And here we have more ickleHades fun just because.

Jan 18, 2006 19:38

In which poor unsuspecting Armand tries to deal with a gun-wielding child, Lethe meets his kiddified father and it's decided that Mary and Tiresias are pretty much the anti-fairytale marriage.

Armand: *uh oh more small children*
ickleTi: *this is a small child with a gun, too, don't you feel safe now?*
Armand: *wides eyes* Umm.. *sits up and looks around for something parental to whoever that kid is*
* LetheHades has joined #desperatefans
LetheHades: *with the wandering in and whatnot*
ickleTi: *is wandering around curiously and fidgetting with his gun because he's bored*
Armand: *worriedly watching small child wtih gun OME*
Armand: *gets up and approaches Ti* Little boy?
LetheHades: *oh look, the Elfthing that -- is an Elfthing. not that we know about that.* * -- and look, a strangely familiar-looking kid with a gun*
ickleTi: *blinks at Armand* Huh?
Armand: Could you please... put that away? *nods to the gun*
ickleTi: *looks at the gun and then back at Armand* Why?
Armand: Because you might hurt someone.
LetheHades: * -- er. in our experience, familiar-looking people with guns should probably be avoided. but it's a /little/ familiar-looking person with a gun. and an innocent. so...we'll be in favour of standing nearby and keeping an eye on Ti and Armand*
ickleTi: 'm only gonna hurt someone if I mean to hurt them. *quite seriously* I -know- how to handle it.
Armand: *all seriousness* Do you mean to hurt someone?
LetheHades: *...that sounds familiar*
Feanaro: *looks out of window, where he may or may not see Orphy and Thrand*
Oropher: *stops and blinks at the note on the door* Hmmm. *takes it down and turns back towards the room*
WeeThrand: *blinks at the note* What's that?
Armand: *is over by child with gun (tm)*
ickleTi: *shakes his head* Not right now. Why would I?
Oropher: It's a letter.
Armand: I don't know. *worryworry*
Oropher: Just a moment, dear. *goes over to Armand* ...Armand Saint-Just? *will ignore the Noldorin bit, for now*
Armand: *looks up* Oh yes? *straightens up*
WeeThrand: *smiles at Armand*
Armand: *waves at WeeThrand*
ickleTi: *looks at people aaaand shall shrug and wander off now to investigate elsewhere*
Armand: *eek! he's getting away!* *flails where you can't see it*
LetheHades: *...will follow the kidwithgun, because yes. familiar-looking kids with guns is not a good thing.*
ickleTi: *goes into the kitchen and...suddenly looks really really confused because he could have -sworn- he and that really annoying know-it-all-ish girl blew it up last night* ...huh...
LetheHades: * -- kitchen works.* ...yes, it's a kitchen. Amazing, isn't it?
Armand: *anxious glance toward kitchen and then toward parentals*
ickleTi: *looks up at Lethe and points into the kitchen all wide-eyed* But I blew that up last night! ...well...That Girl Thing blew it up but I helped 'cause I showed her how. But that doesn't matter because it's supposed to be blowed up!
Armand: *right, avoiding parentals then* *guns look more attractive* *goes to the kitchen door*
Armand: It fixes itself. *offered from the door*
ickleTi: Ooooooh. Kinda like that Son Thing said people don't stay dead?
LetheHades: ...does it really? I'm not surprised. *slight grin at Armand, then kneels next to Ti* And who might you be, gun-wielding male being of less than average stature?
Armand: *nervy coz Lethe is a Hades, even if he's a 'nicer' one* *bites lip*
LetheHades: *oh, come on. hasn't killed anyone! years...*
ickleTi: *blinkblinkbeamygrin* I'm Tiresias! Who're you?
LetheHades: ..........Tiresias. Nice name, that.
Feanaro: *... the smart thing to do, then, might be NOT staying there, Armand dear.*
ickleTi: I think so. But I asked a question, too. Who're you?
Armand: *worried about child even if it is a child with a gun*
LetheHades: I'm Lethe. You -- I don't know how many Tiresiases -- Tiresiases? Tiresiai? What's the correct plural form? If you go by Latin declensions, Tiresium? What plural do you like?
Feanaro: Not Tiresium, anyways, because that's genitive.
Armand: *still in doorway though so easy to run*
LetheHades: Well, it's a plural of a plural.
ickleTi: ...Tiresium sounds like a chemical you'd kill somebody with. Tiresiai sounds right. *blinkblink* Hey wait. The Stupid One said something about a Lethe.
Feanaro: ... of Tiresis, moreoever.
LetheHades: /You/ conjugate it, then.
LetheHades: typist loses. Forgive that.
Armand: *still has youngest son thing nearby*
LetheHades: The Stupid One? You mean Styx? * -- my, we're perceptive*
FemmeRaphael: Styx: *resents that! ;_;*
Feanaro: .... technically, Tiresiates. I think. *ducks*
ickleTi: Yeah! That one. Apparently he's one of my sons but That Girl agrees with me that he's too stupid. *nodnod*
Armand: *eyebrows go up* *right, getting out of doorway now* *backs back into the main room with a sigh*
LetheHades: ...that is rather a mystery. I've always just assumed his missing IQ points went to everyone else -- wait. That Girl. ...her name wouldn't happen to be...
ickleTi: *makes a face* Her name's Mary.
LetheHades: ...Mary.
ickleTi: Yeah. She's annoying and a know-it-all and said I was stupid and I don't like her very much except she kills things and she blew the kitchen up real good, even though you can't tell now. *and that was all in one breath*
LetheHades: ......*will blink only once, to his credit* .....that....sounds distressingly like her.
ickleTi: They said I marry her when I'm big. *wrinkles his nose* I don't know. I guess it won't be all bad. I don't think I'd marry somebody if there wasn't something good about it.
LetheHades: *...this is very odd to be listening to* Well, no, you wouldn't. I'm still trying to figure out why you did, though.
ickleTi: ...that's what that Phlegethon son thing said.
LetheHades: ...oh God, I'm starting to think like him.
ickleTi: Oh! *lightbulb! :D* I remember what they said about you. They said you were evil impaired, or something. ...I think that's why the whole death thing came up.
LetheHades: ...happy! Discussing my death with my kid father. Why am I not surprised? Was Acheron there too?
ickleTi: *nods* For a little while. Most of the time it was just Phlegethon and The Stupid One and That Girl.
LetheHades: ...lovely. What else did you talk about before you blew up the kitchen?
ickleTi: About how she thought I was stupid but I'm not and how we'd be better than our parents.
LetheHades: know, sadly enough, I can see Acheron and his ever-so-lovely wife having a similar conversation at your ages.
ickleTi: He has a wife, too? I hope he likes her better than I like the one I'm supposed to marry. *yes, he always makes this face while talking about Mary*
LetheHades: That's a great expression. Keep it up and she'll think you're very attractive. He /does/ like her. She's exactly like him. It's really rather terrifying.
ickleTi: *sticks his tongue out* I don't care if she thinks I'm attractive. She already thinks I'm stupid and I don't wanna get married anyway. *crosses his arms over his chest* Well, I guess that means his wife is a good person to have in the family, then, because we're supposed to be terrifying.
LetheHades: Oh, I can tell this is going to be the stuff fairy tales are made of. She thinks you're stupid, you refuse to use her name, you'll live happily ever after. *half-grin* You /are/ terrifying. Especially at this height. You strike fear into the hearts of cockroaches.
ickleTi: *makes another face* Don't make fun.
LetheHades: I'm sorry. I barely got a chance to give you reason to kill me when you were your normal age, so I'm compensating now. *wry grin*
ickleTi: *huffy little boy* When I'm big again, you'll wish you hadn't.
LetheHades: I really will. You're very perceptive.
ickleTi: *savor the sight of your father practically pouting while it's still cute and not a sign of insanity, dear* *muttergrumble* I'm gonna go do some target practice. *and purposefully marches away*
* ickleTi is now known as Ti-away

tiresias hades, armand, thranduil, lethe hades, oropher, crackplot!

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