Prickly dark elf, faily dark elf; dark elf, dark elf, SNARK.

May 25, 2006 16:17

Well, I don't know if you've noticed at all, but there's been a small drow invasion around these parts recently. First there was Zaknafein, who was prickly and paranoid but surprisingly likeable, and then there was Jarlaxle, who was Shiny. And Dinin, who generally stays at home and fails at 42, but coexists fairly peacefully with his compatriots.

And now there's Rai-guy and Kimmuriel, who are soulless and evil and way too cute.

So I present to you an account of what this lot have been up to, because I know one or two are interested in them.

We begin with Jarlaxle coming back from Kimmuriel's intro post, only to go on to meet someone worse. Some particularly inglorious past episodes are brought up.

* Jarlaxle has joined #desperatefans
* Zaknafein has joined #desperatefans
[Jarlaxle] *The Shiny Has Landed. Repeat, the Shiny Has Landed.*
[Armand] *nods to Zak with a slight smile*
[Zaknafein] *nods back to Armand - and then smiles at Jarl, and shall wave a hand to guide him into the proper hanger, i.e., by him*
[Jarlaxle] *grins at everyone and makes his way to Zak's chair*
[Armand] *smiles at Jarlaxle too, even more tentatively*
[Jarlaxle] *does smile back at Armand*
[Zaknafein] 'Hello, Jarl.'
[Armand] *so wants to learn drow*
[Zaknafein] * -- so refuses to teach him, because he doesn't want to have to sign to feel a measure of privacy*
[Jarlaxle] 'Hello, Zak.' *and on the armrest he goes*
[Armand] *likes learning languages, oh well*
[Zaknafein] 'How are you?'
[Jarlaxle] *and this is a sober Jarl* 'I... have news.'
[Zaknafein] '-- Oh?' *shoots him a worried look, glancing him over to make sure he hasn't missed any injury*
[Jarlaxle] 'There are now four of us.'
[Zaknafein] ... *face darkens* 'Who?'
[Jarlaxle] 'Kimmuriel Oblodra.'
[Zaknafein] '...a psionist.' *scowls, understandably displeased* *doesn't realize he was in Bregan D'arethe, due to the lack of Oblodra falling at the time of his death, not that it will help much*
[Jarlaxle] 'Quite so. And - I may have left him in charge of Bregan D'Aerthe.'
[Zaknafein] *...going to outright stare at him* '-- what?'
[Jarlaxle] 'You were not here and I wanted to see more of the World Above.'
[Zaknafein] *buckles down on the shock and any other emotion* 'On your own? -- and why did you choose the Oblodra, of all people?'
[Jarlaxle] 'House Oblodra is gone.'
[Zaknafein] 'Hrm. You took him in.'
[Jarlaxle] *nods* 'He wasn't half-bad. And he wanted the position very much.'
[Zaknafein] *...eyebrow raise* 'How much?'
[Jarlaxle] 'Have you ever seen a psionist wail in frustration after losing a battle with an eyepatch?'
[Zaknafein] '' *slightly amused, despite himself*
[Jarlaxle] 'Well, after that, I could hardly let all his hard work of plotting a coup go to waste.'
[Maitimo] [[Rai-guy: ...What about my hard work? ;__;]]
[Zaknafein] [[You didn't survive; you don't count. *pat pat*]]
[Zaknafein] ......
[Zaknafein] ...
[Zaknafein] ...
[Maitimo] [[Rai-guy: Because he burninated me]]
[Jarlaxle] [[Jarl: Them's the breaks.]]
[Zaknafein] '...he planned a coup. And you let him get away with it.' *-- doesn't think for a moment that someone could have suceeded in overthrowing Jarl*
[Jarlaxle] 'You know, the eagerness really reminded me of the puppy.'
[Zaknafein] 'That does not lend itself to images of good leadership.'
[Jarlaxle] 'Oh, he had potential.'
[Zaknafein] *hrmphs slightly*
[Jarlaxle] *subtly touches Zak's hand*
[Zaknafein] 'So what do we do with him?' *when no one's looking, will take his hand and squeeze it slightly, before letting go again*
[Jarlaxle] 'Find room in the basement, I suppose.'
[Zaknafein] *doesn't look pleased by the prospect* 'At the other end, at the very least.'
[Jarlaxle] 'Naturally.'
* Maitimo is now known as Rai-guy
[Rai-guy] *lives! :D*
[Zaknafein] ... *notices the new drow and scowls deeply* *so only Jarl can hear* '... I take it that is him?'
[Jarlaxle] ................... 'No.'
[Rai-guy] *....notices Jarl (how could he not?* *and this is a mental OH SHIT, because .......................*
[Zaknafein] ..............
[Zaknafein] '...then who is it?'
[Jarlaxle] *ladies, gentlemen and other beings, witness the spectacle of the OH SHIT expression cross Jarl's face* *such things happen once in a lifetime*
[Rai-guy] *...faceshare?*
[Zaknafein] *is calmly sitting up in the, "Alright, I obviously am going to have to kill someone." sort of way* *glances between them, narrowing his eyes*
[Jarlaxle] *takes several tries but finally gets a 'Rai-guy' out*
[Rai-guy] *...that's his name* *calmly-ish, rather hoping not to be burninat'd this time* ...Jarlaxle.
[Zaknafein] *doesn't burninate! :D may take important chunks out with his swords, though*
[Jarlaxle] 'You're looking very unscorched.'
[Rai-guy] *nods*
[Jarlaxle] So we are five.
[Zaknafein] *simply nods, icily sizing up Rai-guy*
[Rai-guy] *--finally notices Zak, and looks back at him, hoping he won't be attacked, having no spells prepared or anything*
[Jarlaxle] 'This is Zaknafein Do'Urden.'
[Zaknafein] *doesn't even correct the Do'Urden, but stops looking quite so violent when Jarl introduces him* *...which means he might relax a hair. Or two.*
[Rai-guy] *doesn't outwardly doubletake at the name, no, but nods* Rai-guy Bondalek.
[Zaknafein] *looks back to Jarl for explaination*
[Jarlaxle] 'The other ringleader.'
[Rai-guy] *no comment, which is probably wise*
[Zaknafein] *can't hide the distaste in his voice* *nearly spits* 'Ah.'
[Armand] *tries to listen politely to Cosette, not try to figure out the drow from just their vocal inflections*
[Jarlaxle] 'We all must play nice.' *warning tone*
[Rai-guy] *they're being very quiet, really* *and considering what Jarl just said about there being only five...* Very well.
[Rai-guy] *...not that that means he's stopped looking warily at the person who looks like he wants to chop him up into little bits, though*
[Zaknafein] *will sit back a bit, but certainly is Not Happy in any sense of the word* *and that's about all the answer you're going to get*
[Jarlaxle] *is quietly thinking that they'll need a bigger basement*
[Zaknafein] *is quietly doubting that this 'playing nice' thing is going to work*
[Jarlaxle] 'Things will work out as long as we all remember who's in charge here.' *pointed look at Rai-guy*
[Jarlaxle] *is fully prepared for Zak to have a cosmic cow when they're alone*
[Rai-guy] 'Given the outcome of our last meeting, I accept that.' *but this is as pointed a look at Jarlaxle* 'Provided it is truly you that is in charge.'
[Zaknafein] ...
[Jarlaxle] ... 'Who else would be?' *there is no palming of a dagger, it's all in your mind*
[Zaknafein] *like he needed to be more tense*
[Rai-guy] 'You know as well as I. If it is gone, we have no argument.'
[Zaknafein] ... *raises an eyebrow, glancing at Jarl*
[Jarlaxle] 'It is only I.'
[Rai-guy] *bows shortly* 'Very well.'
[Jarlaxle] *studiously avoids looking at Zak*
[Zaknafein] ...... *worried* *doesn't show it, of course, staying stoic*
[Jarlaxle] 'Now that's clear...'
[Rai-guy] 'I'll leave you, then?'
[Jarlaxle] 'If you like.' *Jarl-speak for 'If you don't want a dagger in you.'
[Rai-guy] *doesn't* *nods to them both, and scurries off gets well out of dagger range*
[Zaknafein] *...waits for explanation*
[Jarlaxle] *oh look at that interesting floor*
[Zaknafein] ...Jarl?
[Jarlaxle] Zak?
[Zaknafein] ... *frowns* 'What was he talking about?'
[Jarlaxle] 'Some things that happened.'
[Zaknafein] '...what things?'
[Jarlaxle] 'Interesting things.'
[Zaknafein] 'Things you do not want to tell me.' *eyes are a tad bit hard at that*
[Jarlaxle] 'Things that are - hard to tell.'
[Zaknafein] *--did we mention the worry?* '...would you like to go elsewhere?'
[Jarlaxle] *deep sigh* Yes.
[Zaknafein] *...stands, then, and will lead Jarlaxle to the basement*
* Zaknafein has left #desperatefans
* Jarlaxle has left #desperatefans

Having escaped Jarlaxle, Rai-guy runs into someone better.

* Now talking in #df-basement
[Jarlaxle] *is really really not wanting to explain* *at all* *is in fact, contemplating snogging Zak until he forgets about it*
[Zaknafein] *...not sure that will work, Jarl* *waits for him to begin telling him what the hell is going on*
[Jarlaxle] *it would be really hot snogging*
[Zaknafein] ''
[Jarlaxle] 'So.'
[Zaknafein] *studies his face* 'What is it that is so hard to speak of?'
[Jarlaxle] 'I was.... stupid.'
[Zaknafein] *frowns deeper, especially that Jarl's admitting it up front like that - not that Zak's giving him much of a choice* 'What happened?'
[Jarlaxle] *explains Crenshinibon*
[Zaknafein] *-- asdkfj* *listens quietly, trying very hard not to scowl*
[Jarlaxle] *for once, is brutally honest about just how /dumb/ he was being*
[Zaknafein] *runs through about five different emotions in the same amount of seconds, and sighs* 'If you had gotten yourself killed over something so idiotic, I would have to hurt you now. And I must say any repeats of stupidity will involve you being tied to a table until you come to your bloody senses.' *...tightly wraps his arms around him and holds him close*
[Jarlaxle] *clings to Zak* 'I have learned my lesson.'
[Zaknafein] 'Good. Very good.' *sighs slightly and kisses Jarl's temple* 'I worry that this will give reason for the others to think they may be able to challenge you, however.'
[Jarlaxle] 'I told Kimmuriel I would be back.'
[Zaknafein] 'Do you think he would truly be willing to give up his position?'
[Jarlaxle] 'He doesn't have a choice.'
[Zaknafein] *...nods* 'Very well.' *will be prepared for trouble, though*
[Jarlaxle] *with a capital T*
[Zaknafein] *oooh, yes*
[Archangela] (And that rhymes with P and that stands for pool!)
[Jarlaxle] [*imagines them all playing pool*]
[Zaknafein] [[-- that reminds me. Sarah! :D When Artemis gets here, he, Zak, and Jarl should all play Cheat (also known as Bullshit).]]
[Jarlaxle] [HAHAHAHA! They should!]

Meanwhile, just outside...

* Now talking in #df-basement of evil
[Rai-guy] *so. with the cautious exploring* *is being remarkably self-contained, but one can hardly blame him*
[Kimmuriel] *is quiet as well, and, well, exploring* *trusts Rai-guy to check for traps, being the magic user, and explores more in physical sense* It is fairly plain.
[Rai-guy] But large. It's like a warren down here. *not a bad thing: confusing mazes are better defended* *...and look, there's a door that stands out like a strobe light in the Underdark, with all the tricky shiny warding on it* --There.
[Kimmuriel] ... *shields his eyes* *dryly* One wild guess as to who lives there.
[Rai-guy] I'm sure I couldn't say. *hovers his hands just above it, studying the various magical emantions* Formiddable, of course.
[Kimmuriel] I would be disappointed if they were not.
[Rai-guy] I would be worried. *works his way into and disarms what he can, which is probably a good deal, and the blinding glow of magical enrgy may dim a little*
[Kimmuriel] ...we should hope he is not at home. *that's a bit of a cautionary tone, there*
[Rai-guy] True. *looks back at him* Are there any active minds inside?
[Kimmuriel] *takes a deep breath and closes his eyes* *snaps them open a moment later* -- There are. All three of our companions, if I am correct.
[Rai-guy] Then it would be wise to leave them be. *withdraws from the wards on the door, resetting them to normal* But the door itself is not impenetrable.
[Kimmuriel] *nods* *-- signs* '...for exploring at a later time, then?'
[Rai-guy] 'Perhaps' *but there's an anticipatory note there, despite the wariness* 'For now, let us find somewhere less inhabited.'
[Kimmuriel] *nods, quietly slipping down another hallway* Perhaps we should set up camp a bit away from the others.
[Rai-guy] *you don't say, Kimmy* Indeed. *follows him, just as quiet, keeping a wary eye out for more traps*
[Kimmuriel] *will walk for quite a while, occasionally checking a few rooms but finding none to his liking*
[Rai-guy] *picky, picky* *but how's a corner suite, with several rooms (including two bedrooms, though it's your call as to how useful that will be) and lots of handy little nooks to hide lightning strikes in?*
[Kimmuriel] Hmm. Not as bad as the others. *pokes around a bit*
[Rai-guy] *examines the place, making special note of all those nice, wardable corners* It could do.
[Kimmuriel] It will take a bit of work, but- *stands in the center of the room and surveys it*
[Rai-guy] We will manage.
[Kimmuriel] Yes. That we will. -- It seems we shall have to find a few better pieces of furniture, however. -- and different bedding. *wrinkles nose and refuses to use whatever it already on the beds*
[Rai-guy] *shakes his head, half-mockingly but almost fondly* Whatever you desire, of course. *and gestures to the bedrooms* Pick one, then.
[Kimmuriel] Hmmm. *browses them both a bit, and fusses over the furniture before-* *decisivly* The one on the left.
[Rai-guy] *aquiesces* All yours. *...shall collapse sit in the comfiest nearby chair, now, hi*
[Kimmuriel] *sits down in another, then, crossing one leg over the other* So.
[Rai-guy] *leans back, mmore casually than he feels* So?
[Kimmuriel] *light shrug, absentmindedly playing with his hair*
[Rai-guy] *watches him, or may appear to, though truly he's losing himself in thought*
[Kimmuriel] ... *notices and raises an eyebrow at him*
[Rai-guy] *notices that, and blinks out of his reverie* ...What?
[Kimmuriel]'re the one watching me.
[Rai-guy] ... *dryly* Apologies.
[Kimmuriel] ... I did not say there was anything wrong with it.
[Rai-guy] *nods absently, with a half-smile* I will keep that in mind. *but probably sounds rather distant*
[Kimmuriel] *asdkfslj wants to read his thoughts*
[Rai-guy] *right now? They just go something like, "omlwtfI'malivewtfwtf"*
[Kimmuriel] *well, yes, but he refuses to let himself do it, so is just going to be quiet and awkward*
[Rai-guy] *this is a Rai-guy running over everything that's happened in the last while, organising his information and flailing a lot, and therefore probably not even noticing that the silence is awkward*
[Kimmuriel] *-- is going to debate what he needs for their rooms now, just to distract himself*
[Rai-guy] *--just about facepalms after a while, since his thought process has degenerated to something like 'sdkadghkasfljhawtf'* ...You know, I think I can deal with that bedding for one night. *stands* Mind if I retire?
[Kimmuriel] *looks a bit disgusted with the thought, but waves him off* I have no argument.
[Rai-guy] *will first go over to the door and put a quick ward on it, actually: not enough to keep anyone serious out, but it will at least scorch the supporting rabble* *and then, after giving Kimmuriel a long and rather enigmatic look, nods and disappears into his new room*
[Kimmuriel] .......... *sort of sinks back into his chair, gazing at Rai-guy's door*
[Rai-guy] *for his part, is sinking down onto his bed to inwardflail even more*
[Kimmuriel] *...sighs lightly and throws a glance towards his own room, before deciding to take over Rai-guy's abandoned chair, throwing his legs over the arm*
[Rai-guy] *which is rillyrillycute* *and if he manages to doze at all, it will be fitfully, since he's just been as at rest as it is possible to be and is therefore not tired, but he probably does need the relaxation it brings*
[Kimmuriel] *has long since learned how to force himself to sleep, even in stressful situations, due to his powers, and thus soon drops off, head tucked against his shoulder and the back of the chair*
[Rai-guy] *which is cuter* *and, speaking of cute, may find it hard to stay still (having again a material body, itching to be used), and if he rises in the night to prowl a little, he might just look at Kimmuriel with an unreadable expression, and just might be silly and quietly fetch a passable-quality blanket and gently spread it over him, since of course we don't want our only allies to... die of pneumonia. Or anything like that. Right*
[Kimmuriel] *stirs a little, but doesn't wake, which says just how off guard he is*
[Rai-guy] *that's telling* *and will just go back into his bedroom, and hang around being wide-awake and fidgety*

Kimmuriel proceeds to flail some, and do some reconnaisance.

* Now talking in #desperatefans
[Kimmuriel] *exists. :D*
[Dinin] *is coming up from the basement for one reason or another, and-- oh, look, a strange drow :O*
[Kimmuriel] *-- ah, so this is the missing drow* 'Hello.' *gives him a quick look over, sizing him up*
[Dinin] *is looked-over, which is understandably unnerving, especially since he didn't know about this, but returns the favour* ...Greetings.
[Kimmuriel] And who might you be?
[Dinin] Who is asking?
[Kimmuriel] *perfectly amiable expression* Kimmuriel Oblodra.
[Dinin] *which puts him on guard, of course, because asdfacreepypsionicist* ...Dinin Do'Urden.
[Kimmuriel] Another Do'Urden. Interesting coincidence.
[Dinin] *just wait until the rest of them show up, Kimmy* I suppose so. You've just arrived? *though that's not really a question, considering the obvious answer*
[Kimmuriel] * -- ew* I have. *going to gently pry a bit into Dinin's mind just to catch those surface thoughts* Have you been here long?
[Dinin] *whatever defenses he has, will be using them, because that's what you do in the company of strange psionicists, but his experience is mostly in hiding things from his family, so* Not very.
[Kimmuriel] *is going to seek out what wiggle room he can, because that's what he does* No? But still longer than I. What do you think about it so far?
[Dinin] Large and confusing, but living is nice. *shrugs* It's... unstructured. *which should be interestingly odd to any drow, like enough*
[Kimmuriel] Hmm. That makes it quite interesting indeed.
[Dinin] *nods, because did we mention aughcreepypsionicist?**
[Kimmuriel] *waves to an open chair* Come. Have a seat.
[Dinin] ... *with the sitting, warily*
[Kimmuriel] *calm, friendly smile! :D*
[Dinin] * supposed to trust something like that?*
[Kimmuriel] *...well, no, but it's fun to watch the reaction*
[Dinin] *is reacting by being mistrustful and on guard, which we're sure is highly entertaining*
[Kimmuriel] *you'd be suprised* So you are a companion of Jarlaxle's?
[Dinin] *that's borderline petty, Kimmydear. <3* ... Yes.
[Kimmuriel] *Hmph.* A lieutenant?
[Dinin] I was not with him so long as that.
[Kimmuriel] Oh. Another dead one?
[Dinin] Yes.
[Kimmuriel] I see. Explains why I did not come to know you, then.
[Dinin] *eyebrowraise*
[Kimmuriel] *notices the eyebrow* Hmmm?
[Dinin] Ought you to have?
[Kimmuriel] I should think so, as if you had survived you would be under my leadership.
[Dinin] ... ....Ah.
[Kimmuriel] ^___^ *tucks his hands underneath his chin, as if that was no big revelation*
[Dinin] *may possibly not be quite so upset about dying when he did anymore*
[Kimmuriel] *would be - or perhaps is - amused by that* Has Jarlaxle been setting you and - who was that other fellow? - on particular missions, then? He said something about reconnaissance when we met.
[Dinin] If he were, would you expect me to speak openly of it? *that probably is a big no-no in Bregan D'aerthe, come to think of it*
[Kimmuriel] *tilts his head* Jarlaxle trusted me enough to leave Bregan D'aerthe to me. Do you not think he would trust me with a few plans?
[Dinin] Or me, not to tell my business to strangers? He is of course free to inform you himself of anything he thinks you should know.
[Kimmuriel] *chuckles* He chose you well, didn't he?
[Dinin] Perhaps. *is, just for the record, deliberately not thinking of anything Jarl may have told him,because he's like that*
[Kimmuriel] *might be a wee bit annoyed about that, but he doesn't show it*
[Dinin] *^_____^*
[Kimmuriel] ...mmm, the joy of strikeouts. *SMITES*
[Dinin] *just might possibly get avenged by a pwny weapons-master, so HA*
[Kimmuriel] ... >:( Rai-guy would fireball him first.
[Dinin] Then Jarl would have to get medieval on both your arses. :D
[Kimmuriel] ...damn it.
* Snape has joined #desperatefans
[Snape] *walks in, sits on chair in the corner*
* Stargirl has joined #desperatefans
* McGonagall has joined #desperatefans
[Kimmuriel] ... *raises an eyebrow at the newcomers*
[Stargirl] *trods in, wearing a black polka-dot dress a small veil that covers her eyes, costume butterfly wings, and layers on layers of eyeliner*
[Stargirl] *and is also looking very somber*
[Kimmuriel] ... *eyes Stargirl distastefully*
[Stargirl] ...*goes over to the plothole and drags a stool from it out into the middle of the room*
[Stargirl] *stands on the stool, straightens her wings, and clears her throat*
[Dinin] ... *watching*
[Kimmuriel] ... *is as well*
[Snape] *could care less*
[Stargirl] Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, mammals and amphibians, insects and plants, vegetables and minerals, kingdom and phylum, peanut butter and jelly...
[Stargirl] We are gathered here in the wake of a most terrible tragedy.
[Snape] *glances at Stargirl for no better reason than to pretend that McGoogles isn't there*
[McGonagall] *um...ditto, really*
[Stargirl] ...Yesterday, a life was lost.
[Snape] *.... not liking the TOPIC...*
[Dinin] ... *failing to see why he should care, but whatever*
[Stargirl] --a life torn cruelly from a soul barely begun to live, a soul on the brink of transforming, metamorphosisasizing into the person he could have been...
[Kimmuriel] ......
[Snape] .....
[McGonagall] *blinks* ... *glances over at Snape*
[Snape] This is ridiculous.
[Stargirl] that little body beat a heart. In that little body was a will to survive and to contribute, a will to eat leaves and spin a cocoon of magic and mystery and...cocoon material.
[Snape] .........A caterpillar?
[Dinin] ... *doesn't know what a caterpillar is*
[Stargirl] *folds her hands and nods solemnly*
[Stargirl] A caterpillar that never knew its wings.
[Snape] *pinches the bridge of his nose* I'm surrounded by idiots.
[Kimmuriel] ... *dryly* Oh, a pity.
[Stargirl] Oh, more than a pity! It unthinkable tragedy...
[McGonagall] The death of a caterpillar is hardly an unthinkable tragedy, young lady.
[Stargirl] *these would be genuine tears filling her wide, wide eyes*
[Kimmuriel] ... *entertains thoughts on sending her to join the caterpillar*
[Stargirl] Maybe not to most. Not many people cry for caterpillars.
[Stargirl] But it is a death. And if we don't cry for them, who will?
[Snape] Because there are those of us who have *seen* unthinkable tragedy.
[Stargirl] We all have, I think.
[McGonagall] *frowns* Some more than others.
[Snape] Rather.
[Stargirl] There is tragedy in losing a mother, and a family. There is tragedy in watching a star fall and the sun set. There is tragedy in mass murders and a stillborn kitten, and a dewdrop that evaporates before it can touch the ground.
[Snape] *rolls his eyes*
[Kimmuriel] ......
[Dinin] *thinks that sunrises are worse, but he's biased*
[Stargirl] *the tears have escaped now, and are leaving inky eyeliner-trails down her cheeks*
[Snape] *mutters* Such tripe.
[Dinin] *and on that note, will stand and give Stargirl a rather flat look, and Kimmuriel a polite enough nod, and leave*
* Dinin is now known as Maitimo
[Kimmuriel] *rolls his eyes, sekkritly agreeing with Snape, but not going to admit to that, because he's a human*

[Maitimo] *speaking of humans, here's something worse :D*
[Kimmuriel] *-- ADFLSJKDF.* *would make a snarky comment, but oh mother Lolth WTF*
[Kimmuriel] *is completely tense, but a little too stunned to move*
[Maitimo] *notices the new drow, and looks him over rather curiously*
[Kimmuriel] *narrows his eyes to slits, and just barely keeps himself from baring his teeth at him*
[Maitimo] *casually couchflops*Another one? Hello.
[Kimmuriel] *straightens haughtily and pretends like he nearly didn't just jump out of his skin* You have met one of us before?
[Armand] *notices the drow talking to his brotherthing and frowns but stays well clear of them*
[Kimmuriel] *doesn't even notice him*
[Maitimo] A few of you, yes.
[Kimmuriel] Who?
[Maitimo] There's a swordsmaster, Zaknafein, and a-- *oh look, Dinin doesn't have his own adjective* younger one. And they have a blindingly bright companion somewhere. *shrugs* It's looking like another invasion.
[Armand] *uneasy glance toward brotherthing and drow* *really hard to pay attention to Cosette, Stargirl and dead!caterpillar with that going on*
[Kimmuriel] *scowls ever so slightly* The Do'Urden flounces about with Elves. I should have known. Is that so? Do you know him well, then?
[Maitimo] Hardly at all. He's been giving my youngestbrother swordfighting lessons. I keep an eye out.
[Kimmuriel] I see. He teaches iblith?- aldkjfs. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS DROW?
[Maitimo] *stands, and is being really annoyingly cheerful, and probably on purpose. Sorry, Kimmy* *is also being really incredibly tall, but you knew that* I was just here for tea, really.
[Kimmuriel] ._____________. *feels - itty bitty, but reminds himself that he's a big bad psionist, dammit, and he can take this brute if he wanted-!* For what?
[Maitimo] *care to try him, though?* Tea. Hot water with leaves in. For drinking.
[Kimmuriel] ...ah.
[Maitimo] *grins slightly and goes on his way, because tea > all*
[Kimmuriel] *adlfkjs* *sinks back into his chair and glares at Maitimo's back*
[Maitimo] *also going to be pondering the implications of a drow invasion, because one can hardly expect more than two exceptions and one puppy to the stated rule of drow = ebil*
[Kimmuriel] ... *going to slip out to go find his person, before the tallelfthing comes back*
* Kimmuriel has left #desperatefans

* Now talking in #df-basementofevil
[Kimmuriel] *going to quickly make his way to the basement - which probably means just porting in*
[Rai-guy] *he'll find that there's a large pile of various pilfered fabrics on a chair, and a Rai-guy in his room, hanging drapes around his bed* *--by which we mean, levitating them into place, while he lounges*
[Kimmuriel] *notices and makes his way to Rai-guy's room, pretending he's not as flaily as he is* Impressive drapes.
[Rai-guy] You think so? *magically alters the colourscheme from dark blue to dark red, and shrugs, looking up at him*
[Kimmuriel] Hmmhmmm. *takes a seat near him, but doesn't quite relax*
[Rai-guy] *knows a flaily stressed-out Kimmy when he sees one, and arches an eyebrow* Trouble?
[Kimmuriel] ...Faerie.
[Rai-guy] ... *hisses*
[Kimmuriel] Particularly large ones.
[Rai-guy] *so, first reaction done with, here's coherence this time* Large ones? How many--?
[Kimmuriel] I don't know.' *slight scowl* 'He did not attack me, however, and claimed aquantiance with both Do'Urdens. *--forgets that Rai-guy doesn't alway know everything he does, apparently*
[Rai-guy] *eyebrows up at the not attacking, eyebrows still up and not coming down at the mention of two* *and even stops lounging to actually sit up properly* Both?
[Kimmuriel] -- *nods* There is another; Dinin was his name. I do not know of him, but apparently he was a part of Bregan D'arethe for a short while, before he died.
[Rai-guy] ...Interesting. You met him?
[Kimmuriel] *nods* I did. He is of little interest, it seems; not too powerful, but he is loyal to Jarlaxle.
[Rai-guy] *nods, steepling his fingers against his lips because he's silly like that, and musing* Henchmen we can deal with.The prospect of the faerie is more troubling, for they're rarely found alone.
[Kimmuriel] We must remember that they are Jarlaxle's henchmen, however. *but does nod*
[Rai-guy] Of course. And we must discover how many he has, here. The fact that the elf did not attack you, while claiming to know the others, suggests that they have been making allies we know nothing of.
[Kimmuriel] *nods* The Faerie did not seem to know Jarlaxle personally, but he did mention him.
[Rai-guy] *dryly* He is hard to miss.
[Kimmuriel] *slight smirk* That he is. I think he was referred to as the Do'Urden's 'shiny friend.'
[Rai-guy] [[Mae: Blindingly bright companion, but that's semantics.]]
[Kimmuriel] [[Kimmy: I WAS DISTRACTED.]]
[Rai-guy] *eyeroll* How very apt.
[Kimmuriel] 'Indeed.' *sighs and stretches* So where exactly did you find these? *motions to the drapes, which he's apparently going to go study closer*
[Rai-guy] Around and about. This place has an excess of everything.
[Kimmuriel] Hmm. It does indeed. Did you see the couch? *flops sits onna bed*
[Rai-guy] How could I miss it?
[Kimmuriel] *-- grins. this is a brief and rare sight.*
[Rai-guy] *--this is not a 'sfaljkda^_____^', really, but it might be a slightly lopsided smile in return*
[Kimmuriel] *^_________^* *going to do that relaxing thing now, because he's with Rai-guy, safe from shiny former leaders and giant faerie in their lair rooms*
[Rai-guy] *approves of the relaxing, apparently, and also the couch seems like a nice topic of conversation* --It can't stay where it is, though; it throws the entire room off-balance.
[Kimmuriel] *glances over at him* Does it? I thought it would look quite nice there, if we got a suitable table to go in front of it.
[Rai-guy] 'Mmm?' *muses on this instead of on scaryfaeries* What constitutes "suitable"?
[Kimmuriel] *shrugs* Something to balance it out, I guess. Fairly low, I would suppose.
[Rai-guy] *nods* I suppose it could work. It's your aquisition anyway.
[Kimmuriel] I'll look for one in the morning. *stretches again*
[Rai-guy] Very well. *lounges back on his new-found pillows, and looks slightly amused* Staying here?
[Kimmuriel] I haven't made my bed yet.
[Rai-guy] *gives over a pillow or two* How neglectful of you.
[Kimmuriel] I was busy gathering information. *fluffs a pillow and tucks it under his head*
[Rai-guy] Naturally. *waves his new drapes shut with a quiet word*

[Jarlaxle] *exists or somesuch*
[Zaknafein] *--does as well!* *slightest smile, and - just going to wrap his
arms around him, apparently* Hi.
[Jarlaxle] *blinks but happily wraps his arms around Zak* H'llo you.
[Zaknafein] 'How are you?' *-- I don't know why he's clingy, Jarl, sorry*
[Jarlaxle] *is not arguing!* 'Good. Well, good considering our "guests".'
[Zaknafein] *scowls* 'Yes. Them.' *slight sigh* 'I suppose I should meet
them properly.'
[Jarlaxle] *sighs and gives Zak a kiss* 'I suppose.'
[Zaknafein] *kisses back lightly* 'I'll 'play nice.' Promise.'
[Jarlaxle] 'It's not you I'm worried about.'
[Zaknafein] 'They have little reason to attack me.'
[Jarlaxle] 'Details.'
[Zaknafein] 'But important ones.'
[Jarlaxle] 'Dinin's days are possibly numbered.'
[Zaknafein] *scowls a bit* 'I will not let them slaughter just because they can, not even if Dinin is there target. Not here.'
[Jarlaxle] 'I agree, but we can't watch him all the time.'
[Zaknafein] *sighs* 'Let us hope his survival instinct did not completely corrode.'


...There will probably be more of this group in the future, especially since we have a few friends and relations lined up to make them flail. :D

Later days,

zaknafein, stargirl, rai-guy, mcgonagall, snape, maedhros, kimmuriel, armand, jarlaxle

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