(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 22:49

So Hermione was trying to help Famine and Pollution and accidentally caused the angst to resume. But everything's okay now! Broken and put back together all in one night. Enjoy!

Hermione: Err... Right... I won't keep you two long...
Famine: It's all right. What's this about?
Hermione: *takes two identical objects out of her pocket*
Pollution: *blinks, still looking confused*
Hermione: I heard about what... happened. A while ago. I won't mention it since you two seem to be doing all right, but...
Pollution: *pales, as if that's possible*
Hermione: Right... See these two objects?
Famine: *understanding flashes across his face and immediately glances at Pollution worriedly* Right. *nods*
Hermione: Right... one of you tell a lie for me please. *holds out the objects in the palms of her hands so they're visible*
Pollution: *blinks slowly, staying silent*
Hermione: Any lie will do... a simple one, even. Just something that isn't truth.
Famine: *frowns, still casting concerned glances at Pollution* *looks at the objects and just says off the top of his head* I dislike coffee.
Hermione: *watches the objects start to spin* See how they started to spin when you lied? They're called Sneak-o-scopes. Every time someone is being less than truthful about something they start buzzing and spinning. The bigger the lie, the more they spin.
Famine: *frowns thoughtfully and nods*
Pollution: *blinks again, biting his lip*
Hermione: So if you both carry one... You have to agree on a code word or something. Or a code question. That way, whenever one of you comes in, you can ask the question or exchange the words and if someone is pretending to be either of you, the Sneak-o-scope will spin. And you'll know. And that way... you won't have any more mishaps. *looks a little unsure but hopeful* Because what happened? Wrong. No one messes with my... err... friends like that. It's not on.
Famine: *makes a low sound of slightly bitter agreement and nods*
Pollution: *hugs himself slightly and looks a bit ill*
Hermione: I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make it worse. I can... I can... make the memory go away, if you want? For both of you...
Famine: It's all right. *pauses, biting his lip* It's...Pollution's choice.
Pollution: *puts a hand over his mouth, definitely looking ill* *very quietly* Thank you...for the thought. I... *takes a breath to steady himself, voice breaking slightly* I need...to think. *steps back to lean against the wall*
Hermione: OK... I'm sorry if I brought things back. I didn't mean to, I really only wanted to help. *sad look* *hands the two Sneak-o-scopes to Famine and Pollution*
Famine: *moves towards Pollution instinctively, then turns to smile at Hermione, weakly but genuinely* You have helped, Hermione. Thank you.
Hermione: Here you go... Those should work either way.
Famine: *takes his*
Pollution: *accepts it slowly, hand shaking and slides tiredly down the wall*
Hermione: I'll leave you two alone for now... If I can do something more, don't hesitate to let me know. *walks back inside*
Pollution: *hugs his knees to his chest, hair falling to cover his face*
Famine: *looking really worried now, kneels next to Pollution, biting his lip hard* *softly* ...Pollution?
Pollution: *lets his forehead fall against his knees* *quiet and slightly broken* I'd almost made it stop.
Famine: *bites his lip harder, moving closer and tentatively touching Pollution's shoulder* ...I'm sorry...
Pollution: It's not your fault... It's not her fault... It's just... *sighs tiredly and shakes his head before glancing up through his hair* ...you're going to make your lip bleed again.
Famine: *expression fades into one resembling the physical manifestation of an "awwww"* ...how can you worry about my *lip* when you're...*leans down to brush Pollution's hair back* Oh, Pollution, I wish I could...do something...
Pollution: *tries to smile and...almost succeeds* *quietly* You do enough...just being here...and...loving me. *looks down at the sneak-o-scope rather than meeting Famine's eyes* It's more than I ever expected of anyone.
Famine: *melts, completely, and struggles to keep from...breaking or collapsing or something* *very quietly, brushing Pollution's cheek gently* It's no more than you deserve...and I'll always be there to offer it.
Pollution: *manages a small smile, blinking at tears* I...I know. ...I love you.
Famine: *smiles weakly but sincerely and cups Pollution's cheek in his hand* I love you too.
Pollution: *turns his head slightly to kiss Famine's palm and sighs* Good.
Famine: *touches his fingers to Pollution's lips briefly, then moves forward to wrap his arms around him* *very softly* Forever. We have until the end of the world.
Pollution: Forever... *leans into the embrace, closing his eyes* Suddenly it just doesn't sound long enough.
Famine: *kisses the top of Pollution's head* Nothing's long enough. I love you so much.
Pollution: *smiles faintly* I love you, too. More than anything. I... *sighs and shakes his head tiredly, wrapping his arms tightly around Famine*
Famine: *hugs Pollution tightly, kissing the top of his head again* It's all right.
Pollution: *whispers against Famine's neck* I just never want to let go. I want to curl up in your arms and just...
Famine: *murmuring into Pollution's hair* I know. I know. I never want to let *you* go. I wish we could stay like this...
Pollution: But wishing doesn't get very far, I suppose. *hugs more tightly and sighs*
Famine: *sadly* No, it doesn't. But...we do have some time, and we should be grateful for it. *cuddles close and kisses the top of Pollution's head again*
Pollution: *laughs a bit brokenly* *almost inaudibly* Grateful isn't a strong enough word.
Famine: *hugs Pollution closer and tilts his chin up* *softly* It isn't. *kisses*
Pollution: *kisses back with a weak smile and whispers* I love you.
Famine: I love you too. So much. *touches his cheek lightly again*
Pollution: *leans more heavily into Famine's arms, smile falling again* You're all that keeps me from just...giving up. You...you have to know that. After everything...if I didn't have you...I...I'd just... I'd have no reason...no reason to...exist...outside of the work I've done...
Famine: *frowns and hugs Pollution tighter, leaning his cheek against his head* Oh, Pollution...you...you're everything to me, you know that, don't you? I'd do anything for you...I...I wish I could do something else...
Pollution: *shivers and clings slightly* I know. *laughs quietly, somewhat hysterically* I'm not sure I understand why...but I know.
Famine: *holds Pollution close, frowning deeper* If you ever want me to tell you why, I will. Just be certain you have a few hours to spare. *kisses the top of his head*
Pollution: *shivers again, closing his eyes tight against tears and voice breaking again* I love you. I love you. More than anything. I do.
Famine: *hugs tightly, closing his eyes and trying not to break down himself* I love you too. So much.
Pollution: *clings weakly* I know. *presses his face into the side of Famine's neck* ...I know.
Famine: *strokes Pollution's hair lightly, biting his lip* *quietly* That's good. I'm glad. *pause* ...will...will you be all right?
Pollution: *sighs* I...I'll be...fine. *clings a moment longer before pulling back slightly* *quietly* I'm...I'm sorry...I keep doing this.
Famine: *hugs tightly and leans their foreheads together* No, no, don't apologize. Take as long as you need to...put yourself back together. I'll help however I can.
Pollution: I just... I don't want to... *looks down* I don't want to worry you anymore.
Famine: *bites lip again and takes a deep breath* Pollution...look at me, please.
Pollution: *hesitates a moment before looking up again*
Famine: *'s expression is tender but intense* *makes eye contact and doesn't look away* *softly* Pollution. I love you. No matter what happens, I always will. Which means your well-being matters more to me than...anything else. It's natural that I worry for you...even if there's no need for it, I'm always going to worry for you. *voice breaks a bit* That you trust me enough to...be able to show when you're...like this. *bites lip and keeps going* It...means more to me than I can say. I...would rather you never felt any pain or sadness, of course, but I can't protect you from everything. All I can do is...try to be here to help however I can, whenever I can. I...I hope that that can be enough for you.
Pollution: *stares at him for a long moment, tears slipping out unnoticed, then buries his face against Famine's neck again* It's more than enough. More than I'd ever...ever think...expect... *shaking slightly as he stumbles over his words* I...I can't even... I don't... *makes a noise that could either have been a sob or a laugh* God...I hate words.
Famine: *hugs tightly, the concern still on his face, but somewhat less pronounced* Words...aren't enough. At all. *kisses the top of Pollution's head again* I love you so much.
Pollution: *quietly* I love you, too. More than anything. *sighs, shaken and tired* It was so much simpler...when I didn't...really...understand...what those words meant. ...but I wouldn't give it up for anything now. ...I...I could never forget...
Famine: *bites his lip and hugs tighter* *quietly* It's worth the...complications. It's worth the grey areas and...the worry, and the hole in my heart when you're not here...it's worth everything, to say I love you and mean it. To hear you say it, to know you mean it...oh, God, Pollution. *gives up on coherency and just holds*
Pollution: *doesn't even try to speak anymore, just holding on tightly now, shaking and pressing his face against Famine's neck in a vain attempt to stop the tears*
Famine: *continues holding Pollution tightly, resting his cheek on top of his head and biting his lip so as not to go to pieces himself*
Pollution: *whispers, voice cracking slightly* I love you. So much. More than anything. I do. And it's hard sometimes to believe that I deserve even half as much as I know you think I do but I'll take it, all of it, whatever I can get because I never want to let go. I'm terrified of losing you, even though I know I never will. I don't know why but I am. *whimpers quietly* ...I love you.
Famine: Oh, God, Pollution...*leans down and kisses his forehead* *quietly and intensely* I love you so much. *kisses his eyelids* You deserve everything I have to give, and so much more. *kisses his cheek lightly, then pulls away to lean their foreheads together* You'll never lose me...I'm never going to leave you, ever. *kisses softly* I love you.
Pollution: *kisses back, stray tears still escaping* I know. *closes his eyes with a shuddering sigh* I know. You're the only person I could ever believe... I...I can't doubt you. I couldn't afford to...even if it were possible.
Famine: *reaches a hand up to wipe Pollution's tears away and kisses the trails gently* I'm glad. You'll never need to doubt me...I could never lie to you, even if I wanted to. I love you.
Pollution: *manages a very small, shakey smile, reaching up to take Famine's hand in his own* I...I love you, too.
Famine: *squeezes Pollution's hand lightly and smiles, also shakily* And that's all I need.
Pollution: *laughs quietly* You give so much and ask for so little.
Famine: *shrugs, smiling a bit wider* I don't need much...just you.
Pollution: *laughs again, wrapping his arms around Famine's neck and hugging tightly* I love you.
Famine: *hugs back tightly* I love you too.
Pollution: *quietly* Good. *laughs yet again, sounding tired and worn* So amazingly, unbelievably, indescribably good.
Famine: *smiles, touching Pollution's hair* It is, isn't it? *leans down and kisses*
Pollution: *kisses back with a giggle somewhere between hysterical and exhausted* It is. And I think I'm through with the madness for tonight.
Famine: *smiles broader* Good. I'm glad. *hugs* You sound exhausted. Get some sleep tonight, all right?
Pollution: I will, though how I can be exhausted as much as I've been sleeping lately, I'll never know. *grins a bit sheepishly* Actually...I think I've been neglecting my work lately. If I can't be with you, I'm generally sleeping until I can.
Famine: *laughs* Well, whatever it takes for you to feel like yourself. Your health's more important than anything else...to me, anyway. *smiles*
Pollution: *smiles and kisses* And...to me...you're the most important person in the world so... *kisses again*
Famine: *kisses back, hugging closer* Mmm. I'm glad. Love you. *kisses again*
Pollution: *kisses back and sighs, ducking his head down and nuzzling tiredly at Famine's neck* I love you, too. More than anything. More than I could ever say.
Famine: *smiles, kissing the top of Pollution's head* We're even, then.
Pollution: *giggles quietly and somewhat tiredly, whether he'll admit it or not* Indeed.
Famine: *notices it, and gives Pollution a slightly stern look* I think you need sleep, and I think you need it now.
Pollution: *blinks, then sighs with a small, slightly embarrassed smile* All right. I'll go to sleep. *slight smirk* But I'm not leaving the mansion and you're holding me until I bloody well pass out on you.
Famine: *grins and kisses again* Two conditions I can most certainly deal with.
Pollution: *giggles again, kissing back* Good. And...third condition...we go back inside. Even a couch is more comfortable than a porch.
Famine: *laughs* Very much so. Another condition I can live with. *kisses again and scoops Pollution up into his arms, to carry him inside*
Pollution: *is obviously tired as he giggles again and kisses the side of Famine's neck* I love you.
Famine: *grins* Love you too. *turns and goes back into the mansion, carrying Pollution*

Famine: *comes back into the room, carrying Pollution*
Pollution: *snuggles against Famine and is so not falling asleep, really, swear*
Famine: *smiles and kisses the top of Pollution's head, sitting down on a nearby couch and settling Pollution onto his lap*
Pollution: *curls up contentedly and sighs, kissing Famine with a small smile*
Famine: *kisses back, smiling and cuddling close* Love you.
Pollution: *nuzzles and stifles a yawn* Love you, too.
Famine: *kisses Pollution's forehead* Sleep, love.
Pollution: *sticks his tongue out, then smiles and rests his head on Famine's shoulder, closing his eyes* Mmph. Fine.
Nemesis: *Throws Teddy Bear at Famine and Pollution and looks away like she didn't do anything*
Famine: *laughs and kisses the top of Pollution's head* You're utterly sweet. I love you. *gives Nemesis a Look*
Pollution: *laughs quietly* Am I? Mmm. Love you, too. *ignores the teddy bear as Famines are more fun to snuggle anyway*
Famine: You are. Completely. And I'm glad. *cuddles contentedly*
Pollution: *mumbles* Well...good then. ...good. *yeah...totally with the sleeping*

famine, famine/pollution, good omens, hermione, pollution

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