thou wilt have me? And not fault me for my nature, what thou couldzzzt never underzzztnad? If thou wouldzzt rizzk, then... Then I would rizzzk the Wrath of Hell. And I do. *suddenly change of heart WHERE?!*
[05:07] Metatron: *gazes solemnly at Beezie* ...I'll try. If you'll try, I will, too. Whatever happens. *smiles again, tentatively* If I Fall, so be it. I Fall. I will still have you.
[05:09] Beezie: And if I-- *falters ever so slightly* whatever might happen to me... it will be for thee. *wraps arms around Meta and pulls him forward*
[05:13] Metatron: ...And there we have it. *lets himself be pulled into Beezie's arms, and hooks arms around his waist as well, resting his chin on Beezie's shoulder* Finally.
[05:16] Beezie: *sighs and just holds Meta* ...I'm sorry. *totally did NOT just say
[05:17] Metatron: *kisses Beezie's neck and closes his eyes* Thank you. I'm sorry, too. Honestly.
[05:20] Metatron: *makes a quiet, murmuring sound of happiness* I can't tell you how relieved I am.
[05:24] Beezie: *late* *kisses Meta's hair again* I still think it would be bezzzt for thee if thou wouldzzzt leave, but..
[05:25] Metatron: *opens an eye to glare vaguely at Beezie* And? It would be best for you to leave me. But I don't see either of us moving.
[05:27] Beezie: *smiles faintly* I don't care about myzzzzelf.
[05:29] Metatron: *opens his other eye as well* ...Well, I don't care about myself. We're in this together, Beelzebub, all right? I'll... do my best to protect you.
[05:29] Beezie: *kisses him right between his cutely open eyes* It izzzz agreed.