May 17, 2006 18:00
So, as requested!
Cosette: * back, by popular demand*
Pheebs: *waves at Cosette -- is prodding Gavin in the main room*
Cosette: *curtsies at Gavin and Pheebs*
Hermione: And was his explanation clear?
Pheebs: Hey there.
Gavin: *waves* 'lo.
Pheebs: *smirks at Gavin*
Gavin: *--and prods Phoebe again, in vengeance*
Cosette: Bonjour, Mlle. Phoebe, M. Gavin.
Pheebs: *sweet smile* Want to hear a song?
Cosette: Alright! What is it called?
Pheebs: *innocent smile -- and if anyone knew Pheebs well, they would be very afraid* La Vie Boheme.
Cosette: That's a nice name.
Pheebs: Oh, it's a very nice song.
Gavin: *isn't sure whether to facepalm or die of laughter, really*
Pheebs: *prodGavin* Isn't it, Gav?
Gavin: Well, /I/ like it, but it's probably a matter of taste. *seriousface, really*
Pheebs: I think she'll like it. --*and turns on LVB, having conveniently gotten a cd player and cd out*
Cosette: *listens, finding it a bit loud and rather confusing*
Pheebs: *is totally singing along*
Gavin: *--anyway, vaguely amused, and /totally/ not watching for Cosette's reactions at all, really*
Pheebs: *isn't either!*
Cosette: *looks at Pheebs* What are they talking about?
Gavin: *does not snerk, does /not/*
Pheebs: *and here's the Evil Phoebe Grin* Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll, dear.
Cosette: *chokes* Pardon me?
Pheebs: *thoughtful pause* A lot of it's sex, though.
Gavin: *really trying not to die of laughter, and only partially succeeding*
Pheebs: *hums* To leather, to dildos, to curry vindaloo-
Cosette: --That's not what it sounds like they're talking about.
Gavin: What does it sound like, then?
Cosette: I'm not sure. But...not /that/.
Pheebs: *>:D* 'Ve you ever heard of a dildo?
Gavin: .....*mustn'tsnerkatPhoebe,musn't*--*right, insert snerk here*
Cosette: No, I haven't.
Pheebs: Oh, you poor, poor thing.
Gavin: . . . Y'know, Pheebs, it's a little disturbing sometimes how much you /do/ know about these things.
Pheebs: Oh, hush, you.
Cosette: Why? Am I expected to know?
Gavin: --/You/ aren't.
Cosette: Well...why not?
Gavin: No one would /ever/ explain it to you, in your time.
Pheebs: *stifles a giggle -- Pheebses don't giggle, it's undignified* You're married. In theory, you shouldn't need one.
Cosette: What is it then, a person?
Gavin: No. More a substitute for one, really.
Pheebs: You could call it that, at least. ^^
Cosette:'s a /pretend/ person?
Pheebs: More like a part of a person, actually.
Pheebs: --A male person.
Gavin: Yes.
Cosette: Well, people have lots of parts...
Gavin: . . . One specific to a man, Cosette.
Cosette: *blushes* Oh. /That/.
Gavin: Exactly.
Pheebs: *cheerful smile*
Cosette: *confused, much?* It is a pretend..../that/? What on earth...?
Gavin: For the lonely. *--feels a bit sorry for Cosette, but can't help being highly amused*
Pheebs: *^__^* Yes, it is.
Cosette: Well I don't see how that would work...
Hermione: Stop reading about it and start trying.
Pheebs: *arches an eyebrow* You don't?
Armand: I don't just read about it.
Pheebs: And here you're married and everything -
Hermione: Well, then slow down your pace.
Hermione: If you lack the energy for your pace... slow down.
Cosette: No, not if it's pretend.
Hermione: That's what Ron always says I should do.
Pheebs: *smirks* The same way you use a real one.
Cosette: *blushes!* Isn't another person required?
Gavin: Not really.
Hermione: Well, don't compare yourself to others, for a start.
Hermione: Not everyone has the same starting point, and some of us simply take longer
Gavin: Although it's /possible/ to use it with another person, I guess.
Cosette: *blushes even more* That would be silly, wouldn't it, if you have another person?
Gavin: Depending on the gender of the person . . .
Cosette: *blinks*
Gavin: Two women would be, ah-- lacking certain things, after all.
Pheebs: *isn't snerking. Really.*
Gavin: *although really, doesn't /personally/ see the point of one woman, let alone two >.>*
Cosette: *gapes* I...that....
Pheebs: What? 'S ture.
Pheebs: *true
Cosette: That....well....I don't /know/! I never really thought about two women and....and /that/.
Pheebs: Well, now you have. ^_^
Gavin: Being neither a woman nor interested in women, I guess my knowledge is limited, but I'd say they don't /always/ use one.
Cosette: I'd appreciate it if you /wouldn't/ go into detail about that, M. Gavin.
Gavin: Don't worry. I won't.
Gavin: Like I said-- my knowledge is kind of on the vague side.
Pheebs: So's mine, actually.
Gavin: --I'd hope so. You /are/ thirteen.
Cosette: Well, mlle, what else is in this song?
Pheebs: *:D :D :D* Oh, lots of things.
Pheebs: Masturbation, S & M, marijuana...
Cosette: *tilts head* Which are...?
Gavin: *--can't help but be reminded of certain former employers when hearing "S & M," unfortunately*
Pheebs: Well, marijuana's a drug. ^_^
Armand: *curls up on the couch to listen to the others*
Gavin: S & M is either slave and master or sadism and masochism, depending. Either way, pain, sex, and the combination of the two.
Cosette: *blinkblink*
Gavin: Sometimes involves bondage, too-- tying someone up, that is, or restraining them, anyway.
Cosette: --But...why would someone even think to do that?
Armand: *flinches*
Armand: *too loudly* SOME people find it fun.
Gavin: *shrugs* Some like it, some don't.
Gavin: Some /really/ like it-- *Ferret!flashbacks,hi!*
Cosette: *looks over at Armand with a pleasepleasedon'tsaythatyoudo expression*
Armand: *wan smile at her which he hopes is re-assuring*
Gavin: Definitely not for everyone.
Cosette: *does find it somewhat reassuring*
Cosette: That is certain. It sounds....horrid.
Pheebs: I wouldn't know. *:D*
Armand: *would agree with Cosette*
Cosette: I should hope you don't know, mlle.
Gavin: *shrugs* It's all right, if everyone involved agrees to it, and it's all done safely.
Pheebs: Actually, if you knew my dad, you'd probably wonder why I didn't.
Gavin: *--right, probably shouldn't have said that*
Pheebs: *arches an eyebrow at Gavin* -- Oh, really?
* Constantine has joined #desperatefans
Cosette: *sputters* /Everyone/? As in...more than two people? As've /participated/ in this?
* Constantine has left #desperatefans
Gavin: *facepalm*
Gavin: I believe in experimentation, okay? But it's not really my thing.
Gavin: --Anyway, 'everyone' /did/ mean two in that case, although it's not like it hasn't been done with more.
Pheebs: 'M sure it has.
Cosette: *flails a bit*
Armand: *just listens unhappily*
Gavin: *just remembered Phoebe's there, ack* . . . I can't believe I'm talking about this in front of you.
Pheebs: *sweet smile*
Gavin: *facepalm*
Pheebs: 'S not like I'm not used to it.
Gavin: --No, but you'll probably try to blackmail me with it later or something.
Gavin: *right, typist running off now*
* Gavin is now known as Gavin-nothere
phoebe wotton,