Wednesday Loggage

Jan 19, 2006 11:29

It's long. It's icky. It's angsty. It's four logs in one. Someone should give Jay a hand for being too damn good at beating himself up. I think he only miswindowed once with three characters IC. Kudos for Chris for blind and loving loyalty. I want to thwap Armand so the rest of you feel free to. Much love to Alistair and Bella to averting the worst of the late night crisis.

There are now enough clues around that other characters talking to one another may be able to figure out what is happening. Me and Anna aren't done yet, but it's very, very close I think.

Session Start (AbleNet:#desperatefans): Wed Jan 18 13:08:59 2006

Armand: *nods* *nibbles cheese*

Feanaro: *sighs and brushes the crumbs off his clothing* Well. I suppose the interest in classes has passed for today?

Armand: I'm sorry, Ada. *ashamed now*

Chris: *feels bad* I... *bites his lip*

Feanaro: It's quite all right. We'll continue some other time. *gets up*

Chris: *afraid he made him mad ;__;*

Armand: Shhhh.... it's not you, cher.
Armand: *does want to stand to hug Ada goodbye though*

Chris: *moves off his lap*

Feanaro: Well. Good night, you two!

Armand: *stands and hugs* Goodnight, Ada.

Chris: *hesitates a moment, then hugs Fea as well ^_^*

Feanaro: *hugs back* To you too.
Feanaro: *awwwww!* *and, yes, hugs Chris back as well*

Armand: *beams at that fondly*

Chris: *yay* Goodnight, Feanaro.

Feanaro: *gives both of them a brief kiss on the forehead, and then marches off*

*** Feanaro has signed off IRC (Quit).

Armand: *puts an arm around Chris* You still hungry?

Chris: Are you, darling?

Armand: *shakes head* I'd like to finish my tea, but I want to make sure you've had enough.

Chris: No, I'm fine. *^_^*

Armand: Let's clean up and get back on a couch.

Chris: Alright. *starts clearing things*

Armand: *collects up the leftover food and puts it in a basket* He doesn't think we'll practice.

Chris: I'll practice! And I'll make you, if you don't.

Armand: You'll make me? How, cher? *eyebrows up and eyes sparkling*

Chris: Tie you to a chair and force you to practice. *smiles and kisses his cheek*

Armand: *splutters* Christopher!

Chris: Yes darling? *folds up the blanket*

Armand: Tie me to a chair? I didn't think you had such determination in you.

Chris: *giggles* Well it's important for you to practice.

Armand: Then find things you want me to write in elvish. I know Quenya fairly well to translate.

Chris: I'll think on it. *kisses him gently, then puts the blanket away*

Armand: *reaches for Chris's hand*

Chris: *takes his hand* Yes?

Armand: *kisses it* Let's sit. *smile*

Chris: *pulls him onto a couch for some snugglage*

*** DrDonnelly has joined #desperatefans.

Chris: *smiles and waves to Dr. Donnelly*

Armand: *nervous look at doctor that Chris has been going on about*

Dr. Donnelly: *smiles and tiredly makes his way over to Chris* Good evening Chris *warm smile* How are you tonight?

Rafe: *grins* That'd be me! Lady Harrington's flag captain. *and waves at the doctor, even though he doesn't know him*

Chris: I'm just lovely tonight, thank you. How are you, Dr. Donnelly?

Dr. Donnelly: *waves at Rafe then? and gives Armand a smile too, before sitting down* I’m good. A little tired, but overall really good

Dr. Donnelly: *makes note of the wonderfulness*

Rafe: *sure! Is friendly*

Armand: *smiles politely at the doctor*

Dr. Donnelly: *mental note actually*

Armand: *leans his head on Chris's shoulder* Where did my teacup get to?

Dr. Donnelly: I've been talking with your friend Mr. Todd today. He’s... interesting, isn’t he?

Chris: ... I may have put it away, darling.
Chris: Oh Sweeney's a most interesting person, yes.

Armand: Oh. *puzzled frown at them*
Armand: I'll go find another one. Anyone else want tea?

Chris: I'm fine for now, thank you love.

Armand: *stands up and goes to kitchen to find a new cup*
Armand: *gets one and ventures back* *sits by Chris*

Chris: *snuggles against Armand again*

Dr. Donnelly: He wasn’t entirely talkative, but what he did say was somewhat odd.

Chris: What was it that he said?

Armand: *listens, still puzzled*

Dr. Donnelly: Well, he claims that he suffers from psychosis... which isn’t exactly accurate, because psychosis is something different altogether

Chris: He's always claiming he's mentally unhinged, but I don't believe him.

Dr. Donnelly: *smiles* Do you know why he would say that he is?

Armand: *sits up to stare at Chris a moment* *bites tongue*

Chris: Things he's done in the past. It's not for me to tell, really. I should let him.

Dr. Donnelly: *frowns* Well that would be the problem *rubs his forehead* He’s almost more talkative than an oyster
Dr. Donnelly: Not quite, but almost

Chris: *giggles a little* That's very true.
Chris: *confused at Armand's confused look*

Armand: *sips his tea and sits back*

Dr. Donnelly: The reason I ask is that he is showing SOME signs of psychotic dementia. [something missing?]

Chris: ... I have, yes.

Dr. Donnelly: *eyebrow raise* You have? Do you think you could tell me about how long ago?

Chris: I'm not sure how long ago.
Chris: Armand when was it that you had your conversation with him? Where he talked about his hand...?

Armand: *now stares* What are you talking about?

Chris: ... Sweeney, darling.

Armand: Who?

Chris: ... Ben?

Armand: I don't understand.

Chris: *worried now* Sweeney Todd, Armand.

Armand: *shakes his head*

Chris: You don't know who I'm talking about?

Armand: Should I?

Chris: *boggles* He's my closest friend, other than you. I adopted him as my /son/, Armand.

Armand: I don't know who you're talking about. *worried now about Chris*
Armand: This person you were talking about, who thinks he's psychotic, is your son?

Chris: *panicked look at Dr. Donnelly*

Dr. Donnelly: *would say something really helpful and psychiatrist related... but his typist is having a blank moment*

Chris: *this is a flailing Chris* I -- Armand you honestly don't remember him?

Armand: *stands up and moves away from the couch* No. No.

Chris: I don't understand...

Armand: Understand what? How I don't know a man I've never met?

*** DarcyJones has joined #desperatefans.

Chris: Armand, you've met him! He's one of my best friends!

Darcy Jones: *comes flying through a doorway and hits the floor hard, bounces and tumbles over into a chair*

*** SweeneyTodd has joined #desperatefans.

Chris: -- *blinks at Darcy*

Armand: *startles, recognizes Darcy* Darnit... *grabs for Chris* Hide!

Sweeney Todd: *enters in an absolutely MURDEROUS rage, bleeding from a broken nose*

Darcy Jones: *struggles to get to his feet, favoring his arm*

Sweeney Todd: *grabs Darcy by the collar and flings him around into a wall*

Chris: -- Sweeney? *grabbed!*

Darcy Jones: *snarls and slashes Sweeney across the face with a knife*

Armand: *pulls Chris to hide behind a table* Why now?

Chris: *hiding is good* I don't know.

Sweeney Todd: *lets go of him and stumbles backward holding a hand to his eye*

Dr. Donnelly: *will hide with them for now*

Chris: *hiding's good :D*

Darcy Jones: *holds his arm close to his side, starting to laugh* I take it... you didn’t like that suggestion...

Armand: *trying to watch what is going on to make sure Darcy doesn't notice them*

Sweeney Todd: *shaking but cant see too well right now*

Chris: Suggestion?

Darcy Jones: What? No witty retort? Stupidity finally getting the better of you?

Armand: *shouts from behind the table* Shut up, Jones!

Dr. Donnelly: I don’t often deal with people trying to kill each other, I’m drawing a blank

Chris: Armand hush. *covers his mouth*

Darcy Jones: *snarls at Armand’s direction* I can deal with cowards later

Armand: *sits back and starts praying*

Sweeney Todd: *lashes out lightning quick, razor in hand and grazing across Darcy's chest before he has a chance to leap back*

Darcy Jones: *stumbles and catches himself slamming a knife down in Sweeney's back before he can recover his balance*

Chris: NO! *sobs*

Sweeney Todd: *back arches in pain and he reaches up to slash Darcy across the shoulder*

Armand: *blinks at Chris and then back to watching the carnage in horror*

Darcy Jones: *snarls and knees Sweeney in the stomach, making him fall to the floor*

Armand: *a bit worried that Darcy seems to be getting the upper hand*

Sweeney Todd: *gasps for breath and would look very sick if he weren’t covered in blood*

Armand: *throws a teapot at Darcy*

Chris: *buries his face in his hands and sobs, not able to watch*

Darcy Jones: *takes a heavy standing lamp, drags it over, and easily ducks the teapot*
Darcy Jones: *lifts the lamp and slams it down on Sweeney's right hand hard enough to make it crunch a bit*

Armand: *kisses Chris then ducks out from hiding* Jones, your opponent is down. Desist!

Chris: *hauls Armand back down*

Armand: *hauled with a squeak* Chris!

Darcy Jones: *laughs at Armand* Or you will do WHAT precisely?

Chris: Stop, he'll hurt you.

Darcy Jones: Throw teacups at me until you make me cry?

Armand: Let me go. *struggles to stand up again* He's murdering him.

Sweeney Todd: *has managed to get to his feet*

Darcy Jones: Yes, let him go *pouts* I need somebody else to play with

Chris: Stop! Please just stop!

Sweeney Todd: *grabs Darcy left handed by the hair and hauls him around until he can slam his head into the wall*

Darcy Jones: AGH!

Sweeney Todd: *slams him again*

*** DarcyJones is now known as Bertie.

Armand: *escapes from Chris's hold*

Bertie: uuhhh....

Chris: Armand!

Sweeney Todd: *smashes him into the wall again*

Bertie: *looks dazed and confused* ....s..s..stop

Sweeney Todd: *hurls him to the floor and kneels on his chest before he can get up*

Armand: Monsieur, stop it...

Sweeney Todd: *leans his arm on Bertie's throat and starts applying pressure*

Armand: *grabs Todd's arm* Stop it...

Bertie: please... *chokes*

Armand: *sharp glance down* That's not Jones.

Sweeney Todd: *looks up at Armand looking terrifyingly not all there* *doesn’t release the pressure*

Bertie: *can’t breathe*

Armand: *pulls harder* You'll kill him.

Chris: *stands* Sweeney, stop...

Sweeney Todd: *shoves Armand off of him*

Chris: *grabs Sweeney's arm* Sweeney, /stop/.

Armand: *falls down*
Armand: Bertie!

Sweeney Todd: *snarls and grabs Chris by the throat, not quite recognizing him*

Chris: *scrabbles at his hands* Sweeney it's /me/.

Sweeney Todd: *pushes him back against the wall*

Chris: *lets out a choked gasp*

Armand: No! *jumps on Sweeney* Let him go!

Sweeney Todd: *lets go of Chris so he can backhand Armand*

Armand: *knocked down again* Damn you, man. Stop this!

Sweeney Todd: *bends down to pick up his razor*

Chris: *grabs Sweeney's hands* Darling, Sweeney, it's /me/ it's /Chris/.

Armand: *jumps up and punches Sweeney at whatever angle he has* *does know how to throw one properly too*

Sweeney Todd: *has stopped to blink at Chris, so is probably hit pretty square and goes down*

Chris: Armand!

Armand: Don't you dare ever lay a hand on him!

Sweeney Todd: *on his feet in a flash and has grabbed a table to throw at Armand*

Chris: SWEENEY /STOP/! *tries to grab him*

Sweeney Todd: *has the razor up quicker than anything and coming down in a particularly lethal fashion*
Sweeney Todd: *but misses, surprisingly*

Chris: Stopstopstop! *grabs for his arm*

Armand: *charges Sweeney and tries to get the razor from him*

Sweeney Todd: *drops the razor before Armand actually gets to him*
Sweeney Todd: *impacted?*

Armand: *hard to stop a charge*

Sweeney Todd: *body slammed to the floor! Cries out in pain*

Chris: Both of you STOP!

Armand: *sits back but watches Todd warily*
Armand: *glances over to Bertie*

Bertie: *isn’t moving*

Sweeney Todd: *isn’t moving either*

Dr. Donnelly: *got hit by something in the chaoticness and was knocked unconscious*
Dr. Donnelly: *so also is not moving*

Armand: *breathing ragged and near to tears*

Chris: *oh has been crying for a while* Armand... are you alright?

Armand: *nods*
Armand: *gives Chris a look of utter confusion and crawls over to Bertie*

Sweeney Todd: *blinking up at the ceiling* ....Chris...?

Armand: *glances back sharply* don't you go near him!

Chris: *kneels beside Sweeney and touches his cheek* Sweeney?

Armand: *flinches*

Sweeney Todd: *has a lot of blood on his face* I’m not feeling entirely well...

Armand: *watches them*

Chris: *choked, sobbing laugh* Oh poor dear... *pulls out a handkerchief and gently dabs at Sweeney's face*

Armand: *pales but then goes to Bertie* Bertie?

Sweeney Todd: *starts remembering the last few minutes...* *closes his eyes and looks sick* Oh god.. Oh, no...

Bertie: *weak smile* what ho, there

Armand: *pats his cheek* Bertie, it's Armand... are you alright?

Chris: It's ok, it's ok. I'm fine. Armand's fine.

Bertie: not particularly

Sweeney Todd: [missing]

Chris: I'm alright, it's fine.

Armand: *glances murderously over at Sweeney* You lost it again, didn't you?
Armand: *dabs at Bertie's face with his sleeve cuff*

Sweeney Todd: ((lost it AGAIN?))

Armand: [question to Bertie. look to Sweeney]

Chris: *trying to clean the blood off Sweeney's face*

Bertie: *nods miserably*

Armand: How much does it hurt?

Bertie: I’m sorry, chap, he’s just a tougher bird than I thought he would be... It hurts more that I can’t trust myself around people

Sweeney Todd: *has slipped into a mild state of shock*

Armand: I trust you. Not him though. *sighs*

Chris: *kisses Sweeney's forehead* Poor poor darling...

Armand: *glances back at Chris* *bites lip*
Armand: Can you sit up?

Ickle James: It is when you read about it and stuff, but not when it's right in front of you. Magic's much better. *nods*

Armand: *could say a thing or two about the terribleness of magic too*

Wee Remus: *awww, don't disillusion the cute ickle kids! XD*

Armand: Bertie?

Bertie: *tries very hard, but doesn’t manage the sit up so well*

*** Snape has joined #desperatefans.

Armand: *helps him*

Snape: *insert bat comparison here*

Armand: Chris?

Chris: Yes love?

Armand: How is your... friend?

Chris: *shake his head* Not good...
Chris: *brushes hair out of Sweeney's face* Sweeney?

Armand: [um how badly is Sweeney bleeding?]

Armand: *goes to look for bandages or something useful in the plothole* Don't go anywhere...

Wee Remus: *tugs James over to the plothole* Maybe we can find the book in here! *and shakes head* No, I don't.

Armand: *stops short for kids*

Ickle James: Ooh... *plothole looks like fun!*

Armand: *bites lip and tries to be patient*

Sweeney Todd: ((Well, he did get stabbed in the back and his nose is broken and bleeding like no other, his lip is split and he’s got a knife cut across his face that came wickedly close to his eye))

Chris: (-- nng. Icky ;__;)

Wee Remus: *moves out of the way of the plothole* Um. Well, there's lots!

Armand: *looks in there for bandages* *finds a first aid kit of largeness*

Sweeney Todd: ((They were going at it for a while before Sweeney through him through the door))

Chris: *never had to -- heal anyone and is honestly getting a bit queasy at all the blood*

Armand: *brings it back to Chris* Love, if you want to help your friend, you must stop the bleeding...
Armand: *gets some things to help with Bertie*

Chris: I don't know /how/, there's so much... *frantically trying to clean*

Armand: *very torn*

Armand: Press, love. He's bleeding.

Bertie: I think my arm is broken... I can’t move it

Chris: I can't tell where /from/. Probably mostly his nose... but if I press won't I just break it further?

Armand: Darnit... sit him up. Pinch it and tilt his head back.

Sweeney Todd: ((eeeeewww....))

Armand: *prods Bertie's arm as gently as he can*

Ickle James: *is watching eagerly, and making faces when things get too messy*

Sweeney Todd: ((I never did like the pinch and tilt back. Drove me nuts every time people told me too))
Sweeney Todd: ((I pinch and tilt forward))

Armand: [hey I don't know much about it either...he's guessing based on what my teachers used to do after fights at school]

Chris: (Always got blood down my throat ;__;)

Wee Remus: *bites lip and goes over* --Do you need any help?

Chris: *tries to help Sweeney sit up* Sweeney, can you hear me?

Armand: *looks at Remus* Do you know any first aid?

Sweeney Todd: *spacing quite effectively*

*** Javert has joined #desperatefans.

Bertie: *winces* Ow...

Wee Remus: A bit, yes.

Chris: (-- wow, timing)

Javert: ((O.o))

Chris: *trying to help a very bleeding Sweeney sit up*

Armand: Sorry... I don't know what I'm doing.

Javert: ((.. omfg.))

Wee Remus: Well, do we have soap and water and things?

Javert: *eyes widen at this scene he comes upon* .. Sweeney!

Chris: *to Remus* In the bathroom?

Armand: Those may help and something to use as a splint...
Armand: Where else hurts, Bertie?

Wee Remus: *nods* Yes. I'll go get the soap and water.

Chris: *to Javert* He's not saying anything...

Wee Remus: *darts off to the bathroom*

Javert: Oh, my Lord! *practically runs over* What's going on?

Chris: *trying desperately to clean blood off Sweeney's face*
Chris: There was a fight...

Wee Remus: *and comes back, holding a bowl with soapy water in it and a cloth*

Bertie: My head feels like a throbbing mass of gelatin

Javert: Oh, Lord..

Armand: Can you see right?
Armand: *looks around for a splint*

Bertie: Define right *squints with one eye*

Javert: *takes his coat and waistcoat off, trying to clean the blood off with his waistcoat* Tell me what happened, please..

Chris: Darcy and Sweeney...

Armand: *Holds up a finger* how many fingers do you see?

Bertie: Two or three

Wee Remus: *just happens to find his wand in a spare pocket, because it -- apparently stayed there when he got ickle*

Ickle James: *awkwardly to Remus* Can I help? *is not used to helping people, but Remus is his friend*

Armand: Oh damn... *puts his face in his hands, near to breaking down from panic*

Wee Remus: Um. Do you know a spell to -- splint things, or something?

Javert: *breaking down from panic, already*

Chris: *far past breaking down*
Chris: *and trying his hardest not to pass out*

Wee Remus: *is attempting to be sensible*

Ickle James: Um, I know one to get rid of bruises, but that's about it..

Javert: Sweeney..

Armand: Stay with me Bertie...

Wee Remus: *frowns and runs over to the plothole and pulls out a convenient book of spells*

Sweeney Todd: *stares at the ceiling*

Chris: Sweeney, please talk to me.

Javert: *strained* Sweeney.. love, please..

Snape: *watches Remus thoughtfully*

Bertie: still here, old thing

Armand: I don't know what to do...

Ickle James: *hang on, isn't that bat-man a wizard* Excuse me sir

Wee Remus: *--oh yeah, he is!*

Ickle James: Can you er, give us a hand

Wee Remus: Please, sir?

Javert: Sweeney..

Snape: I'm hardly a mediwizard, but I'll see what I can do.

Ickle James: Thanks

Chris: Dammit Sweeney, /talk/ to me!

Sweeney Todd: *too much psychological shock stuff going on*

Wee Remus: *smiles a bit* Thank you, sir.

Snape: *pulls a potion out of an inside robe pocket and walks over to Sweeney*

Chris: *yeah well freaking out that Sweeney's not speaking ;__;* Pleasedon'tbedead...

Armand: *finds a broken bit of furniture to use as a splint on the arm*

Ickle James: *runs along to keep up with Snape* is there anything else we can do to help? *earnestly*

Javert: *looks to Chris* Who is this Darcy character?

Chris: Bertie's other half.

Bertie: ((*SNORTS!* ))

Snape: Not particularly. *unstoppers the bottle and carefully pours some into Sweeney's mouth*

Chris: (... only... you know... not gay)

Bertie: ((That almost sounded like they were married or something))

Javert: *fishes around in his coat for his pistol*

Chris: (XD I know I realized that when I hit enter)
Chris: *gives Javert a Look* Don't. He's hurt enough already.

Sweeney Todd: ((so what does the potion do then?))

Chris: *... as much as Chris can give Looks*

Snape: [[Fairly standard healing potion. It'll mend it to some degree and slow the bleeding, essentially speeding up the body's own recuperative powers.]]

Sweeney Todd: ((nice))

Armand: Bertie, I'm going to try to bind up your arm, so it doesn't get hurt worse, alright?

Sweeney Todd: *swallows automatically*

Bertie: Alright, Justy old chap... Bind to your hearts content *braces himself*

Snape: *nods* Good, then. *administers a bit more*

Armand: *straightens the arm as carefully as he can, trying not to push at the broken ends of bone* *lays the splint along it and starts wrapping*

Wee Remus: *this would be another wince*

Sweeney Todd: *swallows more, choking a bit on the last*

Snape: *restoppers the bottle* That should be sufficient.

Sweeney Todd: *choke, gasp... tear runs down the side of his face making a trail through some of the drier blood*

Bertie: *gritting his teeth*

Ickle James: *watches, intrigued as the potion works*

Armand: *thinks and then searches through Bertie's clothes for all of Darcy's toys*

Javert: *holds his head, trying to remain calm as he watches Sweeney*

Snape: *returns the bottle to the pocket and goes back to his chair*

Wee Remus: *has to drink potions like that after the full moon, and they taste nasty, so -- yes, would be making a face*

Bertie: *Armand finds (when he gets back) , three or four knives, a gun, a bit of rope, a lighter, two packs of cigarettes and a hypodermic syringe*

Chris: (-- Darcy's a special one)

Armand: *sets most of it aside* *boggles at the syringe*
Armand: Bertie, do you know what's in the syringe? *shows it to him*

Bertie: *it was either the syringe or a pack of condoms with a banana....*

Chris: (-- that's XD)

Bertie: Umm... *out of it* I don’t remember seeing it before

Chris: *ok, Sweeney's healing, can we faint now?*

Armand: *eek?*

Sweeney Todd: *stops looking at the ceiling finally*

Armand: Alright, Bertie...

Chris: *has been trying /not/ to faint*

Sweeney Todd: *eyes going back and forth slowly between Javert and Chris*

Javert: *tries again* Sweeney?

Sweeney Todd: *whimpers real softly*

Chris: Oh, thank God, he's alive.

Javert: *very, very gingerly touches Sweeney's forehead* Love..

Armand: Bertie, we have to do -something- about Darcy.

Chris: *and we're fainting now*

Armand: *sees that* *OME* Chris!
Armand: *jumps up and runs to Chris* Chris...

Chris: *mumbles a little*

Armand: *kisses his forehead* Love?

Sweeney Todd: *soft, hoarse* ...jav..

Javert: *carefully takes Sweeney into his arms* Love, it'll be okay.

Armand: *awkwardly picks Chris up and moves him -away- from Sweeney and Javert* *even if he has to just drag him*

Chris: *wakes up a little* Armand?

Armand: I'm here, love.
Armand: *settles back nearish Bertie* *bites his lip anxiously and looks between them*

Sweeney Todd: *starts shaking like its 2 degrees in the room* i hurt him.... i almost hurt him...

Chris: Sorry, love. I'm... bad with blood.

Javert: *quietly* Sweeney..

Sweeney Todd: *curls up against Javert* no no no no.... god help me, I almost killed him

Armand: Just rest right here. *glances back to Sweeney and Javert* Your friend seems to be recovering.
Armand: Bertie, where else are you hurt?

Chris: I'm fine. *tries to sit up*

Javert: *strokes his hair and holds him close* Shh, love. Please. Rest.

Armand: *too effing right you almost killed him*

Sweeney Todd: *starts crying* don’t understand..... don’t... He grabbed me.... my razor...
Sweeney Todd: *not incoherent at all, really*

Javert: *eyes flash a dange[missing darn Trillian]

Armand: *starts crying*

Chris: ... Armand. *goes over and hugs him*

Armand: I can't do anything...

Chris: They'll be alright...

Armand: When Bertie's alright, Darcy will come back...

Sweeney Todd: *mental anguish like whoah* *looks down at the rope burns on his wrists and closes his eyes* i almost killed Chris...
Sweeney Todd: That’s what happened.... I almost killed my best friend.... I’m not.... *shaking*

Armand: *glances over at Sweeney* Chris love, he almost killed you.

Javert: You're not..?

Chris: He didn't know what he was doing...

Armand: *bites his lip until it bleeds* I don't know what to do.

Sweeney Todd: *quiet* I’m not safe to be around..

Chris: Stopstop -- *touches Armand's lips* Don't.

Javert: *hugs him close* Sweeney, I don't care. I love you, and I'll be here no matter what.

Armand: *jerks away from Chris* *crawls back to Bertie*

Chris: *looks hurt* Armand...

Armand: Bertie... we need to get you to bed. *anguished look at Chris*

Bertie: A bit of brandy might go a far way too, what?

Chris: *kneels next to Sweeney again*

Sweeney Todd: *starts crying harder* Chris... I didn’t know it was you... please please don’t hate me please

Armand: I don't have any just yet. When I get you settled, I'll look, alright?

Chris: Darling I don't hate you, I don't hate you at all.

Armand: It isn't Chris you should worry about.
Armand: *tries to help Bertie stand*

Bertie: *fails to stand*

Sweeney Todd: *reaches out a hand and touches Chris lightly on the neck* oh god, I’m so sorry...

Chris: *winces a little* It's fine.

Armand: *tries to pull Bertie to his feet then* Just a bit more, Bertie. Please?

Bertie: *rocks up and drapes across Armand’s shoulders, cause can’t really stand too well*

Sweeney Todd: *absolutely revolted and loathing himself right now*

Armand: *can take his weight a short way* Just try to give me some warning if... well, you know...

*** Bertie is now known as DarcyJones.

Darcy Jones: If what?

Javert: *head snaps up*

Armand: *freezes*

Javert: *turns his head to look at Armand and Darcy* ...

Darcy Jones: *squeezes his arm, holding Armand tight around the neck*

Armand: *thank Eru we emptied his pockets?*

Javert: *shifts Sweeney into Chris's arms and stands*

Darcy Jones: *headlock style*

Chris: *holds tightly to Sweeney*

Javert: *calmly points and cocks his pistol* Let him go.

Armand: *claws at the arm*

Darcy Jones: *pulls Armand in front of him, human shield*

Javert: *advances on Armand and Darcy* Let him go!

Armand: *really can't breathe*

Javert: *sinks his nails into Darcy's arm and rips him from Armand*

Chris: *buries his face in Sweeney's chest*

Javert: *draws Darcy up by the front of his shirt and presses the butt of his pistol to his head, firmly*

Darcy Jones: *smiles icily* I've been dead once
Darcy Jones: Think I’m scared?

Armand: *falls down then, crying and trying to catch his breath*

Javert: Want to be dead again?

Darcy Jones: Want to join me?

Chris: *rushes over to Armand*

Javert: *pause* Wait. I don't want to kill you so quickly.

Darcy Jones: *pockets... pockets seem to be empty.... DOH!*

Javert: *smirks and slams him against the wall*

Armand: *flinches*

Chris: Armand are you alright?

Darcy Jones: gyah...
Darcy Jones: *already has a concussion*

Javert: That's right. I won't kill you so quickly. I like to draw it out.

Armand: *murmuring* pleasedon'tkillhimpleasedon'tkillhim

Darcy Jones: I do too *smirk* How do you think I got your lover over there to snap so impressively? *twisted laugh*

Chris: Javert, please. He's still Armand's friend.

Sweeney Todd: *flinch, shudder*
Sweeney Todd: *quiet.....*

Armand: *stands up* Don't please...

Javert: *eyes narrow; hold around Darcy's neck tightens*

Chris: Javert, please stop.

Javert: *gets into Darcy's face* Bloodthirsty?

Armand: M. Javert... please...

Darcy Jones: Depends on my mood. What have you got in mind, sexkitten?
Darcy Jones: ((that slipped, sorry...))

Javert: ((Javert: Meow.))

Armand: [[slipped?]]

Javert: *throws Darcy to the floor* I've got murder on my mind.

Armand: *tries to get between Javert and Darcy but out of Darcy's reach.

Darcy Jones: Do me a favor and make it hurt, will you?

Chris: Javert please /stop/

Darcy Jones: *lays there, grinning* Hurt so good... come on baby make it hurt so good... sometimes love don’t feel like it should
Darcy Jones: Hurt so good

Javert: *screams* Do you WANT to die?!

Darcy Jones: If I say no, will make such a difference, kitten?

Armand: *turns away from Javert* M. Jones, you are hurt... stop goading him.

Javert: *uncocks his pistol and just stands there*

Armand: *trembling because really either of them could kill him if he makes any more mistakes*
Armand: Darcy, do you want to die?

Darcy Jones: .....I do..... why do you all keep screwing up?

Armand: *stifles a sob but moves out of Javert's way*

Javert: *cocks his pistol again*

Chris: *hugs Armand tightly*

Armand: *clings to Chris and sobs*

*** DarcyJones is now known as Bertie.

Bertie: Umm... I get a say in this too, right?

Chris: *just -- clinging. clinging so much*

Armand: *freezes* Bertie?
Armand: *looks back around*

Javert: *brings the gun to his own head*

Chris: -- Javert?

Sweeney Todd: NO!!

Armand: *confused*

Sweeney Todd: *stumbles over himself, trying to crawl to Javert*

Javert: Fucking tell me what's going on.

Sweeney Todd: *falls to the ground, pushes himself up and gets to the floor in front of Javert* Minx...? Love? P..p..p..put down the gun.... Please?

Armand: *has a throwback Catholic moment and crosses himself*
Armand: *kneels by Bertie, with an anxious look up at the rest*

Javert: *lowers the weapon and just tiredly kneels to Sweeney*

Sweeney Todd: Javert, love... *touches Javvie on the cheek*

Armand: Bertie, how can I help you?

Sweeney Todd: *quiet, broken, too too much angst* don’t leave me

Javert: *sets the pistol down and gathers Sweeney into his arms; whispers fiercely* I won't.

Bertie: Lock me in a room and don’t let me hurt people

Sweeney Todd: *holds tightly!*

Armand: Someone's got to stay with you tonight. Your head... you might die.

Chris: Bertie, no. Henry is working... he's working on a formula... you'll be fine...

Sweeney Todd: *almost rib breakingly tight hug*

Javert: *hugs tightly, but carefully*

Armand: *eyes closed* Chris?

Chris: ... yes, Armand?

Armand: If he changes again, don't interfere... Bertie needs care. There's no one else to do it.

Chris: I... won't.

Sweeney Todd: *shakes his head* I cant.... deal with this... without you. Don’t leave me

Armand: Don't let... them either.

Javert: *hugs him so close* I won't, love. I love you.

Sweeney Todd: *stays in Javert’s arms shaking*
Sweeney Todd: *passes into a restless, sleep in Jav's arms*

Bertie: *will pass out now so Armand can take him away safely*

Javert: *holds him close and bows his head*

Armand: *takes Bertie to an empty room and puts him to bed* *tain't easy I’m sure* *comes back in a few minutes, crying*

Chris: Let's go, darling. *takes Armand's hand*

Armand: *too dazed to argue* If he doesn't wake up I'm going to hell.

Chris: To bed, darling.

Armand: *nods*

Chris: *leads him off?*

Armand: *can be led*

Session Close (#desperatefans): Wed Jan 18 22:54:33 2006

Session Start (AbleNet:Chris): Wed Jan 18 22:54:23 2006

Chris: *and upstairs*

Armand: *follows like a child*

Chris: *leads him over to the bed*

Armand: *sits down on the bed with his face in his hands*

Chris: *wraps his arms around Armand's shoulders*

Armand: *sags against Chris* Was that your friend?

Chris: It was, yes.

Armand: He's a lunatic.

Chris: He lost control...

Armand: He nearly killed you.

Chris: He's usually so kind...

Armand: *feels ill*

Chris: I'm sorry, he swore he'd never hurt you...

Armand: *blinks* He did? How could he do that?

Chris: He knows how much I love you...

Armand: I never saw that man before tonight. *suppresses a groan*

Chris: I don't know why you don't remember...

Armand: Remember what?

Chris: Remember Sweeney.

Armand: I don't.

Chris: I -- here. *goes and gets the picture of Ben* This is him when he was a child.

Armand: *blinks at the picture and shakes his head* He's a sweet looking boy, but I don't recall ever seeing him before.

Chris: *sighs and puts it back*

Armand: *really barely keeping the pain inside over Bertie too* I'm sorry, love.

Chris: Don't worry, love...

Armand: *curls up on the bed and cries*

Chris: *curls up around him*

Armand: If he dies tonight, I'll never forgive myself.

Chris: He'll be fine, I'm sure of it.

Armand: *an emo ball of elven robes and messy black hair*

Chris: *strokes his hair*

Armand: I think I must be dead.

Chris: You're alive, darling.

Armand: *uncurls to look at him* Are you sure?

Chris: *startled* Yes, of course.

Armand: Then I hope this is just another nightmare.

Chris: *starts crying again and kisses him* You're alive, darling. I hope to /God/ you're alive or else I'm nothing.

Armand: *suddenly kisses him back, hard*

Chris: *holds him close, clinging*

Armand: I love you so. I don't ever want to lose you.

Chris: Never, darling.

Armand: Are you sure I'm supposed to know this Sweeney?

Chris: *looks sad* Yes, darling.

Armand: Did I know him yesterday?

Chris: You did, yes

Armand: *moans in fear* I am going mad.

Chris: I don't /know/ darling.

Armand: *trembles*

Chris: *hugs him tightly* I'msorryI'msosorryIwishIcouldhelpbutIdon't/know/

Armand: *clings*

Chris: *clings back*

Armand: I'd rather be dead than mad.

Chris: I'd rather be dead than without you.

Armand: Will you go with me?

Chris: ... darling...

Armand: *closes his eyes tight* Into death...

Chris: Some day, love. Not now.

Armand: *moans again* I can't bear this.

Chris: I won't let you die.

Armand: You're cruel, my love.

Chris: No darling, I won't. I couldn't stand it.

Armand: *starts crying again*

Chris: *hugs him tightly* No, no dying.

Armand: I can't bear it.

Chris: You're not mad, darling... no more than I am...

Armand: How else could I forget an entire person overnight? What else have I forgotten that I just don't know about?

Chris: I have no idea and darling if I knew I would tell you.

Armand: *is really really scared of this*

Chris: *is pretty damn worried himself*

Armand: You can't help. No one can help me.

Chris: I -- perhaps the doctor could? I want you well again.

Armand: *shakes head fearfully*

Chris: Why not?

Armand: He can't help.

Armand: *is irrational about this I know*

Chris: He's been helping me.

Armand: Truly?

Chris: Truly.

Armand: How? *watching closely*

Chris: Helping me remember... helping me face things.

Armand: Have you remembered anything? *bites lip, yeah still raw from before*

Chris: A few things. And... helped me... be able to talk about Darcy.

Armand: *touches Chris's cheek* Oh love...

Chris: *smiles a little* He does help.

Armand: I don't think he can help me.

Chris: Then I won't press it, if you don't want to.

Armand: Christopher, I don't even know what's wrong.

Chris: No, no I will push this. This is one thing I won't stand down on. Talk to him. He'll figure out what's wrong and he'll help.

Armand: I know what's wrong.
Armand: Well, not why.. .but what.. I'm crazy.

Chris: No, dammit, you're /not/.

Armand: *pulls away and stands* I am!

Chris: Armand, please don't do this.

Armand: *shaking* Don't do what?

Chris: Pull away like this.

Armand: *shakes head*

Chris: I just want to help you.

Armand: You can't.

Chris: That doesn't mean I can't /try/.

Armand: No, it will just hurt you worse when you fail.

Chris: Then I best not fail!

Armand: *moans and backs further away*

Chris: *moves after him* Please, please darling.

Armand: *edging toward the door*

Chris: *moves towards him and hugs him gently* It's alright, darling. I'm here, I want to help you.

Armand: *shaking* You can't help me.

Chris: Please, come back to bed.

Armand: *nods once*

Chris: *gently leads him back* I'll help you undress and get you into bed.

Armand: *nods again because he's actually afraid to do anything else*

Chris: *carefully takes Armand's robes off and goes to get his nightshirt*

Armand: *barely responsive*

Chris: *helps him into his nightshirt and gets him under the covers*

Armand: *resists getting put under the covers* No.

Chris: No?

Armand: *gets to his feet again, slowly*

Chris: Armand, where are you going?

Armand: *and just runs*

Chris: *and runs after*

Session Close (Chris): Thu Jan 19 02:13:48 2006

Session Start (AbleNet:#desperatefans): Thu Jan 19 00:42:52 2006

Alistair: *sitting on the couch, making boring things out of yarn*

Armand: *runs into the room from upstairs*

Chris: *follows close after*
Chris: *close after Armand, that is*

Armand: *goes to the pile of things he extracted from Darcy's pockets and takes one of the knives*

Alistair: *mutters* Damn Death Eaters...

Chris: -- Armand!

Alistair: *looks up* Chris? Armand?

Armand: *glances at Alistair* Papa, just keep him away from me, please?

Alistair: The hell I will. Put down that knife.
Alistair: *stuffs things into the workbag and gets up*

Armand: No.

Alistair: *walks closer* Or what? Would you try to kill me?

Chris: Armand, don't do this darling.

Armand: *backs away* No.

Alistair: *draws pulser* If you really want to die, let's try a less messy way, shall we?

Chris: Alistair, don't hurt him!

Alistair: Or is it that you just want the pain?
Alistair: You enjoy making us all worry?

Armand: Alright. *looks at Chris*
Armand: Make it stop. I just want it to stop.

Alistair: The only way it will stop, Armand, is if you let Chris help you.

Armand: He can't help me.

Chris: *holds his hand out to Armand*

Alistair: You can kill yourself. I can kill you. But you'll keep coming back, and the problem will still be there.
Alistair: You came back from the dead before, and you were still the same person. Let us fix you.

Bellatrix: *looks up at Armand and Chris and- blinks*

Armand: I'm going mad.

Bellatrix: *calls softly* Christopher?

Armand: *looks around for somewhere else to go*

Chris: *ignores Bella, too worried about Armand*

Alistair: You've already been there. You came back.

Bellatrix: ... *stands, /totally ignoring/ Draco and Harry, focusing on Chris and Armand and Alistair*

Alistair: Come closer, dear, drop the knife, let us love you?

Armand: *backs away* It can't help. You can't help me.

Alistair: *takes a deep breath* I don't know how to make you believe it.

Chris: Armand, please, you have to let use help you.

Alistair: The only people you'll hurt by doing this are Chris, and me, and Feanor, and your brothers.

Bellatrix: *murmurs, pointing her wand in Armand's direction* Accio knife.

Armand: *surprised as knife flies away* *turns to run into the kitchen*

Alistair: *looks at Bellatrix* Thank God.
Alistair: And you.

Bellatrix: *catches it deftly, pocketing it, and follows him* /Armand/ what are you /doing/?

Chris: *follows after Armand* Bella, please. Let me. You'll only upset him more.

Bellatrix: *hesitates, and steps back* Call if you need me.

Alistair: *follows after Chris, inquisitively*

Armand: *backs away from them both*
Armand: *er all then*

Bellatrix: *hovers in the doorway :D*

Chris: *reaches out to take Armand's hand*

Alistair: *is very near the doorway*

Armand: Chris no... *hand can be caught but he tries to pull it away*

Chris: Armand, please. I love you.

Bellatrix: */very/ quietly, to Alistair* What is going on?

Alistair: *to Bellatrix, also very quietly* Damn if I know.

Bellatrix: Is he planning to hurt someone? Or himself?

Alistair: I thought he was trying to kill himself.
Alistair: I have no idea why, or what.

Bellatrix: ... *wordlessly hands him the knife, handle first* Here.
Bellatrix: *... well. not wordlessly.*

Alistair: *takes the knife* Thank you.

Chris: *takes a step closer* Armand...

Bellatrix: *still quietly* I could put a charm on him to calm him, or send him to sleep.

Armand: *so closed down I’m surprised he's standing*

Alistair: What would I need to do in exchange?

Bellatrix: Make certain m- Christopher gets he support he needs.

Alistair: I'll do what I can. If he'd only talk to me...

Bellatrix: ... *sighs* Shall I?

Alistair: Do it, then. Calm him, so he doesn't harm himself.

Bellatrix: [[ -- Permission, Sammeh? ]]

Armand: [[given]]

Bellatrix: *performs the calming charm*

Armand: *relaxes visibly but then puts his face in his hands*

Chris: *moves towards Armand and tentatively hugs him*

Alistair: *is watching*

Armand: *hugs back automatically*

Bellatrix: ... *sighs and leans against the doorframe* I could probably- if- ... I know of someone who might be able to help him.

Chris: *relieved, hugs him tightly*

Armand: *shaking from pure exhaustion*

Chris: Shh, it's alright now.

Bellatrix: *looks at Alistair*

Alistair: I'm superfluous right now.

Armand: *looks over Chris's shoulder at Bella and Alistair* *puzzled expression*

Alistair: *softly* Armand, I'm sorry.
Alistair: I'm just so very worried.

Armand: You're sorry?

Alistair: I don't wish to hurt you, ever.

Armand: *lays his head on Chris's shoulder* Then let me go.

Alistair: No.

Chris: *strokes his hair*

Bellatrix: *bites her lip* *softly* Armand..?

Armand: *doesn't really move* Yes, madam?

Bellatrix: I know of someone who might help you.

Armand: Who?

Bellatrix: A woman named Marlene.
Bellatrix: Marlene McKinnon. She is a healer.

Armand: I'm not sick, madam. I'm crazy.
Armand: *probably only upright because he's leaning on Chris*

Bellatrix: You are not crazy. Barty Crouch is /crazy/. *flatly*
Bellatrix: St. Mungoe's healers are trained in many ways.
Bellatrix: Will you give her a chance?

Armand: I forget people who are real. I talk to people who aren't there. I... remember things that didn't happen. Isn't that crazy?

Bellatrix: *slips into the kitchen herself and hops up onto the counter* You are having trouble with memories that /did/ happen.

Bellatrix: *thoughtfully* I tried to repress something.
Bellatrix: When it was brought up again, I went catatonic.

Chris: Armand, please, let someone help you, at least?

Armand: Anyone is welcome to try. I just know it won't help.

Bellatrix: If someone could help /me/, someone can help you.

Alistair: Listen to her, Armand.

Chris: Please, love.

Alistair: Ma'am...could this be magic?
Alistair: He hasn't been like this before.

Bellatrix: *looks at Alistair* *... tilts her head* Per/haps/. I could test him...

Alistair: I just want to make sure.

Bellatrix: ... *tilts her head at Armand* Would you allow me to test you? It will not be painful in any way.

Armand: I cannot stop you, madam.

Bellatrix: Shall we adjourn to the porch?

Armand: *isn't moving without help from Chris anyway*
Armand: If you wish...

Chris: Alright, let's. *wraps his arm around Armand's waist*

Alistair: Do you need help, Chris?

Armand: *leans wearily on Chris* *to the porch?*

Bellatrix: *yes. #df-porch*

Alistair: Do you need me there?

Chris: If you'd like to come...

Alistair: I suppose.

*** Bellatrix has left #desperatefans.

Armand: If you want, Papa.

Session Close (#desperatefans): Thu Jan 19 01:24:10 2006

Session Start (AbleNet:#df-porch): Thu Jan 19 01:22:47 2006

Bellatrix: *seats herself on the railing*

Chris: *helps Armand to the swing*

Alistair: *stands and watches*

Armand: *sits down wearily*

Bellatrix: *considers Armand for a moment* Do you fear magic?

Armand: *nods*

Bellatrix: ... Do you trust me not to hurt you?

Armand: As I said, madam, I could hardly stop you either way.

Bellatrix: *sighs* I will not risk my child to hurt you. Do you trust /that/?

Armand: *nods* Feanor would not be pleased if you hurt me.

Bellatrix: I know. Are you ready? It will not hurt.

Armand: Is there something I should do to make it... work?

Bellatrix: Relax. As much as you can. *gestures for Chris to hold him* Lean on Christopher.

Chris: *holds him close*

Armand: *looks to Alistair and then leans against Chris*

Alistair: *nods* Do what she says.

Bellatrix: *touches her wand tip to his forehead* Hold still. *murmurs something softly*

Armand: *not hard to be still as he can hardly move right now anyway*

Bellatrix: *closes her eyes for a moment, considering*

Armand: *shivering a bit from the cold now*

Chris: *rubs his arms*

Bellatrix: *pulls away and casts a warming charm on the porch* I don't know what happened.
Bellatrix: But there's been tampering.

Alistair: There has. Oh, dear.

Bellatrix: -Bad- tampering. *watching Armand contemplatively*

Armand: *sags against Chris*

Bellatrix: Armand?

Chris: *just... holds*

Armand: Oui?

[[Note: From here until further notice Bella and Armand are conversing in French]]

Bellatrix: *surprised* *smiles* Do you know of anyone who could have done that?

Armand: The woman.

Bellatrix: Which woman?

Armand: I don't know who she is.

Bellatrix: Could you point her out in a crowd?

Armand: [i.e. she makes him forget]
Armand: I think so.

Bellatrix: [[ Poor Armand. ;_; ]]
Bellatrix: Do you remember what she did?

Armand: Some.

Bellatrix: Tell me?

Armand: She taunts me... knows everything about me. I've had the most terrible nightmares this last week.

Chris: *has forgotten most of his French, alas*

Bellatrix: ... *sits cross-legged in front of the swing, at an angle where she can look up into his face* *-- and isn't trying to be rude, but figures it'll be easier for Armand to speak French. Don't ask me why she feels it is.*

Armand: *many apologies* *he dropped into out of sheer exhaustion and since she answered he's not thinking about it*

Bellatrix: *--exactly* Nightmares?
Bellatrix: About E- Rosier?

Armand: *flinches* Many of them.

Alistair: *never knew any, so is listening, clueless*

Bellatrix: *reaches up to touch his knee comfortingly* Forgive me for asking, but I am only trying to help. I have been- used as well, you know. I know about the nightmares.

Armand: I'm ashamed. But I also dreamed about killing Bertie... no Darcy. And... *bites already raw lower lip* I forget what else.

Bellatrix: Do not be ashamed. You cannot help what you see or feel. *reaches up, leaning to touch his lip as she does when Roddy bites his lip* Do not bite. You cannot help what you dream about, darling.

Armand: *stops biting & huddles more against Chris* I'm losing my mind. So it's not from something natural, it is still happening.

Bellatrix: You are not losing your mind. You are being forced to see and remember things by some- I don't know what it is, but it is not /natural/. You are not crazy. You are not losing your mind.
Bellatrix: I do not know if it is any comfort, but you are far saner than I.

Armand: *short bitter laugh* *perhaps he should sleep soon as charms aren't forever*

Bellatrix: *touches his knee again* It is the truth. I have no reason to lie to you.
Bellatrix: *will let him go, if he asks*

Armand: I'm scared, madam. There's nothing I can do to stop this. *looks from Chris to Alistair* *returns to English* I don't think I can move.

Chris: We can help carry you.

Bellatrix: *French* Let me help you if I can, please. I have gone through something similar to you. *English* I can help you to your room, if you wish.

Alistair: I'll carry you.

Armand: Papa, please?

Alistair: I'll see what I can do. *carefully lifts Armand*

Bellatrix: *stands, and offers Chris her hand to help him to his feet*

Armand: *clings to Alistair* *is very light*

Chris: *stands, sighing*
Chris: (BECAUSE HE DOESN'T EAT ENOUGH -- Chris, my keyboard)

Bellatrix: *gives Chris a one-armed hug* *Softly* How are you sleeping?

Chris: I'm fine.

Bellatrix: *kisses his temple*

Alistair: Are you made of feathers, Armand?

Armand: Hmm?

Alistair: Never mind.

Armand: *probably bony too* *le sigh*

Alistair: *from what he can feel, yes*
Alistair: So, Chris, lead me to your quarters?

Chris: Yes, of course. *leads him upstairs*

Alistair: *follows*

Armand: *probably asleep before they get there*

Chris: *speaking softly* In here.

Alistair: *walks in, carrying sleeping Armand*

Bellatrix: *goes home, then, unless one of them wants her later*

Chris: On the bed, I think.

Alistair: *lays him down on the bed* Are you two going to be all right?

Chris: I think so...

Armand: *curls up immediately in his sleep*

Alistair: *hugs Chris* You know where to find me.

Chris: Thank you. *hugs him tightly*

Alistair: Not a problem. Good night.

Chris: Goodnight, Alistair.

Alistair: *leaves quietly*

Chris: *curls up next to him in bed*

Armand: *deeply asleep*

Session Close (#df-porch): Thu Jan 19 02:13:47 2006

Note: There are small pieces missing because Trillian effed up. If anyone else who has logs sends me the missing words/phrases/etc. I shall edit this.

javert, bellatrix lestrange, chris wren, sweeney todd, snape, alistair, bertie wooster, remus lupin, dr donnelly, armand, james potter, feanor

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