(no subject)

Jun 07, 2005 12:01

Those of who who have read Good Omens (and if that's not all of you, then FOR SHAME) will recognise the other four Horsemen Bikers of the Apocalypse.

Here, prompted by the puppet-to-puppet email requests, Cruelty to Animals and Really Cool People correspond. Read on, for the Apocalypse, ansaphones, poofters, flying bikes, and pizza.

Croolty to Animuls:
Ey, mate. Aparuntly I hafta writ to u. Dunno y. Kent we jus tak lik normal?
In fact, writting is wurs then ansafons.
I kwit.
-Rily Kul Peeple

'Ey, et's Realy Kool Peple!
Cor. These e-male things shure are strnge, mate. I'ma 'prised u wrote to m, but here Ima write u bak. Mebbe we kent talk lik normal 'cuz we's Hurssman now, ain't we? Mebbe they's use these mail thingers.
'Coarse, they's also got flyn' bikes an' we ain't yet.
So's mebbe this's inportan', yeh?
U culd cange yer name to Writtin', mate, but that don't sound as gud.
-Creelty 2 Naminals.

Y'thenk th writtin' ting's part o' th' hole upaklips thing? I dunt rimembr reedin that in th' Bibul, but it mita bin a mensun of skrols or sommat.
But not this e-mall things. Meby dats cuz dey dint no abowt emalls wen day writted th Bibul.
An we stil nids flyin' bikes, mate!!
-Rily Kul Pepl.

Yeh, mate, that'd b my gess, 'coz its been ahwile seense I'd read th Bibel so Imma not shure n' wotevre. Mebbe we knows wen th Opokaleeps comes threw this or summot.
An' yeh! Thes e-males r new n' stuff. Tehy're coz of teh interawabs or summot. So's we's all furturistik an' mebbe this meens we git our bikes soone!
-Krulty 2 Aminamils

U thenk dey tel us wen th Upokolip coms thru it? Mebby, but wot if it coms an we rnt at a comporter 2 reed it?
Eh wel. Slong as we git owr bikes sun!!!
-Rilli Kul Peepul

Den mebbe we miss th Apoculups? Lik we did last tym, mate. Only wit' less fish.
We steel dun' no who t'ask. Cor. Y'tink theys jus' show up one day?
-Crilltee two Naminuls.

I hop we dun miss th parokalips lik las tyme, cuz dun that meen we dye
Not that DETH int a gud gy or nutin, but stils...
Meby thes emal thing has n ordur form ting fer th bikes??
-Rully Cul Pepl.

I dunno, mate, but I shure dun' wanna dye agin. Two muh fish, an' it gots m'bike all craked up. An' yeh, all's the Hussma- Bikers o'th ripokaleeps r gud gies, 'cep' War 'coz she's a chik.
Ooo! Mebbe. How's u think we finds out, mate? MebbeI's jus' sey:
We's lik or bikes now. Cor. N'tanks.
...u think 'at'll work?
-Krulty tu Aminimils.

Mebe th flyin bikes dun git mest up by fish. An yah. I lik al th
Bikers. But not in a pufter way.
We's lik or bikes now. Cor. N'tanks.
I hop it wurks.
-Relly Coooll Pipple.

Yeh tink? I culd us a bike that don't get missed up by fish. Y'think mebbe it don't even smell lik fish, den?
'Corse. We's ain't pofters.
Yeh, so's I. I 'spose we's jus' wate now.
- Crilltey ta Aminils

Y wud th Bikers of the Poxalups git bikes dat smel liek fish? An weed git th sam kind, rite?
An' we's definnitlee not pofters.
How long ythink itll tak to git em?

Dat dun't seem rite, mate, so I's guessed weed git th' gud kind, 'coz they's flyn 'n'll. So they's not smel lik fish, an'... u tink th' bikes do oth' cewl stuff?
Not lik th' nangel or nuffin.
Dunno. Mebbe if we's sit nicely they's com faster? Lik wen y'were a kid on krismuss. Or... put ot cookeys but at'd be silly.

Mebbe dat Plutun gie licks hiz bike smelln liek fish, tho. But mebe y'gotta ask fer that sepert. So just dunt ax fer it.
Not lik th' demun, neethur.
Mebbe whoiver leevs th bikes likes beer better, mate. An' pizza.

I bet 'e dos. Y'tink fish are p'lutin? An' yeh, no way I's be axing fer fish, 'coz I've 'ad enuff.
An' th' otha nangel and otha deemun.
Mebbe. We culd lieve piza an' se wot 'appins? An' beer, an' nune o'at no-alcohol beer.
Wot kinda piza?

No axin fer fish. Wich mite be plutin, I duno.
An' the otha deemun and otha deemon.... Is EVRYUN POFTERS CEPT US?
Ey, yah. Pezza an' lager. Gud lager, too.
Dunno wot pezza but not anchovees or olloves.

Prob'ly. An' then we's kint ax for it neway, 'coz Pluton mite git angery.
YEH! U an' me and Grevous Bodly 'arm and Thin's 'at Dun't Work Proply Even Afta You's Givin 'Em A gud Thumpin'. We's th' onli non-pufters left.

Rite. We dun wan 'im angory wit us.
We R, mate! Whoda thunk it bout DETH, too...
An sosij.

'At'd be bad. Bet 'e culd kepe or flyn' bikes from us.
Yeh, I know! All 'ose hursefellas. An' wud 'bout War, mate?
An' mebbe a leetel bit o'garlek?

Dun wan' that. Let Pluton kep th' fishbike.
She be a pooftr too! Only, y'kno, wit' chiks, its kinna hot.
Mm. Yah. Garlek too. Gud peeza we gots.

Yeh! We dun' wont it, 'sides.
She n'at Nemsus chik R hot. Mebbe it's okey if they's pufters, 'en.
Cor. Reel gud. Shuld git us or bikes rite awey, mate.
-*draws a little picture of an bleeding animal*

Yah. Chik pufters r ok.
F thers enny justis inna wurld, it wil!!!
- *draws a picture of a dude in sunglasses*

cruelty to animals, really cool people

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