Beginning of Gideon/Narcissa FU - Sunday night

Jun 01, 2005 19:48

Log file opened at: 5/30/05 8:22:57 PM
8:22:57 PM: *** Topic for #desperatefans: The Desperate Fans PG-13 channel. That not good enough? Try #desperatefans-2!
8:22:57 PM: *** Topic for #desperatefans set by Hermione on Friday, May 27, 2005 11:20:03 PM
8:22:57 PM: #desperatefans: Mione-LJ Caradoc Feanaro Grantaire Gavroche Scotty-away Joly-Eating White_Mandos Poll-distracted Harry Pepper-away Basil Beezie @X
9:41:38 PM: *** Gideon ( has joined channel #desperatefans
9:41:51 PM: Caradoc: Gideon, mate!
9:42:00 PM: McGonagall: Hello, Gideon. *Smiles*
9:42:03 PM: Gideon: Hallo!
9:42:11 PM: Gideon: *smiles and waves to Minerva*
9:42:36 PM: McGonagall: *To Gideon* Caradoc and I were just talking.
9:43:26 PM: Gideon: You were? *looks between then* about?
9:43:50 PM: Caradoc: *punches lightly* Not about your daftness this morning, mate. Just... stuff.
9:44:54 PM: Gideon: *looks relieved* Good.
9:46:06 PM: Gideon: *to Doc* Any luck in finding out about your family, old man?
9:46:24 PM: Caradoc: No, actually. ((agreed))
9:47:00 PM: Gideon: Sorry. I feel bad with mine grown so big. My sister's family anyway.
9:47:55 PM: Caradoc: I sort of look at it as passing on the duty of large families. *laughs weakly* My parents, now your sister. Rhi and I meant to have a big family, too. Prob'ly would have flooded Hogwarts.
9:48:24 PM: Hermione: *chuckles slightly as she overhears Doc and Gideon talking*
9:48:33 PM: McGonagall: Not any more flooded than with Molly and Arthur.
9:48:55 PM: Hermione: *coughs*OrRonandHermioneinafewyears*cough*
9:49:14 PM: McGonagall: *Arches an eyebrow at Hermione*
9:49:31 PM: Hermione: *smiles at Professor McGonagall*
9:49:54 PM: McGonagall: *Sighs and shakes her head in response*
9:50:21 PM: Hermione: *nods at Professor McGonagall once in understanding*
9:50:29 PM: Gideon: *shakes head* It makes me wish I'd settled down. Funnny how you always think there'll be time.
9:51:40 PM: Caradoc: *pats Gideon's shoulder* Honestly? You're prob'ly better off than those of us who rushed into it, just 'cause of the war. Two kids before Rhi was twenty-one.
9:53:58 PM: Gideon: You think so? Well, families aren't likely now, are they?
9:54:50 PM: Caradoc: I suppose not.
9:56:43 PM: Gideon: There aren't enough single witches to go around, around here.
9:57:08 PM: Elphie: [*thinks Cissa might actually have something of a crush on Gideon, which is just scary*]
9:57:11 PM: Caradoc: Well, yes. Not to mention the dead part. *pats awkwardly*
9:57:22 PM: McGonagall: *Raises an eyebrow at Gideon, and smirks slightly* Looking for a wife, are you?
9:57:46 PM: Gideon: I'll settle for a girlfriend. My nephews seem to be outdoing me.
9:58:21 PM: McGonagall: *Sighs* Well, yes. They do. There are single witches around, they're just...a little young. Still in school, I mean.
9:58:58 PM: McGonagall: *Nods in greeting at Romy*
9:59:10 PM: Gideon: *sighs* Yes, should I check out the Muggle girls?
9:59:15 PM: Romy: *heads for a couch instead of a chair this time, and waves to McGonagall*
9:59:25 PM: Gideon: *waves cheerily to Romy*
9:59:53 PM: Caradoc: Nothing wrong with Muggle girls. My dad married one.
10:00:04 PM: McGonagall: I think you'd be better off with the Muggle girls. Unless you're willing to date 17-year-olds.
10:00:14 PM: Romy: *waves back to Gideon!*
10:00:27 PM: Hermione: *calls over her shoulder* Nothing wrong with being 17, thank you!
10:00:37 PM: Gideon: I think that is a deciding factor yes, Minerva.
10:00:42 PM: Romy: *eavesdropping* Or 18.
10:00:44 PM: McGonagall: *Smiles*
10:00:51 PM: Gideon: *calls to Hermione* Which is fine if I were that young, too!
10:01:07 PM: Caradoc: Rob the cradle, Gid
10:01:21 PM: Romy: *waves to Doc, having not seen him before*
10:01:29 PM: Gideon: Nah. *though looks over at Romy a sec*
10:01:35 PM: McGonagall: Although....
10:01:40 PM: Romy: *blinks*
10:02:04 PM: McGonagall: I just thought of someone whose company you might enjoy, Gideon.
10:02:16 PM: Gideon: Oh? Who is that?
10:02:23 PM: McGonagall: Not that I'm playing matchmaker or anything...
10:02:41 PM: Gideon: I'm always willing to meet someone. No promises beyond that, though.
10:02:50 PM: Gideon: *is NOT looking at Romy now*
10:03:14 PM: Romy: *is somewhat relieved, especally after last night!*
10:03:45 PM: McGonagall: She's slightly older than 17...about 23, I believe...
10:04:28 PM: McGonagall: And she's a wizard.
10:04:39 PM: McGonagall: *witch, not wizard
10:04:43 PM: Hermione: *calls over her shoulder* GOOD CHOICE, Professor!
10:04:46 PM: Gideon: That sounds adult at least. (stupid typist still isn't sure how old I am yet)
10:04:54 PM: Romy: *watches McGonagall curiously*
10:04:55 PM: McGonagall: *Smiles at Hermione*
10:05:03 PM: Romy: *giggles!!!!!!!!!!!*
10:05:13 PM: Romy: *thinks shes knows!*
10:05:22 PM: McGonagall: Her name is Tonks...Nymphadora Tonks.
10:05:29 PM: Hermione: Oooo Professor!
10:05:37 PM: Hermione: Don't let Tonks hear you say that!
10:05:39 PM: Romy: Oh, yes, Professor!
10:06:13 PM: McGonagall: *Sighs* Yes, I only know too well, Miss Granger.
10:06:31 PM: Gideon: Nymphadora? *tries to figure out who that'd be* What a lovely name. (*bats Gid on the head for being silly*)
10:06:39 PM: McGonagall: *To Gideon* She HATES her given name, and so she prefers to be called Tonks.
10:06:52 PM: Romy: *giggle!*
10:06:55 PM: McGonagall: She is the daughter of Ted Tonks and Andromeda Black-Tonks
10:07:25 PM: Hermione: *walks over to Gideon, rubbing her tummy absentmindedly*
10:07:33 PM: Hermione: Gideon, you'd recognise her.
10:07:34 PM: McGonagall: And she's an auror.
10:07:39 PM: Hermione: Pink or purple hair.
10:07:44 PM: Hermione: Usually, at least.
10:07:49 PM: Hermione: Fairly pretty.
10:07:54 PM: Hermione: Bit taller than I am.
10:08:01 PM: Gideon: That's a pity about the name. Really? *stares at hermione* Pink or purple?
10:08:12 PM: Hermione: *nods* Usually, yeah.
10:08:15 PM: McGonagall: She's a metamorphmagus.
10:08:19 PM: Hermione: It looks really good, though.
10:08:26 PM: Hermione: Somehow, it just works for her.
10:08:55 PM: Gideon: She must have a sense of humor then. *grins*
10:09:01 PM: Hermione: Absolutely.
10:09:09 PM: McGonagall: She's a very nice girl. Intelligent, kindhearted...a bit of a clutz though.
10:09:13 PM: Hermione: Accident prone, but really good about it.
10:09:30 PM: Gideon: Lately, my middle name hasn't been Grace.
10:09:46 PM: Hermione: *winks* What has that to do with anything?
10:10:09 PM: Gideon: I shouldn't judge her for being clumsy. It's a pun.
10:10:27 PM: Romy: *is still giggling about Tonks and Gideon*
10:10:47 PM: McGonagall: She's also a member of you-know-what, and she's an auror. Moody trained her.
10:10:48 PM: Romy: *also trying to find someone for Hook*
10:12:07 PM: Caradoc: Speak of you know what, I should check in there. *elbows Gideon* He says you shoud know't-know-what.
10:12:40 PM: Gideon: *looks impressed* Then she must be good. How do you suggest I meet her? I have nothing against Muggle girls, but what would I talk to them about?
10:12:50 PM: Gideon: *looks puzzled at Caradoc as he only gets about half of that*
10:13:04 PM: Hermione: Tonks is half-Muggle though, Gideon.
10:13:12 PM: Hermione: She understands both worlds.
10:13:40 PM: Hermione: Oh... and.. umm.. Doc?
10:14:09 PM: Caradoc: ..Yes?
10:14:16 PM: Gideon: Like I care about that if I was considering full-blooded ones. If she's good enough to be an auror, she's witch enough for the likes of me.
10:14:35 PM: Hermione: Don't feel bad about you and your wife having kids before age 21... *rubs her tummy meaningfully*
10:14:48 PM: McGonagall: I really think you'll like her, Gideon. As for contacting her...I'd suggest posting on her journal, maybe.
10:15:13 PM: Hermione: I know what we could do, Professor...
10:15:17 PM: Gideon: Right. I'll do that. *grins*
10:15:25 PM: Hermione: You're coming to... you know what, right Gideon?
10:15:26 PM: Caradoc: Oh, I don't. We planned them. It was stupid, having them during that bloody great war, but...we wanted them... And now...I want them back
10:15:39 PM: Hermione: Why don't we get Tonks to attend as well?
10:15:56 PM: Romy: *is all curious*
10:16:01 PM: McGonagall: As his date you mean?...
10:16:06 PM: Hermione: *nods*
10:16:16 PM: McGonagall: That would work. Good thinking, Miss Granger.
10:16:20 PM: McGonagall: *Suddenly remembers she has to be somewhere* I'm sorry, but I shall have to leave briefly so my typist can eat dinner.
10:17:34 PM: Hermione: Well, I reckon Ron and I will be following your example, Doc...
10:17:45 PM: Hermione: *gets a fleeting sad look on her face*
10:18:06 PM: Gideon: *looks a bit happy trying to imagine a girl with purple hair*
10:18:14 PM: Gilderoy: *saunters in and runs into a wall*
10:18:16 PM: Gideon: *looks less happy when he sees Lockhart*
10:18:27 PM: Gideon: Gilderoy!
10:18:27 PM: Caradoc: *puts hand to head* Mr Order of Merlin himself
10:18:35 PM: Gilderoy: Gideon!
10:18:54 PM: Hermione: Gideon... Doc... I think this is my cue.
10:19:03 PM: Caradoc: Your...cue?
10:19:11 PM: Hermione: To leave.
10:19:14 PM: Gideon: Can I ask you... for something back?
10:19:16 PM: Gilderoy: I met Severus and he, ah...
10:19:19 PM: Gilderoy: Took it from me.
10:19:25 PM: Hermione: The healer says I need to avoid... stress.
10:19:46 PM: Hermione: *whispers to Caradoc* With the pregnancy and all.
10:19:48 PM: Caradoc: ...Severus? As in...Snape?
10:19:53 PM: Gilderoy: Yes...
10:20:14 PM: Caradoc: *eyes Gideon, going into businss mode* I...think I remembe him. Suspected Death Eater?
10:20:30 PM: Hermione: Professor Snape, Doc.
10:20:40 PM: Gilderoy: *looks dazed* I think.... hm...
10:20:43 PM: Hermione: Our Potions Professor.
10:20:59 PM: Hermione: Gideon... Fop over there has been obliviated.
10:21:01 PM: Caradoc: ...Profesor!? Lockhart and Snape? What...? What kind of school are they running? *turns grey*
10:21:22 PM: Gilderoy: All I remember is arguing with him... And then when I looked next, it wasn't there anmymore...
10:21:48 PM: Gideon: *looks puzzled at the barrage of information* Then I will have to.... well, thank you anyway.
10:22:02 PM: Hermione: If you two will excuse me?
10:22:19 PM: Hermione: *puts a hand at her back*
10:22:36 PM: Gilderoy: Oh, dear... I'm sure there was more...
10:22:49 PM: Romy: *dislikes on Lockhart*
10:23:22 PM: Gilderoy: *noticed Hermione* *vaguely* Hello... It's been awhile, Miss Granger...
10:23:29 PM: Gideon: *to Doc* I hope we get to talk to the Headmaster soon.
10:23:46 PM: Hermione: *mumbles* Not long enough.
10:23:50 PM: Caradoc: *nods distractedly*
10:24:05 PM: Gilderoy: You look lovely! *git grin*
10:24:21 PM: Hermione: Excuse me?
10:24:47 PM: Caradoc: Gilderoy Lockhart complimenting someone /else/ on their looks? Things have changed.
10:24:48 PM: Gilderoy: You look lovely. *is confused* Did I say something wrong?
10:25:04 PM: Gideon: Gildeory, I think Hermione just said she needed to go rest. *nods at her belly* We should let her.
10:25:05 PM: Hermione: *shakes head in confusion*
10:25:14 PM: Gilderoy: *is still disorentated from last nights' Memory Modification*
10:25:37 PM: Hermione: *turns to Gideon* Well, it's better than the "loose slut" comment, isn't it?
10:26:09 PM: Gilderoy: Who on earth called you a- a slut? How awful! *git frown*
10:26:22 PM: Hermione: *frowns at Lockhart*
10:26:29 PM: Hermione: *acidly* YOU did.
10:26:35 PM: Hermione: Now, if you'll pardon me.
10:26:48 PM: Gilderoy: What? No! *honestly horrified* I did that?
10:27:11 PM: Caradoc: ...Whenever I feel like a blithering idiot, I'll just come back to compare myself to Lockhart.
10:27:15 PM: Hermione: I'm sure a number of people can confirm it.
10:27:23 PM: Gideon: Rest well, Hermione. I want a healthy niece or nephew.
10:27:29 PM: Gideon: Grand even
10:27:49 PM: Gilderoy: *wanders off to sit on couch looking confused and hurt*
10:27:51 PM: Hermione: *smiles at Gideon* Could I persuade you to give me a hand getting to the staircases?
10:27:53 PM: Gideon: Doc, you're not an idiot.
10:28:11 PM: Gideon: Certainly. *holds out arm helpfully*
10:28:15 PM: Romy: Rest well, Hermione!
10:28:18 PM: Hermione: *takes arm* Thank you.
10:28:20 PM: Feanaro: Yes, rest! Sleep well.
10:28:25 PM: Hermione: Thank you, Romy, Feanor.
10:28:32 PM: Feanaro: *smiles*
10:28:45 PM: Hermione: *walks toward the staircases*
10:29:50 PM: Hermione: *whispers something carefully to Gideon*
10:30:08 PM: --> Gideon You're getting one of each. A grandniece and a grandnephew.
10:30:21 PM: Gilderoy: *sits next to Romy*
10:30:35 PM: Hermione: Thank you, Gideon.
10:30:35 PM: Romy: *looks distastefully at Lockhart and moves away*
10:30:48 PM: Hermione: I think I can get upstairs from here.
10:30:56 PM: *Gideon* Oh? *smiles* What wonderful news. I hope Molly knows. I haven't ever been able to keep anything from her.
10:31:13 PM: Gideon: *smiles* Of course.
10:31:15 PM: --> Gideon She does. Don't worry.
10:31:41 PM: *Gideon* Good good. Take care, girl.
10:31:45 PM: Hermione: Can you tell Ron I went to lie down?
10:31:52 PM: Hermione: And that I love him?
10:32:00 PM: Gideon: Yes. When I see him. *blushes* I'll try.
10:32:31 PM: Hermione: Thank you.
10:32:46 PM: Hermione: We've made it a bit of a habit to leave message for each other this way.
10:32:51 PM: Hermione: Sorry! *sheepish grin*
10:33:00 PM: Hermione: *walks up the stairs to go lie down*
10:33:30 PM: Gilderoy: *staring confusedly at the ceiling*
10:33:31 PM: *** DEATH ( has joined channel #desperatefans
10:33:53 PM: Gilderoy: *waves a bit to DEATH*
10:34:07 PM: DEATH: *WAVES*
10:35:16 PM: Gideon: *stares at DEATH and pales*
10:35:27 PM: Caradoc: ...DEATH?
10:35:29 PM: Romy: *notices Gideon's expression*
10:35:55 PM: Romy: *walks hurriedly over to him* *whispers* You all right?
10:36:00 PM: Beezie: *totally just waves nonchalantly to DEATH*
10:36:29 PM: Gideon: Is that... who... what I think it is?
10:36:46 PM: Romy: It's DEATH, yeah.
10:37:30 PM: Gideon: Is... *looks anxiously around* it here for anyone?
10:37:41 PM: Gideon: *pales more at being addressed by DEATH*
10:37:56 PM: Romy: Only Pesti, I'm sure. Don't worry. *touches his arm comfortingly*
10:38:04 PM: Gideon: I..uh... gave at the office.
10:38:33 PM: Gideon: *to Romy* This place is insane.
10:38:57 PM: Romy: Heh, you have no idea...
10:39:23 PM: Gideon: Which implies we could meet again...
10:39:34 PM: Gideon: IneedtositdownNOW.
10:39:40 PM: Romy: Gideon...
10:39:46 PM: Romy: *leads him ovet to the couch*
10:40:39 PM: Gideon: *is led and sits suddenly* Thank you Romy.
10:40:56 PM: Romy: Least I could do.
10:41:43 PM: Gideon: *puts head in hands* I think I need a vacatioin.
10:42:29 PM: Romy: *pats Gideon*
10:43:11 PM: Romy: Things are hard for you around here...
10:43:20 PM: McGonagall: *Walks back into the room and looks around for Gideon and Caradoc*
10:43:36 PM: Gideon: And not likely to get easier the more I learn.
10:43:53 PM: Romy: I know I don't like being a source of stress for you either...
10:44:49 PM: Gideon: It's not your fault. Everything is a source of stress. Some of that has got to wear off soon. I want to talk to FAbian.
10:44:50 PM: Romy: *hates on Angst*
10:45:19 PM: Romy: I could be a bit more sensitive. Where is he?
10:45:49 PM: Gilderoy: *waves cheerily at Snape*
10:46:05 PM: Caradoc: Professor, you're back. Sorry, I'm still working on my know where.
10:46:21 PM: Snape: *glowers at Gilderoy and then looks at Caradoc* Of course.
10:46:39 PM: Caradoc: *blinks at Snape* So. You're a /professor/ these days.
10:46:41 PM: Gideon: I haven't seen him since I got here.
10:46:41 PM: McGonagall: Hello, Severus.
10:46:57 PM: Romy: God, you don't have an easy time of it...
10:46:58 PM: Gideon: *looks up at Snape* Oh.
10:46:59 PM: Snape: Hello, Minerva. And yes. I am indeed a professor.
10:47:09 PM: Gideon: Bad timing, I guess.
10:47:10 PM: Romy: wish I could help.
10:47:18 PM: Snape: *looks at Gideon* What precisely did you think you were doing giving Narcissa's wand to *that* thing?
10:47:23 PM: McGonagall: *Nods to Caradoc* Ah, yes.
10:48:05 PM: Gideon: *stutters* It seemed a good idea at the time?
10:48:22 PM: Romy: *glares at Snape for stressing Gideon more*
10:48:25 PM: Caradoc: Er... Hogwarts is...all right these days, is it? I mean, I've heard Lockhart was a professor, and now Snape...
10:48:58 PM: Snape: *That* thing's professorship is thankfully in the past tense.
10:49:16 PM: McGonagall: Yes, I don't know what Dumbledore was thinking, Caradoc.
10:49:20 PM: Gideon: He's a git, but... I didn't think he was that irresponsible.
10:49:26 PM: Gilderoy: *waves at ceiling*
10:49:28 PM: Snape: *withdraws Narcissa's wand from his robe pocket and tosses it at Gideon* Choose a better protector next time. Anyone could have ended up with it.
10:49:54 PM: Caradoc: I could watch over it, Gideon.
10:49:59 PM: Romy: Or I...
10:50:04 PM: Romy: *claps hand over mouth*
10:50:19 PM: McGonagall: *Looks at Romy suspiciously*
10:50:32 PM: Romy: *looks upsettish*
10:50:36 PM: Caradoc: ...Didn't you say you were friends with Death Eaters, as well, miss?
10:50:50 PM: McGonagall: She is.
10:50:58 PM: Romy: Only one, Caradoc. *bitterly*
10:51:25 PM: Gideon: *catches it clumsily* No, Doc. I should just... be responsible. It was my stupidity anyway.
10:51:54 PM: Romy: I just offered, I know it wouldn't be a good idea, know that you've all glared at me.
10:51:55 PM: Gideon: *to Snape* Thank you... Professor.
10:52:06 PM: Snape: *nods* You're only lucky it was me.
10:52:32 PM: Caradoc: She'll come back after you. With reinforcement. You said so yourself. Pass it on.
10:53:03 PM: Gideon: And let her go after you? You're worse off then me, my friend. You have a family... somewhere.
10:53:50 PM: Caradoc: Somewhere...
10:53:57 PM: Romy: *tense*
10:56:34 PM: Snape: *has never snogged DEATH, nor never WILL, although in the past has proverbially eaten him. But he got over that phase. Really*
10:57:35 PM: Romy: *is still tense, and rather mad at most of OotP and furious with herself*
10:58:29 PM: Gideon: *is petrified with embarrassment*
10:59:28 PM: Gideon: *puts Narcissa's wand into his pocket*
11:00:53 PM: Romy: *gets up a walks off a little tearily, unable to take the stress.* *takes refuge in library*
11:01:21 PM: Gideon: *watches Romy go*
11:01:55 PM: Caradoc: *breathes* My story's gone know where. For those concerned.
11:02:27 PM: McGonagall: *Smiles at Caradoc*
11:17:16 PM: McGonagall: *Is confused by all the stangeness in the room, and so goes to hide in the kitchen*
11:17:51 PM: Lockhart-a: *is asleep and oblivious*
11:17:53 PM: Snape: *sits down and reads, ignoring various Snogging Apocalyptic Personifications*
11:20:28 PM: Gideon: *sits on couch with his head in his hands*
11:20:34 PM: Caradoc: ...You okay, mate?
11:21:29 PM: Gideon: No.
11:24:52 PM: McGonagall: *Walks over to the couch where Gideon is sitting and sits down*
11:25:24 PM: Gideon: Hello Minerva. *very quietly*
11:25:43 PM: Romy: *wanders over kind of near to Gideon 'cause she's worried*
11:25:47 PM: McGonagall: Hello. *More quietly* What's wrong?
11:25:51 PM: Caradoc: Planning to tell one of us what's wrong, Gid?
11:25:57 PM: Romy: *but dislikes Minerva*
11:26:15 PM: McGonagall: *Glares at Romy as she approaches the couch*
11:26:41 PM: Romy: *sits in chair only slightly near couch and dislikes Minerva*
11:27:08 PM: Gideon: I feel like I'm losing my mind. *waves vaguely toward DEATH and Pesti* If this gets any wierder, I'm going to need to visit St. Mungo's. I'm scared I ought to go right now.
11:27:35 PM: Snape: *glances at Gideon* You grow used to it.
11:27:46 PM: Caradoc: *eyes Pesti and DEATH* ...Maybe I'll go with you, at that
11:27:53 PM: McGonagall: *Glares at Snape and turns back to Gideon* *shakes her head* I know this must be...overwhelming for you.
11:28:09 PM: Romy: *unhappy for Gideon*
11:29:41 PM: Gideon: *actually throws a dirty look in Snape's direction* He could have said something... privately. Instead of in front of.... the whole damn world.
11:30:11 PM: Snape: *arches an eyebrow*
11:30:35 PM: Romy: *is sitting in chair being rather upset, as per ususal*
11:33:32 PM: Gideon: I'm sorry. I'm acting like a child about this. But everything is so confusing.
11:34:55 PM: Elphie: *wishes she could go over and help Gideon, but knows her help probably wouldn't be all that appreciated*
11:35:52 PM: Caradoc: *pats Gideon distractedly*
1:37:42 PM: McGonagall: *Turns to look at Gideon* You're not being childish. You have a right to feel this way, after all you've been through.
11:39:11 PM: Gideon: You think so? This is... I need to find a way to get caught up. Not just my skills.
11:41:49 PM: McGonagall: If you could find something. Something to focus on. A hobby? I don't know. Just something to get your mind off things.
11:42:43 PM: Gideon: Pranking, Minerva... but that's no fun without Fabian. And girls. We talked about that already.
11:43:48 PM: McGonagall: As long as I don't know about these pranks, do whatever you like. Hopefully Fabian will make an appearance again soon.
11:44:26 PM: Lockhart-a: *jumps* What?
11:44:34 PM: Lockhart-a: *falls off couch*
11:44:58 PM: Gavroche: *sees Hermione is sleeping*
11:45:00 PM: Gavroche: *raids the pantry*
11:45:04 PM: McGonagall: *Fails at stifling a laugh at Lockhart*
11:45:37 PM: Gideon: *laughs at Lockhart and then can't quite stop*
11:45:50 PM: Snape: *rolls his eyes sharply at Lockhart*
11:45:56 PM: *** Dolohov ( has joined channel #desperatefans
11:46:14 PM: Lockhart-a: Who did that?
11:46:20 PM: Hook: I did
11:46:23 PM: Romy: *giggling uncontrollably*
11:46:28 PM: Lockhart-a: Why, sir?
11:46:31 PM: Hook: (looks up and sees Dolohov) Ah, Romy?
11:46:32 PM: Dolohov: Hello, comrades.
11:46:35 PM: *** Narcissa ( has joined channel #desperatefans
11:46:37 PM: Gideon: *bites his tongue trying to stop laughs* *can't quite anyway even when he sees Antonin*
11:46:39 PM: Hook: Well your name said "kick me"
11:46:45 PM: Narcissa: *walks in, a perfectly -normal- color*
11:47:05 PM: Gideon: *pales at seeing Narcissa and does stop* *finally*
11:47:17 PM: Romy: *giggling*
11:47:21 PM: Narcissa: *looks around room, spots Gideon, and walks over*
11:47:35 PM: Narcissa: *holds out hand* My wand, if you don't mind... -sir-
11:47:41 PM: Caradoc: He doesn't have it.
11:47:43 PM: Narcissa: *cooly raises eyebrow*
11:47:46 PM: Caradoc: He snapped it.
11:47:47 PM: Gideon: *tries to look as if he'snot been giggling madly* Say please.
11:48:01 PM: Gideon: Shut up, Doc.
11:48:08 PM: Caradoc: You shut up, mate.
11:48:10 PM: Narcissa: *looks back and forth between Gideon and Caradoc*
11:48:19 PM: Narcissa: One of you is obviously lying.
11:48:19 PM: Gideon: I'll handle this.
11:48:21 PM: Dolohov: Romy!
11:48:29 PM: Caradoc: Tell the truth.
11:48:36 PM: Dolohov: *smiles at Cissa*
11:48:42 PM: Caradoc: ....You too?! Agh
11:48:46 PM: Narcissa: *puts hands on hips* *cooly* I am waiting
11:49:01 PM: Dolohov: Sod off, Dearborn.
11:49:05 PM: Gideon: *stands up* I meant to give it back to you last night. I said, 'say please, Narcissa.'
11:49:10 PM: Narcissa: *glances over at Dolohov and smiles, before turning back to Gideon*
11:49:17 PM: Caradoc: *folds arms -- so not surreptitiously putting hand in pocket*
11:49:27 PM: Narcissa: *clenches teeth* May I... -please- have my wand.
11:49:36 PM: Caradoc: Good girl. But it is gone.
11:49:41 PM: Gideon: Doc!
11:49:45 PM: Caradoc: Shhh.
11:49:59 PM: Narcissa: *glares* Explain. Now.
11:50:09 PM: Gideon: *puts his hand in his pocket and realizes both wands are in the same pocket*
11:50:15 PM: Narcissa: *to Dolohov* He stole my wand
11:50:22 PM: Narcissa: and he won't give it back
11:50:25 PM: Gideon: You deserved it.
11:50:26 PM: Caradoc: Nothing to explain. *eyes Gideon* *hand clenches around own wand*
11:50:35 PM: Snape: *watches the commotion calmly*
11:50:45 PM: Gideon: I never said that. *tries to tell them apart* *ah, that's the strange one*
11:50:48 PM: Narcissa: Ex-cuse- me, Gideon?
11:50:56 PM: Narcissa: *holds out hand calmly*
11:51:19 PM: Snape: Narcissa, do you honestly think he *kept* the wand, knowing you'd know he had it?
11:51:24 PM: Caradoc: *draws own wand*
11:51:34 PM: Narcissa: *eyes the two wands in Gideon's hand* Obviously he did.
11:51:37 PM: McGonagall: *Watches the commotion and frowns*
11:51:39 PM: Narcissa: *points* That one is mine
11:51:46 PM: Caradoc: ((I don't think he's drawn them...))
11:51:47 PM: Narcissa: If you please *holds out hand again*
11:51:50 PM: Dolohov: Git. Dearborn. Give Cissa her wand back. NOW.
11:51:56 PM: Gideon: *gets out Narcissa's wand but holds tight to it* I meant to give it back to you last night but you left too soon.
11:52:03 PM: Snape: [Yeah. He hasn't drawn them... okay, now he has.]
11:52:08 PM: Gideon: Shut up, Ant. This is betweeen me and her.
11:52:09 PM: Caradoc: What? /I'm/ the git?
11:52:20 PM: Caradoc: And people who've got your back, Gid.
11:52:29 PM: Narcissa: It didn't seem as though you had any intention of returning it
11:52:35 PM: Dolohov: You, Dearborn, are something else entirely.
11:52:36 PM: Caradoc: It's gone. How can he?
11:52:37 PM: Gideon: Would I say I did?
11:52:52 PM: Narcissa: *raises eyebrow* I don't know. Would you?
11:52:54 PM: Caradoc: Whatever I am, still better than being a git, Tony.
11:53:00 PM: Gideon: It's righe, Doc. *holds it out to her*
11:53:09 PM: Caradoc: *tenses*
11:53:23 PM: Narcissa: *surprised, takes wand* *quietly* Thank you
11:53:30 PM: Dolohov: Right, then.
11:53:32 PM: Gideon: You're welcome.
11:53:35 PM: Snape: *smirks*
11:53:43 PM: Caradoc: *quirks eyebrow at Gideon*
11:53:46 PM: Gideon: Is that settled then?
11:53:47 PM: McGonagall: *Untenses*
11:53:53 PM: Narcissa: *smiles hesitantly*
11:54:42 PM: Dolohov: I'll be over in the corner if you need me, Cissa.
11:54:47 PM: Dolohov: *goes over to Romy and Hool*
11:54:52 PM: Dolohov: Hook.
11:54:53 PM: Caradoc: 'Course you will, git.
11:54:56 PM: Gideon: *doesn't smile back coz is too nervous*
11:55:15 PM: Narcissa: *watches Dolohov, then turns back to Gideon and frowns slightly* What's wrong with you today?
11:55:30 PM: Gideon: What?
11:55:40 PM: Narcissa: *shrugs* Something's wrong
11:56:00 PM: Gideon: Nothing is wrong. *no nothing at all except DEATH and.. and .. *
11:56:16 PM: Narcissa: *eyes him* You're not a very good liar, you know.
11:56:39 PM: Gideon: I told you, I meant to give it back last night. *surprised* I'm not? Why do you care anyway?
11:56:58 PM: McGonagall: *Watches Narcissa and Gideon carefully*
11:57:07 PM: Narcissa: And I believe you. I just... *confused* I'm not actually sure why I do.
11:58:02 PM: Caradoc: *is still tensed with wand*
11:58:02 PM: Snape: How remarkable.
11:58:28 PM: Gideon: Narcissa, this time last week I was dead. Go ahead and gloat about it. Why should I act at all normal right now? *is pretty tense still*
11:59:10 PM: Narcissa: *to distract self, glares at Caradoc* Oh, put that away. I'm not going to do anything to anyone unless someone provokes me. *to Gideon* Why... why would I gloat about it?
11:59:47 PM: Caradoc: *does not put wand away*
11:59:56 PM: Narcissa: *cooly* Thank you
12:00:00 AM: Gideon: Because I'm a Muggle-lover, and you and your husband both separately kicked my ass this weekend.
Log file closed at: 5/31/05 12:00:19 AM


There's a reason this is being posted by Molly. I can't tell you what it is though. It's very long.

romy, hook, narcissa, caradoc dearborn, antonin dolohov, snape, hermione, minerva mcgonagall, gideon prewett, gilderoy lockhart, gideon/narcissa, harry potter

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