Darkelfdarkelfdarkelfdarkelf, MUSHROOM, MUSHROOM.

May 29, 2006 12:07

Remember the drow? Of course you remember the drow: they've been going at the place like Fëanorians on Doriath. (...Augh, Oropher, no, put the tofu down--) At any rate, there's been a lot of scheming and arguing and creepiness and murderous intent and Etch-a-sketches and general adorability, because that appears to be what they do best.

* Now talking in #df-basementofevil
[Rai-guy] *exists* *in his chair, in an incredibly foul mood*
[Kimmuriel] *ports in, because he's too girly sexy for walking* *is in a fairly cheerful mood, but it disappears when he sees Rai-guy* *--blink* What is it?
[Rai-guy] *looks up from glaring at the air when Kimmuriel enters, and might sigh if he were anyone else* I've discovered one glaring limitation here.
[Kimmuriel] -- oh? *frowns, taking a seat on the arm of the couch*
[Rai-guy] Purely on my own part. *turns his hands palm-upwards* It would seem that the clerical aspect is inaccessable. Whether it is the nature of the place or for another reason, *like dying* I can't say.
[Kimmuriel] ...... *and that frown gets deeper* That puts us at a disadvantage, certainly.
[Kimmuriel] *not as upset with the thought that Lolth's powers cannot reach this far as he should be, shhhh*
[Rai-guy] Lolth and her handmaidens are either impotent here or -- more likely -- not listening. Either way, the result is the same. The rest is as normal. *lightning-bolts a particularly ugly ottoman for emphasis, which is probably a hint as to how spazzy he is*
[Kimmuriel] Perhaps Jarlaxle's actions have merely showed her that the Surface is not worth her time. *this is an attempt at comforting, though he's not going to get close enough to pat him on the shoulder, because hello, lightning bolts*
[Rai-guy] *would be oddly grateful for that if he were thinking properly* *but since he isn't, this will be leaning his chin in his hands, and responding with a rather growly* Perhaps.
[Kimmuriel] I doubt you are who she is displeased with, Rai-guy, if she even knows of this place.
[Rai-guy] *she's theoretically in this place. Not that Rai-guy knows that* *shrugs* I am dead, and she is no longer concerned with me. In any case, the result is the same. But--
[Kimmuriel] She is not angry enough with you that she feels a need to drag you to her places of torture, at least? *look, drow optimism* But-?
[Rai-guy] *oh, look, a hint of his habitual dryness* At least. ........But they're gone. *flail*
[Kimmuriel] We will find ways around it. Even with the lack of your clerical powers, your wizardry and my psionic work still make us more formidable than most. ... *hugs, because he can do that in strikeouts*
[Rai-guy] Of course. It is not such a disadvantage as it could have been-- we have relied on them less than many. *because relying on a fickle goddess like Lolth for the bulk of your power is never smart* Not getting mortally wounded would be good idea, however. ... *clings a bit, because that's what strikeouts are for*
[Kimmuriel] I promise to be good and kill them all before they have the chance to harm me, so you won't have to fret over bandages. *beams* *is snuggling him. honestly. the typist is going to get mau-OWPAIN*
[Rai-guy] *--smiles a little in return* Good. *as long as we're still in strikeouts? Snuggling is good. Forget about the typist and let me cling*
[Kimmuriel] *-- that's not a triumphant feeling, honest* *...alright, then.* *SNUGGLES*
[Rai-guy] *of course not. Because making Rai-guy smile isn't particularly important to you. Nor is Rai-guy very grateful for the fact that you can and do cheer him up without fail.* *^____^*
[Kimmuriel] *of course not; that would be plain silly* *is going to fully flop back into the chair now, and lounge. Artistically.* *^____^*
[Rai-guy] *...mmm, sexy-- <-- not entirely him* *sits back up some* Has anything else of note happened?
[Kimmuriel] I made my bed. *examines his nails* And found a nice dresser with a mirror, and I have decided that I need more clothes, as this place did not start me off very well. *taps a finger to his lips* But I suppose that plothole Jarlaxle mentioned can provide.
[Rai-guy] ... *amusion* *which is displayed in the form of a slight, brief grin* --"Plothole"?
[Kimmuriel] Mmmhmmm. Apparently it will give you anything you particularly want or need. Any material thing, of course.
[Rai-guy] *steeples his fingers against his lips, which is apparantly a personal mannerism* Interesting. And potentially very useful.
[Kimmuriel] *-- there has already been a small ooc talk about why Kimmy still decided to steal stuff*
[Rai-guy] *because he's a sneaky bitch?*
[Kimmuriel] *...well, yes, and it was more fun that way*
[Rai-guy] *that usually comes with being a sneaky bitch*
[Kimmuriel] *^____^*
[Rai-guy] * >_> <3*
[Kimmuriel] *... >___> <3*

[Molochai] *totally lounging onna couch in full Goth/punk/whatever gear -- black tanktop under a black mesh shirt, tight black leather pants, collar, dark black eyeliner and eyeshadow, bright orange lipstick -- and sucking on a blood flavoured lollipop*
[Rai-guy] *totally quietly studying the plothole, to see if it or anything that comes out of it is trapped or dangerous*
[Molochai] ... it's not going to bite you.
[Zaknafein] *walks in. in his typically gloomy attire and armed as normal. :D*
[Rai-guy] *eyes Molochai distastefully, and goes back to checking an iPod for lightning bolts*
[Molochai] (... we forgot the black nail polish and got glared at. Black nail polish too.)
[Molochai] *being upside down is hurting his head, so flops back on the couch*
[Zaknafein] .... *raises an eyebrow at all around, especially in Rai-guy's direction, and sits in a corner* *is super tense, hi*
[Rai-guy] *kss, Zaknafein* *kss, humans* *kss, human woman* *kss, gothed-out not-quite-human who spoke to him* *eyes everyone, and an Etch-a-sketch, warily*
[Molochai] *watching Draco, cuz hey, pretty guy*
[Rai-guy] *prettier than any human child, kthnx >:(*
[Zaknafein] *quietly watches, scowling ever so slightly*
[Molochai] *well, yeah, but Rai-guy glared at him ;__;*
[Draco] *frowns at Molochai as he vaguely remembers him*
[Rai-guy] *glared sexily!*
[Zaknafein] *is pretty, but Jarl will kill you if you try anything*
[Rai-guy] *he won't get a chance, because Zak will kill you first*
[Molochai] *pouts back at Draco*
[Hermione] It doesn't make sense to have Harry play opposite his father!
[Hermione] Plus, I still say the choice isn't yours!
[Hermione] I still say we let luck of the draw decide.
[Draco] Then ... So how will we do that?
[Molochai] *chiming in* Pick out of a hat!
[Hermione] So far, you're the only one that's objecting.
[Hermione] And yes, exactly! *to Molochai*
[Hermione] What he said.
[Draco] Pick what?
[Hermione] *points at Molochai*
[Draco] He's a twit.
[Molochai] Glad to help. *crunches on his bloodpop* -- hey, fuck you
[Hermione] DRACO!
[Draco] *rolls eyes*
[Hermione] *and settles for frowning at Molochai for swearing*
[Molochai] Watch it, blondie. I'll have you on your back before you know what hit you.
[Draco] Yes, -Hermione-?
[Rai-guy] *...stashes the Etch-a-sketch, in case it proves useful, and finds some shiny sort of amulet, which will probably prove usefuler* *is not being social, we're sorry*
[Draco] *narrows eyes at Molochai* You wouldn't dare.
[Molochai] You wanna try me?
[Hermione] That was not nice.
[Draco] True though.
[Draco] I've seen him before.
[Draco] *scoffs* You can't touch me.
[Hermione] I don't care if you've seen him before!
[Hermione] You do not go around calling people names!
[Molochai] *flicks the stick of his lollipop away, licking his lips*
[Draco] ...
[Draco] Why not if they're true?
[Hermione] Because it's rude and inappropriate!
[Molochai] Yeah, blondie. You shouldn't call names. *sticks his tongue out, half showing off his new tongue ring*
[Rai-guy] *...stashes the Etch-a-sketch, in case it proves useful, and finds some shiny sort of amulet, which will probably prove usefuler* *is not being social, we're sorry*
[Hermione] Not to mention -dangerous-!
[Hermione] You don't know what the other person is capable of!
[Hermione] I thought Slytherins possessed more cunning than that!
[Zaknafein] ... *vaguely amused*
[Draco] ... *mutters something under his breath*
[Hermione] Anyway... I -still- say the choice of Quidditch teams isn't yours to make.
[Rai-guy] *...searches out any powers inherent in the amulet, while watching all the bickering humans with bemused distate*
[Draco] *straightens* So what's this about a hat?
[Molochai] *wanders over to Hermione and Draco, draping his arm over Draco's shoulder* You be nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Okay? *licks his neck and goes to the kitchen to get food*
[Hermione] It's the same principle as how the dragons were matched to the champions at the Triwizard tournament, Draco.
[Rai-guy] *DRAGONS >:(*
[Zaknafein] *would smirk at Rai-guy if he knew about that*
[Draco] *glares afer Molochai and looks disgusted*
[Hermione] *belated horrified reaction*
[Hermione] Did...
[Hermione] *stage whisper* Did he just -lick- you?
[Draco] *takes out his wand*
[Draco] *mutters*
[Molochai] *totally licked him* *searches out something appropriately sugary and returns, munching on his snack*
[Draco] *glare again*
[Hermione] *grins at Draco*
[Draco] How dare you touch me?
[Molochai] -- what? What'd I do?
[Hermione] Draco... are you that sweet and why didn't I see it before?
[Draco] ....
[Draco] *casts a cleaning spell on his neck as if it's contaminated*
[Hermione] Judging from the gentleman's predisposition towards... sugary items... one would be tempted to think that...
[Hermione] *grins some more*
[Molochai] *snorts* Gentleman. I like it.
[Molochai] He's kinda salty, actually. Maybe he tastes sweeter on the inside. *licks his lips*
[Rai-guy] *eyes Molochai, who clearly isn't entirely human*
[Draco] *points his wand at Molochai* Shut up.
[Molochai] Gonna cast some voodoo on me? I've seen better tricks at Mardi Gras.
[Draco] Not voodoo....
[Molochai] *shrugs* Whatever. You're too bitter for my tastes.
[Draco] Good then. Bugger off.
[Molochai] Besides. *holds up a wine bottle* I've got plenty to hold me over. *giggles* Carefully what you say about buggering. I may take you up on it.
[Draco] *frowns before giving Molochai a dismissive look* *mutters* Drunkard.
[Molochai] *offers the bottle* Wanna taste? It's homemade.
[Hermione] ... what is it?
[Draco] I do not drink.
[Molochai] *shrugs* Just wine. Strawberry wine, my favourite.
[Hermione] ... Strawberry wine?
[Hermione] *looks vaguely unsettled at the notion*
[Molochai] Uh huh. It's good. Good for the summertime. Try it. *offers the bottle again* Don't be snooty.
[Rai-guy] *...totally watching this, because it's always good to observe the people you're stuck with :D* *...thinks they're all on crack, for the record*
[Draco] *points his wand at the bottle and says a spell to smash it*
[Draco] *looks at Hermione* Now where were we....
[Molochai] *growls at Draco, baring his teeth which are filed to points* You're lucky I have another one in my room, blondie. That's a lot of hard work gone to waste.
[Zaknafein] *-- definitely notes that*
[Rai-guy] *-- likewise .__.*
[Draco] *ignores Molochai*
[Molochai] *snarls and stomps off to go get his other bottle*
[Draco] *smirks slightly*
[Zaknafein] ... *ugh*
* Cosette has joined #desperatefans
[Cosette] *this is a very, very distressed Cosette entering*
[Molochai] *returns, bottle in hand, and wanders over to Rai, hoping maybe he'll be a little nicer* Hiya.
[Rai-guy] ... Hello.
[Molochai] *back to Rai, sitting crosslegged on the floor next to him* Hi.
[Zaknafein] *watches Rai-guy and Molochai out of the corner of his eye*
[Cosette] *flops down on a couch, gives a squeak at Molochai, and just...mopes*
[Draco] *glances at Cosette then back to Hermione, listening*
[Cosette] *waves back, sniffling*
[Rai-guy] *oddlooks him* *and totally on guard, because vampires are marginally more dangerous than humans* --Yes?
[Molochai] Just being friendly. Who're you?
[Rai-guy] ...Rai-guy. Who is asking?
[Hermione] *eyes Cosette from the corner of her eye* ... Hold on, Draco.
[Draco] *frowns slightly*
[Hermione] *turns toward Cosette* Everything all right, Cosette?
[Draco] *walks over as well*
[Molochai] 'm Molochai. *offers the bottle, sorta showing (in his mind) he comes in peace* Want?
[Rai-guy] *eyes it, and is way too paranoid to accept food from strangers* No thank you.
[Molochai] *pouts* Come on, don't be a meanie.
[Draco] Is this about Miss Georgiana?
[Hermione] *looks from Draco to Cosette and back, one eyebrow slowly rising*
[Cosette] She's...she's gone! And I...I found a piece of her dress! And there was blood!
[Draco] ....
[Hermione] ...
[Molochai] *perks a little at the word 'blood', then realizes no one's offering, so goes back to pout at Rai-guy*
[Rai-guy] *eyebrowraise-- and notes the perking at the mention of blood* If passing up a drink is being a "meanie", then I am afraid I am one.
[Molochai] *whining* No one wants to drink with me.
[Rai-guy] Why is that?
[Molochai] I don't know. *massive pouting* I'm just being nice.
[Rai-guy] How unfortunate... *is sitting here talking to a pouty vampire. This place is insane*
[Molochai] Fine, whatever. *takes a long drink and licks his lips* Where you from?
[Rai-guy] The afterlife Menzoberranzan Ched Nasad Menzoberranzan.
[Molochai] ... Menzawhatnow?
[Rai-guy] A city of the drow.
[Molochai] Whassa drow? *another long drink*
[Rai-guy] ... *--right, people here don't know about us* I am.
[Molochai] -- oh. Mmkay. *flicks one of Rai-guy's ears* Like Ro? An elf?
[Rai-guy] .... *HANDS. OFF. THE DROW.* *glares and grabs Molochai's wrist hard* Not like a surface elf. *practically spits the word*
[Molochai] Oooow hey! *snaps his teeth at Rai's hand*
[Zaknafein] .......
[Rai-guy] *don't make me fireball you, prettyboy >:(* *calmly* Touch me again and I will kill you. *lets go*
[Molochai] Not even a nice touch?
[Rai-guy] No. Only Kimmuriel gets to touch nicely. Or at all.
[Zaknafein] [[Kimmuriel: ... >_>*touches inappropriately*]]
[Rai-guy] [[Rai-guy: ... >__> *reciprocates*]]
[Molochai] *licks his lips again, eyeing Rai-guy almost hungrily* I can be real nice, though.
[Zaknafein] [[Kimmuriel: alkdsjfmine.]]
[Rai-guy] *steady look of unimpressed doom* I can't.
[Molochai] *pouts* You're no fun.
[Rai-guy] *agreeably* No, I am not.
[Molochai] *bored with this now, goes to flop on the couch with his 'wine'*
[Zaknafein] *still exists, being vaguely intimidating as always*
[Rai-guy] *wtf, these people* *basementifies*

* Now talking in #df-basementofevil
* Kimmuriel is now known as Zaknafein
[Rai-guy] *asdfhaskhfkajsgh WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR BASEMENT?*
[Zaknafein] *...aren't you less worried about why I'm here than how I managed to MORPH FROM YOUR SEXTHING?*
[Zaknafein] *...well, technically, it's Jarl and I's basement, as we claimed it first.*
* Zaknafein is now known as Kimmuriel
[Rai-guy] *THANK LOLTH*
[Rai-guy] *anyway, with the wandering in*
[Kimmuriel] *...that was a small chorus of 'eeww, Lolth' in my head*
[Rai-guy] *...XDDD*
[Kimmuriel] *looks up and gives him a slight smile* *is sprawled across his comfy chair with a book, apparently*
[Rai-guy] *--sexy >_>* *flops into his own comfy chair* I've studied your "plothole" and met what seems to be a vampire. Several humans are upset because one of their own has been abducted or something of the sort.
[Kimmuriel] *perks up, swinging into a sitting position* Ooooh? Do tell me more.
[Rai-guy] *first things first* The plothole -- which seems to be some sort of interdimensial portal -- is not in and of itself threatening, nor is that which is found within it, though I'm sure you could find dangerous items if you looked. *gestures to his pockets* I've brought a few things back. The vampire is more of an annoyance than a threat.
[Kimmuriel] *-- practically bounces up and makes his way over, slipping a hand into Rai-guy's pocket and pulling - apparently the Etch-a-sketch out* What did you find?
[Rai-guy] *smiles slightly as Kimmuriel rifles his pockets* --I am not entirely sure what most of it is. I brought these things back for study, in the hope that they could prove useful.
[Kimmuriel] Hmmm. *plays with the knobs, and seems rather fascinated by the lines he can draw*
[Rai-guy] *pulls Kimmuriel down to sit next to him -- it's a big chair >_> -- so that he can see what it is he's doing*
[Kimmuriel] *leans on him, having graduated past lines and it now making small designs* I do not quite see the point. *...but he's still playing with it anyway*
[Rai-guy] --A sketchpad? *watches with interest, leaning in* If one could make it draw on its own...
[Kimmuriel] Hmmm. Draw what? *look, swirls!*
[Rai-guy] I don't know. *ooo, swirls!--smiles at them* What is in front of it?
[Kimmuriel] That would only be useful if it could go back and copy them again later for whoever wanted to see them.
[Rai-guy] Hmm. *taps a finger against the edge of it* We'll see what can be done.
[Kimmuriel] *gives him a slight smile and then works on writing his name*
[Rai-guy] *leans over/on his shoulder to watch him write it, yes*
[Kimmuriel] *they're not adorable, honest*
[Rai-guy] *oh, of course not. Like they ever could be*
[Kimmuriel] *writes Rai-guy's name under it, and manages to draw something passable for a flicker of fire*
[Rai-guy] *^_____^* *ASFJKLSDA DIES OF CUTE-- wait, no, that's the typist* *grins slightly against his shoulder* You learn quickly.
[Kimmuriel] Haven't I always? *-- being humble? what's that?*
[Rai-guy] Of course. *--is Rai-guy likely to know?*
[Kimmuriel] *beams* *-- point*
[Rai-guy] *draws Kimmuriel's hair over to the other side of his neck, as it's getting in his face this way, and leans to peer more closely at the Etch-a-sketch* How do you blank the slate, I wonder?
[Kimmuriel] ...I do not know. *plays with the knobs a bit, then checks for other buttons*
[Rai-guy] ...Hmmm. *reaches around for it* May I see?
[Kimmuriel] I suppose. *hands it to him*
[Rai-guy] *takes it and fiddles with the knobs and turns it over a bit-- and lo and behold--! turning it over makes it fade some :D* --Progress!
[Kimmuriel] -- So- if you turn it upside down-? Do it again!
[Rai-guy] *--carefully turns it upside-down-- and care, of course, doesn't help* *frowns at it and shakes it a little, irritably-- and there we go!*
[Kimmuriel] -- *beam* You did it!
[Rai-guy] *looks back at him triumphantly -- and ohmotherLolth, Kimmuriel!beam* *which means he has to grin back* Indeed.
[Kimmuriel] *knicks it back and draws a few lines, before shaking it to make sure it works* *look happily at the blank screen*
[Rai-guy] *laughs quietly near Kimmuriel's ear* Well, there's that figured out. *snakes his arm around to twirl one of the knobs*
[Kimmuriel] Could you make it so that it records what is in front of it, and then when we want to see what's happened since it was blank, we can shake it and it will show us before going blank again? *...hi, way too excited*
[Rai-guy] That-- is a very good idea. Probably.
[Rai-guy] *hi, doesn't think he's at all adorable when he's excited*
[Kimmuriel] *smiles at him* *liar, liar, pants on fire*
[Rai-guy] *smiles back* I will work on it. *already running through possibilities in his head* ...In what sense? >:D
[Kimmuriel] Keep me updated. *hands it back* *...BURNING FLAMES*
[Rai-guy] Naturally. *takes it and fiddles idly* ... *likes burning flames ^___^*
[Kimmuriel] *stretches, leaning against him or not, then wiggles away from him, standing* *BUT IN YOUR PANTS?*
[Rai-guy] *eyebrowraises, and takes the opportunity to stretch as well* Where are you off to? *... likes figurative burning flames in his pants...*
[Kimmuriel] To take a bath, of course. I've been here two days without one. I am suprised you can stand me. *...we knew that, dear*
[Rai-guy] *mmm, hotwetnekkid Kimmuriel* *looks him over* You don't look so bad for the lack of it. *waves him off, though, and goes back to pondering the Etch-a-sketch and what he's going to do with it* Don't use all the hot water: I've been just as long.
[Kimmuriel] You can always heat it up. *pushes aside a heavy curtain that is on the side of the room, and look, shiny portal! will disappear into this for a while. quite a while, actually, because mmmm, baths*
[Rai-guy] ...*sticks his tongue out at Kimmuriel's retreating back, wtf, drowboy, and plays with the Etch-a-sketch some*
[Kimmuriel] *is just going to be lounging in his pool and being vain about washing his hair. in scented oils, of course. Abused by siblings and motherthing or not, he's such a princelet*
[Rai-guy] *which is really very sexy. And that's about equally both of us, since Rai-guy isn't particularly averse to having such thoughts*
[Kimmuriel] *eventually, will wander back, content and still rather wet - at least he put pants on?*
[Rai-guy] *checks him out looks up at him with a light smile-- has not moved much, save that now he has both legs thrown over one arm of the chair, and the Etch-a-sketch may be glowing a bit with the magic he's tried on it*
[Kimmuriel] *a bit of a cocky smile back* There. It's all yours.
[Rai-guy] *slides up out of the chair, going for the portal* Finally. What were you-- *pauses, nearing him* ...Gods. You reek of vanilla. *which, by his tone, is not exactly a bad thing*
[Kimmuriel] *smile-!* Mmmhmmm. The plothole provided some lovely accessories for bathing.
[Rai-guy] *...this is a completely gratuitous running of his fingers over Kimmuriel's shoulder, for no good reason, except maybe to see if the oil is as good a moisturiser as it is a perfume* Apparently. *sweeps off to the bathroom, which he'll take one look at before poking his head back out* --I commend your taste in baths, Kimmuriel.
[Kimmuriel] *-- beams* Thank you. *is going to lounge on the chair now and brush his hair, thank you very much*
[Rai-guy] Don't you dare get dressed or too dry before I'm out. ... >_> *is going to take a (comparatively) short bath, because... he isn't Kimmuriel and isn't quite as much of a luxury whore* *will, however, play with the oils some, because pretty, and take the opportunity to relax more than he has in a very long time*
[Kimmuriel] My hair is long and thick. It takes a long time to dry. Translation: HURRY UP, THEN.
[Rai-guy] *The timing would've been better if we'd just shared the first bath, really*
[Kimmuriel] *The door was right there, Rai-guy.*
[Rai-guy] *--augh, enterkey* *but will reenter in comparatively short order, dripping wet and wearing-- well, pants anyway, and a towel around his shoulders*
[Kimmuriel] *smiles at him* Nice, isn't it?
[Rai-guy] Very. *goes and flops next to him with, predictably, a smileback**
[Kimmuriel] *...is going to lean over and smell his shoulder* I was not the only one having fun with oils, I see.
[Rai-guy] *^__^* No. You found quite a collection.
[Kimmuriel] *beams* Quite useful, that little closet.
[Rai-guy] Mhmm. *--going to reach over and pry the brush from Kimmuriel's hand, because apparantly brushing his hair himself is more fun than watching* *omflthisdrow*
[Kimmuriel] *beams and willingly gives up the brush, scooting closer because he has no shame*
[Rai-guy] *shifts to allow him to get as close as he likes, because shame is overrated* *combs through Kimmuriel's hair, too, and may be using his fingers rather more than the brush, but never mind that*
[Kimmuriel] *you'll be lucky if he's not in your lap* *smiles, totally relaxing into the hair playing*
[Rai-guy] *... will be unlucky, hi* *and really cannot help but smile slightly as he brushes*
[Kimmuriel] *...going to end up with his head on Rai-guy's lap, so that he can tilt his head back just enough to smile up at him*
[Rai-guy] *totally does not mind at all* *...and also, will take a long strand of Kimmuriel's hair and attempt to -- ... -- to tickle his nose with it*
[Kimmuriel] *wrinkles his nose and bats at Rai-guy's hand - and then promptly pouts at him*
[Rai-guy] *smirks lightly, and pushes Kimmuriel's lip inward with one finger*
[Kimmuriel] *nips at it*
[Rai-guy] *curls the rest of his had around Kimmy's cheek and jaw, allowing him to nip to his black sticky litle heart of evil's content*
[Kimmuriel] *nibbles on his finger lightly, still gazing up at him*
[Rai-guy] *...looking back with an oddly distant expression, and eventually tilts his head questioningly*
[Kimmuriel] *reaches up and touches his cheek, letting his fingers drift down Rai-guy's jaw to his lips* Yes?
[Rai-guy] *takes his hand and presses it against his lips* Just... thinking.
[Kimmuriel] *doesn't resist* About what?
[Rai-guy] *shrugs lightly* Nothing important. *--going to lean down and kiss him, because he fails at not doing it*
[Kimmuriel] *well, that distracts him* *starts a little, because it's been a long while since he's done this - but kisses back, of course*

[Rai-guy] *okay, so. The next morning. Or the next week, or however long it's been. Shall we say they moved to one bed or the other at some point? Rai-guy has very nice sheets*
[Kimmuriel] *mmm, yes, because that means he can snuggle under the sheets and happily sprawl on a pillow*
[Rai-guy] *doesn't think that's adorable, because the word isn't exactly in his vocabulary, but he does like the image* *the part that he's snuggled up against him and can muzzily nuzzle his shoulder is nice too*
[Kimmuriel] *turns his head to look at him, resting it against his arms, and smiles at him*
[Rai-guy] *smiles back-- a little more brightly than usual, but then of course a night of mad sexing can do that to you* Good morning.
[Kimmuriel] Mph. Morning here means light above. *leans over to nuzzle and lick his neck*
[Rai-guy] Would you rather I called it a bad o-- Mmmm. *arches his neck at that*
[Kimmuriel] Not while it is still dark in here. *nibbles lightly, running his hands up Rai-guy's chest to rest on his shoulders*
[Rai-guy] *turns his head enough to nip lightly at Kimmuriel's ear, his own hands resting on his hips* That is what tapestries are for. *--apparently it really is, and his bed drapes have some sort of extra-darkness spell weaved in, because Rai-guy is like that*
[Kimmuriel] *makes a pleased noise, snuggling closer* Yes. *closes his eyes again, resting his head against Rai-guy's shoulder*
[Rai-guy] *wraps one arm around him, and brushes Kimmuriel's hair out of his face with the other, snuggling and content to bask for a while in the afterglow*
[Kimmuriel] *nuzzles his neck again and - is totally going to sleep a while more*
[Rai-guy] *--is apparently used to curling up in bed while Kimmuriel sleeps, and doesn't even mind anymore* *particularly not this time, because it has been too long, and he did miss him, and-- in conclusion: snuggling. 'S all you need know*

Kimmuriel and Dinin both have open posts, and both meet Francine Del Mar, which can't be a good thing.

*Now talking in #df-yeyschizophrenia
[Kimmuriel] *is actually making his own tea, amazing* *blatantly using his powers to fetch things, of course, because he's lounging in a chair and being lazy*
[Zaknafein] *walks in, intent on tea himself - and oh look* *throws a wary glance Kimmuriel's way*
[Kimmuriel] *nearly smirks, but decides to beam instead, calling another cup to him* Tea?
[Zaknafein] *gives him an 'honestly, do you think that I am that stupid?'* I came in here for - *opens the fridge* milk.
[Kimmuriel] I'll take that as a no. *stirs sugar into his tea* So, you are the last of our little group, no? Zaknafein Do'Urden?
[Zaknafein] *stiffly* Zaknafein was my name, Do'Urden is no more.
[Kimmuriel] Mmm, yes. That was quite a magnificant little scandal, wasn't it? -- Not that you would remember, of course.
[Zaknafein] *manages not to scowl, and pours himself a cup of milk* And you are Kimmuriel Oblodra. *keeps his thoughts neutral as best as he can*
[Kimmuriel] *prods a bit, and is rather annoyed to find that, but alright* Mmm. Yes. I suppose Jarlaxle already told you about me.
[Zaknafein] He did. *sets the glass down pointedly* And I suggest you stop that.
[Kimmuriel] *eyebrow raise* *innocently* Stop what?
[Zaknafein] My mind is my own, and I will not have anyone fiddling with it.
[Kimmuriel] And just what will you do to keep me from it?
[Zaknafein] I have no qualms about killing you.
[Kimmuriel] I bet Jarlaxle does.
[Zaknafein] What makes you so sure of that? *though honestly, that's the reason he's being as good as he is*
[Kimmuriel] We are few here; many others already have allies and courts and then there are us, at a measely five in number. Dispatching allies would not be looked fondly upon.
[Zaknafein] *scowls* I doubt he would look fondly upon you causing trouble, either.
[Kimmuriel] *spreads his hands wide* How am I causing trouble? I am merely being true to my nature.
[Zaknafein] That's trouble enough in itself.
[Kimmuriel] Honestly, Zaknafein. *stirs tea* I understand the need for caution, but you are bordering on completely paranoid.
[Zaknafein] You doubt the need for it?
[Kimmuriel] You doubt my trustworthiness?
[Zaknafein] You've proven yourself so in the past.
[Kimmuriel] Oh, so he told you all about the Crystal Shard, too, did he? I am suprised he would admit to his own stupidity.
[Zaknafein] *narrows his eyes, and probably doesn't fully hold in that flash of protectiveness*
[Kimmuriel] *gleeees* Even he had to admit that he was doing the right thing in giving up control, so you cannot possibly blame me for going against him.
[Zaknafein] I doubt that was your only reason in trying to dethrone him.
[Kimmuriel] *teases* Trying?
[Zaknafein] *glares* He gave it up, in the end.
[Kimmuriel] The result is the same.
[Zaknafein] *glowers* And how long do you think that is going to last?
[Kimmuriel] *waggles his finger* Did he not tell you all of our bargian? He accepted me as an equal. While I admit to not having as much knowledge of this place yet, that sentemient still stands.
[Zaknafein] You speak as if that assures your right to do as you please with me.
[Kimmuriel] *leans forward, lacing his fingers under his chin* It does mean that I am your superior.
[Zaknafein] *eyebrow raise* And how do you suppose that?
[Kimmuriel] Simple logic. You defer to Jarlaxle. I am Jarlaxle's equal. We are leaders of the same band, as I do suppose that he would like to make his return as of now. Thus, you are a subordinate.
[Zaknafein] *places his hands on the table, leaning towards Kimmuriel* Listen closely, child of Oblodra. I will listen to Jarlaxle. I may often follow commands. But I am not within the heirarchy of Bregan D'arethe. You are not my leader, nor will you ever be, even if Jarlaxle himself demands it. You have no rule over me, and I will act as I choose. *growls* That includes putting a sword through your heart if you dare try to access my mind again.
[Kimmuriel] *face goes blank, though it is obvious that he is angry* *stands, eyes narrowing ever so slightly* I would watch where you tread, Do'Urden.
[Zaknafein] I could say the same to you.
[Kimmuriel] *more calmly than he feels* I suppose we shall see where loyalties lie, shall we not? *turns to the door*
[Zaknafein] Farther from you than you believe, you'll find.
[Kimmuriel] Oh? Tell me, weapons master, what is more use to Jarlaxle? A powerful wizard and a psionist that can bend minds to his will? Or a single thug with a few shiny blades? *turns fully and walks out*
[Sarah] [[Jarl: Shiny blades, kthx.]]
[Zaknafein] *growls vaguely and sits heavily, glaring at the place Kimmuriel was*
[Kimmuriel] [[Kimmy: ...noted. *entertains thoughts of Zak and a fireball*]]
[Sarah] [[Jarl: *entertains thoughts of the entire Fëanorian clan against Kimmy*]]
[Kimmuriel] [[Kimmy: *wonders what Elf tastes like*]]

[Kimmuriel] *exists. fairly grumpily*
[Jarlaxle] *exists in the basement with his books*
[Kimmuriel] *manages to wander around enough to find him* -- Jarlaxle.
[Jarlaxle] *looks up* Ah. Kimmuriel.
[Kimmuriel] *sits down in a chair, crossing one leg over the other* How have you been faring?
[Jarlaxle] Well. And you?
[Kimmuriel] Hmm. Fair enough. *plays with a lock of his hair, pretending to be mostly disinterested* I spoke with a few humans, studied the plothole a bit, and I met the elder Do'Urden. *waits to see his reaction*
[Rai-guy] [[Don't forget the becoming addicted to Etch-a-sketch.]]
[Kimmuriel] [[Kimmuriel: SHUT UP.]]
[Jarlaxle] *becomes exceedingly grateful for his eye patch* Oh. Did you? *dangerously neutral*
[Kimmuriel] I do not think he quite likes me.
[Jarlaxle] What gives you that impression?
[Kimmuriel] He's not so fond of my position.
[Jarlaxle] And that is what, precisely?
[Kimmuriel] As the one who gave it to me, I think you should know.
[Jarlaxle] I do know. I am merely curious to see if you remained aware.
[Kimmuriel] I do.
[Jarlaxle] *is really trying to figure out how to say 'hands off Zak' without sending signals*
[Kimmuriel] *eyebrow raise* Is there a problem?
[Jarlaxle] I would have the two of you not be at odds.
[Kimmuriel] And how do you suggest we keep the peace?
[Jarlaxle] [Jarl: *is sort of stumped on this one, yeah*]
[Kimmuriel] [[Kimmy: ... *doesn't smirk, honest*]]
[Kimmuriel] We have few of us, yes, which would make it seem as if a steady leadership is not all that important, but the rest of this place is as organized as a game board. If one of them moves against us - or worse, if more of our kin show, not subject to either of us - we will be easily scattered. You and I can work together. The younger Do'Urden does not seem to be a problem, and Rai-guy will listen to us both. But the weapons master made it clear that he will not listen to my decisions, and has admitted that he will, if he feels like it, ignore yours as well.
[Jarlaxle] *can't quite hide a smile* Zaknafein can be - difficult at times.
[Kimmuriel] *notices that, and isn't pleased to see it, though he keeps his face neutral* Which makes him more dangerous.
[Jarlaxle] Leave him to me.
[Kimmuriel] You believe you can control him?
[Jarlaxle] I do.
[Kimmuriel] Hmph. If you say so, I will leave him to you to sort out. ...But do not let fondness keep you from intelligence. Even an act in loyalty that isn't planned on could bring us great ruin.
[Jarlaxle] Mmm.
[Kimmuriel] *scowls ever so slightly, certain that Jarlaxle will not take that advice*
[Jarlaxle] *just smiles widely* As long as you are also aware of that advice.
[Kimmuriel] *-- scowl* I think I have already proven my willingness to leave the stupid and uncontrollable.
[Jarlaxle] That was not what I meant.
[Kimmuriel] Rai-guy is perfectly loyal. If that ever changes, you can trust that I will be wise enough to deal with it.
[Jarlaxle] *raises an eyebrow*
[Kimmuriel] Tell me, Jarlaxle, are you willing enough to do the same with this Do'Urden?
[Jarlaxle] If it comes to that.
[Kimmuriel] *slightly sated at that* Good.
[Jarlaxle] *also believes it won't ever come to that, but shhh*
[Kimmuriel] *...believes the same of Rai-guy, so. um. >__> *
[Kimmuriel] *well, won't come to that again*
[Rai-guy] [[...You people are hopeless and cute, have I mentioned?]]
[Kimmuriel] [[Kimmuriel: SHUT UP.]]
[Rai-guy] [[ ^___^ ]]
[Jarlaxle] [Jarl: Not cute!]
[Rai-guy] [[Adorable!]]
[Kimmuriel] [[Kimmuriel: LIES.]]

* Now talking in #df-basement
* Kimmuriel is now known as Zak
* Zak is now known as Zaknafein
[Rai-guy] *can we say AUGHWTF?* *yes, yes we can*
[Zaknafein] *CUDDLES* ... *kidding, kidding, Zak*
[Rai-guy] */......../*
* Kimmuriel has joined #df-basementofevil
* Zaknafein has left #df-basementofevil
[Kimmuriel] *walks in - actually took the stairs for once, wow* *-- and Rai-guy can probably tell that he's silently fuming*
[Rai-guy] *can!* *looks up from what appears to be a small mountain of Etch-a-sketches* H-- *sits up straighter* What happened?
[Kimmuriel] I met Zaknafein Do'Urden. *flops in his chair*
[Rai-guy] *and watch as several appropriately-placed Etch-a-sketches quickly draw small stick-figure Kimmuriels fuming in and flopping: he's been making progress* *is not, however, looking at the Etch-a-sketches at the moment* Ah. And?
[Kimmuriel] *scowls ever so slightly* He's untrustworthy, fairly unpredictable, and has already threatened to kill me.
[Kimmuriel] And not only that- he refuses to accept the authority of me or Jarlaxle, and Jarlaxle's letting him do it!
[Rai-guy] *looks incredibly pissed off at the threatening part, but reminds himself that Kimmuriel doesn't need protecting (while making a note to kill Zak ded if the opportunity ever presents itself) and proceeds to frown at the next statement* In what way is he letting him?
[Kimmuriel] He says he will 'deal with him.' Yet when he agreed that the Do'Urden was 'difficult,' he sounded like someone saying their prized lizard mount was 'spirited.' He will let Zaknafein get away with both shunning orders and doing what he wills.
[Rai-guy] *frowns, resting his chin on his hands* He has always been in the habit of letting his subordinates get away with more than they ought-- and it has proved both advantageous and otherwise. *....'s amazing how he can mention their own coup so disassociatively* The question is, how far will he allow this Zaknafein to go?
[Kimmuriel] That depends on exactly how fond of his pet fighter he is.
[Kimmuriel] *grumbles* I wish I could get into his head.
[Rai-guy] Does he seem particularly so? --And can you not?
[Kimmuriel] From what I can tell. I want to know better, but. *-- may or may not be thinking about 'exctracting' information from Dinin* -- *taps his temple with one finger* The eyepatch. I can not get through it.
[Rai-guy] *nods* Then the Do'Urden may be given dangerous leeway. And if he is dangerous-- we cannot afford a war among ourselves at this point. If Jarlaxle is truly so fond of him, it would certainly not go well for us.
[Kimmuriel] Two against two. -- but you are right. *sighs* But something must be done with him eventually.
[Rai-guy] *isn't it nice how Dinin doesn't count?* *and for the record, extracting enough information from him will give them a very good idea of just how fond of his pet fighter Jarl really is, which-- yeaah* Of course. *stands and goes over to him* And when it comes to that-- you and I can dispose of one warrior easily. It will be a pleasure. *practically purrs the word-- Rai-guy, you are a psycho*
[Kimmuriel] *-- slowly grins* Oh, yes. That it will. We shall have to think of something properly creative for someone of his status.
[Rai-guy] *smirks* We shall indeed. *slips his fingers into Kimmuriel's hair and lightly thumbs his temples* And we'll have plenty of time to perfect it,
[Kimmuriel] *obviously cheered by the idea* Mmm, sounds perfect. *closes his eyes despite himself, because that feels good*
[Rai-guy] It will be. *smiles a bit at the meltage, and therefore continues*
[Kimmuriel] *his eyes are going to roll back into his head if you don't watch it, Rai-guy XD*
[Rai-guy] *has all sorts of ways to do that, hi. >:D*
[Kimmuriel] [[... *sends Kimmy off with Rai-guy*]]
[Rai-guy] [[Rai-guy: ^_____________^]]

[Zaknafein] *-- smile* 'You know I met the Oblodra.'
[Jarlaxle] 'I do. He was very cranky about it.'
[Zaknafein] 'As I would imagine. Things did not go as he hoped.'
[Jarlaxle] *laughs softly* 'He pouted.'
[Zaknafein] *slight grin* 'Oh, the poor dear.'
[Jarlaxle] 'He wanted to know what I was going to do about you.'
[Zaknafein] *tries not to laugh, and instead look truly worried* 'Just what are you going to do about me, Jarl?'
[Jarlaxle] 'What I have always done.'
[Zaknafein] *laugh and kisses him briefly* 'I can deal with that.'


zaknafein, molochai, rai-guy, hermione, kimmuriel, cosette, draco, jarlaxle

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