Anti-OTP Weekend Part 6

Jun 06, 2005 16:38

The beginning of the new room.

Session Start: Sat Jun 04 15:32:13 2005
Session Ident: #dfantiotp
[15:32] * Now talking in #dfantiotp
[15:32] * Pollution has joined #dfantiotp
[15:32] * Cosette has joined #dfantiotp
[15:32] * Cosette has left #dfantiotp
[15:32] * Teatime has joined #dfantiotp
[15:32] * Famine has joined #dfantiotp
[15:33] * Metatron has joined #dfantiotp
[15:33] Metatron> [OKAY. THERE.]
[15:33] Pollution> [*falls over*]
[15:33] * Fenchurch has joined #dfantiotp
[15:34] * Mercutio has joined #dfantiotp
[15:34] Cinderella-awaybutlogging> {{are we staying now?}}
[15:34] Mercutio> ((...)
[15:34] Beezie> [I think so.]
[15:34] * Cosette has joined #dfantiotp
[15:34] Saint-Alona> Totally staying.
[15:34] Metatron> [Far's I know.]
[15:34] * Crowley has joined #dfantiotp
[15:34] * Cinderella-awaybutlogging is now known as Cinders-logging
[15:34] Cinders-logging> {{Ok then}}
[15:34] * Charlie has joined #dfantiotp
[15:34] Famine> [Therewego. XD]
[15:35] Metatron> [OKAY! NOW is it time for OT4age? XD]
[15:35] Charlie> [YAY.]
[15:35] Charlie> [YES.]
[15:35] Pollution> [YES.]
[15:35] Metatron> *er... wanders around and stuff*
[15:35] Charlie> [Whee. Twice. >__>]
[15:35] Cinders-logging> {{*setsupvideocamera?*}}
[15:35] Famine> [*snerks madly*]
[15:36] Saint-Alona> [*is logging*]
[15:36] Saint-Alona> [*constantly*]
[15:36] Metatron> [*fangrills Alona*]
[15:36] Famine> *is there...sort of glances around*
[15:36] Charlie> [*totally waits for OT4*]
[15:36] Beezie> [Hey, give me ops? Just in case?]
[15:36] Charlie> *still doesn't entirely know why typist put him here]
[15:36] * Saint-Alona sets mode: +o Beezie
[15:36] Charlie> [* *]
[15:37] Beezie> *is... here*
[15:37] Crowley> [You can go ahead and give me ops too, just in case, since the last time it .. didn't work]
[15:37] Teatime> *falls on top of someone*
[15:37] Pollution> *is still confused about being shoved in here*
[15:37] * Saint-Alona sets mode: +o Crowley
[15:37] Beezie> [There we go. Now, hopefully all the mods won't be lost again. XD]
[15:37] Crowley> [Yay. -Now- everything is all sort. :)]
[15:37] Beezie> [...*looks at the demons with ops*]
[15:38] Crowley> [Mwahaha.]
[15:38] Metatron> [Not very reassuring, is it?]
[15:38] Pollution> [...oh dear.]
[15:38] Famine> [XDD]
[15:39] Beezie> [*evil laughter*]
[15:39] Famine> *glances from Beezie to Meta to Pollution and gives the last a slightly confused, like "...this is really odd" look*
[15:40] Metatron> *sighs* ...So um.
[15:40] Pollution> *glances around and shrugs, eyebrows raised* So.
[15:41] Beezie> *glareglarerevolution*
[15:41] * Raoul has joined #dfantiotp
[15:41] Metatron> *runs a hand through his hair and looks lost* ...Right. Er. So. ...Hello.
[15:41] Pollution> *quirks a brow at the glare-age*
[15:41] Famine> *blinks at Beezie*
[15:41] Beezie> *smites his typiat for suggesting he stick out his tongue*
[15:42] Teatime> *ponders attempting to kill some people*
[15:42] Metatron> *hides behind Famine*
[15:43] Famine> *is...hidden behind?* *blinks and sort of protects Meta, in a subtle-but-not-entirely-platonic way*
[15:43] Beezie> *doesn't look at Meta... very -obviously- doesn't look at Meta*
[15:43] Metatron> *looks dejected*
[15:43] Pollution> *rolls his eyes slightly and shakes his head, so totally going to ignore this whole stupid awkward situation or something* Right. So. What are we doing here?
[15:44] Teatime> ...having an orgy?
[15:44] Metatron> I... have no idea. *looks nervous*
[15:44] Metatron> ...
[15:44] Pollution> *blink*
[15:44] Metatron> Er.
[15:44] Beezie> ...
[15:44] Famine> *blinks*
[15:44] Teatime> It's only five people without shoes or socks touching feet. Come on, join in. *sits down to remove his shoes and socks...or rather just his boots*
[15:44] Metatron> *turns red*
[15:44] Teatime> *just boots**
[15:44] Famine> [*must. resist. urge. to. step. ooc. completely. and. just. snog. somebody.*]
[15:44] Cosette> [XD]
[15:44] Pollution> [XD]
[15:44] Metatron> [GO FAMINE! ...Imeanwhat?]
[15:45] Famine> [XD]
[15:45] Beezie> [XD SNOG BEEZIE]
[15:45] Cinders-logging> {{It's anti-otp, it'll be forgotten anyway, just jump somebody}}
[15:45] * aybatarken has joined #dfantiotp
[15:45] * aybatarken slm
[15:45] Saint-Alona> [.......]
[15:45] Beezie> [...]
[15:45] Famine> []
[15:45] Cinders-logging> {{You're not from DF.}}
[15:45] Metatron> [WORLD. TRADE. FEDERATION.]
[15:46] Saint-Alona> [WITHABIGNOSE.]
[15:46] Crowley> [ZOMGWTFUSSR]
[15:46] Beezie> [OMGOMG]
[15:46] Famine> [*CLINGS TO LEG*]
[15:46] Metatron> [THATTOO.]
[15:46] Famine> [DUCK-CAT-MANWHORE.]
[15:46] Crowley> [RARR. I LOVE ITTT.]
[15:46] Beezie> [AHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]
[15:47] Saint-Alona> [XDDD]
[15:47] Crowley> [ONE-EYED TROUSER SNAKE]
[15:47] Cinders-logging> {{This is a DF function, what are you doing here?}}
[15:47] * Saint-Alona sets mode: +s
[15:47] Saint-Alona> [=D]
[15:48] Famine> [Yay!]
[15:48] Metatron> [Good job, sugar lumpkin!]
[15:48] Saint-Alona> [*bows*]
[15:48] Cinders-logging> {{Love you Alona!}}
[15:48] * Saint-Alona sets mode: +o Pollution
[15:48] * Saint-Alona sets mode: +o Famine
[15:48] Teatime> (what does +s do?)
[15:48] * Saint-Alona sets mode: +o Metatron
[15:48] Beezie> [Rawr. GO mods!]
[15:48] Raoul> [makes the chatroom private]
[15:49] Cinders-logging> {{Hides the chat so randoms can't get in}}
[15:49] Metatron> [Wow, we rock.]
[15:49] Saint-Alona> [Have fun.]
[15:49] Teatime> (I see...well, this aybatarken just send me a message.)
[15:49] Metatron> [I feel so special. ^^]
[15:49] Teatime> sent*
[15:49] Beezie> [GO pwns!]
[15:49] Crowley> [Ignore it. *eyeroll*]
[15:49] Famine> [...I've been modded! Whoo!]
[15:49] Teatime> (I'll do me best)
[15:49] Crowley> [They always send people messages. >:(]
[15:49] Raoul> [what'd they say? D:]
[15:49] Famine> [They sent me one too. *ignored it*]
[15:49] Metatron> [*highfives Maj*]
[15:49] Famine> [*huighfives!*]
[15:50] Famine> [*without the u*]
[15:50] Metatron> [...Iloveyou.XD]
[15:50] Famine> [Iloveyoutoo XD]
[15:50] * Tibbett has joined #dfantiotp
[15:50] Pollution> [Ooookay.]
[15:50] Metatron> [...orgy now?]
[15:50] * aybatarken has quit IRC (Quit )
[15:51] Beezie> [...I wonder if mod powers include 'Apocalypse']
[15:51] Famine> [*snerk* Yes, of course]
[15:51] Tibbett> *bounces in flamboyishly*
[15:51] Famine> [XDD]
[15:51] Saint-Alona> [Orgy, guys, for I have given thou the power of moddage!]
[15:51] Pollution> [Orgy now!]
[15:51] Pollution> [Woo!]
[15:51] Famine> [Right. How does one begin an orgy. XD]
[15:51] Metatron> [Um... snoggage?]
[15:51] Cinders-logging> {{I love how it left right after you mentioned the orgy}}
[15:51] Saint-Alona> [...take off your shoes?]
[15:51] Pollution> [...pretty much?]
[15:51] Famine> [*dies*]
[15:51] Metatron> [XDD]
[15:51] Famine> [Yes, don't want to forget to take off your shoes. XD]
[15:51] Metatron> [Like we might have possibly done at some point? >_>]
[15:51] Cinders-logging> {{Just start snogging! It won't be remembered anyway.}}
[15:51] Famine> [*snerk* Right]
[15:51] Famine> [ANYWAY.]
[15:52] Metatron> *studiously avoids looking at Beezie*
[15:52] Beezie> *does the SAME, so HAH!*
[15:52] Pollution> *isn't completely sure he wants to steal chat back from typists but...right*
[15:52] Mercutio> (On the set at the DF River in Egypt Pornography shooting: "Okay, on my cue, start the orgy! Lights! Camera! SNOGGING!")
[15:52] Metatron> *keeps hiding behind Famine, looking mournful and such*
[15:52] Famine> *notices the tension between Meta and Beezie...and is possibly a tiny bit drunk...and it's AnOTPEnd, and it's a bloody OT4, so...turns around and snogs Meta*
[15:52] Famine> [THEREWEGO. *giggle*]
[15:53] Metatron> [YAY!]
[15:53] Pollution> *...blink*
[15:53] Saint-Alona> [=D]
[15:53] Beezie> ...*FLAILS*
[15:53] Pollution> [*dies*]
[15:53] Metatron> *!* ... *snogs back*
[15:53] Beezie> ...*FLAMISHLY!*
[15:53] Pollution> *...blink...blink*
[15:53] Cinders-logging> {{FINALLY! LOVE YOU MAJ!}}
[15:53] Beezie> *...stares at Poll*
[15:53] Famine> [*giggles proudly*]
[15:53] Teatime> *eyes the snogging* ...well.
[15:53] Famine> *continues snogging, pretty much oblivious to flamingness* *pun not intended*
[15:53] Pollution> *looks over at Beezie*
[15:54] Teatime> I want some of that.
[15:54] Metatron> *stands on tiptoe to snog properly, resting hands on Famine's hips*
[15:54] Beezie> *pun SO intended* *...blinks a bit*
[15:54] Famine> *leans down a little to make the snogging easier and pulls Meta closer*
[15:55] Pollution> *...I think this is, again, what we call shock...though not so much as it was the last time we saw it*
[15:55] Metatron> *presses up against Famine and closes his eyes, continuing with the kissage*
[15:55] Charlie> [*SQUEEEEEEEEEE*]
[15:56] Metatron> [ME TOO XD]
[15:56] Beezie> *... and -this- is what we call anger, or more possibly, Wrath... not Beezie's favourite Sin by a long shot...*
[15:56] Pollution> [Beezie! Actually -do- something! Poll's being all mental flatline! >:O]
[15:56] Beezie> *Distraction on, the other hand...* *grabs Poll and kisses him*
[15:57] Cinders-logging> {{Poooooll...JUST JUMP IN ALREADY! YOU'VE SNOGGED THEM BOTH!}}
[15:57] Metatron> [But then they'll just be paired off. :O We gotta get all four of 'em together.]
[15:57] Cinders-logging> {{...that works too...}}
[15:57] Beezie> [Hmmm...]
[15:58] Pollution> *blinks again and...oh why not?* *totally kisses back, yo*
[15:58] Famine> *has some sort of sensors for Poll snogging anyone else, apparently, and breaks off the snogging to STARE at Poll/Beezie*
[15:58] Metatron> ...*breaks off as well, then, and gapes*
[15:58] Beezie> *snogs more intensely as he can feel he's being watched*
[15:59] Metatron> ...*FLAIL*
[15:59] Famine> *stares more, mouth dropping open s>and is totally not a little turned on by this/s>*
[15:59] Metatron> *what? turned on? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa... ha*
[15:59] Pollution> *makes a quiet, muffled noise and keeps kissing reason not to?*
[15:59] Beezie> *and no reason is the best reason!* *gropes*
[16:00] Metatron> ...*gurgle*
[16:00] Famine> ...*also*
[16:01] Metatron> *cough*
[16:01] Charlie> *chain smoke*
[16:01] Famine> *glances at Meta with a "wtf just happened?" look*
[16:01] Pollution> *groped!* *makes that noise again and wraps his arms around Beezie*
[16:01] Metatron> *glances back, COMPLETELY nonplussed*
[16:02] Famine> *glances again, makes a slightly strangled noise, and gives Meta a "...well, if THEY'RE doing it..." look*
[16:03] Beezie> *makes with the luzzzt and the wandering hands*
[16:03] Saint-Alona> *pushes Meta/Famine towards the other pair out of impatience*
[16:03] Metatron> *...right* *push'd!*
[16:04] Famine> *push'd* *blinks* s>*still totally not turned on at all*/s>
[16:04] Pollution> *totally not noticing Meta or Famine at the moment, yo, as is a bit busy with that lust and those wandering hands of Beezie's*
[16:04] Metatron> *stumbles into Pollution* Oh, er, um, excuse me -- um. *blush*
[16:05] Pollution> *blinks...slightly dazed* ...oh...
[16:05] Metatron> P-pardon me... *wither*
[16:06] * Charlie has left #dfantiotp
[16:06] Beezie> ...*stares at Meta* *still with the wandering hands*
[16:06] Famine> *is...most definitely not still turned on, but enough so that it's out of strikethroughs, and just sort of...trying not, jump on them both*
[16:06] Pollution> *blinks again, then quirks a brow and smirks slightly* *withering? PSSH!* *moves a hand to the back of Meta's head and kisses him too! Why not?*
[16:07] Metatron> *stares back and wilts slightly* ...Um.
[16:07] Metatron> *meep!* ... *kisses back, slightly relieved*
[16:07] Famine> *STARES* *is STILL most definitely not turned on, LOT*
[16:07] Beezie> *keeps with the one-hand gropage of Poll and grabs Famine by the collar*
[16:08] Famine> *grabbed!* *looks startled, then obviously decides to hell with it, pun SO not intended, and snogs Beezie*
[16:09] Pollution> *keeps with the snogging of the Metatron, nipping at his lip and...sort of groping Beezie back*
[16:09] * Saint-Alona re-marries all of her wives. No, I'm NOT IN THE WRONG ROOM.
[16:10] Pollution> [XD]
[16:10] Famine> [XDD]
[16:10] Pollution> [*totally remarries like WOAH!*]
[16:10] Famine> [*remarried!* *WOOT*]
[16:10] Beezie> *buzzes and snogs Famine-- not Snogs as his typist originally wrote-- and runs free hand down his chest*
[16:10] Beezie> [*REMARRIESALL*]
[16:10] * Teatime has quit IRC (Quit )
[16:10] Metatron> [333333]
[16:11] Metatron> *opens his mouth and tentatively pokes his tongue into Pollution's mouth, one hand reaching cautiously towards Beezie*
[16:12] Famine> *snogs Beezie liek whoa and arches towards him, and can't really decide between Poll and Meta, so since he has two hands, gropes them both*
[16:12] * Tibbett is now known as Tibbett-ninjalurking
[16:14] Beezie> *reached for!* *snogs liek whoa! all sinfully and demon-like, and slides hand up Famine's shirt*
[16:15] Pollution> *doubley groped, apparently* *slides his tongue over Meta's, arching against all the touching*
[16:15] Metatron> *totally gropes Beezie liekwhoa, yo* *snogsnogs, pressing closer to Pollution*
[16:17] Beezie> *keeps with the Pollviolation and is groped, whee!* *buzzes*
[16:18] Famine> [Sorry I'm slow. On the phone with Alona. XDD]
[16:18] Pollution> ['s aaaaall right! XD]
[16:18] Saint-Alona> [*SLOWS MAJA DOWN*]
[16:19] Famine> [*SLOWED DOWN BY ALONA*]
[16:19] Famine> [*AND ENJOYS IT*]
[16:19] Saint-Alona> [HI MAJA. XDD]
[16:19] Metatron> [WE'RE DOING SOMETHING...]
[16:19] Famine> [HI ALONA. XDD]
[16:19] Metatron> [AND BY "SOMETHING," WE MEAN "EACH OTHER."]
[16:19] Beezie> [...]
[16:19] Famine> [XDDD]
[16:19] Pollution> [WHEEEEEEEE!]
[16:20] Metatron> [*loves on Maj*]
[16:20] Famine> [*loves back*]
[16:20] Famine> [*CLINGS*]
[16:20] Famine> [...*WILL ACTUALLY FOCUS NOW, THOUGH* >___>]
[16:21] * Nemesis has joined #dfantiotp
[16:21] Famine> *snogs all apocalyptically and moves closer to Beezie, continuing with the groping of Poll and Meta*
[16:22] Pollution> *presses in against all three, still snogging Meta quite thoroughly*
[16:24] Beezie> *pulls hand from Famine's shirt and starts to one-handedly undo buttons, still Pollgroping erratically*
[16:25] Metatron> *makes a low, strangled noise into Pollution's mouth and pushes his hand up under Beezie's shirt*
[16:26] Beezie> *leans into Meta's touch as best he can*
[16:26] Famine> *buttons are being undone, zomg!* *approves and reaches under the nearest person's shirt*
[16:27] Pollution> *there's that whimpering-moan Famine's so fond of* *lets the hand on Meta trial teasingly down to the angel's hip*
[16:28] Beezie> *is surprisingly good at the button thing* *runs fingers teasingly along Poll's waist*
[16:31] Metatron> *shivers and trails fingers down Beezie's chest whilst tangling his other hand in Pollution's hair, kissing forcefully*
[16:34] Famine> *definitely very much fond of the Poll whimper-moan, and shows appreciation by groping a bit more* *still snogging Beezie liek whoa*
[16:36] Beezie> *pushes off Famine's shirt while tightening his grip on Poll's waistband* *and snogging Famine of course*
[16:36] Beezie> *has demonskillz*
[16:37] * Cosette has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[16:37] Pollution> *and there's that sound again, thank you gropage* *still groping Beezie and totally groping Meta now while making with the intense snoggage*
[16:37] Famine> *shirtless!* *whoo!* *moves closer to everyone because, dude, who wouldn't want to be closer to shirtless!Famine?*
[16:38] Pollution> [*dies so ded*]
[16:38] Metatron> [*gigglefit*]
[16:38] Beezie> [XDDD]
[16:38] Famine> [*is juggling this, OOC, and another RP, AND talking to Peri*]
[16:39] Famine> [*is more skilled than Beezie!*]
[16:39] Pollution> [*grins* Love you, Majawifey!]
[16:39] Famine> [Love you toooo Heathrewifey]
[16:40] Beezie> *totally wants to be closer to a shirtless Famine* *als wants to grope Meta, but only has two hands, alas*
[16:40] Metatron> *breaks off and starts unbuttoning Pollution's shirt, kissing down the horseman's neck and chest*
[16:40] Metatron> [Alas for only two hands. ;O;]
[16:40] Famine> [Hey, he's a demon. He could probably frow another. XD]
[16:41] Famine> [*grow]
[16:41] Beezie> [Don't tempt him.]
[16:41] Metatron> [That's what I was thinking. XD]
[16:41] Pollution> [XD]
[16:41] * Tibbett-ninjalurking is now known as Grantaire-ninjayey
[16:41] Famine> [XD]
[16:41] Famine> [Beezie = Zaphod!!]
[16:42] * Nemesis is now known as Nemesis-dressinglikeabunny
[16:42] Beezie> [Ahahaha!]
[16:42] Metatron> [OH LORDY. XD]
[16:42] Pollution> [*so dead*]
[16:43] Beezie> *is NOT Zaphod* *totally breaks the Famsnoggage to kiss his neck, and by kiss, we mean all sorts of sucking, forked-tongue lickage, and yes, some biting*
[16:43] Pollution> Nnn. *lets his head fall back, gripping Meta's hip tightly and grinding his own hips against Beezie's*
[16:49] Metatron> *neatly removes Pollution's shirt and angelmoddishly folds it and sets it in a corner* *kisses slowly from Pollution's collarbone to his navel*
[16:49] Famine> [*giggle* I love that quirk of Meta's. XD]
[16:49] Metatron> [Isn't he cute? :D]
[16:49] Pollution> [*giggles*]
[16:49] Famine> [He is! ^___^]
[16:49] Beezie> [He's adorable.]
[16:50] Metatron> [:O]
[16:51] Famine> *makes incoherent noises at the demonic debauchery and leans back to snog Poll, because unoccupied mouths in a foursome are bad!*
[16:53] Pollution> *totally agrees with that sentiment* *shudders with a whimper, hand tangling back into Meta's hair and other hand still with the groping of Beezie*
[16:54] Beezie> *keeps with the debauchery and biting* *has a free hand now, so gropes Poll AND Meta*
[16:56] Metatron> *grope'd!* *appreciates this like whoa* *continues kissing and licking and biting at Pollution's chest*
[16:59] Famine> *still definitely groping both Poll and Meta, and snogging Poll, and appreciating the debauchery, but isn't being groped, and is rather saddened by this*
[17:00] Metatron> *attempts to rectify the situation by sparing a hand to grope Famine*
[17:02] Mercutio> *sets up a machine to harness the power of gropage as an alternative energy source*
[17:02] Famine> [*DIES*]
[17:02] Metatron> [*dies and is ded*]
[17:03] Famine> [It's like that orange juice stuff! "Unleash the power of the sun!" Only it's "Unleash the power of the grope!"]
[17:03] Pollution> [XD *so lost train of groping thought*]
[17:03] Famine> [...which sounds dirty.]
[17:03] Mercutio> (Grape flavored gropage!)
[17:04] Famine> [*diiiies*]
[17:05] Metatron> [*flails deadly* XD]
[17:05] Pollution> *moans and bites at Famine's lip, moving his hand from Meta's hair to drag his nails over Famine's chest and grinding against Beezie again*
[17:05] Beezie> [*is laughing too hard to do anything*]
[17:05] Famine> [*really is dead now*]
[17:05] Metatron> [OH LORD MAJ]
[17:05] Metatron> [BUT IT'S OKAY]
[17:05] Saint-Alona> [...XDDD]
[17:05] Pollution> [Ijusthadtogetthroughthethoughtbeforeitdiedagain.]
[17:06] Pollution> [*giggles*]
[17:06] Saint-Alona> [XDDDD]
[17:06] Saint-Alona> [*LOVES ON WIFIES*]
[17:06] Metatron> [*LOVES BACK 333*]
[17:06] Pollution> [*looooooooves! 33*]
[17:07] Famine> [*SOMUCHLOVE*]
[17:07] Saint-Alona> [*ANDSTARTITUPAGAIN*]
[17:07] Famine> [*APOCALYPTIC LOVE*]
[17:07] Raoul> [*thinks that if the typists are going to invade the chat they might as well just go in themselves* *IT'SBEENDONE*]
[17:08] Saint-Alona> [*LIKES BRACKETS TOO MUCH*]
[17:08] Metatron> [BRACKETS ARE AWESOME.]
[17:08] Beezie> [*liked the typist invasion*]
[17:08] Famine> [*BRACKET LOVE*]
[17:08] Beezie> [*was ravished by Courfeyrac and all*]
[17:08] Famine> [*wouldn't mind getting in on the foursome* *I mean, what?*]
[17:09] Metatron> [>_>]
[17:09] Pollution> [*dies more*]
[17:09] Saint-Alona> [*wouldn't either* *.....what?*]
[17:09] Metatron> [*wouldn't either* *Imeanwhat?*]
[17:09] Raoul> [*loved the typist invasion, but missed the good stuff*]
[17:09] Pollution> [*wouldn't mind watching but is doing that anyway*]
[17:09] Famine> [Alright. ANYWAY. Back to...yeah.]
[17:09] Beezie> [*voyeurism,what?*]
[17:09] Metatron> [Right. >_>]
[17:13] Famine> *makes incoherent sounds again and slides his tongue into Poll's mouth, shivering from Poll's nails and arching against Meta*
[17:16] Metatron> *traces patterns on Pollution's chest with the fingernails of one hand, grinding the palm of his hand against Famine's crotch*
[17:17] Beezie> *runs tongue across Famine's collarbone and bites down harder, breaking skin... and meanwhile slides a hand into Meta's pants*
[17:21] Metatron> *shudders and bucks into Beezie's touch, undoing the clasp of Pollution's pants with his free hand*
[17:21] Pollution> *moans and meets Famine's tongue with his own, shivering and dragging his nails over Famine's chest again, other hand moving around Beezie's waist*
[17:23] Saint-Alona> [*PAUSE!!*]
[17:27] * Charlie has joined #dfantiotp
[17:29] * Nemesis-dressinglikeabunny is now known as Nemesis
[17:32] * Charlie has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer )
[17:32] Metatron> [*DE-PAUSE!*]
[17:32] Famine> *moans heavily into Pollution's mouth, twining their tongues together, gripping Pollution's hip tightly with one hand and arches hard against Meta's hand, moving his other hand from Meta to Beezie, tracing down to said demon's pants*
[17:41] Beezie> *buzzes more fiercely, pressing into Famine's hands and sucking at the now-bleeding wound at his neck*
[17:42] * Grantaire-ninjayey is now known as Arthur-Dent
[17:44] Metatron> *moans quietly into Pollution's skin, drumming his fingers on the horseman's chest and sides*
[17:46] * Raoul has left #dfantiotp
[17:48] * Ares has joined #dfantiotp
[17:49] * Dionysus has joined #dfantiotp
[17:49] Arthur-Dent> *is hiding in a corner*
[17:49] Dionysus> *grins at Ares*
[17:49] Arthur-Dent> *and trying not to flail*
[17:49] Ares> *grins back and gestures towards Arthur wickedly*
[17:49] Dionysus> *winks and nods*
[17:50] Ares> *saunters s>vaguely downward/s> over to Arthur and grins wickedly*
[17:50] Dionysus> *follows and leers, just a little*
[17:51] Arthur-Dent> ...*suspicious* You're literary too, aren't you?!
[17:51] Ares> *snort* Sure, if that;s what you call it these days...*wink*
[17:52] Dionysus> Is that a new code word? *waggles eyebrows* Athens is a little behind the times.
[17:52] Arthur-Dent> *retreats to his corner*
[17:52] Fenchurch> *feels worried that Arthur is here*
[17:53] Ares> *follows*
[17:53] Dionysus> *follows too!* Hey, mortal. You look like you could use a little comfort.
[17:54] Arthur-Dent> ...........
[17:54] Arthur-Dent> ...............
[17:54] Arthur-Dent> ..........................
[17:54] Arthur-Dent> ActuallyI'dreallyjustlikesometea.
[17:54] Pollution> *there's that whimper-moan-noise again* *lets his hand trace over Famine's shoulder and up to tangle in his hair, other hand moving up Beezie's chest*
[17:54] Fenchurch> Oh, well that's alright then. I don't know if there's any tea here, though. There's a lot of sex, however.
[17:54] Mercutio> Alcuin: *serves Arthur some tea*
[17:55] Ares> Tea...riiiight. *winks at Dio*
[17:55] Nemesis> *is amused*
[17:55] Arthur-Dent> .......
[17:55] Mercutio> *blush*
[17:55] Arthur-Dent> .............
[17:55] Mercutio> *Alcuin: *blush*
[17:55] * Mercutio is now known as Alcuin
[17:55] Arthur-Dent> Fenchurch, the literary characters are frightening me.
[17:55] Dionysus> *winks back* Tea, huh?
[17:56] Fenchurch> They tend to do that sometimes.
[17:56] Ares> Well, we're...quite the experts on tea. *gringringrin*
[17:56] Arthur-Dent> ...................
[17:56] Dionysus> ...oh, yes. We could share some knowledge.
[17:56] Arthur-Dent> ...........................
[17:56] Ares> Most certainly.
[17:56] Arthur-Dent> *is king of ellipses*
[17:57] Fenchurch> *tugs on Arthur's sleeve* I don't think this is the safest place..
[17:57] Famine> *makes an appreciative noise and tilts his head back, partially to allow Beezie easier access and partially to move closer to Poll, kissing the latter more deeply and undoing the former's pants*
[17:57] Ares> *GLARE OF GODLIKE WRATH at Fenchurch*
[17:57] Arthur-Dent> Meneither.
[17:57] Arthur-Dent> Let'sleave,Fen.
[17:58] Fenchurch> *winces* Yes, let's.
[17:58] Dionysus> Oh, there's no leaving, pretty mortal. Only joining.
[17:58] Arthur-Dent> ...........
[17:58] Ares> Right. *gringringrin*
[17:58] Arthur-Dent> ................................
[17:58] Arthur-Dent> ..................................................
[17:58] Fenchurch> Oh dear.
[17:58] Arthur-Dent> ........................................................................................................
[17:58] Arthur-Dent> *idly wonders when he's ever been pretty*
[17:59] Fenchurch> You're very pretty, darling. *the point of anti-OTPs is rather lost on her*
[17:59] Ares> *Very*...pretty. *leergrin*
[17:59] Arthur-Dent> ....Iamnot.
[17:59] Dionysus> ...oh, but you -are-.
[17:59] Arthur-Dent> .............
[17:59] Arthur-Dent> ...........................................
[17:59] Ares> VERY much so. *gringrinleergrin*
[18:00] Fenchurch> *glares* I'm allowed to think he's pretty. You aren't.
[18:00] Ares> We're allowed to think whatever we want, mortal.
[18:01] Arthur-Dent> ....................................................................................................................................
[18:01] Fenchurch> *sighs* At least you aren't Ford.
[18:01] Ares> *raises eyebrow* What?
[18:01] Beezie> *keeps with the blood sucking and bites again, tearing more skin with his teeth* *continues to grope Poll and makes use of that hand down Meta's pants, ohyeah*
[18:01] Arthur-Dent> .....*well, he recognises SOMETHING* Where's Ford?
[18:02] Dionysus> ...*grins at Arthur*
[18:02] Dionysus> *changes form to look like Ford*
[18:02] Fenchurch> Not here, thankfully.
[18:02] Arthur-Dent> ..................
[18:02] Dionysus> Right here, pretty mortal.
[18:02] Fenchurch> Or..he wasn't. Oh bugger.
[18:02] Arthur-Dent> .................
[18:02] Ares> *grins! hugely!*
[18:02] Dionysus> *beams Ford-ly*
[18:02] Arthur-Dent> ...........
[18:03] Arthur-Dent> *watches his typist swoon*
[18:03] Fenchurch> *is glad it's only his typist*
[18:03] Arthur-Dent> ...*pokes at not!Ford* Ford?
[18:03] Dionysus> ...*pokes back, still grinning* Yeah, pretty mortal?
[18:04] Arthur-Dent> ...*pokes again* You're a mortal too, you know.
[18:04] Ares> *pokes at Fenchurch's mind ARESMODISHLY, then changes form to look like Zaphod!*
[18:04] Fenchurch> *twitches*
[18:04] Arthur-Dent> ............
[18:04] Arthur-Dent> Zippy?
[18:04] Fenchurch> Sfkorl.
[18:05] Dionysus> *slaps Zaphod!Ares on the back* Hey, nice heads.
[18:05] Metatron> *lets out a strangled moan and closes his eyes, arching into Beezie's touch* *kisses along Pollution's neck Distractedly, shivering*
[18:06] Arthur-Dent> .....
[18:06] Ares> Thanks, dude. *grins and winks at both Arthur and Ford!Dio*
[18:06] Arthur-Dent> *pokes at not!Zaphod*
[18:06] Ares> *pokes back*
[18:07] * Mercutio has joined #dfantiotp
[18:07] Dionysus> *pokes them both* Drinks?
[18:07] Ares> Always, dude! *huge grin*
[18:07] Arthur-Dent> ...*bemused* Right. Sure.
[18:07] Fenchurch> *walks over to a corner, sits down and holds her head in her hands*
[18:07] * Ares is now known as ZaphodAres
[18:07] * Dionysus is now known as FordDionysus
[18:08] * Alcuin is now known as Steerpike
[18:08] ZaphodAres> *gives Ford!Dio a "get drunk and screw him, right?" look*
[18:09] FordDionysus> *beams right back at Zippy!Ares* *gives Gargle Blasters to everyone!*
[18:10] Arthur-Dent> ...*drinks*
[18:10] Nemesis> *Facepalm*
[18:10] Fenchurch> *murmurs from under her hands* Arthur, I do hope you know they plan on raping you.
[18:10] ZaphodAres> *DRINKS!*
[18:10] Arthur-Dent> ............
[18:10] Arthur-Dent> *flails*
[18:11] FordDionysus> *drinks too, 'cause the PGGB is his best work*
[18:11] Arthur-Dent> ..............
[18:11] Arthur-Dent> *runs over and clings to Fen*
[18:11] * Ron has joined #dfantiotp
[18:11] * Pepper has joined #dfantiotp
[18:11] Ron> Aha. Found it.
[18:11] * Fouche-spying has joined #dfantiotp
[18:11] FordDionysus> Oh, please, little mortal. Do come back.
[18:12] Arthur-Dent> No!!!
[18:12] * Ron is now known as Ron-SHOWER
[18:12] ZaphodAres> Please do, babe. *Zaphod!grin*
[18:12] Arthur-Dent> I'm not going to let you take advantage of me!
[18:12] FordDionysus> *little Ford!comehither look*
[18:12] Fenchurch> *clings onto Arthur* Don't listen to them.
[18:12] ZaphodAres> It's not taking advantage of you if you want it! *gringrin*
[18:12] Arthur-Dent> ....
[18:13] Arthur-Dent> I -don't- want it!
[18:13] Arthur-Dent> *clingcling*
[18:13] ZaphodAres> Well, we can fix that. *HUGEGRINZOMG*
[18:13] Arthur-Dent> ...................................................................................
[18:13] FordDionysus> *more comehither look!* Come on, you know you want it.
[18:13] Arthur-Dent> No.
[18:13] Arthur-Dent> *clingclingclingcling*
[18:14] FordDionysus> *sexy Ford!pout* Denial much?
[18:14] ZaphodAres> *sexy Zaphod!pout* Definitely.
[18:14] Fenchurch> S'not denial. *glares*
[18:14] ZaphodAres> You'd like to think that, babe. *grin*
[18:14] Pollution> *lets out a low moan against Famine's lips, shuddering and moving his hand under Beezie's shirt to drag his nails over the demon's chest*
[18:15] Fenchurch> I don't think it, I know it. Harumph.
[18:15] Arthur-Dent> ....*clings* Fen,canwegoflyingplease?
[18:15] FordDionysus> ...I can take you flying.
[18:15] FordDionysus> [*wants 'Wanna see my spaceship?' line SOBAD*]
[18:15] ZaphodAres> *grins sexy Zaphod!grin* Wanna see my spaceship?
[18:15] Fenchurch> *clings back* YesArthurwheneveryouwantdon'tlistentothemok.
[18:16] ZaphodAres> [I aim to please ;D]
[18:16] FordDionysus> [ILOVEYOUZOMG!]
[18:16] Arthur-Dent> ..........-NO-.
[18:16] ZaphodAres> [ILOVEYOUTOO]
[18:16] ZaphodAres> You sure? It's a big one. *leer*
[18:16] Arthur-Dent> *CLING*
[18:16] FordDionysus> Oh, it is. *GRIN!* One of my favourites.
[18:16] Fenchurch> I don't think Arthur has an intrest in spaceships right now!
[18:16] Arthur-Dent> No.
[18:16] ZaphodAres> Are you suuuuure?
[18:16] Arthur-Dent> Airplanewings,maybe.
[18:17] Fenchurch> He's positive, you...not...real people!! *cannot think of an insults at this moment*
[18:17] Arthur-Dent> ...FICTIONAL!
[18:17] Arthur-Dent> *flops*
[18:17] ZaphodAres> *looks at Ford!Dio*
[18:17] ZaphodAres> *snorts*
[18:17] FordDionysus> I -look- fictional, babe?
[18:18] Arthur-Dent> ...You look like Ford.
[18:18] Arthur-Dent> *SO CONFUSED, thanks*
[18:19] Fenchurch> Ford is not charming.
[18:19] Metatron> *fictionally makes with the angelic debauchery* *trails his tongue down Pollution's chest and tugs at his waistband, grinding his hips into Beezie's hand*
[18:19] Arthur-Dent> ..........
[18:19] Arthur-Dent> *wibbles*
[18:20] Fenchurch> ....
[18:20] Famine> *hisses from the skinbreaking, as is extremely sensitive in the neck area, and arches against Meta's hand, continuing to snog Pollution and moving his own hand around in Beezie's pants*
[18:20] Fenchurch> *pulls Arthur back and snogs him* DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THEM OK
[18:20] Arthur-Dent> ....I'M NOT.
[18:21] Fenchurch> *glares* Stop the arsemodding, or whatever you call it!
[18:22] Arthur-Dent> Yes!
[18:23] ZaphodAres> *glares at Fenchurch* I don't like you. *ARESMODS FENCHURCH TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM*
[18:23] Arthur-Dent> *meeps*
[18:23] Fenchurch> *blinks* How did I get here? *looks around*
[18:23] ZaphodAres> Now. *grins and advances towards Arthur*
[18:24] FordDionysus> *DIOMODS* *appears behind Arthur*
[18:24] Arthur-Dent> ......
[18:24] Arthur-Dent> *MEEP*
[18:24] Fenchurch> *flails*
[18:24] Arthur-Dent> Goaway!!!
[18:24] Fenchurch> *shouts from across the room* Do listen to him, please!!
[18:25] FordDionysus> *kisses his neck* You don't -really- want that, do you...? *even smells like Ford, yo*
[18:25] Arthur-Dent> *FLAILS* YesIdo.Goaway.
[18:25] Beezie> *bucks against Famine's hands and reacts to the gropage by biting down even harder, while more erratically grasping at Metabits* *moans into Famine's bloody neck*
[18:25] Fenchurch> Get away from my boyfriend please!
[18:27] ZaphodAres> *advances closer and runs a hand down Arthur's cheek, leering* No, no, you really don't...
[18:27] FordDionysus> No, no you don't... *wraps arms around him from behind*
[18:27] * Fouche-spying is now known as Gideon
[18:27] Arthur-Dent> GAH! *flails more* YesI-DO-!
[18:27] Fenchurch> *mind breaks and she passes out in the corner*
[18:28] FordDionysus> Mm. *little Ford!kisses*
[18:28] Arthur-Dent> *wibbles*
[18:28] * Fenchurch is now known as Fen|brainded
[18:29] ZaphodAres> *leans forward and grins charmingly before snogging Arthur*
[18:29] Saint-Alona> [*PAUSE*!!]
[18:31] FordDionysus> *continues with the neck!kisses and grinds against Arthur*
[18:31] Arthur-Dent> ..............
[18:31] Arthur-Dent> *snogg;d*
[18:31] * Pollution is now known as Poll-frozen
[18:31] * Metatron is now known as Meta-IcedMeat
[18:31] Fen|brainded> *splutters*
[18:32] * Joly has joined #dfantiotp
[18:32] Arthur-Dent> *flails*
[18:33] ZaphodAres> *continues with the godly snoggage! "and he saw that it was good!"*
[18:33] Arthur-Dent> ..........
[18:33] Arthur-Dent> *FLAILS MORE*
[18:34] FordDionysus> *grindgrindwhee* *notices of course that Zippy!Ares has a head free*
[18:34] * Beezie is now known as Beezie-strikeapose
[18:35] ZaphodAres> *oooh, yes, has forgotten!* *...well, uses it to snog Dio, if he's not busy*
[18:35] Arthur-Dent> ..........
[18:35] FordDionysus> *totally makes self not bosy!* *snogs Ares over Arthur's shoulder?*
[18:35] FordDionysus> [...busy.]
[18:36] ZaphodAres> Richard: *Gaston-voice* NO ONE FLAILS LIKE RICHARD!
[18:36] ZaphodAres> Richard: *only not really*
[18:36] Saint-Alona> [....not Bosie, maybe? *can'ts resist*]
[18:36] * Joly is now known as Joly-jediaction
[18:37] Saint-Alona> [.....I think I've gone over my daily limit of bad jokes. >.> *slinks off*]
[18:37] ZaphodAres> *still snogging liek whoa!* *WITH BOTH HEADS!* *goes in for the grope, one hand to Dio and two to Arthur*
[18:37] Arthur-Dent> .......
[18:37] Arthur-Dent> *FLAIL*
[18:38] FordDionysus> [Bosie!Dionysus?]
[18:38] Saint-Alona> [...why not?]
[18:38] FordDionysus> *snogs and is groped, whee!* *continues to grind against Arthur and reaches around for some additional gropage*
[18:40] Arthur-Dent> *whimpers*
[18:41] ZaphodAres> *makes it an Arthur sandwich with additional grinding!* *totally continuing with the snogging and groping*
[18:41] Arthur-Dent> *sandwich'd*
[18:47] * Pepper is now known as Pepper-away
[18:47] * Joly-jediaction is now known as Joly
[18:50] * Nemesis has left #dfantiotp
[19:00] * Ron-SHOWER is now known as Ron
[19:03] * Joly is now known as Jedi-Joly
[19:05] * Jedi-Joly is now known as Joly
[19:12] * Arthur-Dent is now known as Arthur-knowswherehistowelis
[19:12] * Ron is now known as Ron-OUT
[19:13] * Steerpike is now known as Alcuin
[19:14] * Gideon is now known as Gideon-library
[19:17] * Joly is now known as Joly-perpetualorgy
[19:37] * Pepper-away has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer )
[19:40] * Arthur-knowswherehistowelis is now known as Arthur-Dent
[19:52] * Logging has joined #dfantiotp
[19:52] * Arthur-Dent is now known as Martin-the-Warrior
[19:55] * Gideon-library is now known as Gideon-room
[19:55] * Logging is now known as Jareth-logging
[19:56] * Teatime has joined #dfantiotp
[19:56] * Joly-perpetualorgy has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[19:58] * Martin-the-Warrior has left #dfantiotp
[20:04] * Jareth-logging is now known as Jareth
[20:06] * Teatime has quit IRC (Quit )
[20:13] * Fen|brainded is now known as Fenchurch
[21:27] * Rosencrantz has joined #dfantiotp
[21:28] * FordDionysus is now known as Hamlet
[21:29] Rosencrantz> *curiouspoke*
[21:30] * Beezie-strikeapose is now known as Ham1337
[21:30] * Hamlet has left #dfantiotp
[21:30] Ham1337> *pokes back*
[21:32] * Ally has joined #dfantiotp
[21:32] * Periffic has joined #dfantiotp
[21:32] Rosencrantz> good my lord! ^__^ you still haven't died yet. *manlyembrace*
[21:32] * Ally has left #dfantiotp
[21:32] * Periffic has left #dfantiotp
[21:32] * Nemesis has joined #dfantiotp
[21:32] * Fish has joined #dfantiotp
[21:32] Fish> *lurks*
[21:32] Cinders-logging> *peers curiously at Fish*
[21:33] Ham1337> *smiles* My gentle Rosencrantz! Nay, I am alive-- and quite lively. *bearhug!*
[21:35] Ham1337> * no longer wearing the miniskirt and stilettos, we'll say*
[21:35] Rosencrantz> well, i should hope you would be. if you were alive, and not lively, you'd be ... less alive. possibly. i imagine. and that's almost like being more dead! *agog and aghast*
[21:35] Rosencrantz> *... when was this?*
[21:36] Cinders-logging> .....*pokes Fish*
[21:36] Ham1337> *...a bit earlier, he was wearing a nurse's outfit and red stilettos...and liking it a bit too much*
[21:36] Fish> (whilst being poked, reasons to herself -- so it's a logging mun... that would lessen the choices...)
[21:37] Rosencrantz> *sorry to have missed that. or, er. maybe not.*
[21:37] Cinders-logging> {{Dear Fish: :P Love and kisses, Cindy-mun}}
[21:37] Ham1337> *laughs* And I should hate to be more dead, for I fear I've been quite dead enough already!
[21:38] Gideon-room> Accio wand
[21:40] Gideon-room> *growls since i'm not really here*
[21:41] * Mercutio has left #dfantiotp
[21:41] Rosencrantz> and i didn't like that at all, so you'd imagine how much i'd hate you being -more- dead. but i wouldn't think about it if i were you, even to imagine -- especially, really.
[21:41] Rosencrantz> there, are you thinking of it? stop. *taps hamlet's forehead*
[21:42] Ham1337> *catches his wrist and laughs* Aye, thou dost know me far too well, I fear, for I think on it, and ponder the horrors that might await the more dead... But I shall cease to do so.
[21:46] Rosencrantz> you had better. *nods sincerely* if we're going to be alive, we might as well think of livelier things. or at least less dead things. like ... *can't think of anything* being alive, i suppose.
[21:46] Rosencrantz> and not being in a box with a lid on it.
[21:47] Ham1337> ...ah, but life in a box is better than no life at all, I expect. *grins* Besides, we all live in boxes-- why, Denmark, there's one.
[21:48] Rosencrantz> *bemused* is denmark a box, my lord?
[21:50] Ham1337> *pokes Ros in the chest* 'Tis, of course. A prison, and a cell hath but four walls, and so-- a box.
[21:52] Ham1337> *has his typist wondering if he's drunk again*
[21:53] Rosencrantz> *pokesback* then the world is a box -- and denmark's a box inside of a box. and when you die, they put you into another box, don't they? so it's a box, inside of a box, inside of a box ... *has confused himself* ... is -that- what being more dead is like?
[21:54] * Fish is now known as Noodle
[21:56] * Noodle is now known as Fishisbananas
[21:57] * Nemesis is dressed like a bunny
[21:57] * Crowley -was- dressed like a cow...
[21:57] * Cinders-logging thought Poll was the one who was supposed to be dressed like a cow...
[21:57] * Ham1337 was playing doctor... errr, dressed like a nurse.
[21:58] Famine> [*snerks belatedly at Pollmootion*]
[21:58] Ham1337> [Cowpeople?]
[21:58] * Poll-frozen is frozen but still offended, thank you.
[21:58] Famine> [YESZOMG.]
[21:59] Nemesis> [Pollmootion...excellent]
[21:59] Famine> [*giggles madly*]
[21:59] Cinders-logging> {{*pats Poll* Love you, hon.}}
[21:59] Famine> [OF POLLMOOTION, ANYWAY.]
[21:59] Ham1337> Ay! Death is but an excess of boxes.
[22:00] Famine> [] [] [] []
[22:00] Famine> [...sorry.]
[22:00] Famine> [Carry on.]
[22:00] Cinders-logging> {{*giggle*}}
[22:00] Nemesis> ['ve had sugar.]
[22:00] * Gideon-room is now known as Gideon
[22:00] Famine> [Nothing BUT sugar. x_x]
[22:01] Cinders-logging> {{*could use some sugar right about now...*}}
[22:01] Nemesis> [That explains it ALL. I just typed Ally instead of all. and I did it again. o.O]
[22:04] Rosencrantz> *looks around, mildly claustrophobic* why, we're in a sort of box right now, aren't we --! i don't know if i want to be that dead. or that boxed! *panick'd*
[22:05] * Nemesis is now known as Nemesis-bunnyears
[22:06] Ham1337> *puts a hand on his shoulder* Now, now-- why, thou hast always been in a box, or if not, than in a box inside of box, or a box inside of a box, inside of a box! 'Tis nothing new-- and newly nothing.
[22:10] Rosencrantz> *whimpercling* can't i be in a box outside of a box?
[22:10] Gideon> [[Z?]]
[22:12] Ham1337> [Somanywindows.]
[22:13] Rosencrantz> (*patpats*)
[22:13] * Nemesis-bunnyears is now known as Nemesis
[22:13] Ham1337> *holds him tightly* If it is wish'd, then certainly! *is lying, but whattheheck*
[22:14] * Cinders-logging is now known as Cinderella-loggingAway
[22:15] Rosencrantz> oh, good! *beams, relieved* is that all i have to do? you had me worried for a moment there!
[22:16] Ham1337> *good-natured laugh* Why, it's all mind over matter! Or hast thou forgotten? *cheerful!tickle*
[22:18] Rosencrantz> it must've slipped my min -- eep! *squeakgigglesquirmandticklesback*
[22:19] * Jareth has left #dfantiotp
[22:20] Ham1337> Ah, but surely, that doth not matter! *keeps tickling, and omg giggles like a schools>girl/s>boy*
[22:22] Rosencrantz> *about to say something terribly clever and profound to that, but omg, -is- giggling like a schoolgirl!*
[22:24] Ham1337> *istoo,don'tworry* *keeps tickling and corners Ros against a wall* A ha! I have thee now!
[22:27] Rosencrantz> *squirms and squees and flails squid-like. actually, i don't know how much squids flail, but it's alliterative and we're sticking to it.* h - have me, my lord?
[22:30] Alcuin> ((Ooh, hey, Rosencrantz, try to sound MORE like a virgin about to be ravished. "h-have me, my lord? *eyelashflutter*)
[22:31] Alcuin> (*puts rosencrantz on a leash and kidnaps him* XD)
[22:31] Alcuin> (*for MAD CUDDLEZORS*)
[22:31] Rosencrantz> (he's just easily confused! ... butyes.)
[22:32] * ZaphodAres has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer )
[22:32] * Famine has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer )
[22:32] * Fishisbananas is now known as Fish
[22:34] Ham1337> [...well, he -is- about to be ravished. Imeaner.]
[22:35] Rosencrantz> (yeser.)
[22:35] Ham1337> [erumwhat?]
[22:36] Rosencrantz> (
[22:37] Ham1337> *tickles some more and laughs victoriously* Ay, but of course! I have thee! Right where I want thee!
[22:39] * A has joined #dfantiotp
[22:39] * A has left #dfantiotp
[22:42] * Gideon is now known as Armand
[22:43] Rosencrantz> *further-squee-age, and some expression of the bemusement that might come out as 'want me, my lord? for what?' or 'aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie' or both*
[22:46] Ham1337> *is terribly amused by squeeage* Why, I do declare myself the victor.
[22:47] Rosencrantz> *breathless and light-headed* does that mean you're going to stop now?
[22:50] Armand> *pokes alcuin and giggles*
[22:51] * Ham1337 has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[22:55] Alcuin> *poked*
[22:55] Alcuin> *Giggled at*
[22:55] * Hamlet has joined #dfantiotp
[22:56] Hamlet> [What'd I miss?]
[22:56] Alcuin> (Alcuin was poked and giggled at.)
[22:56] Alcuin> (That's about all.
[22:56] Alcuin> (Unless you missed Rosencrantz's reply. *gaspshockhorror*
[22:57] Alcuin> (In which case you lose at life.)
[22:57] Rosencrantz> *breathless and light-headed* does that mean you're going to stop now?
[22:57] Alcuin> (But Ros-mun will be all NICE and repeat it for you.)
[22:57] Armand> *pokes again* Wasn't giggling -at- you. Just coz.
[22:57] Hamlet> [...*loses at life*]
[22:57] Alcuin> *nervous blush* Hi.
[22:57] Alcuin> Alcuin: Um. *pokes back?*
[22:57] Hamlet> *giggles and leans in* Should I stop?
[22:58] Armand> *giggles* This place is crazy.
[22:58] Rosencrantz> *thinks rather hard about this* ... i'm not sure.
[22:59] Hamlet> *grins* ...No?
[23:01] Rosencrantz> well, it could be. i'm not sure, remember. *dizzy look* do you have an idea?
[23:01] * Armand_ has joined #dfantiotp
[23:02] * Armand has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[23:02] * Armand_ is now known as Armand
[23:04] Hamlet> Ah, ideas, how I drown in them! *still leaning in* I ponder my spoils.
[23:05] * Cinderella-loggingAway is now known as Cinderella-logging
[23:08] Rosencrantz> oh. oh, that's good, then. *still rather lightheaded, and maybe moreso* pondering anything in particular?
[23:09] Rosencrantz> other than your spoils, that is.
[23:12] Hamlet> *laughs* Simply what one might give his victor. For what prize could best the contest? *tickles some more to demonstrate contest*
[23:12] * Armand has left #dfantiotp
[23:17] Alcuin> (KISS!)
[23:17] Alcuin> (Peanut Gallery: *cheers* KISS!)
[23:18] Rosencrantz> oh --! *yelp-squirms some more, to demonstrate nothing in particular* -- well, you're the one drowning in ideas, aren't you? *giggles*
[23:18] Rosencrantz> (i think they're working up to that.)
[23:18] Cinderella-logging> {{KIIIIIIISS!}}
[23:20] Alcuin> (They're working up to the MAD SNOGGING.)
[23:20] Alcuin> (It's time now for the kiss!)
[23:21] Hamlet> [Hamlet agrees, yo.]
[23:25] Alcuin> (Hamlet must CLAIM what is his.)
[23:25] Alcuin> (*pokes hamlet*)
[23:28] Hamlet> [Roooooos, respond.]
[23:29] * Rosencrantz has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[23:30] Cinderella-logging> {{*meep* ;_;*}}
[23:30] Hamlet> [......]
[23:34] * Rosencrantz has joined #dfantiotp
[23:34] * Irene has joined #dfantiotp
[23:35] Hamlet> [*tackle*]
[23:35] Rosencrantz> (*ded*)
[23:35] Rosencrantz> (what'd i miss?)
[23:36] Hamlet> [A lot of flailing. Now I can actually respond.]
[23:36] Rosencrantz> (yay. not for the flailing, but, you know.)
[23:38] Irene> *nods in greeting to Alcuin* Hello.
[23:38] * Crowley has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[23:39] * Crowley has joined #dfantiotp
[23:39] Nemesis> HI CROWLEY
[23:39] Crowley> ... Hi
[23:40] Hamlet> *grins maniacally* Ah, so I am. And so I drown, and struggle for air, sweet air, beneath them all.
[23:40] Nemesis> Er...sorry.
[23:40] Hamlet> [Hamlet: *needs mouth-to-mouth*]
[23:40] Alcuin> *waves shyly* Hello
[23:41] Crowley> *waves back* Hey
[23:41] Irene> ((Wait... whose Alcuin talking to? Irene or Crowley?))
[23:42] Rosencrantz> um. sorry. is there anything i can do?
[23:42] Alcuin> (Irene, but, whatever.)
[23:42] Alcuin> (Alcuin's just voyeurizing quietly*
[23:42] Cinderella-logging> {{Aren't we all. *nodnod*}}
[23:43] Irene> *smiles* Alcuin, I presume? It's nice to meet you. I'm Irene Adler.
[23:43] Rosencrantz> (that'll be ten guilders. *cough*)
[23:43] Alcuin> I think I've heard of you. I'm pleased to meet you.
[23:43] Alcuin> (Is Rosencrantz one of the players now?)
[23:43] Alcuin> (Alfred will be jealous.)
[23:43] Hamlet> [but... 8 to join in?]
[23:43] Rosencrantz> (alfred: *is still the prettiest!*)
[23:44] Cinderella-logging> {{*thought that was Denmark....*}}
[23:44] Hamlet> [Hamlet: *reenacts the Rape of the Sabine Women*]
[23:44] Hamlet> [Hamlet: *...woman.*]
[23:44] Hamlet> [Hamlet: *...rosencrantz*]
[23:44] Cinderella-logging> {{*watches!*}}
[23:45] Alcuin> ((*videotapes*))
[23:45] Cinderella-logging> {{*wants a copy*}}
[23:46] Hamlet> Hmmmm. *thoughtful look* The drowned might perhaps need the life breathed back into him. *totally propositions round-about-ly*
[23:47] * Fish has quit IRC (*.net *.split )
[23:47] * Irene has quit IRC (*.net *.split )
[23:47] * Rosencrantz has quit IRC (*.net *.split )
[23:47] * Crowley has quit IRC (*.net *.split )
[23:47] * Ron-OUT is now known as Ron
[23:48] Hamlet> [ bad pick-up lines broke DF.]
[23:49] Nemesis> [Bad you]
[23:49] * Crowley has joined #dfantiotp
[23:49] Nemesis> [*tackle*]
[23:50] Ron> [[:D]]
[23:54] * Ron is now known as Ron-WORKING
[23:57] * Meta-IcedMeat is now known as Metatron
[23:57] * Rosencrantz has joined #dfantiotp
[23:59] Hamlet> [Did you get the last message?]
Session Close: Sun Jun 05 00:00:00 2005

tibbett, dionysus, armand, ares, rosencrantz, pollution, anti-otp, hamlet, jonathan teatime, alcuin, arthur dent, fenchurch, beelzebub, famine, crowley, mercutio, metatron, nemesis

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