Maglor/Daeron - This is the Saga that Never Ends... (Part III - Return of the TMI)

Jan 18, 2006 20:39

Thank you for following the most recent emobard arc! This is Part III - Return of the TMI (because no one wants to hear their mother talk about sex, ever).

In the last installment, Elrond had a psychotic episode, Maglor broke, and Maedhros was Not Impressed. From here on in, things start to look up, and redheads engage in relationship counseling.

* Now talking in #df-supermom
[Maglor] *brooding*
[Nerdanel] *awwww!* *smiles when she sees him, angst bucket or not* Hello, Macalaurë.
[Maglor] *angst bucket? More angsty than a barrel of elves, this one* *looks up, and does nearly smile* Hello, Ammë.
[Nerdanel] *well, yes, he's one of my more intelligent sons* *kiss him on the cheek in greeting* You look heavy-hearted.
[Maglor] *is rather an idiot, these days* *hugs her briefly* I suppose I do. How are you?
[Nerdanel] *returns the embrace warmly* I am well. *sits beside him*
[Maglor] *is sat beside* *rather unresponsive, we're sorry*
[Nerdanel] *notices* Now, dear, why are you unhappy?
[Maglor] *makes a face* Long story?
[Nerdanel] *reproachful look* I have a lot of spare time.
[Maglor] *sighs* I don't even know. It's... everything.
[Nerdanel] *gently* Start with the most recent thing?
[Maglor] I think Elrond is dead, and it's my fault.
[Nerdanel] *blink* How is it your fault, dear?
[Maglor] *quiet* ...Because I couldn't love him.
[Nerdanel] *--has missed this entire ordeal, have we noticed?* ...why? What happened?
[Maglor] *sighs* To start from the beginning-- do you know who Daeron of Wales Doriath is?
[Nerdanel] *thinks for a moment* I have heard some tales, here and there.
[Maglor] He is my... closest friend. Has been for a very long time. He's also lately arrived here.
[Nerdanel] And this...has caused a dissonance between you and Elrond?
[Maglor] Only by-- I think it would have happened anyway. *hugs his knees* But as it was, when he sensed the... distance between us, he decided it was because I must love Daeron instead. ...And it doesn't count that he was right about that. Really. We separated. It was probably for the best.
[Nerdanel] *puts a comforting arm around him automatically, because, you know, that's what mommies do* *nods* And then..?
[Maglor] *leans on her, because yey mommy* *bitterly* And then it turned out I really am in love with Daeron.
[Nerdanel] ...Oh. *frowns, hugging* Does he-well, let us not deviate for the moment. How did this lead to Elrond's death?
[Maglor] I... am not sure. I wasn't there. Daeron was, and ...I didn't press him for details, but it upset him.
[Nerdanel] ... I see. *is quiet for a moment, watching him, before gently* You can't blame yourself for your emotions.
[Maglor] But I can blame myself for making such a mess of it all.
[Nerdanel] How exactly did you make it a mess?
[Maglor] ....Don't make me apply logic to my emo! If I had said something... tried to fix the problem instead of pretending...
[Nerdanel] ...of course I am. Because then I can refute your logic as faulty. How are you to know he would have not acted the same way if you had? It seems that it is more his way of reacting that is the problem than anything you did.
[Maglor] My logic can't be faulty, because I'm not using any *might agree more if he actually knew what happened, but as he doesn't know the details, can only blame himself* It is my fault he reacted like that. If I had done something earlier, all this wouldn't have happened at once. It wouldn't have been as bad.
[Nerdanel] ...I love my sons, I do. *gentle motherly THWAP* *raises eyebrows* You can't be certain. As you said, you aren't entirely sure what actually happened.
[Maglor] I know he's dead.
[Nerdanel] I still am not quite clear on how that came about.
[Maglor] Neither am I. From what I gathered, he was upset, wild: threatened Daeron and threatened to kill himself. I didn't press for details-- we were both too upset at that point.
[Nerdanel] Perhaps you should, before you press judgments on anyone. However, if Elrond the point where he was on that sort of verge...I doubt very much that it all has to do with you.
[Maglor] Enough of it does. *sighs* I'm sorry, Ammë, I--. *fails a bit*
[Nerdanel] You're upset and angry and feel you have to turn it at someone, and you're the best target. *huggles him a bit*
[Maglor] ...Yes, that's about it. *hugs back*
[Nerdanel] It will all right itself eventually, dear. Until then, tell me about this friend of yours.
[Maglor] Daeron? He-- *...resists the urge to gush about how wonderful he is, but it's still quite sad that the very idea of him cheers him up a bit* What about him?
[Nerdanel] Well, first, tell me what he is like. Then explain your friendship and what exactly has been done about this being in love with him.
[Maglor] *still curled up, though looking slightly less utterly broked* He-- we share a love of music and of dance. And we have been the only one the other has for so long... he's kept me somewhat mostly sane, all this time. As for loving him... we-- *flails around for the words* What we've had, it's-- we're terrified of losing it. *translation: WE FAIL AT LIFE*
[Nerdanel] *slight smile at the description* A good friend. ...why would you lose each other, through love? It would seem you would only get closer.
[Maglor] *hugs himself* In his experience, love does not turn out well. And I think-- I think we're just frightened of the change.
[Nerdanel] *looks at him, tilting her head a bit* But would ignoring it not make it change too, even subtly, for the worse?
[Maglor] *nods-- can see that, at least* Yes. It would. It's changed already, of course. But-- if it doesn't... if we can't-- then there's no way to go back. And... *softly* we can't lose each other.
[Nerdanel] ......Macalaurë? Honestly, the way you speak of him, I think you have long ago passed up that point of 'not going back,' and now you're beating a dead orc for fear it will bite.
[Maglor] *blinks* *ellipses a moment* Yes, but-- *flail*
[Nerdanel] But? *raises eyebrow*
[Maglor] *wilts* I don't know. It's still frightening.
[Nerdanel] *smiles at him* *gently* I know. Because it is nothing you expected, and must seem all rather sudden. However, dear, it's not something as worthy of fear as you make it out to be.
[Maglor] *looks down* I know. ...I'm just too in love with him to risk being in love with him
[Nerdanel] *gently pokes him* Then you should do something about it. ...dear. Listen to yourself talk. That makes no sense.
[Maglor] ...It makes perfect sense. *nearly smiles at the poking, but broods anyway* Like what?
[Nerdanel], no it doesn't. Because if you don't let yourself be in love with him when you ARE in love with him you're going to continue making yourselves completely miserable. Tell him?
[Maglor] .....Damn your logic. ... *is aware that this sounds rather stupid* ...I did.
[Nerdanel] Love you too, dear. ...and what did he say?
[Maglor] *really aware of how stupid this sounds* ...Helovesmetoo.
[Nerdanel] ........... *gives him the sort of incredulous look usually reserved for his father when he's being jealous about the 'cat sleeping in her lap*
[Maglor] *blushes*
[Nerdanel] ... Do I even need to say anything?
[Maglor] ...Not really.
[Nerdanel] Dear, that's something to be overjoyed about. It's not everyday you find a person that you could not live without and they feel the exact same way about you.
[Maglor] ...Should I mention, at this point, that we cried about it? I know. We just-- *slightly hysterical laugh* we've no idea what to do about it. *looks at her* ...Yes, I know.
[Nerdanel] I'd hug you. In that sort of, 'I love you, but you're sort of pathetic that way' sort of way. *expression gentles* Do what you normally do. Be there for him. Do the things you love to do together. And take things slow. You don't have to sleep with each other just to prove you're in love. Just accept that you are and stop fretting about it. Act the way you feel most comfortable.
[Maglor] I-- I will try. *hugs her* ...Thank you, Ammë.

* Now talking in #df-cluebyelf
* Daeron has joined #df-cluebyelf
[Maitimo] *exists, as he so often does*
[Daeron] *does too! it's exciting, really :D* *actually picking lazily at a harp nestled between his legs*
[Maitimo] *will quietly wander in for a book, or something*
[Daeron] *glances up, and gives a slight smile/nod in greeting*
[Maitimo] *nods back, likewise with a slight smile, and gives the bookshelf a cursory browse*
[Daeron] *closes his eyes again, trying different notes together, perhaps elaborating into a bit of a tune*
[Maitimo] *gives up on the bookshelf and turns to listen*
[Daeron] *eventually notices the silence and stills, blinking up through his hair at Maitimo*
[Maitimo] *half-smile* It's been a long time. *grabs a random book just for something to do with his hands, and sits down* *muses* But, now I know where Cáno got it.
[Daeron] what? *tilts his head up to watch Maitimo a little better*
[Maitimo] *looks at him almost curiously, fingering the spine of his book* His own music has changed somewhat since then. *and by rights, "then" should've had a capital T* I guess that's to be expected. But I see now that what is new about it is you.
[Daeron] Oh? *looks at his harp like it will explain things* I do not think I have influenced him that much. He has plenty of music of his own.
[Maitimo] *shakes his head* That's not what I mean, exactly. His music... reflects his love for you now, is as well as I can put it.
[Daeron] ...oh. *gently draws his fingertip against the strings* If...if that is so, I have not noticed.
[Maitimo] *small smile* Understandable. But it is the richer for it. *do we smell a metaphor here? When did you get even remotely subtle, Mae?*
[Daeron] Then I am glad. *runs his hand across the top of the harp* I shall have to listen for it.
[Maitimo] *nods, with another little smile* Do be. *softly, almost wistfully, except for there being no good reason for him to be wistful* He does love you.
[Daeron] *fingers freeze for a brief moment* *very quietly* I know.
[Maitimo] *watches him* And you he, I think.
[Daeron] *even quieter* Yes. *doesn't meet Maitimo's eyes*
[Maitimo] *rather gently* And he at least is frightened by it. I suppose you know that.
[Daeron] *a bit harsher than he means to* Of course he is. *softer* We both are.
[Maitimo] I know. It-- most people are, and you've good reason. But-- *bites his lip a little, thinking* --would you tell him something for me, if you can?
[Daeron] ...of course.
[Maitimo] *seriously* Let him know, if you can see it yourself, that it's something to find joy in, not fear. Not to let a fear of change keep you from happiness. I don't think he'd believe it from me.
[Daeron] *curls up slightly, nearly hugging his harp to him* do you know the change is going to make us happy?
[Maitimo] Two reasons. One: I can see it in you both. At risk of sounding a hopeless romantic, you complete each other. You already make each other happy: let yourselves love, and you can only strengthen that. Two... *and this is a small quirk of the lips, here* ...personal experience. Love does not, in mine, destroy friendship.
[Daeron] I... *damn your logic, damn your lies!* *settles for flushing deeply*
[Maitimo] I know -- believe me, I know -- how terrifying it is. But you both know already that you're in love, and that it's returned... you've no reason not to let yourselves be happy.
[Daeron] *can't...really...refute that logic* ...How?
[Maitimo] *looks at him* You're happy just being together, no? So be together. Act as you always do, but without pretending the love isn't there. There's no need to rush, not when you're still so new and unsure, but trust each other. That's the important bit. Trust in each other, and don't treat your love like some monster, and it will all fall into place.
[Daeron] *is sort of startled by how purely simple that sounds* ...I'll...I'll try?
[Maitimo] *smiles a bit* Do. You'll manage it, too.
[Daeron] ... I...I hope you are right. *looks down again*
[Maitimo] I know I am. *sits up* I also know I'm being an interfereing bastard. Sorry about that. *for once, however, does not actually seem all that contrite*
[Daeron] *wryly* least you're not explaining this to me by the logic of a your-vertical-tango-needs-to-turn-horizontal.
[Maitimo] .... *ellipses, then snorts* Who tried that?
[Daeron] A human named Miles. Your prying is tame, compared to his. *...opening up a little around Maitimo. Ome, he's ill.*
[Maitimo] Yes... wow. I imagine that went over well. *shakes his head* I promise you'll hear nothing of tangos from me, then.
[Daeron] *slight smile* I thank you for that.
[Maitimo] *smiles back, still slightly boggled* No problem, truly.
[Daeron] I should...go mull things over, I suppose. *slight glance upwards towards Maglor's room* ...thank you. *uncurls himself from his harp*
[Maitimo] *warmly* You're more than welcome.

* Now talking in #df-emobards
[Maglor] *exists?* *lying upon the bed with a flute, evidently*
[Daeron] *enters, giving Maglor a small, but almost shy smile when he does*
[Maglor] *does not stop playing, but gives Daeron a small trill of welcome as he enters*
[Daeron] *answers it with a bird-like whistle, and sits down on the edge of the bed*
[Maglor] *plays a moment longer, simply unwilling to cut off the music in the middle, and brings it to an ending point before lowering the flute and -- get this -- actually smiling at him* Hi.
[Daeron] Hi. *smiles back* How are you?
[Maglor] *slightly surprised to discovere this* ...Not so bad. You?
[Daeron] I'm...alright. *...but his smile doesn't falter*
[Maglor] You look alright. *and of course, seeing Daeron appear happy only makes him feel better himself*
[Daeron] *nods, and moves over to lay by him, putting his head on Maglor's shoulder*
[Maglor] *shifts slightly to be a better pillow, and begins to stroke his hair*
[Daeron] *nuzzles a bit automatically, before stilling and lapsing into thought*
[Maglor] *watches him for a long while, idly playing with his hair* *softly* What is it?
[Daeron] *relaxes* Thinking. About...well, the two of us.
[Maglor] *continues, then, gently* What about us?
[Daeron] ...I spoke with your brother. Maedhros.
[Maglor] *slightly surprised by that, yes* ...And?
[Daeron] ... *doesn't quite know how to bring this up* He just...said some things. About the two of us. That made me wonder.
[Maglor] *tucks Dae's hair behind his ear* What did he say?
[Daeron] *flushes* It sounds terribly trite, but he said...we were made for each other. And that this...well, love...would... *blushes deeper* not destroy what we have. If we just let it... *useless hand gesture*
[Maglor] *puts a cool hand on his cheek, and actually can't help but be somewhat amused, because...* Really? ...Either genetics are showing up in force today, or there's some sort of conspiracy going on. *looks at him a bit more seriously* I was speaking with my mother, and she said nearly the same thing to me.
[Daeron] *looks up at him* *wryly* A conspiracy of redheads? We're doomed.
[Maglor] Apparently. *smiles down at him* They're tricky but at least it wasn't the twins. *nuzzles his hair*
[Daeron] ...dear Eru. You know my typist wants to stick me in a room with that pair, right? I can tell. *pauses for a minute* So...what do you think?
[Maglor] .....I'll rescue you? *looks at him* I think they're right.
[Daeron] Please do! ... *bites his lip slightly, but nods in agreement*
[Maglor] *frowns, worried, at the biting lip thing* Do-- what do you think?
[Daeron] I...think...maybe it could work?
[Maglor] *...still has his hand on Daeron's cheek, apparently* *quietly, a little hopefully* Do you?
[Daeron] *moves his hand up to cover the one on his cheek* *with a little more conviction than he feels* I do.
[Maglor] *turns his hand to clasp Daeron's, moving both between them* Then maybe... it will.
[Daeron] *very slight smile* We shall...try, then? *squeezes his hand*
[Maglor] *gazes at him warmly, and squeezes back* *quietly* Yes.
[Daeron] *smile deepens a bit as he meets Maglor's gaze*
[Maglor] *smiles as well, and is just going to snuggle against him now*
[Daeron] *snuggles back as well, curling against him*
[Maglor] *and, as it's so late, they shall fall asleep like this -- for the fourth? fifth? night in a row. Yey*
[Daeron] *mmm, warm comfy Maglor*

Thank you ladies and fangirls, and good night! Do stay tuned.

daeron, maglor, nerdanel, maedhros

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