James doing King Lear. Oh dear.
Prongs: *poses, of course* Thou, Nature, art my goddess; to thy law my services are bound.
Remus: *watches*
Prongs: Wherefore should I stand in the plague of custom, and permit the curiousity of nations to deprive me, for that I am such twelve or fourteen moonshines lag of a brother?
Prongs: Why Bastard? wherefore base?
Prongs: this is boring
Remus: It is not! It's art.
Prongs: *sighs* Okay then. But I'm going to translate it to -real- english
Prongs: Why am I called a bastard? I'm as good as any other prat from a married woman
Remus: *arches an eyebrow*
Prongs: *grins* Base, base, bastard, base, stupid words!
Prongs: Look at em! They're all prats! and nancy-boys!
Prongs: I'm a -real- man! *poses again*
Prongs: Well then, nancy boy brother of mine, I'll take your land, cos I can!
Prongs: And cos daddy likes me more
Prongs: I hope
Prongs: Anyway, who says that you're legitimate? A legitimate loser!
Prongs: God! Bastards are great!
Edmund-totallylurking: *is totally lurking. >_____> luckily for-- well, everyone.*
Prongs: *has lost his audience* Hmf. I didn't think it was -that- bad