Anti-OTP Weekend Part 7

Jun 06, 2005 16:42

Session Start: Sun Jun 05 00:00:00 2005
Session Ident: #dfantiotp
[00:00] Rosencrantz> ('fraidnot.)
[00:00] Hamlet> Hmmmm. *thoughtful look* The drowned might perhaps need the life breathed back into him. *totally propositions round-about-ly*
[00:01] Hamlet> [...I hope it won't break DF this time.]
[00:03] Rosencrantz> oh? *leans forward and peers curiously, not that he has to go very far* how do you manage that?
[00:06] * Poll-frozen has left #dfantiotp
[00:09] Alcuin> *giggles* You could kiss him! ^_^
[00:09] Alcuin> *has joined the peanut gallery*
[00:09] * Crowley has quit IRC (Quit )
[00:10] Hamlet> Ay, indeed! A kiss, a kiss, a life-giving kiss, or I should die! *fake!swoons*
[00:12] Nemesis> *Rolls eyes* ....crazy.
[00:18] Rosencrantz> oh! please don't die, my lord. we'd have to put you up in a box, and i'd have to go mad again, and i don't know if madness fits in a box or if you'd have be all alone in there, because, after all, death is in boxes and it's also in england and i don't believe in england, and that just won't do at all! *ends with a very sweet kiss*
[00:30] Hamlet> *enjoys sweet kiss, as rosencrantz is simply lovely* England is a box, and death is a box, so I suppose they're simply boxed into one box-- but alas, that matters not, for here I am, in this box, with you. *presses Ros back against the wall and kisses again*
[00:36] Rosencrantz> *kiss'd! whimpers dizzily and happily and .... platonically* ... oh. well, that's all right. *smiles a little* is it working, then?
[00:38] Hamlet> *pulls back, though still completely pressed against Ros...platonically* I think it so. A rush of blood, and I feel there's life in me yet.
[00:41] Alcuin> (Is he rising to the occasion?)
[00:42] Rosencrantz> oh. oh, good. though i can always try it again. if you like. *nuzzles shyly*
[00:50] Hamlet> [Oh, but of course.]
[00:54] Hamlet> Oh, could you? I fear I'll die a bit if you do not.
[00:57] * Ron-WORKING has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[01:00] Rosencrantz> oh, we can't have that -- i don't know if we'd have room for another box, even if it's only a bit of a one. especially, really. *squirms a little, still completely pressed against by hamlet (platonically, remember)* i mean, it might be the size of a nutshell, and then what would you do?
[01:01] * Logging has joined #dfantiotp
[01:03] Hamlet> *squirms back...suggestively--I mean, platonically! really!* Be dead in infinite space, which looks less happily upon me than being king.
[01:06] Rosencrantz> right! and in a box of infinite space, what dreams might ... *trails off with a confused little whimper* ... um. *clings* what was i saying?
[01:11] Hamlet> Nothing. Nothing at all. Thou wert about to kiss me.
[01:12] * Saint-Alona has quit IRC (Quit )
[01:12] * Metatron sets mode: +o Hamlet
[01:13] * Nemesis has left #dfantiotp
[01:13] Hamlet> [*abuses power*]
[01:14] Rosencrantz> good idea ... *does so. brings plato back to its greek roots.*
[01:18] Hamlet> *snogs in a thorough and princely fashion*
[01:18] * Nemesis has joined #dfantiotp
[01:18] Metatron> *sleeps on the couch or something*
[01:19] * Hailey has joined #dfantiotp
[01:19] * Hailey is now known as Cosette
[01:19] * Grantaire-ninjalurking has joined #dfantiotp
[01:19] Rosencrantz> *is in the middle of fortune's favors?*
[01:20] * Rac has joined #dfantiotp
[01:20] Rac> Whoo.
[01:21] Cosette> *hums*
[01:21] Rac> Oh hi there, Lanoire.
[01:21] Rac> (YOU WANNA GO FOR A RIDE?)
[01:21] Cosette> 'lo, M. 'Rac.
[01:21] Rac> (SURE, KEN!)
[01:21] Rac> (JUMP IN!)
[01:22] Rac> *plops down on a couch* How're things?
[01:22] Cosette> [XD]
[01:23] Hamlet> *mmm, surely not abouther waist*
[01:23] Cosette> *sits beside him* Oh, well. And for you?
[01:24] Rac> Oh, just fine, lovely. Dealing with fidelity and all that.
[01:24] Cosette> Fidelity?
[01:24] Rac> Yes. Fidelity. *looks a little pained*
[01:25] Hamlet> *shows Ros the secret parts of Fortune, rawr*
[01:25] Cosette> To M. Prouvaire, you mean?
[01:25] Rosencrantz> *makeslovetothisemployment!*
[01:25] Rac> Yes -- fidelity to Jehan.
[01:26] Cosette> Well, you oughtn't look so irritated about it. Fidelity is to be expected, in a relationship.
[01:26] Rac> I know, well, and Jehan's being utterly lovely about everything. But you're really not the one to be saying that, Lanoire.
[01:27] Cosette> ...what do you mean?
[01:27] Rac> Well -- you've had a fair spot of trouble yourself.
[01:27] Cosette> Oh... well, yes, but that does not mean that such 'trouble' is the way that things -ought- to be.
[01:28] * Raoul has joined #dfantiotp
[01:28] * Rosencrantz has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client )
[01:29] Rac> Certainly not. But... *sighs*
[01:29] Rac> How's Marius doing?
[01:31] Cosette> Oh... I haven't seen him in a few days, to be quite honest.
[01:31] * Alcuin has quit IRC (Quit: AbleNET IRC )
[01:32] Rac> I suppose he's dying of longing. *grins* He used to prattle on and on and on about you, so infernally much.
[01:33] Cosette> *smiles shyly* So I have been told.
[01:34] Rac> Just kept on talking. An angel, a lark, a vision of heaven -- you can imagine how badly I wanted to meet you.
[01:34] Cosette> *blushes a little* Did you truly?
[01:35] Rac> *nods, a little reminiscent* But no matter how much I wandered the streets, you weren't anywhere to be seen.
[01:35] Cosette> I didn't get out terribly often.
[01:37] Rac> So I heard. I was about to call on every house in Paris to find you.
[01:38] Cosette> *laughs* I fear I must have been a terrible disappointment.
[01:39] Rac> Nonsense, Lanoire. *pats her hand* What you lacked in legend, you made up for with life.
[01:40] Cosette> It just seems that things are generally more spectacular when left mostly to the imagination, after which the real thing often pales in comparison.
[01:41] * Nemesis has left #dfantiotp
[01:42] Rac> Ah, but stories will always be merely stories, tall tales and awe. Nothing is quite like the real person herself.
[01:43] * Logging has quit IRC (Quit )
[01:43] Cosette> Well, not quite like, of course, but often a bit better.
[01:44] * Nemesis has joined #dfantiotp
[01:44] Rac> You can't talk to a rumour, Lanoire, and listen to it reply. You can't sit next to her on a couch, or talk to her idly about banal middle-class things.
[01:44] Cosette> *smiles* Certainly not.
[01:44] Cosette> It's just very strange, to be something of a legend.
[01:46] Rac> You understand, he'd have made us all fall in love with you, if he hadn't kept on going. *laughs* That made us a little worn out.
[01:46] Cosette> *laughs and blushes a little* Perhaps a good thing, then, that he went on so.
[01:47] Rac> You'd have had almost a dozen suitors climbing over your gates...
[01:48] Cosette> It may have been a little frightening.
[01:49] Rac> *grins* Don't you deserve it, lovely?
[01:51] Cosette> *flushes* Certainly not!
[01:53] Rac> *takes her hand and gives it a gallant kiss* I beg to differ.
[01:54] Cosette> *red* Do you?
[01:56] Rac> I do with all my heart.
[01:56] Cosette> Then I can hardly deny you. Differ away.
[01:57] Rac> You're a fine woman, and in more ways than I could bother to count.
[01:58] Grantaire-ninjalurking> [*has blindfolded Marius, in case you all wer wondering*]
[01:58] Rac> (oh, but of COURSE. ...Grantaire, want to join? XD)
[01:58] Cosette> [Threesome! XD]
[01:58] Grantaire-ninjalurking> [*sporfle*]
[01:58] * Grantaire-ninjalurking is now known as Grantaire
[01:58] Rac> (XD)
[01:58] Rac> (omg.XDD)
[01:58] Grantaire> *saunters in*
[01:58] Cosette> *blush* You do flatter me, m'sieur.
[01:58] Rac> Good day, Christophe!
[01:58] Grantaire> [couldn't resist]
[01:58] Cosette> M. Grantaire, hello!
[01:58] Rac> Sweets for the sweet, Lanoire.
[01:59] Grantaire> Hallo, Adrien, Lanoire.
[01:59] Cosette> [Well, really. Who could? XD]
[01:59] Hamlet> [Dude, there was already a foursome in here earlier.]
[01:59] Cosette> *blushes* Flattery gets one nowhere.
[01:59] Grantaire> I beg to differ, Lanoire.
[01:59] Grantaire> *plops down beside them*
[01:59] Cosette> Do you?
[02:00] Grantaire> Indeed I do.
[02:00] * Nemesis has left #dfantiotp
[02:00] Rac> And besides, this isn't flattery.
[02:00] Rac> It's the raw, brutal truth.
[02:00] Cosette> Well, if I have allowed him to differ, I can hardly deny you. Do differ.
[02:00] Cosette> *blush*
[02:00] Grantaire> *laughs* Indeed it is.
[02:00] Grantaire> [WTF, Grantaire, are you bi now? Hor.]
[02:00] Rac> (...ohgod.XDDDD)
[02:00] Cosette> [Its antiOTP day. 's all good.]
[02:00] Metatron> [OT3. :)]
[02:01] Cosette> I am sure that is not so.
[02:01] Hamlet> [I miss the OT4.]
[02:02] Rac> In fact, I am almost hurt that Marius didn't tell you stories about us.
[02:02] Metatron> [Me, too. ;_; It was so happy.]
[02:02] Rac> (And Meta's a manho. ;__;)
[02:02] Grantaire> *eyes her, grinning* Au contraire, Lanoire, I daresay you're the prettiest woman I've seen.
[02:02] Rac> Including myself, Christophe dear?
[02:02] Metatron> [Correction. Anti!OTP!OOC!Meta is a manho.]
[02:02] Grantaire> You're not a woman, dear.
[02:03] Rac> When I was.
[02:03] Cosette> *blush* I must confess some disappointment that he never mentioned you.
[02:03] Rac> *laughs* But really, you don't want to be knowing fellows like us for long. The shorter the better.
[02:03] Grantaire> Quite so, Adrien.
[02:04] Cosette> And why is that?
[02:05] Rac> Because we're bad influences, dear.
[02:05] Grantaire> Oh, yes, terribly bad influences.
[02:05] Rac> We're horrid, amoral, revolutionary influences on the satin of your world.
[02:05] Grantaire> And drunken cynical bastards. Well, I am.
[02:06] Cosette> Well, I've known you long enough, I should think, for that to be of no matter any longer.
[02:06] Rac> Tell me, lovely, how have we messed with your world so far?
[02:08] Cosette> Oh, in many ways, and not all of them terrible.
[02:09] Rac> Such as? Name a few, so that we can feel flattered and useful.
[02:09] Grantaire> Oh, yes, because we all -love- feeling useful.
[02:11] Cosette> Well. *blushes* You've made me kiss men who aren't my husband, gotten me drunk, had me take off my clothes before a whole room..
[02:12] Grantaire> I didn't do any of that.
[02:12] Grantaire> *pouts*
[02:12] Rac> *laughs* I've certainly been useful, however.
[02:13] Rac> But you've got to admit, most of it was good fun.
[02:13] Cosette> You, M. Grantaire... you've kept me awake a full night, shown me what delerious men do and apparently that I look like your mother...
[02:13] Cosette> Oh, I suppose so.
[02:13] Grantaire> .........
[02:13] Grantaire> I was -delirious-, Lanoire.
[02:13] Rac> *cringes* Yes, Christophe, that wasn't so hot.
[02:14] Grantaire> You think I enjoyed it?
[02:14] Rac> Suffice it to say that none of us did, dear.
[02:14] Grantaire> Right.
[02:15] Cosette> *smiles* I know that you were.
[02:15] Rac> So. What was the most enjoyable out of all the ridiculous things we got you to do, Lanoire?
[02:17] Cosette> Oh, I hardly can say.
[02:17] Rac> Choose one? And boost our ego?
[02:19] Cosette> *laughs* I cannot say!
[02:19] Cosette> I don't know.
[02:19] Grantaire> Please, Lanoire?
[02:20] Rac> For two lads in distress, please?
[02:21] Cosette> Oh, you are wicked to pester me so, for I truly cannot say.
[02:22] Rac> *pokes her shoulder* C'mon, you know we won't stop.
[02:22] Grantaire> I'm sure you can think of -something-.
[02:23] Cosette> *laughs* Well, I... I suppose drinking is not -so- terrible.
[02:23] Rac> Very well! Christophe, some wine for us all!
[02:24] Grantaire> Wine, hurrah! *pours some for them*
[02:24] Hamlet> Dionysus: *pops in* *deposits more wine* *pops out*
[02:24] Rac> (XD)
[02:25] * Raoul has left #dfantiotp
[02:27] Rac> *eeeeh drinks wine* And after the drinking? Any other good memories of our bad influence?
[02:27] Cosette> *takes a teeny sip* Oh, I don't know...
[02:28] Rac> ...but guess?
[02:29] Cosette> I suppose... well, I suppose kissing you wasn't all that awful.
[02:30] Rac> *grins* Are you drunk already?
[02:31] Cosette> Surely not! I've had but one sip!
[02:31] Rac> *wide-eyed* Then are you entirely serious? And sober?
[02:31] Cosette> *laughs* Entirely.
[02:32] Rac> Hmm...
[02:33] Grantaire> ..*drinks*
[02:34] Cosette> I'm simply being honest. *smiles and takes another sip*
[02:34] Rac> Well, I'm flattered to hear that from the lips of a legend. *sips more wine*
[02:35] Cosette> *blushes* No flattery, remember?
[02:35] Rac> Madame, for lack of a better phrase, you started it.
[02:36] Cosette> Did I! You flattered first.
[02:37] Rac> I wasn't being flattering!
[02:37] Cosette> You were so.
[02:37] Rac> Was -not-.
[02:37] Grantaire> Was he?
[02:37] Cosette> He certainly was.
[02:38] Rac> Then let's pretend I was.
[02:38] Rac> But if so, Lanoire, I'm incredibly hurt.
[02:38] Cosette> But you were!
[02:38] Cosette> Oh, why?
[02:39] Rac> *mock-pouts* You put drinking higher on the list than me?
[02:39] Grantaire> *laughs*
[02:39] Cosette> Only because it's terribly wicked to kiss men who aren't your husband!
[02:39] Rac> Ah, but you put it right after drinking.
[02:39] Rac> So it must not be quite so evil after all?
[02:40] Cosette> Well, it is, but it's less evil than taking off one's clothes before everyone, I think.
[02:43] Grantaire> But -that-, Lanoire, is quite fun.
[02:43] Cosette> *blushes* Perhaps for you.
[02:43] Rac> More fun than kissing me, my one-time spouse?
[02:44] Grantaire> ....Perhaps not, o ex-something. Which were you?
[02:45] Rac> I can't quite remember, but it was enjoyable.
[02:45] Grantaire> 'f course, 'f course.
[02:45] Cosette> I don't think I shall ask.
[02:46] Rac> Lanoire, dear, it was great fun.
[02:46] Cosette> What was?
[02:46] Grantaire> Being married to Adrien.
[02:46] Grantaire> For all of the two hours it lasted.
[02:46] Cosette> Oh, I see.
[02:46] Rac> And the laughing it entailed.
[02:46] Cosette> Many things involving you two seem to entail laughing.
[02:47] Grantaire> Of course.
[02:47] * Dili has joined #dfantiotp
[02:47] Rac> But somehow, that was... quite an inordinate amount of laughing.
[02:47] Dili> (*spays* Imean *spies*)
[02:47] Metatron> [HI DILI :O! *transchat love*]
[02:47] Rac> (XD)
[02:47] Cosette> Oh, I'm sure.
[02:48] Rac> No, really, Christophe just started cracking up all over the place, and I had to wonder, what's so funny about a kiss?
[02:48] Grantaire> *sporfles*
[02:48] Cosette> *smiles*
[02:49] Rac> See! He's doing it again!
[02:49] Rac> You didn't burst into hours of laughter when I kissed you, Lanoire dear.
[02:49] Cosette> No, I believe I fainted.
[02:49] Rac> *blinks* Well, that was quite a reaction.
[02:49] Cosette> *laughs* Better or worse than hysterical laughter?
[02:51] Rac> I don't know. Perhaps we shall have to see. *leans in and kisses her*
[02:52] * Jareth has joined #dfantiotp
[02:52] Cosette> *completely unprepared for that, so swoons a little*
[02:52] * Holmes-PassedOut has joined #dfantiotp
[02:53] Grantaire> *blink* I don't get any?
[02:53] Rac> ...Aw, you poor neglected dear.
[02:53] Rac> Do you promise not to burst out in laughter then?
[02:54] Grantaire> Yes.
[02:54] Rac> *grins* You promised. *gives him a kiss too*
[02:54] Cosette> *fans herself* We shall hold you to it. Your word as a gentleman.
[02:54] Grantaire> *kisses back!*
[02:54] Cosette> Very unfair. Ruins the... the scientific study, if he kisses back and I do not.
[02:55] * Jehan has joined #dfantiotp
[02:55] Jehan> (*not here*)
[02:55] Rac> (...really? XD)
[02:55] Rac> (Well, it's just banter.)
[02:55] Jehan> (*still! not here* :) )
[02:55] Holmes-PassedOut> [[Hehe.]]
[02:55] Rac> But Lanoire, that's entirely up to you. It's your choice and your tongue.
[02:56] Cosette> Well, then, do let me make it equal. *lifts her wine glass to hide a yawn and realizes it's rather empty*
[02:56] Jareth> *saunters and throws himself gracefully onto a sofa, covering it with glitter*
[02:56] Rac> *refills her glass*
[02:56] Holmes-PassedOut> *Walks up to the couch and sits down next to him*
[02:57] Cosette> *sips* Oh, wine does make me sleepy.
[02:57] Holmes-PassedOut> Hello, Jareth.
[02:57] Holmes-PassedOut> ^_^
[02:57] Grantaire> Perhaps something else, then?
[02:57] Rac> We ought to influence you some more. It won't do for a lady as a hostess to fall asleep at parties.
[02:57] Jareth> Sherlock. *arches an eyebrow and coujours a crystal* How are you this evening?
[02:57] Holmes-PassedOut> Quite well.
[02:57] Cosette> Well, I sha'n't drink at parties, then.
[02:57] Holmes-PassedOut> And yo u?
[02:58] Rac> But if you're the hostess, you need to drink.
[02:58] Grantaire> Indeed.
[02:58] Cosette> Oh, I don't get sleepy from just a sip or two.
[02:59] Jareth> Hmm. Care for a drink?
[02:59] Holmes-PassedOut> *Nods*
[02:59] Holmes-PassedOut> I would indeed.
[02:59] Jareth> Anything in particular?
[03:00] Holmes-PassedOut> Brandy, if you please.
[03:00] * Rac has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer )
[03:02] * Rac has joined #dfantiotp
[03:02] Rac> (oh. good.)
[03:02] Holmes-PassedOut> *Smiles*
[03:02] Holmes-PassedOut> or I'll get you some...
[03:02] Holmes-PassedOut> *Retrieves a l ittle brandy.*
[03:02] Metatron> [Good job, nothing at ALL happened without you, Fish.]
[03:02] Jareth> *holds out what was the crystal and is now a glass of brandy* Oh Sherlock, don't trouble yourself with getting up, I'd prefer to have you stay right here.
[03:03] Holmes-PassedOut> Oh?
[03:03] Rac> (XD)
[03:03] Holmes-PassedOut> *Sits back down.*
[03:03] Cosette> *yawns* *prettily, of course*
[03:03] Grantaire> More wine, anyone?
[03:03] Holmes-PassedOut> *Leans close.*
[03:03] Jareth> *hands him the glass*
[03:03] Holmes-PassedOut> Don't want me to leave?
[03:03] Holmes-PassedOut> *Smirks*
[03:03] Rac> For the ravishing lady on table two. *points to Cosette's glass*
[03:03] Holmes-PassedOut> *Takes it and drinks it.*
[03:04] Grantaire> *pours Cosette more wine*
[03:04] * Holmes-PassedOut is now known as Holmes
[03:04] Cosette> Oh, no thank you. *giggles* I've had two glasses already!
[03:04] Jareth> Hmm. *smiles back*
[03:04] Holmes> *Leans close again.*
[03:04] Grantaire> So?
[03:04] Rac> Two is a very, very small number.
[03:04] Rac> Three, cosmically speaking, is the first number of stability.
[03:05] Cosette> I do not intend to let the pair of you get me drunk yet again. It's disgraceful, and I feel a horror in the morning.
[03:05] Holmes> ^_^
[03:05] Holmes> *Pokes him.*
[03:05] Rac> How much can you drink before you get drunk, anyhow?
[03:05] Jareth> Ooh. Do it again.
[03:05] Grantaire> But such fun, Lanoire dear!
[03:05] Holmes> *Poke!*
[03:06] Jareth> *arches an eyebrow again* If the rest of you is as skilled at poking as your mere finger is, you've certainly got more than your brains going for you Sherlock.
[03:06] Cosette> Until it's over, and it's very far from fun.
[03:06] Cosette> Besides, I shall fall asleep if I take one glass more. *giggles*
[03:06] Holmes> *Smirks.*
[03:07] Holmes> Of course I do.
[03:07] Grantaire> No you shan't, for Adrien and I will keep you awake.
[03:07] Rac> If need be, we'll keep you awake all night. *smiles*
[03:07] Jareth> *glitters temptingly*
[03:08] Holmes> o_o
[03:08] Cosette> *giggles and sips* And how do you plan to do that?
[03:08] Holmes> *Pokes him agaaaaain.*
[03:08] Rac> Christophe, my good friend, show her how.
[03:09] Jareth> Do be careful Sherlock, you might excite me and then you'll be covered with.... glitter.
[03:09] Grantaire> *smirks and kisses Cosette*
[03:09] Cosette> *flails a little, then gives in*
[03:09] Holmes> oh, should I mind?
[03:09] Holmes> Ms. Hudson can get anything out of my clothing...
[03:10] Holmes> *Leans clooooose*
[03:10] Rac> (Can she get you out of your clothing?)
[03:10] Jareth> *grins saucily* Is she good at getting -you- out of your clothing, or does that take other, special skills she's lacking?
[03:10] Rac> (....omg.)
[03:10] Jareth> [XD]
[03:11] Grantaire> Does that explain it, Lanoire?
[03:11] Holmes> [[She can!]]
[03:11] Cosette> *blinks* I... suppose?
[03:11] Holmes> *Laughs.*
[03:11] Holmes> Oh, it takes special apendages, mostly..
[03:11] Holmes> *Maneuvers himself to sit on Jareth's lap.*
[03:12] Rac> Very good. Do you trust in our ability to keep you awake, then? Or do you need more extreme measures?
[03:12] Cosette> ...extreme measures...?
[03:12] Hamlet> [...*covers Watson's eyes...*]
[03:12] Rac> Extreeeeme measures.
[03:12] Holmes> [[*Gives Watsona blindfold*]]
[03:12] Cosette> *sips* Such as...
[03:13] Rac> (such as smut, which we cannot RP to save our lives. Me, at any rate. XD)
[03:13] Jareth> *shifts to accommodate*
[03:13] Cosette> [...yeah, me neither. XD]
[03:13] Holmes> [[XD]]
[03:13] Grantaire> [me neitheR!]
[03:13] Rac> (....XDDDD)
[03:13] Cosette> [XDDD]
[03:13] Cosette> [This'll be the best threesome ever. XDD]
[03:14] Grantaire> [WOO rANdom capItalS!]
[03:14] Rac> (We're all like.. yeah. XD)
[03:14] Holmes> Now, then...
[03:14] Holmes> You want to know what it takes to get me out of my clothing?
[03:14] Holmes> In all things of interest, I say experiment...
[03:14] Holmes> *Smirks.*
[03:14] Metatron> [Hey, I can't RP smut and Meta was taking part in the OT4 anyway. :O]
[03:14] Holmes> [[I can o nly RP whit and insanity...]]
[03:15] Jareth> [rping smut... there's just not enough adjectives in the english language to keep it from being boring XD]
[03:15] Holmes> [[*Nods*]]
[03:15] Holmes> [[Smut needs pictures.]]
[03:15] Metatron> [No, it's possible to write really good smut.]
[03:15] Metatron> [Just... not when you're me.]
[03:15] Holmes> [[XD]]
[03:15] Holmes> [[My ex was a smut goddess.]]
[03:16] Cosette> *finishes the third glass, then!*
[03:16] Jareth> [Jareth: It's all about location, location, location. Why do you think Amadeo and I disapear for hours on end to just about any place in the DF mansion you can think of?]
[03:16] Rac> ...Well, is it going down alright?
[03:16] Holmes> So, then...I'd suggest you start thinking on ways you might try to get me out of my clothing.
[03:16] Holmes> Then test it and see if they work...
[03:17] Grantaire> *continues drinking*
[03:17] Cosette> What d'you mean? *rubs her eyes*
[03:17] Rac> Feel much sleepy yet?
[03:17] Jareth> Mmm, eager to get out of them? *clicks his tongue* Someone is certainly in a mood this evening.
[03:17] Cosette> *nods*
[03:17] Holmes> *Smiles.*
[03:17] Holmes> Of course I am.
[03:19] Holmes> *Straddles JAreth.*
[03:19] Holmes> ]]*OmgLikesTypingThat*]]
[03:19] Rac> Stay awake, lovely -- you'll freeze if you fall asleep... *kisses her throat* ...and we'll have to bury you in the cold artctic tundra...
[03:20] Grantaire> Mmmhmm.
[03:20] Rac> (EXCEPT ARCTIC.)
[03:20] Cosette> Why will I freeze?
[03:20] Jareth> *lifts a finger and traces it from Sherlock's forehead, down his nose, and over his lips to his chin*
[03:21] Rac> I don't know... *goes on kissing down her neck* ...But trust me, we know best.
[03:21] Holmes> Mmm...
[03:21] Grantaire> Quite.
[03:21] Holmes> *Bites at his finger, smiling.*
[03:21] Cosette> *shivers, but doesn't pull away* 'm sure you do.
[03:21] Jareth> *dots it fingertip on his nose, leaving a spot of glitter*
[03:22] Holmes> *Laughs.*
[03:22] Jareth> *his, not it >_o
[03:22] Holmes> [Hehehe.]]
[03:23] Holmes> ^____^
[03:23] Jareth> You're rather endearing when you're getting drunk.
[03:23] Holmes> *Laughs.*
[03:23] Holmes> Thank you...
[03:24] Holmes> *Leans close.*
[03:24] Holmes> And shall I get so mething for being endearing?
[03:24] Holmes> I do it so little that I ought to be rew arded when I do...
[03:24] Jareth> It's almost... attractive in a strange way. Seeing the somber exterior soften and crack...
[03:25] Holmes> *Smiles.*
[03:25] Holmes> Indeed?
[03:25] Holmes> [[[ Holmes is being idiotic tonight...]]
[03:25] Jareth> *tilts Sherlock's head to the side with a fingertip to whisper in his ear* Indeed.
[03:26] Rac> And -- and remember when I said I could unlace your corset faster than you could?
[03:27] Cosette> *nods and giggles sleepily* Very well.
[03:27] Rac> ...I'm still sticking with my views on that one.
[03:27] Cosette> Are you, now.
[03:30] Rac> Yes. Yes. Do you dare refute my views?
[03:30] Cosette> *yawns widely* I'm sure you could, at this moment.
[03:30] Rac> Well. I could prove it.
[03:31] Cosette> *fingers her top button absently* Could you?
[03:31] Holmes> Mmm......
[03:31] Holmes> And what else do you like?
[03:31] Rac> Yes, and what's more is, I would still like your buttons.
[03:32] Cosette> *giggles and tugs at the button she's holding* Can't get it off, though.
[03:32] Jareth> *smirks* That, my dear Sherlock, you'll have to find out.
[03:32] Holmes> *Smiles.* It will be well worth the effort.
[03:32] Rac> *smiles* Could help you with that.
[03:32] Jareth> *cups his chin in his hand and kisses him quickly*
[03:32] Jareth> I should certainly hope so.
[03:32] Holmes> *Returns the kiss with great enthusiasm.*
[03:33] Cosette> Oh. *blushes* I'm sure you could. *lowers her hands*
[03:33] Jareth> *slides out from under his lap and winks*
[03:34] Jareth> You think about the worth of the effort for a while Sherlock. *saunters out*
[03:34] Holmes> O_O
[03:34] Holmes> ....what...?
[03:34] Holmes> *Wibbles*
[03:35] * Jareth has left #dfantiotp
[03:35] Rac> (can't unbutton. can't unbutton. that means smut, not humour. can't unbutton. scared. scared. scared.)
[03:35] Jehan> (;_; Don't worry.)
[03:35] Rac> (XDD)
[03:35] Rac> (not like SCAREDOMG scared, you know what I mean. XD)
[03:35] Cosette> [It's Cosette. I can think of any number of ways to kill the mood, if you want. XD]
[03:36] Jehan> (Yeah, but!)
[03:36] Rac> (hey, you know what, let's just fool around. XD)
[03:36] Cosette> [XD]
[03:36] Metatron> [*cheers for smut* *Imeanwhat?*]
[03:36] Holmes> [[...]]
[03:37] Holmes> [[Holmes is going to make me leave this chat.]
[03:37] Holmes> [[He's distraught.]]
[03:37] Rac> (aw, Holmes. ;__;)
[03:38] Holmes> [[Holmes; *Continues to wibble and whatnot.*]]
[03:38] * Holmes has left #dfantiotp
[03:38] Cosette> [Well, whatever you're gonna do, do it. XD]
[03:40] Cosette> [OKAY XD]
[03:40] Metatron> [NOOOOOO!]
[03:40] Metatron> [*CRY*]
[03:40] Metatron> [*AND SUCH*]
[03:40] Rac> (but Peri, XDD)
[03:40] Metatron> [...Yes? XD;]
[03:40] Cosette> ...oh, my.
[03:41] Rac> (......You don't seriously want Cosette and Rac and Grantaire to er. XD)
[03:41] Jehan> (XD)
[03:41] Grantaire> [no]
[03:41] Metatron> [...Sh.]
[03:41] Metatron> [Sure I do. :D]
[03:41] Grantaire> [Grantaire. Just. No.]
[03:41] Cosette> [XD]
[03:41] Rac> (Rac. Just. No.)
[03:41] Metatron> [*dies*]
[03:41] Cosette> [Cosette. Just. No.]
[03:41] Metatron> [...Okay fine.]
[03:41] Rac> (Just. Say. No.)
[03:41] Cosette> [XD]
[03:41] Rac> (XD)
[03:41] Metatron> [JUST SAY NO TO WEIRD PAIRINGS.]
[03:43] Cosette> *sets down her glass slowly*
[03:43] Rac> ...You alright, Lanoire?
[03:45] Cosette> Oh, yes. Just... excuse me a... a moment. ...*hikes up her skirts in one arm, puts a hand over her mouth and scurries toward the bathroom*
[03:46] Rac> ......
[03:46] Rac> ...Why do well-bred ladies not hold their drinks.
[03:48] Cosette> *returns a few moments later, very white and rather shakey*
[03:48] Metatron> [Alas.]
[03:48] Rac> ...*barely able to conceal his disappointment* ...You alright?
[03:49] Cosette> *smiles* Of course.
[03:50] Grantaire> ...Alright.
[03:50] Rac> ......*still disappointed* Do you not drink very well?
[03:51] Cosette> Clearly not. *curls up on the couch*
[03:51] Rac> ...Well, that's rather like your husband.
[03:52] Cosette> *laughs*
[03:52] Rac> Maybe if you hang about with Christophe more often, you can ... I don't know. Become immune to alcohol.
[03:53] Grantaire> Perhaps.
[03:53] Cosette> Do you suppose it works that way?
[03:53] Rac> We could try!
[03:54] Cosette> Perhaps another kiss.
[03:54] Rac> *raises an eyebrow*
[03:55] Cosette> Before coming here, I'd never kissed a man but Marius.
[03:55] Rac> And I would only believe you, if a lady said something like that.
[03:56] Cosette> What do you mean?
[03:57] Rac> Usually they -- well. It's just a ploy. A facade of virginality.
[03:57] Cosette> Well! I promise it is nothing like that.
[03:59] Grantaire> ...Huh.
[04:00] Rac> It's Lanoire, Christophe. She's probably not lying at all.
[04:00] Grantaire> Probably.
[04:00] Rac> Most probably.
[04:00] Cosette> I'm not!
[04:01] Rac> I am.
[04:01] Cosette> Are what?
[04:01] Rac> ...I am what? *lost track of the conversation*
[04:02] Grantaire> *I* am a danish.
[04:02] Cosette> ...*kisses 'Rac*
[04:02] Rac> ...N--
[04:02] Rac> -- ........Lanoire?
[04:02] Cosette> ...oui?
[04:02] Rac> ...Why d...
[04:03] Rac> ......*OMG kisses Cosette*
[04:03] Cosette> *flushes* I didn't kiss you back before, so..
[04:03] Cosette> --! *kisses back*
[04:04] Rac> ...*pulls back*
[04:04] Rac> ......Was that why.
[04:04] Cosette> ....yes?
[04:05] Rac> ...Well, then it was done with good, civil, polite intentions.
[04:05] Cosette> *nods* Of course.
[04:11] * Fenchurch is now known as Fen|away
[04:16] * Grantaire is now known as Arthur-Dent
[04:16] Rac> I SEKRITLY MOURN.
[04:16] * Rac is now known as Ford
[04:16] Arthur-Dent> R: TOO BAD INDEED.
[04:16] Metatron> [ME TOO RAC!]
[04:16] Jehan> (XD)
[04:17] Ford> (XD)
[04:25] Dili> *is bored*
[04:25] * Dili slaps Metatron around a bit with a large trout
[04:25] * Dili slaps Ford around a bit with a large trout
[04:25] Ford> (...XD)
[04:25] * Dili slaps Hamlet around a bit with a large trout
[04:25] Metatron> ...
[04:25] Dili> There.
[04:25] Metatron> ...
[04:25] * Arthur-Dent slaps Ford around a bit with a large trout
[04:25] Metatron> Wasn't that a proposal of some kind?
[04:25] * Arthur-Dent always wanted to do that.
[04:25] * Dili slaps Arthur-Dent around a bit with a large trout
[04:25] * Jehan slaps Cinderella-logging around a bit with a large trout
[04:25] Jehan> ...
[04:25] * Ford slaps Metatron around a bit with a large trout
[04:25] Metatron> ...
[04:25] Metatron> *is trout-assaulted*
[04:25] Dili> ... sure! *jumps into Metatron's arms* *and gets smacked by trout*
[04:26] Metatron> *holds Dili, apparently?*
[04:26] Metatron> *blink* ...
[04:43] * Arthur-Dent has left #dfantiotp
[04:48] * Metatron has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client )
[04:49] Hamlet> [Any in here going to be around for awhile?]
[04:49] Hamlet> [*Anyone]
[04:49] * Cosette has left #dfantiotp
[04:49] Jehan> (...I don't think so. x.x)
[04:50] Hamlet> [*needs to op someone just in case*]
[04:50] Jehan> (hmm....Ford, maybe..)
[04:50] Ford> I'll be here for like seven hours.
[04:50] Jehan> XD
[04:50] Ford> Hi, I'm not Ford.
[04:50] Ford> I'm, like, Fish.
[04:51] Hamlet> ...dude. Fish. *fanbois OOCly*
[04:51] Ford> ...Dude, like, Z. XD
[04:51] Hamlet> ...right. me. not Hamlet.
[04:51] Hamlet> You really going to be around?
[04:52] Ford> Seven hours.
[04:52] Ford> At least.
[04:53] Hamlet> /mode #channelname +o nickname
[04:53] Hamlet> ...that's not how we c&p, Z.
[04:53] Ford> ...Hi, Z. XD
[04:54] Hamlet> ...I like to lose at life.
[04:54] * Hamlet sets mode: +o Ford
[04:54] Ford> Now you win.
[04:54] Ford> >:D
[04:54] Hamlet> Yay me!
[05:00] * Dili is now known as Dili-away
[05:27] * Jehan has left #dfantiotp
[05:29] * Ford has left #dfantiotp
[05:51] * Dili-away has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[08:18] * Hamlet sets mode: +o Cinderella-logging
[08:50] * Saint-Alona has joined #dfantiotp
[08:51] * Evie has joined #dfantiotp
[08:51] * Evie has left #dfantiotp
[08:51] * Fouche-spying has joined #dfantiotp
[08:51] * Fouche-spying has left #dfantiotp
[08:52] * Hamlet sets mode: +o Saint-Alona
[09:31] * Hamlet has left #dfantiotp
[10:29] * Maitimo has joined #dfantiotp
[10:33] * Vala has joined #dfantiotp
[10:33] Maitimo> *looks around* I don't see what's so special here. Except for the lack of family orgies...
[10:36] * IrmoL has joined #dfantiotp
[10:36] * Elrohir has joined #dfantiotp
[10:36] Maitimo> *smiles* Hi, Irmo.
[10:36] Elrohir> [just wnat to watch]
[10:37] Maitimo> *hopes the others aren't bringing the orgy in here*
[10:37] IrmoL> *stares at Elrohir* No you don't. Go back to your OTP.
[10:38] Vala> [*Smacketh*]
[10:38] Maitimo> *flops into an armchair, as this room appears to be laid out the same way as the other*
[10:38] IrmoL> [*smacketh back*]
[10:38] IrmoL> *sits next to Mae, like, totally inconspicuous*
[10:39] Maitimo> *sighs* They always to that. All of them. Even Cano.
[10:39] IrmoL> What? Watch? Flop in armchairs? Smack?
[10:40] Maitimo> *laughs a little* No *points towards the other room* Publically Display Affection.
[10:40] IrmoL> aaah.
[10:42] Maitimo> Well, you don't, at least.
[10:43] IrmoL> *smirks* yet.
[10:43] Maitimo> O_o
[10:44] IrmoL> *smirks more*
[10:45] Maitimo> *sprawls over the armchair, like, totally innocently* At least it's quiet in here. s>Evenifyou'relookingabittoopredatory/s>
[10:47] IrmoL> s>Predatory? ME?/s>
[10:47] IrmoL> *looks at Maitimo's sprawled-over body, like, totally innocently*
[10:47] Maitimo> s>YES. Just look at that smirk/s>
[10:48] Maitimo> *lives up to his mother-name, like, totally unconciously*
[10:48] IrmoL> s>Smirk? That was a totally innocent friendly smile, really!/s>
[10:49] IrmoL> *has noticed that, like, totally for the first time*
[10:51] Maitimo> s>Pfft. It was a lecherous smirk. Still is, actually./s>
[10:52] IrmoL> s>*looks stern and commanding, as good as he can* Is not./s>
[10:53] Maitimo> *turns over to return his stare* *flails for something to say* I, er, never thanked you properly for the whole lack of nightmares thing. s>or the nice dreams that took their place/s>*
[10:53] Maitimo> s>Is too. You think I don't know when someone's checking me out?/s>
[10:55] IrmoL> s>Is not! *looks even more stern*/s>
[10:56] Maitimo> s>*almost giggles at the stern face* Is too./s>
[10:57] IrmoL> s>*looks really, really stern now* Was, perhaps. Is, definitely not./s>
[10:58] Maitimo> s>*definitely giggles* True. Now it's just silly./s>
[10:58] Maitimo> s>And kinda cute/s>
[10:59] IrmoL> s>*thinks about teaching Mae a lesson, because, you know, he's totally of higher rank and NOT. SIllY.*/s>
[11:01] Maitimo> s>*could totally stand to be taught, although he'd still think Irmo looked silly. But cute./s>
[11:01] IrmoL> s>*is secretly amused*/s>
[11:04] Maitimo> s>*is not-so-secretly amused* *still giggling a little at Irmo's expressions*/s>
[11:05] IrmoL> s>*walks over and towers over Maitimo, sort-of threateningly* Well, sweet Maitimo, why don't we pretend that i>I/i> am a Vala, and i>you/i> are an elf, and i>I/i> am not amused by you calling me silly?/s>
[11:07] Maitimo> s>*looks up, totally not intimitaded, and stretches* We could. But you *are* amused, so why not just change that bit and go with reality?/s>
[11:08] IrmoL> s>*is sort of disappointed* I am amused by you. But not by you calling me silly?/s>
[11:10] Maitimo> s>*smirks8 What do you want me to call you, then?/s>
[11:11] IrmoL> s>*rolls eyes* How do they say - if you don't know it already...?/s>
[11:13] Maitimo> s>I have no idea how they say it. *eyeroll* Why don't you stop looming and sit down? *un-sprawls to make room*/s>
[11:14] IrmoL> s>I don't think so. I quite like the air up here. *is slightly disappointed by the un-sprwaling, too*/s>
[11:15] Maitimo> s>*snorts* Look, I even tried to stop being obtuse. You could cooperate./s>
[11:16] Elrohir> [just kiss and get over with all the chatter!]
[11:16] IrmoL> [You shut up! ;)]
[11:16] IrmoL> s>ANd why should I cooperate? You might work harder, how about that? *smirks again*/s>
[11:16] Elrohir> [*grins evilly*]
[11:17] Maitimo> s>You want hard labour? Fine. *reaches up and hauls Irmo down into the chair* More than you ever id./s>
[11:18] IrmoL> s>O.o/s>
[11:18] IrmoL> s> YOU DARE---/s>
[11:20] Maitimo> s>*grins unrepentantly* I dare. *totally hasn't accidentally pulled Irmo into his lap or anything*/s>
[11:20] * Elrohir has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer )
[11:22] IrmoL> s>Obviously. *mock-glares* Puny little elf./s>
[11:23] Maitimo> s>*sticks out tongue* I'm not puny./s>
[11:23] Maitimo> [[Seven feet tall, yo]]
[11:23] * Elrohir has joined #dfantiotp
[11:24] IrmoL> s>So? I can be as tall as I want, and don't you interpret that in any dirty way now./s>
[11:24] Maitimo> s>Exactly. You have to cheat. And I wouldn't dream of it. *looks all innocent-like*/s>
[11:25] IrmoL> s>That. Is. No. Cheating./s>
[11:27] Maitimo> s>Yes it is. I didn't do any of it myself./s>
[11:28] IrmoL> s>Well that's because you are not a Vala./s>
[11:29] Maitimo> s>True. And... you're not so bad. Even if you did cheat./s>
[11:32] IrmoL> s>I. Did Not. Cheat./s>
[11:32] IrmoL> s>Would you prefer me to be a disembodied presence?/s>
[11:33] IrmoL> *un-bodies*
[11:33] Maitimo> *flails* *transcends strikethroughs in his distress* Did I say that?
[11:34] IrmoL> *voice from everywhere and nowhere* In a way.
[11:35] Maitimo> I didn't! Just because you cheated to get your body doesn't mean I don't like it.
[11:39] IrmoL> *still in dolby surround* Well, it seems that I i>have/i> to cheat to get a body. If I do not cheat, I am bodiless.
[11:41] * Vala has quit IRC (Quit: *Ocean Waves* )
[11:42] Maitimo> I never said cheating was a bad thing. *sighs petulantly* Will you stop playing fair and come back?
[11:43] IrmoL> If you ask so nicely. *de-bodies*
[11:45] Maitimo> *smiles to have bodied!Irmo back in the armchair* Thank you *isn't clinging at all, no, really*
[11:46] IrmoL> *smirks* If it please you.
[11:47] Maitimo> *still not clinging* It does.
[11:52] IrmoL> Well, then. *thoughtful* You know, respectless as your father may be, he still calls my brother 'lord'...
[11:53] Maitimo> If that's his kink, he's free to.
[11:53] IrmoL> ...
[11:53] Maitimo> *smirks*
[11:55] IrmoL> ...
[11:57] Maitimo> It is not, however, mine. *whispers* ...Irmy.
[11:58] Elrohir> [okay, too many windows, can someone post a log of this somewhere later?]
[11:58] Maitimo> [[Sure]]
[11:59] Elrohir> [ty]
[11:59] * Elrohir has left #dfantiotp
[12:00] IrmoL> *twitch* You. Did Not. Say That.
[12:00] Maitimo> *innocently* Say what?
[12:00] IrmoL> i>Irmy./i>
[12:01] Maitimo> *brow arch* I'm sure I didn't. Looks like typo to me. *barely keeps from laughing*
[12:02] IrmoL> It's certainly NOT a typo. Now apologize.
[12:04] Maitimo> *bows head to hide the grin* I can't. It was such a travesty that I can hardly make amends with a mere "I'm sorry".
[12:05] IrmoL> You have inherited your father's way with words, I observe.

courfeyrac, sherlock holmes, anti-otp, hamlet, grantaire, alcuin, jareth, maedhros, irmo, cosette, rosencrantz, nemesis, metatron

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