(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 15:18

This is been cut apart a little bit. I took out most of the stuff that was irrelevant to the HermioneIsPregnantAndEngagedToRon conversation.

Hermione> *walks in*
Gideon> I'm glad to see you, Arthur. Have you seen Molly?
Hermione> MEEP!
Ginny> *Waves to Hermione*
Hermione> *squeaks* HiGinny
Arthur> I just spoke with her a little while ago-
Gideon> *stiffens a little but doesn't look at Hermione coz he doesn't want to upset her. again*
Arthur> Oh, hello, Hermione. *smiles*
Ginny> Dad'shereHermione
Gideon> I'm sorry she's so upset. *can't really say  more*
Hermione> IsawthatandI'malittlescared.
Hermione> *walks over to Ginny*
Ginny> Whyhe'sonlydad?
Hermione> *swallows* Right then...
Hermione> *walks over to Mr. Weasley*
Hermione> Hullo Mr. Weasley!
Arthur> *smiles* You and Fabian would be quite proud of their exploits.  
Ginny> *Grin*
Arthur> *smiles* Hi, Hermione.
Gideon> *falls quiet when Hermioine comes over*
Arthur> *notices the tension* Erm...yes, has Molly told you about the twins?
Hermione> I'll let you get back to your conversation, I'm sorry to interrupt.
Hermione> *walks away with a sad look on her face*
Gideon> No, Hermione, don't go. We're just talking about Fred and George.
Arthur> Oh, it's alright, Hermione.
Gideon> No, she hasn't. What're they doing?
Hermione> Well, I need to talk to Ginny anyway.
Hermione> I'm sure Mrs. Weasley has since... informed you, Mr. Weasley?
Arthur> *grins* Well, Molly doesn't exactly approve of what they're doing...
Gideon> *bites lip that Hermione won't come back* So what are they doing?
Hermione> *walks back over to Ginny*
Ginny> Hi
Hermione> *sadly* Hi.
Hermione> Hey... that reminds me...
Hermione> Did you like that dress that I wanted to get?
Arthur> *Calls over* Hermione, we'll have to catch up later.  Alright?
Ginny> I did!
Hermione> *calls back* Certainly, Mr. Weasley!
Arthur> *smiles and nods* Good.
Hermione> Do you... you know... want to come with when I go pick it up?
Ginny> Yes!
Gideon> I really shouldn't distract you from the wedding plans. Ron invited but now I don't know if I should... or can... go.
Arthur> *To Gideon* Well, Fred and George...they were never really interested in their schooling, always playing pranks and getting into mischief...much like another pair of borthers I remember.
Arthur> Wedding?
Arthur> What wedding?  *grins* Who's getting married?
Hermione> *glares at Gideon* Thanks a LOT, Mr. Prewett.
Hermione> *to Mr. Weasley* Err... Ron and I are, Mr. Weasley.
Gideon> Okay. I'll just go jump off a cliff now.
Hermione> I... *ducks head* I thought Mrs. Weasley had told you.
Gideon> *leaves*
* Gideon has left #desperatefans

Arthur> *thinks she's joking* Haha, very funny...
Hermione> It's...
Hermione> May I speak with you privately, Mr. Weasley?
Arthur> Gideon? Why...he left so suddenly...oh, dear...
Arthur> Yes, of course, Hermione.  *is confused what this is all about*
Caradoc> *blinks and returns to earth*  Where'd Gid go?
Hermione> *snidely* He was being indiscreet and a drama queen.
Hermione> Err... yes...
Hermione> Mr. Weasley?
Arthur> He left rather suddenly.  *frowns at Hermione*  Now, Hermione...
Hermione> He said some truly horrible things to Ron, Mr. Weasley.
Hermione> I'm sorry, but he's been nothing but snide and mean.
Hermione> Always telling us we don't understand and what not.
Arthur> *sighs* I know, Professor McGonagall explained the situation to me.  But you have to understand, Gideon is in a rather...delicate state...being dead and then coming back.
Hermione> I'm trying to understand, Mr. Weasley. I really am.
Hermione> But all I'm getting are snide remarks and sneering.
Hermione> And that's a little more than I can handle right now.
Hermione> As for what he so graciously let slip...
Arthur> *Whispers* I know.  But he can't...can't help it, I don't think.  He's not in the right state of mind, from what I've heard.  So don't antagonize him.
Hermione> Ron and I are indeed getting married. *fumbles around the pocket of her robes*
* Molly has joined #desperatefans
Hermione> Here, have a look... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v477/leany/DF/HG-RW.jpg
Arthur> *brigthens* Molly!
Molly> *pushes the door open with her toe as she's carrying a huge platter of waffles* I thought you'd be here, Arthur. You ran off without your breakfast. *smiles*
Molly> *looks around* I hope I made enough.
Hermione> *smiles* Mrs. Weasley!
Hermione> Hullo!
Ginny> Hu Mum
Arthur> *beams* Mmmmm...They smell delicious! Thank you dear.
Arthur> *helps her put the platter down on a table*
Arthur> [[lol, it's one big happy Weasley family in here]]
Ginny> *Hi
Molly> Hi Hermione. Ginny.
Caradoc> *sniffs.  salivates.  looks for owls again.  (Maybe Molly should make bacon out of the next one.)*
Molly> There's waffles if anyone wants them.
Molly> *only if it's a flying pig and that might upset Ron*
Hermione> *walks over to the platter of waffles*
Caradoc> ((LOL))
Hermione> I... uhh... Is it OK... if I take some?
Hermione> *rubs her tummy*
Molly> There's plenty dear. And I can always make more.
Ginny> I'll have one, Mum
Molly> *cooking does calm her down*
Hermione> *blushes and takes four*
Hermione> *grins sheepishly* One for each and a spare?
Arthur> *takes a big bite out of a waffle and finally looks at the card Hermione gave him*
Arthur> ...
Molly> *to everyone* There's plenty. I can make more.
Arthur> *looks at Molly* So...so, it's true then? They ARE getting married?
Ginny> Thanks mum
Caradoc> These are...  This is a family meal, or...?
Molly> Ah! *gets out her wand* *enchants platter to make sure it doesn't run out*
Molly> *to Doc* If that one is mine, I'll eat Arthur's hat. *points to Gavroche*
Hermione> *to Doc* I'm having some, and I'm not a Weasley yet so I'm sure you can have some as well!
Hermione> *polishes off her waffles*
Hermione> Err... Yes, Mr. Weasley... I'm being serious.
Caradoc> *eats waffles plain with hand so as to to keep watching owls*
Arthur> *To Hermione* I didn't realize you and Ron were...an item...but, um...why so young? Shouldn't you two wait until you're out of Hogwarts?
Hermione> *looks at Mrs. Weasley in a light panic*
Hermione> *clears throat*
Hermione> Err. Mr. Weasley?
Hermione> Did you by any chance notice how many waffles I took?
Hermione> And... what I said?
Molly> *smiles encouragingly at Hermione*
Arthur> Well, you certainly seemed a bit hungry...?
Caradoc> *takes another waffle*
Hermione> If you recall... I said "One for each, and a spare"
Hermione> That should give you some clue...
Molly> Owls: flap by above the mansion without noticing Doc.
Caradoc> ((LOL))
Molly> *watches Arthur's face*
Caradoc> *silently curses owls*
Arthur> *thinks about it for a moment*
Hermione> *grins sheepishly*
Arthur> *looks from Molly to Hermione* Um...
Molly> Molly: Arthur...
Molly> [duh]
Arthur> I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
Arthur> [[lol]]
Hermione> *takes a deep breath*
Hermione> Mr. Weasley?
Hermione> I'm... *pauses*
Arthur> *continues looking back and forth beween the two women*
Hermione> expecting.
* Caradoc is now known as Doc-OwlWatching
Arthur> *takes another large bite of waffle*  You're expecting what?
Arthur> Oh.
Molly> *sniffs happily* Arthur, we're going to be grandparents.
Hermione> Twins, Mr. Weasley.
Arthur> ...
Arthur> *chokes on waffle*
Molly> *pats him on the back*
* Snape has joined #desperatefans
Arthur> *coughs*
Hermione> *grins sheepishly again*
Molly> Dear?
Arthur> *continues choking*
Molly> *looks up* Severus, there are waffles if you're hungry.
Snape> I'll.. decline.
Arthur> *Thinks: OMGwomanI'mchokingandyou'reofferinghimwaffles???*
Molly> *pats harder* Arthur?
Hermione> Mr. Weasley?
Snape> *might look vaguely amused if one looks at him from juuust the right angle*  Let me presume he's just.. been told the news?
Arthur> *is finally able to dislodge the waffle and take a deep breath*
Arthur> *Wheezes* Yes...
Hermione> Err... yes, professor Snape.
Molly> Um... yes. Breathe.
Arthur> *Squeaks* Hello, Professor...
Snape> Arthur.
* Doc-OwlWatching is now known as Caradoc
Molly> Severus, I want to talk to you about the other family drama. Sometime.
Arthur> *Coughs a few more times and croaks* Water?
Molly> *conjures up a glass as she still has her wand in her hand* Here, dear.
Arthur> *Nods and takes a big gulp of water*
Arthur> Thank you, Molly.
Hermione> I'm sorry, Mr. Weasley.
Arthur> No, Hermione, it's alright.  I'm just...shocked is all.
Arthur> How did...how did this happen...
Hermione> Not as much as we were, Mr. Weasley.
Snape> *glances at Arthur*  I was under the impression you knew that much, given the number of children you have *yourself*.
Molly> *bites her tongue as this is the one thing she doesn't really want to discuss with Hermione*
Arthur> *Glares at Snape* Well, yes...
Molly> [oh snap]
Hermione> Mr. Weasley... Mrs. Weasley...
Hermione> I think I should tell you that neither your son, nor myself set out to do this.
Hermione> We... had an accident. We... that is to say, I, did not act up to my usual standard.
Hermione> And it lead to this.
Arthur> *Ears turn slightly red* I would have assumed as much.
Hermione> We wouldn't have wanted it this way, had we given it some thought, but now that it's happened... we're trying to deal with it as best we can.
Molly> [hmm.... says Gideon... interesting words those]
Hermione> I'm trying very hard to be mature about this, and Ron is wonderful. But it puts into remarkable contrast how much we still are children.
Molly> What else can we do?
Arthur> *just nods because he doesn't know what else to do*

Hermione> Mrs. Weasley... you've already done so much, and we both appreciate it more than you could know.
Molly> *blushes* Thank you, my dear.
Molly> I... I've only done what any mother /should/ do when her children need her.

Hermione> Mrs. Weasley... technically, I am not your child though, so you were under no obligation to do something for me. Which is why I am all the more appreciative.
Arthur> *is still letting it all sink in*  Grandchildren...
Molly> But I am doing what I'm doing for Ron. It would hurt him if you weren't... taken care of.
Molly> *smiles at Alice and winks*
* Famine has joined #desperatefans
Molly> [would offer Famine waffles, but yeah]
Snape> [*sporfle*]
Molly> Arthur, don't you think Ron and Hermione will make beautiful children?
Hermione> *flushes a deep, embarrassing, BRILLIANT red*
Arthur> *also flushes*  Er...yes, I suppose so...
Molly> *kisses his cheek*
Hermione> *walks away all embarrassed*
Arthur> *feels better after being kissed*
Snape> *doesn't roll his eyes*  *really*

caradoc dearborn, snape, hermione, arthur weasley, gideon prewett, molly weasley, harry potter, ron/hermione, ginny

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