Snape's House

Aug 04, 2005 08:57

Session Start (Armand-mun:#snapeshouse): Thu Jul 14 00:28:34 2005

Fred: *la la la, runs around the living room*

Snape: *apparates in and looks around*

MollyWeasley: *apparates behind him* Fred!

Fred: ... Hi Mum! Wanna play catch? *holds up a vase, or something expensive*

Snape: *glowers and draws his wand* Accio vase.

MollyWeasley: *wand out* Thank you, Severus.

Fred: .... *wibbles* That was mean.

Snape: *nods as he catches the vase and sets it down*

Fred: *we'll just assume it's Fred from now on*

MollyWeasley: *goes to pick up Fred* You're come home if I hve to walk you home.

Fred: ... *flails* No no no!

MollyWeasley: Yes yes yes, young man!

Fred: ..... *manages to break free and scamper down the hall*

Snape: *swoops after him not unlike overgrown bat*

MollyWeasley: *chases* Fred!

Fred: *races into a random room* .... *hides under the bed?*

Snape: *turns on skeery!teacher!voice* Mr. Weasley! Come back here this *instant*.

MollyWeasley: *looks in room* *mommy voice* Fred Weasley come out this instant!

Fred: *wibbles, but doesn't answer just yet*

Snape: *arches an eyebrow* I have a bag from Honeydukes..

MollyWeasley: No cake for you. *sigh*

Snape: *totally lying!*

Fred: .... Honeydukes?
Fred: *peeks out from under the bed* Choc'late frogs?

Snape: There he is.

MollyWeasley: Fred sweetie, just come home with mummy. We'll ride the knight bus. *kneels to get him*

Fred: ... But I want choc'late frogs!

MollyWeasley: I will get you frog, later, but mummy is tired and wants to go home. Don't you want to see George?

Fred: *points at Snape* That man said I could have candy!

Snape: I said I *had* candy.

MollyWeasley: Fred dear, it's too late for candy.

Fred: .... *pouts* But /I'm/ not .. *yawn* .. tired at all!

MollyWeasley: *picks him up?*

Fred: *flails drowsily*

MollyWeasley: You'll like the bus. I promise.

Fred: *all mumbly* An' then I can tell George that /I/ was onna Knight bus, an' he wasn't...

MollyWeasley: Yes you may. *cuddles* It's purple.

Fred: Ooooh. *blinks sleepily* Purple...!

MollyWeasley: *quiet voice* We'll be off now, Severus. I'm sorry about this.

Snape: *nods* Surprisingly little harm done, actually.

[.. Snape might want to check his kitchen before saying that. ;)]

Fred: *is asleep!*


MollyWeasley: *holds Fred and walks out to wait for the bus*

Session Close (#snapeshouse): Thu Jul 14 00:44:22 2005

harry potter

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