Burnination Day from DE POV

Aug 04, 2005 08:16

Session Start (Armand-mun:#desperatefans-2): Sat Jun 18 11:21:33 2005

Dolohov: There you are!

Rosier: Sorry. She was making coffee. *blushes*

Dolohov: *grins* Well, since it was coffee...

Rosier: Nectar of the gods.
Rosier: Coffee had to have been discovered by a wizard.

Dolohov: Was there ever any doubt?

Rosier: *kisses D for comfort*

Dolohov: Gah!
Dolohov: *snogs Ev to make up for the torture*

Rosier: *clings most un-Evan-like*

Dolohov: *soothes him*

Rosier: That's why I like you so much. *is soothed and snogs*

Dolohov: What do you mean?

Rosier: You know just what I need.

Dolohov: *runs his fingers through Ev's hair* I try my best.

Rosier: *smiles* Good.

Dolohov: *kisses Ev's forehead* No news, I take it?

Rosier: News since when?

Dolohov: About our Lord or the terrorist.

Rosier: I've not heard anything. *thinks* You?

Dolohov: *shakes his head* No.

Dolohov: But Mulciber is here, so that's something.

Rosier: *grins* That's very good.

Dolohov: *smirks* Oh yes.

Rosier: He's always up for a bit of fun.

Dolohov: Oh yes.
Dolohov: I still want to get Karkaroff though.

Rosier: We need to see our lord before we run off.

Dolohov: *nods*

Rosier: I wish he wasn't so secretive sometimes.

Dolohov: *sighs* I know. You'd think of all of us, we would be the ones to know what he's planning.
Dolohov: Hell, you died doing his work and I went to *twitches* Azkaban for him.

Rosier: *nods and hugs* We were faithful.
Rosier: At least he seemed pleased with the pets.

Dolohov: Good.
Dolohov: *plays with Ev's hair some more*

Rosier: *sighs and kisses D again*

Dolohov: *cuddles Ev and kisses him gently*

Rosier: *kiss back notsogently* *in fact is rather greedy*

Dolohov: *laughs quietly and kisses Ev harder*

Rosier: Merlin, Sly I need you so much, even though I know there's work to be done.

Dolohov: *nibbles at Ev's throat* I think we deserve some 'us' time, Ev.

Rosier: *moans* So do I but--- *feels guilty*

Dolohov: Look at it this way... *nibbles harder* There's only two of us against flaming demons and whatnot.

Rosier: *leans against D, and almost!whimpers* True. And it was mostly Muggles, wasn't it?

Dolohov: Exactly.

Rosier: *feels much better now* Right. *smiles*

Dolohov: *gropes Ev* Better that we wait here... and plan.

Rosier: Here is good. *gropes back*

Dolohov: *licks Ev's throat*

Rosier: *shivers* *works to get rid of D's robes and such*

Dolohov: *helps Ev with his endeavor*

Rosier: *succeeds and tosses them onto the floor* *kisses D'd neck*

Dolohov: *purrs*

Rosier: Aren't you the beautiful one today? *nibbles neck now*

Dolohov: *blushes, with the unfortunately effect that he turns red all over* No, that's you.

Rosier: *grins and nibbles lower* You can't see so much of me right now.

Dolohov: *squeaks happily* Perhaps but that doesn't change the fact that you are beautiful.

Rosier: And so are you. *nips D's well... nipple*

Dolohov: *wriggles* Ah.... Ev...

Rosier: *grasps D's arse and keeps nibbling*

Dolohov: *decides Ev is wearing too many clothes and decides to fix this*

Rosier: *helps eagerly except tries to keep nibbling*

Dolohov: *gets frustrated and rips what isn't coming off easily*

Rosier: *purrs at rippage* Oh you sexy man! *giggles and nibbles the other nipple*

Dolohov: *runs his nails up and down Ev's back*

Rosier: *shivers and presses against D so now he has to nibble his shoulder*

Dolohov: *wraps one leg around Ev's waist and presses up against him*

Rosier: *drags D down to the pile of robes and clothes on the floor*

Dolohov: I like it when you get rough, Ev. *grins*

Rosier: Good. *straddles D*

Dolohov: *looks up at Ev and smiles*

Rosier: *wriggles a little and leans down to kiss him*

Dolohov: *kisses Ev back and winds his fingers in Ev's hair*

Rosier: *deepens kiss and runs hands up and down D's nekkid sides*

Dolohov: *shivers and pulls Ev down*

Rosier: Like that don't you? *wriggles more and happily kisses*
Rosier: *a bit distracted* *looks up* Y'know the squirrel is in there, too, now.

Dolohov: Is he?
Dolohov: And the Horse?

Rosier: *kisses D's neck and wriggles comfortably* They cleaned up the corpses. I think Armand was sick.

Dolohov: *licks Ev's collarbone* Aw. Poor ickle squirrel.

Rosier: *shivers* He's upset. *smiles*
Rosier: *nudges D's legs apart with his leg coz business is no reason to forgo pleasure*

Dolohov: *totally doesn't resist, oh no*

Rosier: *takes advantage of that unresistance* *satisfied sigh but is still distracted* What? *kisses D while trying to think*

Dolohov: *bites Ev's neck* Ev?

Rosier: *will not give up some of this enjoyment coz he hopes D likes it too* Something's wrong I think. Where the hell is Bastan?

Dolohov: *enjoys Ev very very much*
Dolohov: Damn. I don't know. I think his typist had to work.

Rosier: *a little breathless coz this is nice... D is nice* No word from them?

Dolohov: No. *whimpering*

Rosier: Damn, love. I really think something is wrong. *kisses D' s neck*

Dolohov: Should we go and see?

Rosier: *breathlessly* When we're finished if you don't mind... *bites D's neck to make his point*

Dolohov: Not at all. *whimpers so more*

Rosier: *tries to make sure all the joy isn’t his alone*

Dolohov: *is quite enjoying himself*

Rosier: *gets on with the enjoyment but mutters* Damn *bites harder*

Dolohov: Had we... *is getting quite incoherent*

Rosier: *is nearly done honest* *nuzzles neck/shoulder where he's bitten*
Rosier: *mutters* Eomer, don't let him leave...

Dolohov: *snogs Ev like woah*

Rosier: *snogs back liek woah and then almost freezes with a lovely shiver*

Dolohov: Oh Ev...

Rosier: Antonin! *actually loves D's whole first name*

Dolohov: *clings and murmuring 'Evan' over and over again*

Rosier: *clings all tiredly but mostly happily except the being worried about work fu*

Dolohov: *sighs quietly* Love you.

Rosier: And I love you. *lays cheek against D's shoulder* I don't wanna go back to work.

Dolohov: Me neither. 'm too comfortable.

Rosier: *sighs* Though I bet this floor will get uncomfortable eventually with my weight on you and all. *smiles*

Dolohov: *gives Ev a kiss* More's the pity. Shall we?

Rosier: *kisses back* *groans* Yeah. *slides to the side and sits up* Um... I think my robes are a bit shredded.

Dolohov: *grins wryly* Whoops!
Dolohov: *finds his wand and points it at Ev's robes* Reparo!

Rosier: *smiles* Thanks, Sly. I suppose we should keep up appearances.

Dolohov: 'course. Since it was my fault and all.

Rosier: *reluctantly puts his robes back on*

Dolohov: *finds his robes and slips into them*

Rosier: *watches D with a fond smile*

Dolohov: Almost like old times, isn't it? *grins*

Rosier: Hardly any time to sleep between work and play. Shall we?

Dolohov: We shall. Lead on, MacDuff.

Rosier: *kisses him and disapparates*

Session Close (#desperatefans-2): Sat Jun 18 14:34:37 2005

harry potter, death eaters

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